The Treetop Inn - Chapter 6

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#6 of The Treetop Inn

Long, long ago, a regal asp gave up her crown and species in order to save her people. The gods graced her with a new form, and an undying lust. Fast forward a few thousand years and that former queen's descendant carries on in the family name. Her search took her far from home, a world quite distant to the one she was from, but it was worth it. She gained more than just resolution for her family and herself.

Another story that doesn't actually take place at the Inn proper. What can I say, I wrote these a long time ago before I had any real concept of arc development and side-stories. Still, I hope you enjoy it. It tells a bit more about the sorceress cobra who fancies herself a queen, Elizabeth Amunet, the very same from "Queen Cobra", including an origin story!

Chances are good there are still some errors in here, and it's a LONG story, so do forgive me if I didn't get them all, and don't rush to fix them.

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The arid heat swirled about as the beginning of the storm season rolled in, demanding travelers to take shelter. The outer gates were closed, barred shut for the duration of the latest squall. Only the best outfitted dared to brave this weather. Still, despite the harsh winds blowing across the ocean of sand, life seemed to be carrying on as usual. Shops peddled their wares and inns advertised their rooms, what few vacancies remained as the gusty climate prevailed. At least there was the usual drop in nightly rates around this time of year. Traveling merchants sought out various contacts to buy, sell, or just settle in for the night. There was little concern over what occurred outside the city walls. Vintol was well fortified and richly supplied, though little of the supplies ever reached the hands of those who needed them most.

A dusty colored feline strolled through the streets, a hand resting on her belly. It had been a long journey, and for the one she carried, the trip was not yet over. Many tried to turn her attention in different directions but she remained true to her path. She continued on, slipping into a less savory part of town. It was much less crowded here, and for good reason; only the brave, foolish, or penniless entered here. Several discerning eyes watched the tawny cat, apparently heavy with child, as she quietly moved through the streets. Finally, the sign for a musty, old bar appeared around the corner and in she slipped. Unbeknownst to her, one of those pairs of eyes that had been watching her since the central bazaar continued to follow her.

The face of the building masked the true condition of the interior. Inside, it was clean, well maintained, and free of the mildly noxious aroma wafting from the alleys. The tan feline crossed the floor as she adjusted the layers of thin cloth wrapped about her, taking a seat at the bar. Behind it stood an auburn figure common to the environment. Tall ears twitched as they detected another presence entering behind the latest patron.

"If you've come lookin' for booze, yer outta luck. I don't serve alcohol to expectant mothers." The canid's voice was strong yet feminine, demanding respect. The cat reached into her pocket and removed it, resting her paw on the counter.

"Are you sure I can't change your mind?" Her fingers uncurled and her arm retreated, revealing a small, folded piece of paper. The bartender casually collected and opened it, examining the document closely. After a moment, the jackal's gaze lifted back to the pregnant cat.

"Alright, suit yourself. But don't say I didn't warn you."

With that, a drink was poured and served. The cat pulled the glass to her and tossed the amber colored liquid back. It bit sharply, but in a way those who favored such a libation enjoyed, and the feline was well used to it. There came a swallow and a clack as glass met wood.

The gravid lady smacked her lips and purred quietly, savoring the lingering aftertaste, "Got any empty rooms?"

The jackal shrugged while cleaning one of the few glasses waiting to be sanitized, "Yeah, but I'd feel better if you took the room near mine. Just in case anything happens."

The now satisfied cat nodded and stood, heading for the exit behind the bar, sounding fatigued, "Fine by me. S'better than climbing stairs with a backache."

She vanished through the beads hanging in the doorway while the bartender followed. The spectator to all of this remained quiet, having only stood just outside the 'saloon doors' peering in. Quietly, the mysterious figure entered and approaching the counter, taking a seat. After several minutes, there came a series of moans, fairly loud but muffled by a locked door. They continued for some time until after at least an hour, a scream pierced the relative quiet before all grew calm again. Ten minutes of silence were finally broken by the movement of the beads dividing public from private regions. The bartender emerged, head shaking in disappointment.

"Everything okay back there?"

The jackal's gaze rose to find a serpent of jade sitting at the bar, looking genuinely concerned. This unfamiliar snake caught the bartender's attention, her figure sported curves that would make any harem girl jealous.

"I warned her about alcohol and pregnancy. Apparently, she had been ignoring that advice for quite some time. She just went into labor and the baby was stillborn. It's a damn shame."

The cobra nodded, glancing to the canid's own swollen middle. She was unsure if the proprietor had appeared as such before disappearing into the back with the feline or not.

"Hopefully you've practiced a healthier lifestyle for yours?"

The jackal nodded, giving the tight, smooth dome a few soft pats, "You could say that. This lil guy's gonna be just fine. I don't think he's gonna have any problem."

The snake's lips pulled into a mild grin as her discerning nose weeded through all the aromas in the bar, her tongue aching to reach out and taste the air, "So you already know it's a boy?"

The jackal nodded quietly, returning to the glasses waiting to be cleaned, feeling uneasy about the scaled lady. Cagey was the order of the day for the canid, not feeling like divulging too much information.

"Call it a hunch. You want somethin' ta drink or are you just lookin' ta shoot the breeze?"

The vibrant colored snake pulled the hood of her dingy-colored cloak away from her head, revealing a second, natural hood common to her species.

"A little of both if you're willing to have a bit of a chat that is. I'm new in town and I could stand to have something of a guide. I'm Elizabeth. It's a pleasure...Miss..."

The jackal looked up from the glass in hand to see one of the serpent's extending across the bar, expecting a shake.

"Layla. Nice ta meetcha Liz." The jackal took Elizabeth's hand and gripped it in a strong, somewhat aggressive manner.

Two mugs were produced, one filled with a drink of soft golden color. The other mug was filled with what appeared to be nothing more than water. The first mug was pushed towards the patron while the second was lifted to sate the bartender's thirst. Elizabeth took a quiet sip, not wanting to overdo it on her first night in the area.

"So Miss Layla-" She was quickly interrupted by her host.

"Just stop right there. You can cut the "Missus" crap. It's just Layla. No need ta be formal around me. Never liked titles."

The serpent nodded softly and chuckled, "Alright Layla, no titles. Anyway, I could use a room. I'm not sure how long I'll be staying. I know it's the storm season and there's a pretty strong one baring down right now but, I don't suppose you've got any vacancies?"

Layla nodded and set the now empty mug down, returning to the glasses in need of cleaning.

"I've got quite a few rooms available. Don't get much call for customers longer than a few hours. If you've got money, I'd recommend one of the taverns closer to the main square. We're not a terribly 'reputable' establishment."

The serpent thought it odd that the bartender was actively pushing customers away. The curious behavior only served to further entice Elizabeth to insist for a room here.

"Nah, I don't like crowds very much. Besides, this place has a certain charm about it. Maybe it's the hostess." She offered a coy wink to her jackal acquaintance, catching Layla's attention and spurring curiosity. There was something about this snake that seemed out of place, as if she didn't belong in this society.

Layla decided she might be worth taking a chance on, against all better judgment.

"All right. But if someone breaks into your room and makes off with all your stuff, don't come crying to me. I tried ta warn ya."

Elizabeth grinned, running one of her fingers across the smooth, waxed wood of the bar in idle distraction, "I have a feeling I'll be just fine. Which room will be mine?"

Layla set the glasses down and moved over to a distant corner of the bar, reaching into a recessed cabinet beneath the countertop and retrieved a simple brass key, sliding it along the wooden surface towards the snake.

"Room one. Like I said, we don't get too many people looking to stay too long. It's thirty a night, twenty-five a night if you stay longer than a week."

Elizabeth captured the key as it slid along towards her, pausing and looking to the jackal in light confusion, "I'm sorry... Thirty?"

Layla raised an eyebrow and strolled back towards the prospective guest, resting both hands on the bar in front of the serpent. The tone of the canid's voice grew annoyed, almost irritated.

"If you think that's too much, you're welcome to stay out on the street or at one of the less savory inns down the street."

The cobra shook her head, obviously misunderstood in her question, "No, no. I mean thirty what? What currency?"

Layla blinked in disbelief. Someone who actually had to ask about what was thought to be a universal denomination? That was unheard of. This 'Elizabeth' person was quite the mystery.

"What currency? Have you been livin' under a rock? Thirty pieces... coppers. The little rusty lookin' coins?"

The serpent nodded softly but frowned ever so slightly, turning her head as she looked into a small pouch she carried just under her robes, "Well, I don't have copper, but will this do?"

She removed her hand from the pouch and placed a small stone, smooth and round, like a pebble found on a shoreline. It was transparent and tinted a deep red, looking as if it were made from the petals of roses. Layla paused and stared at the gem intently for several seconds before collecting it ever so carefully. It was genuine. A perfect blood stone ruby, the highest quality ever to grace her establishment.

"Honey... for this, you could get a room at the Sultan's palace. Hell with a body like that he'd probably insist on his room. I can't in good conscience take this. It's worth more than just one room for a few nights. Hell it's worth more than my whole bar." The jackal pushed her hand back towards the serpent, insisting she take it back.

Elizabeth dismissed the jackal's honesty politely, rather liking the comment about being able to get into the Sultan's bed by appearance alone, "Don't worry about it. I don't mind overpaying. It'll let you stay in business longer. Besides, it's the smallest one I've got," She hid a grin as Layla blinked softly, shocked by the prospect of larger precious stones, "But I do like the idea of being able to seduce my way into someone's bed." She offered a coy wink to the bartender, evoking the raise of an eyebrow once again.

"And what makes you so sure I swing that way?"

The cobra laughed softly, a hand covering her mouth to muffle herself should she get too loud.

"Oh please. I know there's more going on around here than you're letting on. You came out smelling a hell of a lot stronger than when you went in and that scream... well... I've heard enough of them to know that wasn't from pain." She was a shrewd lady. The bartender's turquoise eyes narrowed at the comment. Could this snake be trusted? Maybe. Had she detected the hidden truth about Layla? It was hard to tell. Perhaps a little closer contact would provide insight into who this Elizabeth really was. It wouldn't be the first time such a tactic had been used. To that end, the jackal decided a little 'tactical intercourse', as it was jokingly referred to, might prove illuminating. After all, many people shared secrets in the bed of a lover they might otherwise not be willing to freely offer.

"Can't put much past you can I? C'mon in the back and we'll... chat." With that, Layla turned and moved back towards the beaded entryway, awaiting Elizabeth's approach. The snake slipped casually to her feet and strolled over to the canid welcoming her into the back rooms.

Through the beads they stepped into a short hallway. On one side was a single door, closed and no doubt locked, probably where the feline was resting. On the other side were two doors, one leading to a sizable storeroom stocked somewhat modestly with provisions required to run such an establishment. The other door opened into a smallish room furnished lightly with a bed, a small desk with a chair, a narrow chest of drawers, and a nightstand holding a small lantern. A single window more than large enough for someone to fit through provided the area with enough light during the day to render the lantern unneeded. It wasn't much, but it felt cozy.

Immediately, the serpent slipped to the bed and claimed a seat on the edge, grinning broadly. Layla was somewhat more lethargic, either because the condition was something of a hindrance or simply due to greater care being taken. In due time, the jackal rest on the bed next to the cobra, a hand on the grand distention.

The cobra scooted a bit closer, "Having a little trouble getting around?"

A shake of the head was Layla's answer, "Nah, just don't see the point in hurrying around from place to place when you can get there just as easily when you take your time. That and I don't wanna upset my little boy."

Elizabeth moved closer still to the gravid jackal, reaching out to stroke along the swell, hissing quietly.

"If you don't mind my asking, where is his father?"

Layla looked off into space, pondering the question for a moment, "I'm not really sure."

"Bastard ran out on you huh?"

The jackal stopped to correct Elizabeth, "No, he didn't run out on me. I just... don't know where he is."

The cobra nodded softly, continuing to caress the smooth, soft dome, "So you're married then?"

"Nope. Single and doing quite well." The jackal's answers seemed straightforward and to the point, but the lack of context they provided seemed to only deepen the mystery. It seemed the cobra would have to probe a little deeper. She traced circles over the great dome her canid companion possessed, hissing softly before leaning down and offering the round bulge a loving kiss. Covertly, she reached out with her senses to see beyond the flesh and 'feel' what lay beneath. What she found was not altogether surprising, but indeed not quite what she expected.

"I see. Then I suppose it is good that your 'baby' is in fact not yours. Otherwise, you might find it necessary to invest yourself in locating his father. Correct?" She continued to nuzzle against the swell, rather fond of the dome.

Layla simply grinned, running a hand across the great, smooth bulge containing the life within, "Oh I've got an idea of where he might be, and he'll be quite happy to see him when he's born. And how did you know he isn't actually mine?"

A sly grin crossed Elizabeth's face as she scooted closer, one of her hands drifting lower along the grand sphere, approaching the jackal's groin.

"The same way I found out that you're not an ordinary girl," With the last few words, she pushed her palm forward and cupped it around a generous swell found just between Layla's thighs, making the jackal close hir eyes and coo. Shi was indeed in possession of hir own ample rod, one that the snake was more than eager to examine more closely, "I also know that he's not a baby. He's full grown. What I would like to know is why you are trying to keep it such a secret. Worried that your little boyfriend and you might get caught engaging in a taboo pastime?"

