If I told you my Secret…

If I told you my secret, would you listen? Just pay attention, Without causing tension, And be quiet and just listen. If I told you my secret, would you think of me different? Snicker and laugh when I am not near, Make me live my life...

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Beginning with an End part 1

This is a commision that is long over due to Thorin Pheonix. As many may know Galaxy was Thorin's original fursona but that changed after a while. They are both Wats (part wolf part big cat) that are gray and black. Galaxy is about 5' 7" , and Thorin...

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Puberty Sucks a Second Time As Well

'What's this I'm hearing? Does it have to be so loud?' All these questions filled my mind as my lifeless body refused to respond to any of the commands I was giving it to wake up, or at least to open its eyes. ...

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