The New Kid Pt. 2

Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#8 of One Shots

Hi! This is part 2 of One-shot called the new kid. It catches up with Tyler (wolf) and Blake (fox) a month later. Blake is deaf and Tyler stands up for him when some bullies are dicks and then later Blake "thanks" him ;)

Hope you enjoy reading it, if you would like please leave a comment, fav or vote! <3 I did this kind of quick so I hope my editing was ok~

The new kid Pt 2

Rain splattered against the windshield of Tyler's car on the cold autumn morning. He waved at the occasional fur he knew as they walked by his car in the schools parking lot. On days like this he sat in his car as long as possible before the first bell rang. He also enjoyed spending time with the fox between his legs.

The wolf looked down and couldn't help but smile. The adorable brown fox he met a month ago was going down on him out of view. Blake's warm muzzle found its way between the wolf's legs on most days now. Tyler opened his legs as much as he could in the small space as his toes curled in his shoes. His paw rested on the fox's head as the warm muzzle slid over his shaft.

Tyler closed his eyes as he got close and pinched the fox's ear above his triple helix. That was how he warned the fox he was about to cum. Blake immediately squeezed his lips around the wolf's knot and swallowed around his cock. Tyler grunted softly and bit his lip as he started spraying cum down his boyfriend's throat, a feeling he had grown to love. Blake stayed buried on the pulsing shaft, not wanting it to end.

The morning bell rang and forced them both to compose themselves. Blake quickly pulled off Tyler and sat up to check the mirror, eying himself for any signs of cum. Tyler put himself away and grabbed his bag from the back. Before he opened his door the wolf looked over at the fox checking himself in the mirror. He raised his paw to Blake's chin and turned the fox's muzzle to his. Blake could tell by the wolf's eyes what he wanted and they both leaned in to kiss quickly.

They left the car and jogged through the rain to get to their classes. Blake signed something to Tyler, asking if they were meeting at their regular spot. Tyler gave a thumbs up and they split into separate corridors.

Blake did well at the new school but like all new kids he had to deal with a few assholes. Being deaf didn't help, in some cases it gave bullies more to throw at him. Dating a jock like Tyler helped; his standing on the baseball team kept some bullies away. A few still picked on him though, shoving him, mocking him and so on.

Nothing irritated Tyler more than catching someone picking on his fox. After the school day was over Tyler headed to the parking lot with the scores of other students on their way out. The rain had stopped so the wolf was walking leisurely with a friend. Blake always got to the car first because his last class was near the parking lot. The fox usually sat on the trunk while he waited but today there were two other furs with him.

As Tyler approached one of them shoved the smaller fox against the car. The other fur watched but neither noticed Tyler approaching with his fists beginning to curl. The aggressors laughed and started walking away. The wolf passed the sad fox and grew angrier when he saw the confusion in his eyes. He kicked the first fur, a panther, in the back of the knee which forced him to lose balance and fall. The other fur, a tiger, turned and Tyler punched him in the gut and shoved him back when he bent over in pain.

"What the fuck is your problem?" The Panther said as he got up, his leg a little unstable. His tiger friend was still on the ground.

"My problem!?" Tyler growled and faked a left jab, the panther stumbled and wasn't able to do anything about the right hook that sent him back to the ground. A few classmates had begun to notice and some had taken their phones out. Tyler knew he couldn't get himself in trouble or he'd be off the baseball team. He gathered himself and calmly walked back to the car. Blake was standing with his arms crossed and a sad look still on his face.

Tyler didn't know how to express himself so he just made his paw into a fist and rubbed it clockwise on his chest, the sign for sorry.

Blake unfolded his arms and they both got in the car and headed out. Tyler avoided looking at the fox because he was embarrassed by his outburst. Blake didn't want his wolf getting in trouble over him but wanted to thank him. When they pulled up to Blake's home the fox looked over and grabbed the key from the ignition. Tyler looked over and furred his eyebrows. Blake opened his door and kept the car keys, he motioned for Tyler to follow.

Without his car keys the wolf was forced to follow, he manually locked the car and followed Blake inside. Tyler wasn't sure if he was going to be scolded. When the front door closed behind them the smaller fox took the wolf's paws in his and faced him. Blake squeezed Tyler's paws and stood up on his tiptoes to give his wolf a quick kiss. Tyler knew that meant he wasn't in trouble and he started to relax as Blake guided him to the living room.

Tyler hadn't been in Blake's home before and decided to sit in the nearest recliner. The fox turned on the T.V. before looking at the couch and then over to Tyler. Blake raised his paws and wrapped them around himself. The wolf didn't move, he knew Blake wanted to cuddle but he didn't feel like it. He shook his paw to say no and leaned back in the chair. Blake rolled his eyes and walked over to the wolf, he sat in Tyler's lap and looked back at him. This time Tyler rolled his eyes as the fox got what he wanted. Blake picked up Tyler's arms and placed them around him; he leaned back into his wolf and Tyler squeezed the fox's waist gently.

Blake giggled at the show on but Tyler wasn't watching it. The wolf was fighting to keep down an erection. He still felt bad about what he did but his body had moved on. Blake could feel it and he rubbed his paws over Tyler's. The fox looked back and wiggled his hips, knowing how horny he was making the wolf. Tyler raised his eyebrows and mouthed for the fox to stop. Blake shook his head no and turned his body until he was sideways on the wolf's lap. His legs hung off the recliner and he wrapped an arm around Tyler's neck and rubbed their noses together.