Layla snickered and pushed hir hips forward, enjoying the attention shi had suddenly received, "Well, to be fair, he's not my boyfriend. And there's a very good reason why we keep it secret. I just don't know if I can trust you with it yet."

The serpent nodded softly, leaning forward to let her lips brush against the jackal's, savoring hir aroma. She had engaged countless individuals in bedplay before, but something about this bartender struck a chord with her. There was a strange attraction, deeper than she normally felt.

"Not your boyfriend, interesting. And what could I do to prove my worth?"

Layla slowly leaned back, pulling the cobra with hir. Hir arms slipped around the smooth lady's figure, hir palms resting nicely against the generous swell of the serpent's rump, giving it a tender grope once they were reclined, "Well, to start with, you could tell me what brings you to town."

Liz grinned as she was tugged forward, allowing herself to be moved so easily. It was a simple request, one that she had no qualms with granting.

"I'm looking for someone, the sultan. He and I have, shall we say, unfinished business."

The canid raised an eyebrow and smirked, squeezing the snake's bottom again, causing her to squeak and giggle lightly.

"Would this business of yours extend to his son?"

This was new information to Elizabeth. She had been previously unaware of any offspring the sultan had. Still, until she learned more about this new heir, she had no reason to have any dealings with him, "It might, it might not. It just depends."

Layla tilted hir head ever so slightly as one of hir hands eased its way back up along hir guest's curves, finally coming to rest on another generous swell, this one adorning the emerald serpent's chest. Shi was rather 'gifted' hirself, but this cobra put hir 'assets' to shame, "And what does it depend on?"

Again, their lips brushed against one another, lingering there longer this time as a hint of a kiss passed between them. There was electricity, a definite spark both could sense. It could only be lust driving them but then, sparks have a tendency to start fires.

"If I'm hungry enough for two." She snickered, licking her lips wantonly, partially to entice the jackal. It was a curious answer, but one that Layla thoroughly liked. It had several possible meanings, none of which repelled hir.

"Well, I'll be sure to have a bed waiting for you after your little meeting with the sultan... provided of course he doesn't just add you to his harem. He's snatched up girls far less attractive than you."

Coy, mysterious, and clearly interested. Liz liked this lady more and more. What had been little more than testing the waters had finally grown into a full assault, their lips meeting again, the snake acting as the aggressor. She mashed them together, kissing the jackal passionately as her hands roamed along the canid's form. Her eyes drifted shut as did Layla's, the two wrapped in each other's embrace. Quiet, gentle moans rose from the pair as they allowed themselves to yield control to their desires, scrambling to remove whatever clothing remained. Fur and scale was exposed to the arid environment, neither bothered by it in the least. However, it quickly became clear that the jackal's passenger was going to make things a little more difficult than usual for the snake.

Liz brought a finger to her lips as she pondered, "Hmm, well this is going to make things interesting. Usually, I'm the one with the nice, round belly that has to be maneuvered around. Who will get to be on top? You? Or me?"

Layla snickered and sat back up, pushing the snake onto her back atop the sheets. Clearly, shi wanted to be the dominant one this time, "It might give me more reason to trust you." It was a flimsy excuse, and hir broad grin only further amused the snake. Still, even if it wasn't entirely true, it was a possible means of garnering more information, and for this lovely lady, Liz was a great deal more willing to submit.

"Mmm, then go right ahead. A mother's needs come first." It was her turn to smirk, spreading her legs nicely for the jackal. As she offered herself, Layla slid forward, hir gravid belly resting atop the serpent's trim form, weighing down on her and keeping her pinned. In short order, a familiar shape found its way into the warm, moist grasp of Elizabeth's tunnel. She hissed and cooed, her hands rising to caress over the great swell keeping her in place, finding it to be rather arousing, using another, hidden inside hir belly, to keep her compliant.

Deeper the canid's length slid into the cobra's folds, filling her, stretching her just as she had come to long for from her partners. And this time, she didn't have to make use of any sort of augmentation. Layla was naturally what the snake desired. The two round swells of the jackal's masculinity came to rest against the flesh between those pert lips and the pucker hidden just under her tail, squeezed between the two ladies deliciously, but briefly. The canid pulled back, retreating almost entirely before the intruder darted forward again, forcing its way back into the scaled beauty.

The snake gasped and moaned, arching her back and wrapping her legs about Layla's hips, locking ankles just above hir tail. No words came between them. It was as if all the conversation, dirty talk, and flattery that normally were used at this time meant nothing, completely unnecessary; as if the two knew exactly what the other thought to say before it even left their lips. They silently regarded one another as the jackal pumped hir hips again, slowly, strongly, one might even say lovingly

Breath came in a more labored fashion for the serpent, still squeezing the sphere keeping her on her back, beginning to adore the sensation of feeling trapped by this ravishing woman. It stirred a part of her she had not felt before. She had always been the one to be in control, to demand of others, to bring others to submit to her will. This was a welcome change, and yet, she felt that any other would not even begin to approach whatever ability Layla possessed to inspire this feeling. She moaned again as the canid bucked into her, every thrust bringing her closer and closer to orgasm, and the realization that this jackal was the one person she knew she could fully give herself to, to submit completely to, yield her will and strength entirely. Ordinarily it took longer than just a chance meeting, or even a single night's passion. But then Liz had untold experience behind her helping guide her.

She was in love.

The sounds of their lovemaking grew to fill the room, soft slaps, slurps, and spurts echoing gently against the sturdy walls as both raced towards the moment they sought. Layla's thighs mashed against Elizabeth's, hir fur now matted down by the snake's fragrant honey. Hir own folds offered a few trickles of sweet arousal, but those petals would have to wait to receive the attention they desired. Again and again hir hips rolled forward, spearing hir lover time and time again as two sets of ample breasts bounced away, both pressed gently against the swell containing the oblivious male inside.

Normally, the jackal would ask a lady if she preferred to accept hir 'contribution' or if it would be best to let it be loosed free of her warmth. This time, shi felt no need to make such a determination. Shi was in control and the snake would do as shi deemed fit, and the snake would take it, whether she wanted to or not. Though, it was safe to assume Elizabeth would have begged for it. Shi grit hir teeth as shi felt climax draw near, turning hir hips this way and that, eliciting louder cries of elation from the serpent under hir until at last, Layla arched hir back and groaned deeply. Hir rod pulsed with incredible strength deep within hir lover's body, pushed so far that shi could feel hirself breach into the snake's womb. A sizable swell at the base of hir rod keeping hir locked into place as shi filled the snake's belly with hir creamy essence. Oh yes, Liz would take all of it, and she would not miss a single drop.

The initial explosion took the cobra's breath away, her arms and legs tensing firmly to keep herself securely held in position, despite the fact that the great knot now keeping her tied to the jackal was enough to do the job. She felt a mild pressure in her abdomen as the flood of seed filled her, the compromised womb stretching to hold the lot of it. Elizabeth threw her head back and screamed at the top of her lungs, not caring who might hear her as she was claimed by glorious orgasm. The peak ripped through her like a bolt of lightning, and she had to voice her elation. Just as Layla's knot locked them together, the serpent would have no choice but to follow hir wherever shi went. She could not live without hir after this, not happily at least. If only she could tell if the jackal felt the same way.

Gradually, the two drifted down off the intense high they had brought one another to and lay there to compose themselves. Layla leaned back, hoisting hir grand tummy off of the snake while keeping hir still throbbing shaft neatly embedded in the jade woman. They wouldn't be going anywhere for a while, not unless the cobra allowed herself to be led around by the jackal's manhood, and in all likelihood, she would have agreed to just about anything for hir.

"Mmm, you make a good bottom. Nice and tight. I could get used to having you around. How long are you in town? Just here for your 'unfinished business' or could I convince you to stick around longer?"

Elizabeth chuckled as she stared at the ceiling, her vision blurred and her breath still coming in soft gasps, "I've got plenty of reason to stay... but I've got responsibilities back home. Perhaps, I could convince you to come with me? I'm sure you'd love it there."

Layla frowned softly and sat up, gazing over hir bloated middle at the serpent still trapped on hir gradually softening shaft.

"I've got responsibilities here too. Responsibilities I can't walk away from. I wish I could tell you more's complicated. Are you sure you couldn't at least extend your trip?"

The cobra twisted her hips slightly, earning a growl of pleasure from her lover, "I'll see what I can do, but it would be a terribly shame if we couldn't work this out."

Layla nodded and closed hir eyes, concentrating, focusing on calming hirself until the grip between them relaxed to the point where shi could pull free again. Elizabeth whimpered quietly as she was left empty, hoping that it would not be the last time she would know Layla's touch. Heartbreak was a common theme in the long line of memories she possessed. It was never a pleasant experience.

The jackal seemed to be of two minds as well. Shi huffed softly trying to catch hir breath still, running a hand across hir vast tummy. Shi enjoyed the notion of having the snake all to hirself, every night. Liz shook hir from that lovely daydream, eager to find a way to make it work.

"I don't suppose there's anything I could do that would grant me at least a few details about what it is you do around here?"

The jackal shook hir head, remaining quite tight-lipped about the goings-on of hir bar, "Nothing really comes to mind."

The cobra sighed softly. She needed to earn the woman's trust rather quickly, and there was only one thing she could think of that might do the trick. It wasn't something she usually allowed to be performed on herself, it was used primarily for her benefit rather than that of others.

"There's a little 'custom', I suppose you could call it, that I like to use when I need to learn if I can trust someone quickly. Would you be willing to try it?" A curious request, but Layla nodded gently, watching as the snake lifted a hand in response to hir granting permission. A soft light appeared in the palm of her hand as a thin, elegant vial appeared as if from nothing, the serpent's jade fingers wrapping delicately about the neck of the crystal object, "I'll spare you the details and just say that in a few moments, I will be completely at your mercy and you will know more about me than you might want to know. I'll still know only what I've learned up to this point. Once I drink this, I will be completely helpless, yours to do with as you please."

With that, the cobra opened the vial, pressed it to her lips, and threw her head back, downing the entire potion in one gulp. The crystal flask disappeared as soon as it was empty and Elizabeth shivered, her eyes closed. The jackal leaned forward further, now somewhat concerned at what shi might have somehow pressured the snake into doing. Not to mention the fact that the lady shi had just mated with could make objects appear and disappear at will.

"Liz? Are you... alright?"

The cobra nodded, pushing forward and offering Layla a firm kiss, not to incite further amorous behavior but to enact one last effort before the potion could take effect. Immediately, a host of images flashed in the jackal's mind, thoughts and ideas, abstract and concrete as shi struggled to process it all. From what shi could piece together, it seemed that it was a great many of the emerald lady's memories, many of them pertaining to why she was here. It would still require explanation but now shi would have more reason to believe her. When their lips parted again, the snake fell limp on the bed, looking as though she had fallen lifeless save the soft rise and fall of her chest.

"I know you have questions. I can answer them. I assure you though, once you have some of them, the rest of it all will come into focus more easily. I won't be able to move under my own strength for at least a day. If you don't like what I have to say... you will be able to do whatever you wish to rectify the situation."

Stunned by this act of submission, Layla reached forward, prodding the now paralyzed serpent.

"I could do... anything I wanted. And you wouldn't be able to stop me, no matter what?"

Had she been able to, Elizabeth would have nodded, "That's right. You could screw me again, you could tie me up, stab me, claw me, blind me, gag me, burn me, starve me, even kill me if you so choose. You are in charge."

Layla closed hir eyes softly as shi began trying to assemble the pictures in hir mind.

"You come from another planet, far from here. You said you came looking for the sultan, because you had unfinished business with him. That unfinished business has something to do with a distant ancestor of yours and one of his. It's a blood feud?"

The cobra was impressed that her canid companion was able to assemble so much so quickly.

"I wouldn't call it a blood feud, more trying to tie up a loose end. A very long time ago, my great grandmother, for the sake of brevity, managed to overthrow his evil rule. For a time, there was peace under her protection. But then he returned and banished her. As he had done, she returned to face him. She was a changed woman by then, and she did away with him, but his son carried on his bloodlust. So, she tracked him down and banished him to the stars. Here, apparently. I came looking for his descendants to see if they had changed over the millennia, or if history needed to repeat itself. From what I have seen, things haven't changed in the slightest. My 'mission' if you want to call it that will be to remove him from power and ensure that either his line ends with him or make certain any that follow after him are nothing like him."

Layla nodded softly, taken aback by the sheer honesty. Perhaps it might be beneficial for them to keep in each other's company for a bit longer.

"So, if you have proof that his son would be a just and fair ruler..." The jackal paused, sounding almost concerned at how Elizabeth would respond.

"If he's worthy of the throne he would inherit, I've no quarrel with him. And now that I know exactly where to find him, I could return to check up on him and make sure he doesn't fall into his ancestors' ways. Why? You sound as though you have a vested interest in the prince." A sly little grin spread across the snake's lips, the only real movement she could usher forth at the moment.

