Wow Character development Lily-Chan

Story done for one of Morningstarz' Characters from world of warcraft. All characters belong to Morningstarz A Light Bringer Surrounded by Darkness Lily-Chan had little memory of her parents, being only three when she last heard there words. She...

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Wow Story, Ushi and Ichiro

Story I did for a good friend Mornigstarz, is based off two of her red panda characters Ushi Lastwalker and Ichiro Sliverpatch A bit of a prologue as we enter in the midst of the life of Ushi Lastwalker, and Ichiro Sliverpatch: It was not...

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Hetnen's story

Hetnen Silverfox A lot of the past is unknown to the foxes. The ruling wolf race has made it a crime to educate the enslaved vulpine. The only knowledge passed down was by word of mouth, causing much of what was history to become legend. The vulpine...

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Ichiro Ushi nsfw version

Ushi Lastwalker and Ichiro Sliverpatch A bit of a prologue as we enter in the midst of the life of Ushi Lastwalker, and Ichiro Sliverpatch: It was not uncommon for Ichiro to look back on his childhood, and his fond memories of meeting his Ushi. He...

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