-The Tavern - Afterglow-

Well, I got a few fav's and watches from 'Beginnings' so ill take that as a sign to continue. This will be part three of my prologue series for The Tavern, and will pick up with Jerry and a case of butthurt in the most literal sense. Remember, I...


The Tavern - Beginnings

This is essentially a multi-part prologue piece that will show how Jerry became the Man-Dragon that he is in the Redux Deux. I'd also like to add, that I'm one that responds to comments fairly often, so any tips, advice, etc will be answered :3 So...

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The Tavern - Redux Deux

This story is a continuation of a RP that has been long since abonded. It existed in three forms. -The Tavern This RP started three to two years ago, and I was one of the later comers to the party. My charicter ended up with the main, and it took off...

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