"Well, it's complicated. Perhaps I'll tell you about it later. For now though... I... I need to think over a few things. It's a lot to take in."

Elizabeth batted her eyes softly a few times, the closest approximation to a nod she could muster.

"Take all the time you need. I won't be going anywhere... which could prove problematic should the wrong people find out I'm here. I'm sorry if it brings you any trouble."

The canid shook hir head and chuckled, leaning down to kiss the helpless woman affectionately, touched by her gesture of good faith.

"You won't have to worry about that. But since it never hurts to take a few extra precautions, I think I'll take advantage of the situation. I can't put you in here," shi gave hir taut tummy a gentle pat, "but I can put you somewhere else. Somewhere I haven't put anyone in a good, long while." Shi grinned broadly while Liz let the thought roll around in her head for a moment. There were only so many places she could be put, and they all sounded rather interesting to her.

"Do I get to know where I'm going or are you just going to put me there without saying anything?"

The jackal just grinned, keeping quiet about the snake's soon to be resting place. Shi moved about until shi sat near the cobra's head, lifting her up slightly to turn her around so that they faced one another, gently guiding the snake toward hir groin. Almost immediately, Liz realized what was coming and giggled, letting her tongue slip free of her lips and lap along the semi-firm rod that was now within reach. Seeing hir guest getting the idea, shi eased hir firming rod past those jaws, letting her do the work of restoring hir erection. Work that did not take long at all to complete. When shi was thoroughly aroused, shi pulled Elizabeth's lips away, leaving a thin string of musky seepage connecting the proud shaft and the snake's mouth.

"I don't think I've ever been put in a place like that before, are you sure I'll be safe? I don't know how much I'll get knocked around in there." The cobra grinned, licking her lips to draw in as much of the musky taste as she could.

Layla chuckled and didn't bother to answer, simply preparing hirself as shi pressed the end of her engorged manhood against hir companion's nose, letting the powerful aroma invade her nostrils. Liz inhaled deeply, drinking in that scent before finding the wet, slick grip of cock flesh surrounding her muzzle. A soft grunt came from over the gravid belly pressing down against the girl's face as she was slowly consumed by the canid's member. Unable to move, unable to struggle, unable to fight back... unable to help get herself in deeper; all Liz could do was relish the moment just as Layla was doing.

A 'swallow' saw her face consumed by the hungry protrusion, inching its way further over the smooth hide of its meal. It made short work of the whole of the woman's head, forcing her hood down, at least for the moment. The stirring sensation of a series of tender licks within made the jackal chuckle. She was in far enough now that all Layla had to do was lay back and enjoy. And that was just what shi did; letting the powerful, inexplicably articulate undulation of hir rod do all the work to suck and tug the serpent in. The term 'trouser snake' came to mind and it made the jackal laugh through hir moans, amusing hir to no end while Liz just lapped right along. In short order, she found herself slowly being deposited in a very musky, salty chamber. The bulge she made was visible in the bartender's scrotum, swelling easily to contain this new occupant. Moans of unfettered lust filled the room as one slid into the other, the snake's ample bust giving the hungry canine spire only a mild obstacle.

A pair of soft, wet slurps saw those marvelous mounds devoured by the 'greater' snake. The twin swells stretched the flesh wrapped around them as they slid towards the jackal's groin. The sensation of them passing along alone was enough to make the serpent attached to them shudder in wanton delight. If only it could last longer, or if she could move her hands, she might fondle herself. The scent of the serpent's provoked state seemed to be a good sign, showing that she approved of Layla's actions. Sticky, slippery pre-ejaculate coated the cobra's body acted as a natural lubricant, hastening her entry. It began to coat her trim middle, still softly bloated from the contribution sloshing around within. She had taken from the jackal, and now the jackal wanted to be replenished; a sentiment Elizabeth reveled in.

The snake's lifeless legs and tail pulled forward towards the gravid belly as more of her was forced to curl up in a very different, though similarly distending region. Her hips eased out of sight as Layla simply cooed and growled in giddy stimulation. It was so rare that shi could convince anyone to let hir try this on them. Finally having someone shi could do whatever shi wanted to was a nice change of pace, one that shi hoped Liz might continue once they separated again.

Another mighty 'gulp' from the powerful organ slurped up the scaled beauty's thighs and knees, leaving only a small portion remaining. Sensing this, Layla managed to move off the bed, climbing to hir feet before padding down the hallway to the nearest bathing area. Shi wanted to see it happen. The movement brought a sway to hir heavily swollen sac, making hir rumble in satisfaction. Liz just chuckled and actively drank of the fertile seed she was now being coated in, finding her lover's taste quite remarkable.

When at last a mirror was found, the jackal turned to the side, hir hands on hir belly as shi watched the last of the snake slide into hir ravenous shaft. A powerful shiver rocketed up hir spine as a good, solid gush of the very ooze Elizabeth had been sampling escaped, splattering across the lower curve of hir domed middle. It was a glorious sensation, one that shi hoped would last for a good, long while.

"Mmm, there you go... all safe and secure. Not sure when I'll be able to let you out. I've got things to do. After all, you're not my only guest."

Liz landed with a wet plop inside the musky chamber, feeling the walls squeeze in against her. She cooed and relished the compression and contraction of her prison, still licking whatever she could. Had she not been paralyzed, she would no doubt by grinding up against the tender walls holding her in place.

"I wouldn't mind making this my room during my visit. It has excellent personal service." She giggled, closing her eyes to settle in.

Layla reached down, caressing the heavy bloat of hir sac, sighing softly. The snake had shown remarkable trust. It was worth offering the same in kind.

"You were honest with me, I may as well be honest with you," The jackal took a soft breath, letting go of the apprehension of revealing hirself, "I'm part of a smuggling ring. The cat who came in before you had our latest client. She transferred him to me, and when she's rested up, I'll give him back and she'll continue on her way. We find people who can't survive in this society and relocate them secretly to a hidden oasis locked away in the mountains not too far from town. Who knows, maybe you'll get to see it while you're here. For now though, I think you're going to be just fine where you are." Shi gave hir sagging scrotum a firm pat, giggling as shi made hir way back to hir bedroom, stroking hir belly the whole way.

"Oh so that's what you meant by responsibility. Well, perhaps I could join in on the fun. I've always liked shoving people in me, for one reason or another."

Layla snickered and reclined lazily on hir bed, now carrying two rather than one. The two hands on hir middle continued to trace circles around the dome as one moved lower, giving hir other distention some much needed tactile attention.

"Mmm, maybe. We'll just have to see. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to take a little nap before I head back to work. Just 'cause I've got a belly full of kitty and a snake in my nuts doesn't mean I can take a break from being a bartender for too long."

Elizabeth cackled and slurped at flesh holding her in. This felt good, better than she anticipated. If only they could be together for longer than what few days she planned to spend on this world. If only.

After a brief rest, Layla returned to hir duties as bartender, welcoming perhaps three guests over the remainder of the day. Once the sun set, shi closed down shop for the night and retired to the back rooms. Bathing was a luxury with so little water available, and so shi simply returned straight to hir bed, reclining on hir back happily, having enjoyed being so stuffed. Quickly, shi drifted off while hir hands offered their continuing attention to the two shi carried. It wasn't an ideal life, but at least it was enjoyable at the moment. The only thing that would have made it better was a little company.

The night passed quickly, all three sleeping soundly until the dawn. When the morning sun rose high enough to cast its light across the bed, Layla stirred and groaned softly as shi woke, sitting up seemingly without any real hindrance. Shi was a veteran surrogate mother it seemed. Hir clothing was slipped back on and shi returned to the counter, awaiting any possible customers. The feline shi had taken in was still napping soundly behind the locked door. No sense in leaving her in a room that wasn't secured when she still had a journey ahead of her. The day promised to be a relatively quiet one. The storm had died down significantly but travel was still quite precarious, leaving many of the visitors huddled with the other inhabitants. Like the previous day, a cloaked figure made its way through the town, heading directly for Layla's bar. The doors were pushed open and allowed to close before the figure in question settled on one of the barstools.

"Busy day yesterday?" The voice was masculine, sounding somewhat bored, or perhaps distracted by something.

The jackal promptly poured hir new guest a drink, sliding it towards the cloaked individual.

"Busier than usual, yeah. But not altogether bad." Shi gave hir swollen tummy a light pat, grinning broadly. Shi knew who this was, rather pleased by the visit. The figure pulled the hood of his cloak back, revealing the visage of another jackal, strikingly similar to the lady behind the bar though indeed showing features more becoming of a man.

"You look like the cat that ate the canary. I take it you had a good day?"

Layla nodded and chuckled, walking out from behind the bar to approach the young man come to call upon hir, revealing the second swell swaying softly between hir legs, both passengers still napping quietly.

"Oh yes, a very good day. I made a new friend, one I think I'll be keeping around for quite a while if I can manage it. Her name is Liz, and she is quite the sexy little thing. You'd probably like her." Shi slipped hir arms around the male's waist, tugging him close after he downed his drink.

He rumbled happily, feeling his belly press against the lady's rounded tummy, "If you like her, I'm sure I would. Now, shall we move somewhere a little more private? It wouldn't be terribly becoming for a prince to be seen engaging in all sorts of deviant acts in a place where just anyone could walk in on him."

The two jackals chuckled as they both moved back around the counter, passing through the beaded entryway. Clearly, this was not their first meeting like this, nor would it likely be the last.

"Oh please, if someone walked in on you and me doing it right there on the floor, no one would probably say or do anything. You're Prince Kia. You could have them killed, imprisoned, tortured, or paid off to keep them quiet. And with how ruthless your dad is, they'd be more worried about his reaction than yours. Now c'mon. Tatalia is probably going to wake up soon and want to take her 'little boy' back. I wanna get a little fun in before I gotta give him up."

Kia nodded and moved to follow the hostess, slipping back into hir bedroom where he began to disrobe, revealing a proud, strong figure, though still somewhat slender. It was clear that if he were to fight, he would be exceptionally quick on his feet and still able to deliver a powerful blow.

"Speaking of, how goes 'business' if I might ask?"

Layla dropped hir now irrelevant top on the floor, sighing quietly as shi stroked hir belly ever so gently.

"We keep getting more and more requests. More than we can handle. We're talking about trying to double up smugglers but that can be risky. And if we go any more often than we already do, people might get suspicious. There has got to be an easier way to do this."

The prince sighed and frowned, moving to wrap his arms around the gravid lady from behind, pressing his groin against hir pert, firm cheeks.

"Father is growing more aggressive. He's withholding more and more of our supplies. Not only that but he's been using the spirit's child more and more frequently, almost as if he's addicted. I worry about him. His health is good but he just seems to be reveling in putting such strain on the people. I do not know how he can do it and not hate himself."

Layla frowned menacingly, the thought of the sultan spoiling hir good mood, "It's because he's a jackass and has to tear other people down just to make himself feel good. He actually gets off on it. I know he does."

Kia nodded and nuzzled against his friend's cheek from behind, one of his hands moving to stroke over hir great, round middle. If only it could have been because of him. He had fantasized about it on more than one occasion, and even asked why they didn't simply have hir join his harem. It would allay any suspicion as to his activity out here in the city, and they would be able to do as they pleased whenever they wanted. Layla's responsibility to the underground came first though. And he knew that.

"He wasn't always like this. Before grandfather died, he was kind and gentle. When he finally passed, father changed almost overnight. Maybe becoming sultan does something to you, I don't know. If it does, I'd rather just renounce my throne and live here with you."

Layla chuckled and rolled hir eyes, turning around to face the prince, "Oh hush. You talk like this every time you come see me. You're not really in love with me, you just know I'm a good fuck. And I know you are too. We're probably gonna keep this up until we both die. You'll have your harem. I'll let myself get knocked up eventually so I can have a kid that can keep up the work. That's just how things will work."

Kia chuckled and lapped at the woman's nose, grinning broadly as shi called him a 'good fuck' which he didn't necessarily agree with. Shi was far more skilled than he was in bed.

"You keep turning me down and I will keep asking. That's just how things will work. I wish I wasn't a prince, so I could just do whatever I wanted."

Layla rolled hir eyes again, poking the other jackal in the chest, "Honey, I know the role-play is sweet and cute, but I'm horny as hell. Can we skip past the 'forbidden love' act and just get down to it? Or do I gotta get you drunk first?"

Kia laughed and mashed his lips to hirs firmly, growling lustily as he groped across hir swollen form, finding hir direct attitude rather amusing.

"Alright, alright, I'll knock off the usual routine. A lady's needs come first. But I still wish I wasn't a prince. Then I could come down here anytime I want."

Layla snickered and pushed the male onto the bed, climbing atop him, letting hir rather copious belly and bulging scrotum keep him pinned while shi got back in the mood. Sure talk about the sultan could kill hir desire pretty quickly, but then it wasn't hard to get hir back to practically begging for it. The two continued to kiss deeply as hands explored once another's bodies, already so familiar with each other after so many tawdry little meetings.