For a virgin the fox sure knew how to tease. Tyler held the fox in his lap and kissed him. The wolf's paw found its way under Blake's shirt and was rubbing his chest. They became consumed with making out and didn't notice Blake's sister coming home.

She didn't say anything but flicked the lights off and on to get their attention. Blake blushed heavily as he looked over at his sister. They began signing but Blake didn't turn his body in order to hide his bulge. The fox got up and quickly left the room. Tyler sat up in the chair, a mix of confused and embarrassed; Blake and his sister still signed too fast for him to understand.

"Uhhm..." the wolf started to talk.

"Our parents will be home in two hours," she said, "please do that in Blake's room next time, I don't need or want to see my brother going at it with anyone." her tone was a little annoyed.

"Sorry." was all Tyler could muster as he stood awkwardly, trying to hide his erection as he hurried to find Blake's room. He looked into each room he passed until he saw Blake; the adorable fox was standing in his room and he had already taken his shirt and jeans off. Tyler entered and shut the door behind them. The fox was digging through a drawer and Tyler approached sneakily so Blake wouldn't notice the vibrations from his footsteps.

The bigger wolf wrapped his arms around the fox, surprising him. After a quick jump the fox relaxed in the wolf's arms and Tyler kissed softly at his neck and ear. The wolf looked down over Blake's shoulder and saw that the drawer was full of sex toys. The wolf grinned as the fox found what he was looking for. Tyler nipped the fox's shoulder and gently drug his nails down the fox's body.

Blake's tail swished between the wolf's legs and he turned around. They kissed and the wolf ran his paws down Blake's back to cup the fox's rump. He growled lustfully into the kiss and patted Blake's bubble butt. The wolf knew why Blake grabbed the bottle of lube. He recalled that the drawer was full of knotted dildos too, his boyfriend must have been practicing to take his knot. The fox's paws tugged at Tyler's shirt and he let Blake remove it for him.

Tyler pushed Blake on to the bed on his back and pulled down his colorful boxer briefs. They slipped free and Tyler dropped his own pants and boxers; he kicked them aside after pulling out his wallet. Blake canted his head as Tyler pulled a condom from his wallet before tossing it aside too. The wolf ripped the package open with his teeth and pulled it out. He stood fully erect in front of the bed, Blake sat up and stopped Tyler from putting it on. The brown fox grabbed the condom from his paw and grinned. Blake used both of his paws to slip the condom around the wolf's veiny red shaft. He moved slowly to tease him and kissed the tip once the condom was on up to the canine knot.

Blake wouldn't let Tyler help with anything, the wolf was forced to stand and watch as the fox prepared him. The cool lubricant was next and the fox used more than he needed to in his nervousness. He worked both his paws over the wolf until his entire length was slick. Blake scooted back on the bed, and turned over, teasing the wolf with a view of his ass and waving his tail.

Tyler climbed onto the bed on all fours and rubbed Blake's sides before turning him over. Blake looked confused but Tyler wanted to make sure he wasn't hurting the fox during his first time. That and he wanted to look into those cute eyes while he took the fox's virginity. Tyler spread the fox's thighs and inched forward until the fox's tightness was snug against his tip. The wolf's paws rubbed Blake's thighs to try and calm him because his body was visibly tense. Tyler leaned over his little fox and comforted him the best way he knew how, by kissing him. The fox rubbed his paws down Tyler's chest and toned stomach until he could grip the wolf's length between his legs. The fox held the bigger canine's tool firmly, keeping it pressed against his hole.

After calming down a little Blake broke off the kissing and nodded. Tyler smiled and leaned back, he held the fox's hips as he pushed his slick member into the fox. Every inch froze the smaller canine; the dildos hadn't done much to prepare him for the real thing. Blake grabbed Tyler's paw from his hip and squeezed it to let him know when to keep going. After the wolf was almost hilted the fox couldn't take anymore. Tyler pulled out and slid back in slowly but his knot was never going to make it inside the fox.

The fox was tight around the wolf's cock, Tyler slowly rocked his hips into his boyfriend. Blake's painful winces stopped as he got used to the wolf's thickness. He had started letting out little whimpers with each thrust. Their rutting sped up until Tyler was able to sink himself up to his knot in Blake. The wolf's knot pressed against the fox's tightness, begging for entry. The little fox was letting out loud moans by now and Tyler was using a paw to cover the fox's muzzle. Blake bit his paw and growled lustfully.

The fox's hips ground back into Tyler's. The wolf was absorbed in breeding the fox and only noticed the fox was cumming because his hole got tighter. The next thing he knew Blake's was coating his own tummy. The Fox's moans quieted down after he came and Tyler felt himself building up. He knew he couldn't knot his fox but he kept trying, pounding the small hole as hard as he could. He panted heavily and his cock flared; Blake felt it expand inside him and squeezed on it. The wolf kept bucking as he began filling the condom around his cock. He pulled out of the fox and grabbed his paw; he took the condom off and held the fox's paw around his cock. Blake squeezed him tightly and for the first time Tyler started whimpering as his hips bucked into the paw around his shaft. He kept shooting onto the fox's tummy, their cum mixing in his fur.

Blake was licking his lips as he looked down at his boyfriends' still throbbing cock. The wolf had stopped cumming but his member was still jerking in Blake's paw. He held him until Tyler leaned down to kiss him again, they were both a little exhausted so the kisses were short. Tyler broke the kiss and smiled warmly, licking his boyfriends' nose. He got up and tossed the condom in the trash before coming back to his fox. They laid on the bed and kissed lazily, their bodies close together and both of them lamenting over Tyler having to leave that night.