
_Ding-dong! _ The large bear, who had been sitting at his computer, wasting time until his "special guest" arrived, stood up excitedly. This was the first time he had ever had a hook-up; he had no idea what to expect. Sure, in high school he...

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Bush Bash

Fuck yeah, this was the life! Stubby in hand, surround by bush, roaring fire and nobody around to tell him that he should be wearing clothes! Outback life was the life. **_THE_** life. The only problem was that it could get awfully lonely out here with...

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Sauna Stud

Wow, that was a great workout! It had been a hard day; 40-degree heat, bastard of a boss, he'd even managed to shock himself a couple of times during the installation of that last ceiling fan. How was that even possible? _The_ bloody house didn't even...

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