Eventually, the prince pushed Layla onto hir side, hir back to his chest as he pulled them close together, his manhood screaming for attention as he poked and prodded gently at the lady's tight pucker. Hir folds were off limits while shi carried. It was too risky accidentally ended up adopting whoever it was they were trying to smuggle, so the back door was the next alternative, one that the ripe jackal was not at all unhappy about. A firm shove saw the regal male's staff disappear into the woman's tight depths, making hir gasp sharply. Already shi could feel a sizable bulge forming just under the base of hir tail, wondering if he would manage to squeeze it into hir this time.

The prince growled softly and nipped ever so tenderly at his lover's neck, bucking his hips hard and fast, abusing hir poor anus just the way he knew shi liked it, gruff, firm, and forceful. Shi yowled as he plowed into hir, shivering and struggling to push back against him, wanting to feel the bulb at the base of his shaft lock itself into hir tight opening. With such a time constraint on this particular session, neither made any real effort to stretch it out, aiming for quick satisfaction, which came in relatively short order. A mighty gush flooded into the woman's innards as hir prince unleashed himself. Shi squirmed and moaned, feeling hir own upwelling beginning to surge, flailing hir arms as if trying to reach for something.

Kia frowned, his motions ceasing, "What? What's wrong? You don't like it anymore?"

Shi shook hir head, though mildly disappointed that no tying took place. It was something to look forward to for another day, "No... it's... it's not that. I need... I need my ring!"

He blinked softly, turning to fumble with one of the drawers in hir nightstand before retrieving a curious brass object, handing it over to his partner. It was far too large to be worn on the finger, leading him to guess how it might be used. Layla snatched it up quickly and shoved it down hard over hir own aching rod, squeezing it down to the base just as hir own knot ballooned out. Shi howled in climax as a thick splatter of hir own essence soiled the sheets, the ring doing its job to block Elizabeth's exit. Shi wasn't ready to give her up just yet. Realizing what it was shi wanted the curious object for, Kia snickered and reached down, giving those swollen orbs a firm pat.

"Not ready to let either of them out are you?"

Layla shook hir head with a tired chuckle, gripping the prince's shaft firmly in hir ass.

"Mmm, hell no. And the only thing that will make me let go of you is Tatiana wanting to make the last push." Just as shi uttered the feline's name, the door opened and in stepped the tawny cat, rubbing her eyes and yawning. The sight of the two jackals locked in the afterglow of intimacy didn't seem to faze her in the slightest.

"I think it's about time I got back on the road. Long way to go and all. Can I have him back now?" She caressed her flat tummy, looking as though she missed his presence.

Layla chuckled quietly, turning hir head to look back at Kia behind hir.

"You heard the lady. She wants her little boy back," The prince nodded and delicately removed himself from the bartender's embrace once shi allowed him to. From there, shi sat up, hands resting on the gravid bulge in hir middle, "This is going to be interesting. I think the easiest way to pull this off is if you lay down on your back on the bed here, close to the edge."

Tatiana nodded and took Layla's place on the smallish mattress, leaning back, legs hoisted and spread, not entirely sure how this was to work.

"Need me to hold her for you?" Kia grinned, sitting up, hoping to act as anchor for the feline.

Layla nodded, approving of his sense of initiative, "Yeah, that'll probably help. This is gonna be a little odd but it should work." Shi then spun around and leaned forward, taking quite a wide stance with hir legs thanks to hir various swells. From there, shi backed up into position, feeling a soft shiver travel up hir back as hir petals met with Tatiana's. The cat mewed softly, steeling herself for the coming transfer.

"I'm ready when you are." She had barely finished her sentence when Layla began to push, grunting softly in exertion.

Shi had done this several times before, but not from such a curious angle. Still, shi was confident it would all go smoothly. Already shi could feel hir passenger sliding down out of hir, pushing his way into the feline behind hir. Tatiana mewled pitifully as she was stretched open again, shivering and clenching her fists on the bed. It was going rather quickly, a little too fast for her to cope with normally but it had to be done. What felt like a pair of shoulders slipped from one lady to the other, followed by the torso, the jackal's powerful passage making short work of the young man shi carried. Hips passed between them, then thighs, the feline's belly swelling outward tremendously as she squirmed and cried out. Kia kept a firm hold on her, not so that she had no escape, but so that she could have something to gain leverage against.

"Almost... done... sweetie... he's... almost there..." Layla grit hir teeth as a pair of feet slurped past hir vulva, Tatiana's hungry snatch finishing the 'kitten' off before she fell limp, gasping for breath. A hand rest atop her once more rounded tummy, pleased to have her client back. The jackal flopped onto the bed next to her, out of breath but not nearly as spent as the girl who still had a long journey ahead of her. The prince pulled both ladies to his chest and kissed their cheeks affectionately.

"Good job you two. I'm sure your friend will be grateful for all you two have done for him."

Layla nodded softly, reaching out to offer the restored belly the attention it deserved, drawing a purr from its owner.

"Yeah, I'm sure he will be. C'mon Tatiana. Let's get you moving. You still have an awful long way to go," Shi sat the cat up, helping her relax after such an intense act, "Kia, would you be a darling and go get her clothes for me?"

The prince nodded and stood, making his way from Layla's room to the guest's quarters where he found the discarded garments. They were returned to her and the two jackals dressed the smuggler for the final leg of her trip.

"What time is it?" She still sounded groggy but lucid enough to handle her task.

"It's still morning yet. You shouldn't have any problems once you reach the guardian crags. Someone should be there waiting to take you the rest of the way." Layla stood and crossed into the hall, this time visiting the store room. The prince helped Tatiana as they followed the bartender. As they entered, they found Layla moving supplies around, seeming unencumbered by the load that still swung between hir legs. Eventually, shi exposed a portion of the floor near the distant wall. A hand tugged on one of the wooden planks, jarring it loose along with at least four more, uncovering a hidden room connected by a small staircase. Down the group descended into the concealed chamber, finding it much more richly supplied than the above room, with no apparent alternate exit.

"Why hide most of your storage here? Why not keep more of it in easier reach?" Layla snickered quietly, helping to ease the feline down the stairs.

"It's your first time on this run isn't it? First of all, it's to keep would be thieves from taking the good stuff. Second, if I get an official inspection, it's less they know to tax. Third, if I'm stuck down here for a long while, I'll have plenty to live off of. Fourth, the guys over in the crags need to be fed and stocked, so they come to see me every now and again. With it down here, they can come and go as they please without anyone knowing about it. Fifth, it's good exercise moving this stuff around. Now grab a lantern and light it, you'll need it." Shi pushed at the back of a decorative shelf, activating a hidden switch that opened a concealed door, disguised as a large wine cask. It swung out and held open with the prince's help, chiming in as well.

"And the tunnel is hidden so that if someone gets this far, they don't find out everything."

The feline nodded, amazed with all the security measures that had to be taken. These were trying times after all, "Well thank you for the room. I'm sure I'll see you again at some point. Take care."

She hoisted her now-lit lantern and ventured into the tunnel. Kia shut the cask behind her, sealing Tatiana in. Layla moved to the prince's side, the two of them still naked as shi leaned against him comfortably, an arm around his shoulders.

"Another satisfied customer. By this time tomorrow, she'll be in the safety of the oasis. I'm slated to pay it a visit soon. I'd ask if you'd like to go but I'm sure you're busy with royal business or whatever."

Kia nodded softly, giving the fellow jackal's rump a soft grope.

"Unfortunately, yes. I'll have to be back tomorrow if I want to avoid suspicion. So that gives us at least one night of fun. Father intends to hold another demonstration of his power. The spring he summoned is drying up."

Layla rolled hir eyes, detesting mention of the sultan, "Self-indulgent piece of garbage. Dammit, now I need another good fucking to get me back in a good mood."

Kia smirked and let his hand slip around in front, patting the lady's rather swollen sac, "I think we can arrange that. But something tells me you'll be wanting to work out some of that aggression."

Layla smirked and pushed hir guest against the nearest wall, hir muzzle oh so close to his as shi whispered to him.

"If that's your way of saying you want to be on bottom this time, I'll happily oblige," Shi growled noisily as shi spun the prince around, pressing his front against one of the wooden posts holding up the ceiling above. He snickered and groaned, lifting his tail out of habit. It wasn't the first time shi had done this to him, and he wasn't about to let it be the last, "I remember you saying before that you wished you could feel what it was like, how you said you envied us smugglers, able to hold someone in us like we do. I think it's about time I let you give it a try." A hand slipped down to hir groin, sliding off the ring that had held the still motionless Elizabeth in place for the duration of their intimacy. Now, shi would entrust hir new companion with a long-standing friend. This new turn of events made Kia begin to doubt himself, if he could actually stretch enough to contain another person. Layla was more than confident.

The jackals pressed themselves together, the lady's ample rod firm and warm, aching for something to envelop it, an ache that the prince's rump was usually more than willing to provide relief for. Just as he had crammed himself into hir, shi in turn stuffed hir pulsing shaft deep under his tail, making him cry out in surprise as shi ran hir hands across his slender, toned midriff. Shi had wondered what he might look like with a grand, plump belly, and now, shi was going to find out no matter what it took. True the snake might not necessarily appreciate being used as little more than an exotic toy, but she allowed herself to be used as Layla saw fit, and this is how shi deemed best to make use of that bargain.

In squeezed the impressive intruder, thighs pressed against cheeks just as the woman pulled hir hips back. Kia shivered powerfully as he loosed a quiet moan, clenching up around the sleek object retreating from inside him as if to try and slow its escape, but to no avail. In it was shoved once more, a quiet, wet slap coming from between the two jackals, Layla's massive, snake-filled balls swaying forward, stopped by the prince's legs and the heavy post he was trapped against. His eyes drifted shut as he put his trust in his friend, knowing shi wouldn't dare attempt such a thing without good reason to believe he could handle it.

Again, Layla's hips fell back, leaving not but the very tip of hir throbbing mass trapped under hir current lover's tail. A good, hard buck into his back saw hir full manhood disappear back into the prince's environs, held there briefly before repeating the process once more, then repeating it again, and again. Each forward motion stole Kia's breath away, leaving him to dig his claws into the hard wood he leaned against. A closer inspection would yield that the marks he left were not the first ones to be found there. He had been here before, in this very position, against this very post. The bartender had pushed him against it many a time before, and each time he relished the sensations of being claimed by such a woman.

The prince yipped and groaned, "Oooo, harder... harder! You know how I like it!"

Layla simply snickered and grinned, offering the same harmless, painless bites on the prince's neck as he had given hir earlier, hir teeth grazing softly through his short fur. Already Kia could feel himself losing control, his grip on it sliding with every buck of the aggressive lady behind him. He wasn't sure of how he would handle what was to come, but he braced himself for it anyway. As long as Layla was confident, he would be too.

The two jackals continued to grind away against one another, filling the hidden storage room with the smells of musk and the sounds of passion, the woman's generous bust pressed into the prince's back until at long last climax was achieved. Layla tilted hir head back for a brief moment, hir jaws agape as hir lungs screamed for air before clamping hir teeth down firmly on hir lover's scruff, eyes squeezed shut. Hir hands held his hips in place as shi mashed forward, not leaving anything for chance, even managing to stuff the bulging orb at the base of hir member into Kia's rectum. A singular fiery burst of canine seed washed over his innards, the flow halted by a rather sizable blockage. The spherical shape of the lady's knot distended into an odd swell as the snoozing snake was launched forward with unbelievable might. Her figure used to stretch the rod belonging to her new friend once more. That upsurge forced the prince to test his own elasticity, a howl filling the room as he felt the serpent sliding into his bowels, all too quickly too. Had she entered more slowly, he might have been able to withstand it more readily but with the speed and strength of the bartender's shaft, it was only moments that passed before he felt every last curve of the woman shi had consumed slide into his belly, released into him like so much jackal essence into his now tightly packed gut.

A steady stream of his own essence flowed freely across his tummy as it bulged, finally feeling the heated jets of Layla's own production following the snake now nestled deep inside him. It was an incredible sensation, one that he was sure he would never be able to truly replicate, at least, not without his canid companion's help. His howl faded as he slowly began to recover, feeling incredibly weak in the knees while Layla hirself just panted around his neck, hir hands now roaming the gravid bulge shi had given him. Shi chuckled through hir struggles for breath, releasing hir teeth and nuzzling into one of the prince's shoulders.

"Mmm, and now... you know... a little bit of what it's like... to smuggle someone in your belly. Sure my snaky friend is in your ass... but hey, it's closer than... having you suck me off... and firing hir down your throat. Not that it would have been a bad thing to do that, but I think this was more fun." Shi snickered, patting the prince's new tummy.

Kia himself was breathless, unable to believe what had just happened. He had accepted a full grown adult woman into his body, pushed into him by an amazing display of masculinity.

"Ooo... I... I think... I need to... lay down somewhere."

Layla nodded, reaching down to cup hir hands under Kia's thighs, lifting his legs off the ground and leaning him back against hir. Shi didn't even pull out, but simply hoisted him up. The effort required was considerable, but nothing the jackal was not already experienced in handling, carrying hir gravid lover up the stairs where a quick kick saw the wooden hatch close once more to conceal the hidden chamber. Back to hir room shi carefully carried hir prince, finally easing onto the bed where shi cradled him against hir form, spooning against the regal fellow, caressing his belly all the while.

"Whatcha think so far? Do you like it?"

The hands fawning over his distended middle seemed to please the young fellow, resulting in an emphatic nod.

"Hell yes I like it. I could get used to th-" his voice froze mid sentence, the sound caught in this throat as he felt a strange sensation under his fur, movement. Liz was waking up, and the potion that had rendered her paralyzed was wearing off. She shifted softly, trying to stretch and feel around as she returned from the deep, powerful sleep she had slipped into the night before. Such an unusual place for her to find herself led to questions that she could quickly answer with a giggle. The all too familiar scent of Layla's musk around her helped a great deal.

"Mmm, alright, who did you shoot me into, and do I need to find my way out?"

The lady outside snickered and squeezed Kia's tummy in hir hands, still not able to remove hirself from the vice-like grip of his anus.

"The sultan's son came to pay a visit like he likes to do every now and again. He wanted me to fuck him up the ass real good, so that's what I did, and I decided he should get a chance to pretend to be pregnant. Congratulations, you're now the daughter of a prince!" A fit of laughter escaped the two jackals as well as the cobra curled up comfortably in one of them.

"Now I said you could do whatever you wanted with me, but I didn't say anyone else could. Are you sure I can trust him to treat me well?" The snake's tone was playful.

The bartender smirked and gave what shi believed was Elizabeth's head a soft yet affectionate pat, "I trust him. I would trust him with my life. But if you're so disturbed by the idea of being stuffed into someone else, I can always stick you back in me. Of course, with you in him, it wouldn't be a direct approach." Shi smirked, parting hir jaws widely as shi pulled Kia even closer. He turned to gaze back at Layla only to see a dark, moist, cavernous maw obscure his vision. He loosed a startled cry but quieted quickly, familiar with this particular trick of hirs.

A firm swallow dragged his head into the lady's throat, forcing him to pull up off hir member, or rather it would soon enough. The further along shi moved, the less of hir manhood he could contain. He simply chuckled in hir gullet as shi devoured him, passing his chest only to find the snake-filled belly something of an obstacle. It would certainly take a good bit of doing to pull this off, but shi had managed to work it out before.

Down the long, dark tunnel the prince plummeted, his hands pressed to his sides, his belly shifting as his occupant continued to wiggle and squirm. The movement inside only served to further stimulate him as he was made a meal of. All the activity in his abdomen put considerable pressure on rather tender regions within him, especially a globular organ that seemed to be emanating quite the string of intensely arousing waves. Kia moaned with every twitch of his passenger's movements, finding himself squirming right along with her as Layla passed down over his shoulders, wincing as he felt the tug of hir knot trying to pop free. With a sharp backwards jerk of the woman's hips, their coupling came to an abrupt end, leaving the prince's backside tender and struggling to contract closed once again. From there, shi pulled the swollen fellow onto his back as shi lay on hir stomach, distinct bulges already visible in hir form, making hir consumption of the big jackal male all the easier.

Impossibly shi stretched hir mouth around the shifting lump, pushing onward over it, inch by inch, gulp by gulp, until at last shi reached the crown of his tummy. Shi suppressed a giggle as shi felt his navel press against the roof of hir mouth. Gently, shi chuckled around him as he continued to moan, finally able to slide down the lower curve of his cobra-occupied gut, reaching his crotch in short order. Had he been facing hir when he started his trip inward, shi would have lavished that glorious shaft with all the oral affections shi could muster, but unfortunately, it was pressed to the roof of hir mouth this time.

Still, there was little to complain about. The firm swells of his rump puffed out hir cheeks, the lady working quite hard to finish him off. Thighs were slurped up greedily as were knees. Hands moved around to grip the jackal's feet and shove them towards the waiting jaws until Layla's lips closed down behind them. One last mighty gulp sealed hir lover into hir massively bloated stomach, the fleshy pouch now welcoming him in for the night, doing so by gurgling noisily around him. A powerful belch filled the room as the somewhat unladylike lady settled atop hir new belly, patting it happily while Kia eased the rest of the way into his 'bed'. He still shivered and moaned with every twitch of Elizabeth inside him, her movements stimulating his prostate in ways he had never before imagined possible.

"Ooo, honey... I hope you don't end up with a tummy ache because of us." His concern for his bartender lover was touch. The comment seemed to catch the serpent's attention, bringing a giggle from the prince's middle.

"Shi ate you while I was in here? Wow, shi must have one hell of an appetite."

Layla licked hir lips and hiccupped gently, rolling onto hir side to marvel at the ridiculous size of hir comically distended abdomen, patting it tenderly.

"You bet I do. And you two hit the spot. I might hafta shove you in him then shove him in me again sometime soon... his schedule and yours permitting. Oh, by the way honey, little Miss Lizzy in there would like to arrange a meeting with your father. I think she wants to do something nasty to him. I thought you might be interested in hearing about that, and maybe you'd be able to help her out."

He frowned softly at mention of 'something nasty' happening to his father, but all things considered, he at least wanted to have the plan run by him. After all, the woman who had just eaten him, for at least the fifteenth time, had a pretty low opinion of the sultan and shi had not acted on those negative thoughts. Maybe this snake's idea of 'something nasty' wasn't as bad as what he was already imagining.

"You want to do something nasty to him?"

The cobra fell silent for a moment, unsure if it was a wise idea explaining the situation to the very family she had come to 'take care of,' especially when he could easily end her life at any given moment. At least she had her own means of escape should it be necessary. Still, if Layla trusted him enough to let him learn of her purpose, perhaps she had nothing to fear in telling him. Maybe the fact that she would be willing to divulge that information while trapped in his rectum would lend her some clout with him.

"Well, it's something of a long story."

The bartender yawned and smacked hir lips, drawing away a few lingering hints of the prince's flavor as she lounged there comfortably, "You two have yourselves a little talk. I'm gonna take a nap."

Kia nodded and nuzzled outward against one of the hands pressing in around him, offering his own gravid stomach a gentle caress, finding himself growing rather attached to this sensation. If only he could somehow join the smugglers, he might get to do something like this more often. Oh well, that was what a harem was for in his world.

"I like stories, and it would seem you and I have a lot of free time to discuss it. Please, go on. I know my father isn't exactly the kindest of men but I would at least like to know exactly why someone wishes to kill him... and perhaps me as well should it be the case." He gave his bloated tummy a gentle squeeze, a sign of affection that might help her feel more at ease. It was just one trust exercise after another for the snake ever since she arrived.

Elizabeth blushed unseen deep inside the prince's bowels, feeling somewhat guilty now that she had met him.

"Well, it all started a few thousand years ago with my ancestor, Queen Amunet."

A tale was told of an ancient land upon a far off world. It was home to a powerful civilization ruled by the mighty, and often, the wicked. Many kings came and went as the empire, build of stone and bronze, continued to expand. They revered the gods and the power they held over the land, sky, fire, and water. The people cried out to those gods for justice against their oppressors. Again and again they prayed, for centuries, until at least their prayers were answered.

One day, a woman appeared, cunning and brave. The asp overthrew the pharaoh with great ease, having brought the people to join her in the fight. When the day had been won, she was named as queen in the evil king's place. She hesitated to accept, but eventually agreed and took on the role. Her humility stood as a good omen of her rule.

That rule was all too brief. In only a month's time, the old king, infuriated at being deposed, raised an army against the new queen. He had been made strong by the warriors of distant lands, some he had fought and defeated in past wars. They drove her from the city, threatening to reduce it to ruble and slaughter all within its walls. And so she ran, hoping to draw him away. He did not. Instead, he reclaimed his throne and imposed his dark will upon her subjects as he had before, only with greater cruelty. The people wept in despair as their beloved Amunet was defeated. They lost hope again as the king's men were sent to hunt the asp down and slay her.

The tyranny of old began anew, made all the more savage by the king's new armies. All hope seemed lost for the people. Amunet, however, only grew more determined, more enraged. Her wrath festered like an old wound. With the few guards still loyal to her, she ran and concealed herself. The took flight, racing as swiftly as she could to a sacred temple, known only to a few and blessed by the gods. It was believed to be there the gods had descended to the mortal realm and took flesh and blood form.

It was a place so holy that a decree was passed long ago commanding that no living person be permitted to enter.

Amunet honored this sacred law and performed the communion ritual, separating her soul from her body and entered. By passing through the gates before her time, she risked eternal damnation, but the suffering of her people was so great, she placed herself at the mercy of the fates. High atop the steep slopes she prayed, providing offerings for the countless beasts that roamed the halls, waiting to devour the souls of the wicked. Finally, her cries were answered.

The gods of the sky, sun, moon, and sea all descended, appearing before the ghostly Amunet. They demanded to know why she dared risk damnation by such a bold act. Their anger with her blasphemous circumvention of the law was powerful. The fair woman implored them, begging their forgiveness before passing on the tale of her rise and fall, how her people suffered, and how powerless she was to save them. The gods listened carefully and took pity on the former queen.

Through her tears, she begged them to cast down the wicked king and bring peace and prosperity back to the land, even if she must forfeit her life. Though her plea was genuine and heartfelt, the gods could do nothing directly to affect the affairs of mortals without due cause. Instead, they granted her wish by another means. They charged her with the task of slaying the king herself, that he would rise again, but in body only. A new soul would be exchanged for his so that the people would not suspect divine intervention.

To aid her in this task, the gods bestowed upon her a great gift, a single crystal orb of tremendous magic power. They explained that it was not the source of the abilities it granted, but more a lens through which one could focus and amplify their energy. With it, she would cleanse the land of her enemies and return peace to her people. Grateful for this, she welcomed the gift, but it would come at a price.

She could not return to her body to carry out her plan. It seemed to be a cruel joke of the gods until she paused and listened to their words more closely. She could not return to 'that' body, but nothing was said to prevent her from creating a new one. Understanding the sacrifice she was asked to make, she accepted, and her lifeless form turned to dust before the eyes of her guards. A second vessel was made and emerged from the temple.

She was the same snake that entered that sacred place. She now possessed a rather different form, and it came with a warning. The words of the gods rang in her ears as she stepped through the gates towards her mourning guards.

What had once been a proud, modest female asp was now a coy, voluptuous cobra; a seductress and sorceress with an almost insatiable appetite, sexual and otherwise. The desire burned like a roaring fire inside her, promising never to be quenched. The warning was given not to abuse the power she had been granted, and that it would pass to her children, a line she was assured would never be broken. It would be her duty to pass on to her descendants the values of justice and law she so revered, lest they darken the land forever. It was a terrible burden, knowing that her line would go on forever, knowing that each child in that line would be given her powers, knowing that she could be responsible for a lasting darkness, more terrible than that which she hoped to dispel. She resolved to carefully teach her children, and ensure their children would be taught as they were.

A plan was formed as she practiced the use of her new abilities on her own men, much to their delight. As she gained confidence, she began trying out her growing skills on the king's soldiers, targeting outlying camps. She recruited many into her new army, one of stealth and shadow, never striking directly at the enemy. Finally, the new cobra felt it was time to put her plan into action.

She let herself be captured by bandits and sold into slavery. Quietly, covertly, she manipulated the buyers and owners to guide her to her goal, quietly adding each of her 'masters' to her own harem. It wouldn't be until after she had succeeded that they would seek her out. And when they did, they would be unable to think of anything but their desire to please her. Just that many more slave drivers no longer in command, and put to good use. Finally, at long last she reached the king himself, placed in his harem. The first night the king took her to his bed, she practiced her carefully trained skills, lulling him to sleep after permitting him to have his way with her.

Once he drifted off, she sated her other hunger and devoured him. Oddly pleased with the meal, she summoned the power of the crystal, restoring him. Just as the gods promised, his soul had been exchanged with a much more benevolent one. She could only imagine his screams of agony as he was dragged to the underworld. When the new king woke, he embraced the cobra, thanked her for all she had given up to save her people, and offered to marry her.

Amunet declined, knowing it would be too great a temptation to use her powers, and perhaps set a bad example for her children to come. Instead, she offered to remain as his consort for a time, before eventually returning to her own harem. They were self-reliant, but she still felt responsible for them and wished to protect them as she had the people of her kingdom when she ruled. She also intended to use them to try and quench the flames that constantly ravaged her. The king agreed and ultimately freed her.

Unfortunately, his oldest son realized something had changed. Knowing he could not directly challenged his father, he left, swearing to build his own army and usurp the false king. Amunet gave chase, her warriors striking out in calculated attacks. Never did she lose a single one of her men, for which she was grateful. Ultimately, she confronted the prince directly. His men were captured, either slain or turned into her pleasure slaves. He cursed her name, swearing he would rise from the underworld to haunt her, to have his revenge. In that moment, the cobra was struck by a devious notion. She would not kill him. Instead, she banished him to the stars, alone. He would land on some distant world with nothing but his wits where he could never harm her people ever again.

Her job done, the cobra sought out a life of solitude, save for her small army. They slowly faded from warrior to servants and guards, always kept at something of an emotional distance. They were marvelous for a night's passion, but never did she take one as a true mate. Only precious few friends did she ever allow herself to make, all of them lovers that she cared for deeply. Years after she succeeded in giving her people the king they deserved, she was blessed with a daughter, but only one. All her efforts to have other children proved fruitless. It seemed the gods' idea of ensuring her line would remain unbroken was rather focused. She would have one daughter, and that daughter would have only one daughter, and so on through the line; one, single, unbroken line of cobras, each one as insatiable and powerful as the last.

With only a single child to teach, Amunet was able to focus her attention upon her entirely. She passed on her knowledge and wisdom, even her memories of the tyrant she slew, in the hope that future generations would understand as she had. Her line continued on through the centuries just as the gods said it would. The tradition of careful restraint in power and unadulterated debauchery, continued on even through the current 'heiress'. That was, until she ran across a peculiar dragon and his friends who happen to own a very lovely inn.

Layla's nap was a brief one while the two inside her continued their conversation. In time, they drifted off as well, the jackal's efficient stomach making short work of them both. When shi woke again, what had been a massive, oddly shaped swell had smoothed into a much more spherical shape and shrunk considerably. There was no movement and no sound save a few quiet gurgles and groans. Kia and Liz were almost completely gone, but Layla was not concerned in the slightest. They would be back soon enough. It was Nut's promise.

Business was slow almost all day, the quiet broken only by a small group of elderly, lecherous fellows who had become regulars in the last couple of months. It was somewhat tricky concealing the shrinking gut, and even more so once shi started to grow again. Just past noon, the jackal had returned to a state offering quite the additional weight, looking almost due. A series of soft kicks told hir the two inside were just fine, bringing a smile to hir lips. It was hir favorite trick, one that seemed to sate hir need to push on into motherhood, at least for the most part.

Eventually, the woman grew to the point where shi could hardly carry hirself with any real dignity, so the front doors was locked and the bed was laid upon, hir grand middle standing proudly over hir as shi stroked it tenderly. The pair inside slowly came around, the serpent amazed at the fact that she didn't require her own method of restoration.

Elizabeth reached up with a hand to gently caress the prince's face, unable to truly see him in the darkness, "I thought shi ate you. And when did you let me out?"

Kia chuckled and offered Elizabeth a lap on the end of her nose, finding it rather enjoyable to have an attractive lady to be pressed up against in such a tight, warm place.

"Shi did, and I didn't. I guess you could say shi moved us. Shi can explain it better than I can," He offered the tender walls a gentle nudge hoping to get the jackal's attention, "I think our new friend would like an explanation."

Layla snickered quietly, relishing every tiny twitch and shift under hir skin, cooing as hir passengers kept hir weighed down.

"Well, from what you shared with me, you're familiar with the old gods. Some call it a gift from the goddess of the sky. You go to sleep in my stomach, then you wake up in my womb. It's proven quite entertaining. I've stopped keeping track of how many times Kia's been through me. Now, you to get comfy in there. 'Mommy' isn't gonna let you out 'till morning."

The prince's lips pulled into a wry grin as his arms slipped around the serpent before him. He had not had company when consumed before, and he intended on making the most of it. Elizabeth quickly took notice of this and pressed forward against her 'roommate' with fervent ambition. She submitted to Layla, but she wasn't about to do so for Kia, even if he was a prince. The gravid jackal gasped and moaned as hir belly surged up towards hir chest, taken aback by the rather sudden push. Kia was equally stunned as he was pinned on his back, the cobra atop him.

"I have to say Layla, I really like your choice of friends! I just might have to invite Miss Amunet here to join my harem!" He groaned happily as the serpent shoved herself down on him, consuming his impressive length in its entirety in one smooth motion. Her passage undulated with terrific strength, leaving Kia's vocabulary limited to a handful of words distorted by various incoherent sounds of approval and delight. The pregnant lady realized what was happening inside hir and gripped at hir stomach, panting softly already. Shi had never tried anything like this before, and so far, shi was enjoying it.

"Finders keepers! I fucked her first! She's mine!" The debate on ownership would have to wait, both canids quickly losing the ability to speak under the assault they had fallen victim to. Elizabeth's hips pressed down against Kia's in a soft, urgent grinding motion, finally hoisting herself up which created a unique shape in Layla's domed tummy. The two faintly visible person-shaped figures trapped under hir fur began to press about, causing the jackal to jostle about on hir back, almost feeling as if someone were rocking hir back and forth from outside. The accompanying stimulation provided the illusion of another person actively participating in the fun. Oh yes, shi would be doing this again.

Deep inside the swirling belly, Elizabeth was just hitting her stride, bucking down onto the prince with all the strength in her deceptively delicate form. She claimed the jackal's muzzle in a deep, hungry kiss, seeking a means to utterly devastate his senses. Offering forth one's thoughts was one thing, but seeking out another's was something else entirely. There were emotions bubbling away at the surface, preventing a clear image of the prince's present mindset. Clearly, her efforts to overwhelm him were already rather successful, but she wanted more. She wanted to make him beg for her to pleasure him again, offer himself up in every imaginable way as payment to feel her touch again, to enthrall him, one might dare say to enslave him. She was indeed insatiable just as her mother had been, and her mother before her, and so on back to the original queen cobra who had begun this dark and delightfully twisted line.

It seemed all but fruitless trying to push through such strong emotional currents until at last she found a glimpse of something that might prove useful. It was a recent memory of what had happened earlier in the day, Layla's 'depositing' of the snake into hir guest. It seemed the young man rather enjoyed having things pushed into such a tight region, and so to that end, she probed his with her tail, prodding softly until she managed to part his well-used pucker and ease herself in. A long, low moan filled the fleshy chamber as her efforts served to send the jackal reeling. It was a successful experiment, one that Elizabeth relished repeating, each time sinking her slender yet stout tail even deeper into the prince's environs. Her hips pounded away against his, her tail acting like a great, living piston in his rump, and all of this motion serving to only further drive their 'mother' towards the brink of climax.

Cries and yowls filled the room as the cobra's efforts yielded two fold results. Almost singlehandedly, Elizabeth brought not just one but both canine companions to one of the most powerful orgasms they had ever known, ensuring that they would remember that night for a long, long time. Layla howled as shi unleashed a thick stream of hir masculine essence across the lower curve of hir still amazingly active belly, the fabric of hir sheets turning dark between hir thighs as it soaked up every drop of moisture that landed upon it. Inside, Kia had grown tense and rigid, unable to hold himself back as he loosed his own thick ooze into the snake wrapped around him. The cobra hissed in delight as she was taken by joy as well, holding firmly against both her lovers until finally going limp against and inside them, her fingers slowly tracing circles in the prince's chest fur.

"Mmm, so you want me in your harem do you? What's to keep me from making you part of mine? I could snatch you up right now and no one save for Layla, you, and me would know about it." It was little more than pillow talk, trying to either amuse or arouse the jackal she had just enjoyed making scream in passion.

"I'm a prince. Wouldn't you feel bad about taking me away from my rightful place?" He chuckled tiredly, quietly tempted by the notion.

The idea of stealing a prince away from his people was rather attractive to the greedy cobra, but it was little more than an empty threat. She hissed quiet at the jackal, offering him a series of soft, sultry kisses along his jawline, soothing him.

"We'll see how I feel on the matter after I've done what I came here to do. Now, you seemed at least somewhat interested in helping me out. You have no problem deposing the sultan?"

Kia sighed softly. It wasn't a thought he relished, but the man had become ruthless and spiteful over the years, "I don't like what he's been doing, but he's still my father. If we can do it without killing or harming him..."

It was a tricky proposition, one Elizabeth was hoping not to waste any concern on. Still, she couldn't simply turn a deaf ear to Kia's request.

"We'll see how it plays out. I can't make any promises but I will try." It seemed an agreement was reached and the conversation slowly died down. They had a big day ahead of them tomorrow. Layla huffed as shi lay on hir back, squeezing hir belly firmly. Shi really didn't want to let them out, not if they could do that again.

"Blast it, where is that confounded boy!? I will not have him absent when I begin! He knows he is to be by my side! Find him! Find him this instant!" The sultan's anger exuded forth, leaving the palace awash in fear of any further wrath. Servants scattered about, desperate to find the missing prince. With every passing moment that he went undiscovered, his father grew more impatient. When at last the entire palace had been searched, one reluctant victim was shoved forward to deliver the bad news.

"H-highness, we've l-looked everywhere. The prince is nowhere to be found. He m-must have left the p-palace again."

The regal auburn jackal, clearly having not missed any meals, growled deep in his throat and gripped the poor fool by the throat, raising a hand to strike him.

"I don't care where he might have gone! I told you to find him!" His arm coiled, swinging forward to punish the 'impudent wretch' as the doors to the grand hall were shoved open, revealing the missing Kia, bringing the sultan's hand to a stop.

"You don't need to beat an innocent servant, father. I'm right here. I told you I would be away and that I would return in time."

Asad dropped the tawny hare and stomped his way over to the younger canid, "It's about time! Just what have you been doing that was more important than one of my ceremonies!?"

Kia had grown accustomed to the sultan's reactions, knowing just what would disarm him, "A lovely little flower I'll be adding to my harem."

A wry grin broke the tension in Asad's face. He was amused now, "Well why didn't you say so?! You could have brought her here!" His son rolled his eyes, now working to fend off the lecherous side of his father. At least his rage had been deflected, "I know it's exciting going out among the common folk but your little visits are worrying me so much I'm developing an ulcer." He rest his hands on his portly waistline, already walking towards the balcony overlooking the courtyard. The prince followed quietly, listening to the cheers of the crowd. They weren't exactly heartfelt or genuine, but it was better to pretend rather than to risk the king's anger. Hidden amidst the citizens of the city watched two pairs of eyes, fixed temporarily on Kia as he emerged.

"There he is. He said he'd meet us down here once the ceremony is over. He wanted you to see this. We're all used to this but you'll appreciate what we've all pretty much taken for granted." Layla sat atop a plaster wall, a tan cloak concealing much of hir form, cautions to prevent anyone from learning hir face.

Elizabeth sat alongside hir, similarly covered, "He mentioned something about some spirit and a child. I could use a little more explanation."

Layla nodded, essentially ignoring the boring, self-indulgent speech Asad gave every time he performed this self-absorbed little ritual of his.

"Rumors have been floating around that he's harnessed the power of the elements which he uses to give us water. The truth of it is it's not too far off the mark. There is an elemental spirit hidden away where we send those we smuggle. She created the oasis so that others could live there with her out of the sultan's reach. She had a child, a water spirit. Some time ago he somehow got his hands on it, using the child's powers to do exactly what you're about to see. We've been trying to figure out how we can steal the child back and return it to its mother."

The more she heard about the sultan, the less and less Elizabeth liked him. She despised the fool and she had not even met him, "Which is where I come in."

Layla nodded and lifted a hand to politely silence the serpent as the jackal began the actual ritual. His hands lifted high over his head and came together, bringing forth an azure light in his palms before throwing his arms forward, the light rushing forth from his fingers to the rather unimpressive puddle surrounded by a short wall. The fountain had long since ceased to function with no water to pump through its workings. The spring had given its all and most of the moisture had evaporated. That was, until the light began to seep into the muddy soil. A subtle rumbling sent a trembling through the ground, holding the attention of the crowd. The tremors grew until cracks formed in the earth and a sudden gush of water erupted forth. The new spring quickly filled the wide, shallow reservoir. A roar of applause swept across the crowd as many began trying to fill various vessels and pots with the cool, clear water now lapping at the pristine white walls holding it back.

Elizabeth watched, her eyes narrowing as she coolly, calmly analyzed the magic at work and where it was actually coming from. The answer sickened her. Sure she regularly engaged in such things but this was not for the purpose of entertainment or enjoyment on both parts but purely so that one could benefit at the expense of the other.

The snake glowered, "How long before I go in?"

Layla sensed the disdain in the cobra's voice, slipping off the wall shi sat on, beckoning for hir companion to follow, "The desperate ones will take as much as they can, those in need but not willing to risk injury or breaking whatever containers they've brought will wait their turn, and everyone who can wait until later will do just that. Kia will meet us at the side entrance once the crowd has dissipated."

Elizabeth nodded, restraining herself from simply casting off her robe and unleashing an attack upon the king right then and there. No, that was unwise. They needed to play their roles carefully. There was a reason why Kia had planned this the way he had.

Time passed as the crowd continued to steadily shrink and die away, the thirsty denizens taking what they could while the spring still flowed. When at last it was safe, the door in question creaked open and the prince peered out cautiously. All he found within the immediate area were the two ladies he had agreed to meet with. The serpent stepped forward. Only a few quiet words were exchanged between the trio.

"Be careful in there. Asad is ruthless." Layla warned, trying to mask the concern that was rooted more deeply than perhaps shi'd care to admit.

The snake paused and turned to gaze back at the jackal, the look in her eyes betraying the purpose driving her, "So am I."

The door was shut and Layla departed, offering only a single, quiet sigh of concern. The tavern would have to wait. Shi would need to return at a moment's notice should Elizabeth need to make her escape. Inside, the snake shed her robe quickly, revealing her ravishing form, clad in almost nothing. All that covered her were a few narrow strips of cloth in rather strategic places while sheer fabric draped across her scaled figure. No man would be able to resist her, and thankfully, Kia had already had the chance to build up an immunity by sampling her flesh.

"I'll guide you to my harem where I'll introduce you to my father. We'll keep him distracted enough for you to do whatever it is you need to do to find the child. Then, when he goes to bed, we will steal it away from him."

The cobra shook her head defiantly, hands on her hips, already imagining all sorts of dastardly ways to exact justice upon the king.

"Change of plans princey. I'm joining your dad's harem. I need to be close to him. I already know where the child is... and I know why he's drunk with the power it provides. The sooner we get this done the better."

Kia blinked softly, not pleased with the divergence from the agreed course of action.

"But, we all decided this would be the best way."

Elizabeth hissed quietly at the prince, pushing him gently to the wall, hiding them both from a pair of guards as they drew near.

"That was before I knew what was actually going on. That bastard will pay and pay dearly for what he's doing. I can hear the little boy crying even now. I'm getting him out of here tonight, and I cannot be held responsible for my actions once I'm alone with your father. One way or another, you'll be sultan by the time the sun rises," She watched Kia react with a mix of fear for his father and that of the realization of what he had actually brought upon them all. She was terrifying when she wanted to be. It forced the snake to reign herself in. She sighed, closed her eyes and tried to regain her composure. When she opened them again, she was once more the ravishing beauty he had come to know, "Just don't let that power go to your head."

The serpent leaned in and pressed her lips to the jackal's. She honestly hoped that he would not follow down the same path as his father. He had such promise in him. All Kia could do was agree with the new plan and take on his role within it. Once the coast was clear, he emerged with the cobra in tow, her gaze remaining low, not daring to make eye contact with anyone for fear of giving away her true strength of spirit. If this was to work, everyone had to believe that she was little more than a slave meant to satisfy the king's carnal desires.

The journey through the palace to the sultan's chambers was longer than expected, twisting this way and that through various corridors and passageways, done so on purpose. It familiarized the snake with a good portion of the lavish building to aid in her escape. Eventually though it came to an end with two large, burly guards pushing a set of heavy doors open. Beyond them lay a grand bed with the sultan atop it, enjoying a bunch of grapes, plucked by hand by one of his many girls. He looked up with a grin to see his son followed by the lusciously curved beauty of a serpent.

"So this is the flower you visited? I must say my boy, you have outdone yourself! You've made your father proud with this one! You might even wish to make her your first!"

Kia, doing his best to act his part, snickered and shook his head, motioning for the woman behind him to step closer.

"No dear father, this is not the woman I visited. She is a gift for you. My way of making amends for worrying you so much. She is very skilled in the art of relaxation, she might even be able to calm your troubled stomach and heal your ulcer."

The cobra stepped forward, still not making eye contact with the other canid as he sat up and moved off the bed, "Your highness, it is an honor to serve you." She fought to keep from wrinkling her nose at his stink.

Already Asad was impressed with his son's generosity. When he began to conjure up the rather vivid and inaccurate image of her personality, his loins were stirred further and he felt his greed take over. Still, he was touched by the boy's generosity.

"Son, you're more than any father could ask for. I have no words to thank you for this gift. Tomorrow, we will have a feast in your honor," He walked slowly around the emerald creature to inspect her. She smelling so very strongly of exotic lust that simply being in close proximity of her left the sultan dizzy with anticipation, "But for now, I wish to see what this gift of yours is capable of. All of you, leave us. I wish to have some alone time with my newest wife."

Kia bowed slightly at the waist before taking a few steps back, turning, then departing, silently wishing his scaled friend good luck. He knew of the tales surrounding his father's sexual prowess, or rather what might happen should he not be fully satisfied. Still, what little time he had spent with Elizabeth gave him hope enough to put his faith in her abilities. The servants all fled quickly, as did the other ladies he had chosen to share his bedroom with on this particular afternoon, leaving just him and the seemingly submissive snake standing before him.

Elizabeth kept herself in character, "To be your newest wife, after having just met you. I am honored my liege."

The jackal lifted a finger to the serpent's lips, silencing her, "Shhh, don't speak my little desert flower. There are many things I would have you do, but speak is not one of them at this moment. Save your voice, as beautiful as it is, for when I would have you entertain me with it," He licked his lips wantonly, sliding his hands up along the sides of the woman's form, already beginning to undress her. What the rather scant clothing had hidden away was quickly uncovered, only further enthralling Asad. He marveled at her shape, casting off his own clothing as well before finally speaking again, "My son says you are skilled in the arts of relaxation. Show me what it is that you can do to ease my bones."

Elizabeth nodded and moved silently to the bed, settling atop it as the sultan followed. Gently, she coaxed him into laying back against the mound of pillows behind him. Her hands moved quickly to explore his body, caressing and massaging ever so gently, seeking out his stressed areas, working knots free from his muscles much to his delight. Slowly, she worked her way up over his domed abdomen to his chest, daintily placing a kiss just at the base of his neck.

"Would my king wish me to share with him one of my many secret arts of tranquility?"

Asad nodded, able to hold off his lust for a moment to see just what it was his newest acquisition could do for him, "By all means my dear, but do not take too long. I will need to sate my hunger for you soon."

She nodded and leaned in close, kissing along his collarbone tenderly, ever so slowly working her way up to along his neck. Her eyes narrowed, unseen by the oblivious jackal, as she opened her mouth and pressed her lips against his flesh, sinking her fangs into his throat ever so carefully. It was not meant to kill, no. She had other plans for him. This was to make him more agreeable to her own desires. Asad tensed against the bite, quickly finding it displeasing until a sudden warm rush flowed through his body, a powerful toxin spreading through his veins. She was a cobra after all, but unlike most of her kind, her venom brought euphoria and serenity of mind, almost a sort of drunken stupor. When she was certain he had been given a strong enough dose, she pulled back and wiped her lips clean.

"Yuck, you taste like dusty old bowl of used rags. Thank god I'm not sticking around too long."

The now rather dazed sultan just giggled quietly, looking up at her through eyes glazed over with mild apathy at the insult, "What can I say? I'm a dirty old man."

His speech was slow and lazy, almost to the point where it would slur, but his words were still cogent. The snake cracked her knuckles a little and sat up on her knees, waving a single hand to summon a smooth crystal sphere, which appeared in her palm. A few strange, arcane words followed and suddenly, a neat coil of rope appeared nearby. Without missing a beat, Elizabeth waved a hand at the doors, locking them through mystic force. Her next task was to secure the rope properly overhead. A similar wave of her hand saw the rope rise up of its own volition, doing just as she commanded.

"Yeah, you're a dirty old man alright, one I'm not going to suffer much longer. Now listen up you old fart, you've got two things I want and I'm not leaving without them. First, I want the kid. I know where you're keeping him. I want to know how long you had him there." One of her hands clutched at the sultan's stomach, gripping him perhaps just a little more tightly than would be comfortable.

Asad just grinned before letting another giggle slip, his hands moving to his belly, poking at the dome of his belly gently.

"You're right, he's in here. I ate him a while back. At least four years ago. Just keeping him close by when I needed to use his magic was getting too cumbersome so I stuck him in there. I've been using a special medicine to keep him alive all this time without starving myself. He was a wiggler at first but then he quieted down after I told him I'd stop taking the potions. How're you going get him out?" He sounded genuinely curious, as if it didn't matter that he would lose his ability to pacify his subjects.

Elizabeth finally stood up, gripping the rope and tugging firmly to ensure that the knot her magic had woven was secure, "I'm going in after him. Open wide fatso."

The jackal shrugged and chuckled, opening his mouth as wide as he might need to.

"Mmm, a girl like you must taste pretty good. I might like to keep you in there with him when we're not busy making you scream."

The very idea of actually spending the rest of her life living in the canine's gut made Elizabeth somewhat ill. It wasn't the idea of living in a stomach but that it was his that turned hers. Still, it was a necessary evil and there was a child at stake. As he finished speaking, the snake dropped back down to her knees, this time straddling Asad's neck and began pushing her arms and head down his throat. The sultan in his altered state of mind did what he could to help out, which consisted of swallowing, lifting his arms to grope at the snake's bust, then to squeeze her rump and fondle her womanhood as she literally climbed down his throat. The jackal worked his jaws carefully, gnawing gently this way and that to feed those heavenly orbs adorning Elizabeth's chest into his maw, suckling upon them and sampling the flavor of her flesh.

The snake hissed as she went down, "You try to pull that rope out and I'll give you a case of heartburn that would eat right through your chest. I don't plan on sticking around."

He couldn't answer his meal, offering only a nod and a muffled giggle as she slipped out of sight, running his tongue this way and that across her smooth hide. He was right, she tasted absolutely divine. Unfortunately for him, it would likely be the last time he would know such a pleasurable time. Her feet wiggled in the air once she was hoisted off his chest, his belly expanding even further as the cobra began to spill into his already occupied stomach. As her hips reached his mouth, he gripped at her ankles and held her in place to further savor her. He might have been drugged, but his lecherous ways were still quite strong, and he was not about to miss a golden opportunity as this.

The cobra yowled in stimulation as she felt his tongue push deep into her folds, feeling about this way and that, exploring her passage so very aggressively. He lapped and drank of her flower, drawing away every last drop of her honey as he could muster while she writhed and twisted about in his jaws. She might not have liked him, but damn he was good at this. Not surprisingly though, he wasn't interested in prolonging her pleasure, seeking out exactly what he knew would get her howling. Tucked deep inside was a tiny cluster of nerves bunched up under a rough patch of flesh nestled away inside the snake's canal. Once assaulted, that spot would leave her a breathless, limp bulge in his middle. He attacked it relentlessly, enjoying her sounds of orgasm as she was hit by a stout climax, gushing forth in his jaws with the succulent spring he had summoned forth.

Inside, it was dark, dank, sticky, and generally unpleasant. He wasn't the sort to make his insides terribly accommodating, which was a luxury Elizabeth had come to appreciate living among her friends back home. Still, it was temporary, and she had a job to do. In the dark she found the child, another scaled creature of deep ocean blue, appearing to be held in place by some sort of disturbing mesh of tissue, as if a net had been formed to hold the little boy in place.

If he had been born decades ago, he certainly did not look his age. It only lent more credibility to his status as a 'spirit'. But then Liz never doubted that. His eyes remained fixed on the new visitor, not sure what to make of this rather naked woman curled up and mashed against him. She was still trying to recover from the peak, though not as impressive as some she had experienced with true masters of the trade. The boy's voice sobered her quickly.

"Did the bad man eat you because he wants your power too?"

Elizabeth shook her head, reaching out to caress along the lad's cheek, soothing him as best she could, "No, I made him swallow me so I could get you out. My name is Liz and I'm a friend. What's yours?"

If he had indeed been trapped in here as long as Asad said he had, the snake might expect the boy to be skeptical of her ability to liberate him, but instead, he seemed rather receptive.

"I'm Kaji. I felt someone strong close by. I didn't know it was a girl. If you're going to get me out, you'll have to get me unstuck. Will that hurt?"

The snake shook her head, offering him a kiss on the nose and a warm smile for his bravery.

"It's not going to hurt one bit. I want to get you back to your mother, but to do that, we need to get you out of here. And to get you out of here, the easiest way would be to put you in me somewhere like he's put you in him. I promise, I will let you back out once we get you to your mother, but until then, we have to hide you from people who might want to steal you away."

Kaji nodded and shifted softly in his fleshy prison, trying to reach out with a single hand to touch his would-be liberator's belly.

"You want to put me in here don't you? Where mommy likes to keep me?" As his fingers brushed across the cobra's navel, a curious tingle passed through her abdomen, offering a quiet little shudder up and down her spine. It wasn't necessarily a bad sensation, but different to say the least.

Liz nodded, "If you mean where your mother carried you before you were born, yes. It's the safest place I can offer you. Now, let's get you out of that mess."

She began working without hesitation, literally tearing through the flesh holding the boy in place. At this point, she didn't care if it caused Asad any pain or if it even could lead to his death. He was nothing but collateral damage to her at this point. The sultan simply laid there on his back, hands on his massively engorged stomach, ignoring what minor twinges of pain he felt as he relished the thought of having swallowed a gorgeous serpent and explored her form so completely with his tongue. In fact, he could still taste her on his lips. Asad closed his eyes and continued to draw away what few drops lingered on his whiskers and the rope leading down his throat while the snake inside finally cut his prisoner free.

It didn't take long to release the boy, and once able to do so, Kaji practically leapt forward, mashing himself tightly against the snake's form, embracing her tightly. He did not thank her, he simply remained silent before turning around, pointing his head down between Elizabeth's legs and pushing forward.

She gasped softly and tried to pull away, "Woah, easy there little fella, I know you want out but let's not rush this. Let's get it right."

Her request to slow their progress down to a manageable pace fell on deaf ears. He was too focused on the prospect of reaching his mother to be distracted by trifles like possibly causing another orgasm. She moaned as his head slipped in, easily stretching her in all the right ways. A few good pushes against the slick, fleshy walls holding them back had his shoulders and chest surrounded by his liberator's form rather than his captor's.

Elizabeth spread her legs once she realized he wasn't about to take the slow approach and let him squirm on in, panting and wriggling about under Asad's fur. Within mere moments, his little tail vanished into her supple lips and her vulva sealed back behind him, trapping him in a much more comfortable place than an angry sultan's stomach. The cobra arched her back and cried out as the second orgasm claimed her, leaving her to curl about her gravid middle to catch her breath.

Kaji nosed out softly against her caring embrace, "Thank you Liz. Thank you for saving me. I hope it doesn't take too long to take me to my mommy, but at least you're nicer inside than the bad man is."

Those were the last words she would hear from him for quite some time. Within moments, he was fast asleep, a gentle thrum radiating out from her belly. Again, she quickly recovered and gripped the rope serving as her escape route. Before beginning her ascent, she brought forth the crystal sphere once again, dropping it on the fleshy floor of the sultan's stomach. The dim stone quickly turned to a blinding sphere of light, offering searing pain to the flesh it touched save that of its owner. Asad gripped his stomach and bellowed in agony, giving the snake all the opening she would need to climb free. It was a difficult task with her passenger in tow, but her determination saw to it that she would see the light of day once more.

Out from the jackal's mouth emerged a hand, gripping at the rope tied off overhead, then a second hand followed by the cobra's head. As she gripped the dry portions of the rope, her progress became much easier, able to drag her chest free of those active jaws, trying so desperately to do something to find relief from the sting in his belly. The swell Elizabeth now possessed was a challenge to free, but she would not let him take her back down no matter how hard he tried. If she had to break his bed to do it, then by god, she would destroy his entire chamber to drag herself free. Thankfully, it did not come to that. The saliva-slicked scales seemed to make it just too difficult to hold onto her, even if she had put on weight, and out popped the dragon-occupied swell, leaving her legs and tail to follow, which slid free with great ease by comparison.

"Ugh, you seriously need to use some sort of mouthwash or something. Your breath reeks. That's the last time I let someone like you eat me. From now on, it's only people who know how to treat a guest in their stomach." She stood there on the bed once she dropped from the rope, looking down at the jackal underneath her, twitching and writhing away in pain.

"What did you do to me you bitch!? I feel like my stomach is on fire!!"

The rope seemed to vanish with the wave of a hand, just as all her tricks seemed to work.

"It's not on fire, but I can tell you this. Unless I remove my little toy within the next two minutes, it will burn a hole right through you. And you may be wondering why I'm doing this... well here's a little explanation for you. My name is Elizabeth Amunet! Last surviving descendant of Queen Amunet! The very queen your ancestor Nizam drove from her throne! She swore vengeance in the name of her people and gave up her right to rule to defeat him! His son escaped and she banished him to the stars! Well I have some to finish the job she started! I have come to end your terrible reign!"

The snake held out a hand over the enraged jackal's stomach, summoning her crystal forth through his body. No visible injuries were caused as it passed through him, but the damage of it tearing through him on a microscopic scale was all too real, and the horrific pain it brought with it left him screaming for relief. Once it was back in her palm, he fell motionless and silent, not able to find his voice to cry out.

The snake crouched closely over him, glaring into his eyes, "I had promised Kia I would try to take the child from you without killing you. After seeing what you had done to him, I cannot keep that promise. Don't worry, I won't kill your son. He is a decent man. A good man. He will make a fine sultan. It is with your passing that I hereby end our blood feud. May the gods have mercy on you in the afterlife."

With that, she turned and walked off of the bed to leave the king to die slowly. She gathered her clothing and slipped it back on casually, using that same crystal to cleanse herself of Asad's drool.

He writhed in anger, holding his stomach in agony, "Y-you won't... get away with this!! Our fight is not yet over!!"

Elizabeth slipped the last of her clothing on and turned casually to look back at the incapacitated king.

"Yes it is. You lost. Justice has been done upon you. I suggest you make peace with yourself in what little time you have left. And if you try to tell the guards what has happened here-" Her voice trailed off as she lifted a hand towards the sultan again. A pulse of crimson light passed between them swiftly as the lingering effects of her bite faded further, unleashing a new wave of suffering upon him. It was a short demonstration that quickly faded, "I'll let you feel your death in all its terrible glory."

The brief moment he felt the pain of his injury in full force only to have it fade was enough to convince him. He fell silent again save for his gasps for breath and a few low moans. With that, the snake turned and walked to the door, cleared her throat, then began banging heavily on the heavy portal, screaming in terror for the guards to assist.

"Help!! Help!! The sultan! He's sick! I think he may be dying!!"

The doors were shoved open quickly as Elizabeth darted out of the way, standing against the wall as Asad's personal guard poured in, frantic to assist the king. In all the commotion, the cobra slipped out unseen by all save one, the prince. A silent nod was shared between the two as they noted the completion of the mission before Elizabeth hurried her way down the corridors to her exit.

Layla waited patiently while attempting to remain as unassuming as possible until finally, the door opened once more and out hurried hir emerald companion. Shi rushed to the cobra's side, wrapping her in a cloak once more and pressing a hand to the snake's belly.

"So it looks like it worked. You've got the kid?"

Elizabeth nodded, embracing the jackal firmly in her arms, kissing the woman passionately. Her affection for the bartender had grown considerably for reasons beyond her understanding. All she knew was that she was overwhelmingly pleased to see hir.

"I've got him. Little Kaji's safe. Let's get the hell out of here before my hollow threat wears off."

The two stole themselves away as quickly and as quietly as they could manage, making for the tavern. The doors were locked behind them and the hidden passageway opened, only to be closed again once both ladies were secure inside the tunnel, well on their way toward smuggling the little boy back home.

The commotion finally faded as the best medicine men in the palace offered a grim prognosis for the sultan, shaking their heads as they left his bedchambers. He would not make it through the night, and still he had so much anger in him. Those who knew so little about him worried for the safe passing of his soul to the afterlife, that he might be sent to the underworld, punished for having such hatred in his heart at the time of his death. However, there was a far more sinister secret at work. Asad called for his son to see him in private, ordering the guards to seal the doors while they spoke. Kia stood there in silence as he looked over his father's failing body, listening to him wince and groan in agony, keeping a respectable distance between the two of them.

"Boy, that woman you brought for me. She did this to me. I demand that you do something about this. Go, find her. She is powerful. She knows magics unlike anything we've seen before. She can heal me. It is your responsibility, as the one who gave her to me as a gift, and as my son. I order you to bring her before me so that she can cure me!"

The prince remained quiet for several moments, knowing that he was a difficult man to deal with, and that Elizabeth no doubt could not let so heinous an act as he had done pass without retribution. She said she would make no promises to spare him, but that she would at least try. He was upset that his father was dying, but still, some small part of him was glad of it. And that part was growing rapidly. He could see that the rather corpulent waistline his father had known for so long was gone, which could only have meant one thing in his mind. Elizabeth knew exactly where to look for the child, and it was his stomach that was the source of this intense discomfort. He could bare it no longer.

"You ate him didn't you?"

Asad furrowed his brow in confusion, not sure how the question fit with his orders, "What are you going on about?"

Kia stepped forward, speaking with more disdain in his voice this time, "The child! The spirit's child! You ate him so you could have his power at your disposal whenever you needed it! You ate him didn't you!?"

The sultan growled and dropped his head back into the cushion behind him, staring at the ceiling, "What does it matter!? I'm dying! I have ordered you to go find the woman who did this to me so that she may undo it! Does my life mean nothing do you!?"

The prince clenched his fists, his ears flattening back against his head.

"When that life is spent extorting the people you rule over, and a child you use purely for your own personal gain, imprisoning him within your own body... Then yes, your life means nothing to me! Your death cannot come soon enough. Forgive me father but you have dishonored our entire family's name!"

The older jackal growled and rolled onto his side with what strength he had left in him, a new hatred burning in his eyes.

"Family name! I'll tell you about dishonoring our family name!! I watched my father change overnight because of the manipulations of a snake like the one you brought in here hours ago! She confused him! Poisoned his mind! Turned him into a soft, weak, infidel of the great man I knew! He betrayed our family name just as you are betraying it now! I will not have my chance to see that witch suffer by my hand taken from me just because my own useless son refuses to do what is necessary!!"

Asad opened his mouth wide. Horribly, disturbingly wide. His eyes were wreathed in an unearthly glow of demonic flame. A darkness rushed forth as he breathed out. Kia backed away quickly, commanding his legs to turn him around and run for the door but he found himself unable to. The cloud engulfed him and he collapsed to his knees, coughing and sputtering as he was consumed by its power. The sultan's form held fast as he continued to breathe the noxious mist into the room, seeming to pour into his son before his mouth closed and he fell limp on the bed, his eyes no longer offering the malice they once did. He panted and gazed helplessly up at the ceiling while Kia gradually composed himself, standing and straightening his clothes.

"Well father, since it looks as though you will not make it through the night, I suppose I should only do what's best," The prince approached the side of the bed. Asad's gaze turned to look over at his son, terror claiming him. A grin of evil spread over the young jackal's muzzle, "After all, I wouldn't want to shame you, now would I?"

Smooth stone walls gave way to natural made caverns as Layla and Elizabeth hurried through the tunnels connected to the jackal's small establishment. The maze-like guardian crags stood as the last obstacle between them and their destination. Already there stood two sentries, awaiting their approach. The jackal had somehow managed to send word ahead that they would be coming and the two ladies were quickly ushered forth as swiftly as possible. Kaji spent the entire trip in quiet slumber, nuzzling softly into the snake now and again to which she responded with a gentle caress of her belly. This wasn't her first time to carry another like this, and each and every time she thoroughly enjoyed it.

"So, what happens once we get to the oasis?" Elizabeth had heard only precious little about this place, hoping that her canine friend would be a little more forthcoming now.

"We'll meet up with the child's mother, you'll hand him over, then we'll probably rest for a little while, then head back. We'll keep our heads down until whatever commotion we caused blows over," The jackal paused and then asked a question shi felt rather odd to ask. Shi hated the man, but with the deed done, it suddenly felt wrong, "Did you really have to kill Asad?"

The cobra nodded, refusing to doubt herself in her actions, "It was the most reasonable course of action. Had you seen what he was doing to Kaji you'd have wanted to gouge out his eyes. I was merciful. I actually held back what I really wanted to do to him. Still, there was something strange about him. I don't know what it was exactly. When I bit him, he relaxed and everything but, he just seemed so different. After I climbed back out and he grew angry, it was as if a totally separate person had taken his place."

Layla nodded softly, following the sentry ahead of them as they trekked deeper into the nigh impenetrable mountains. Light peeked through a few narrow openings, offering brief glimpses of the sky outside. It kept the journey from feeling claustrophobic, something many of the smugglers were grateful for.

After almost a full day's travel and a brief respite for the group to regain their strength, they reached the mouth of the cave, opening up to a vast, verdant field of grass. Dragonflies fluttered about while birds busied themselves with nests and hunting for food. A few of the smuggled could be seen here and there, populating the lush and fertile land only sparsely. It was truly a paradise compared to the harsh desert the rest of the world had become.

One of the sentries turned to the ladies, "You're good from here, right?"

Layla nodded to the two men who had escorted them, bidding them a fond farewell, wherever they might be headed now, "I've got it from here. You guys can take a break. The front's closed up. No one's gonna be coming through until I get back. And who knows, we might not need to be so secretive about it anymore. The sultan is dead."

The sentries just blinked in disbelief. A new day might very well be dawning, "Really? He's dead!? How!?"

The cobra smirked defiantly, proud of her deed, "I did it. The bastard deserved worse but I didn't have time to draw it out the way I wanted."

The men just grinned and offered the snake their congratulations on the accomplishment. With the news of the sultan's death, they felt a tremendous upswing in their sense of confidence and decided to go about spreading the grand tale without even hearing what actually took place.

Layla just shook hir head and chuckled, beckoning the hooded woman to walk with hir, "C'mon my little assassin, we've still got one last job for you to do. It's time for you to meet Damatra."

As the two pushed deeper into the lush world of the oasis, events back in town had taken a dark turn. The prince had crowned himself king as his father passed away, ordering soldiers to be gathered for a special purpose. They set out from the palace in force, twenty men strong before approaching the jackal's tavern. Kia stood there before his new personal guard, sneering harshly at the establishment. So much had gone on within those walls, things that he utterly despised.

The head of the guard approached, a hand resting casually atop the hilt of his sword tucked neatly into its sheath hanging at his hip, "What are your orders, sire?"

The young king remained silent but only for a brief moment, gazing over the ramshackle establishment.

"Burn it down. There's a hidden passage beneath it we'll be taking."

A cruel smile spread across the guard's face as he turned to his men, passing on the order. Kia spun about and moved to put distance between himself and the tavern as though just being near it made him ill. His twenty men gathered torches and lit them. With disturbing delight, they threw the flames into the building, breaking its windows and setting the entire inn ablaze. As the alley was illuminated by the brilliant fire, sending people running in fear, Kia stood back and watched, a sickening smile crept across his face.

It took only minutes for the entire tavern to be consumed in fire, and little more than two hours for it to finally sink into a smoldering pile of ash and charred wood. No screams of pain came during the blaze and no bodies were found in the rubble. No one had been lost in the senseless act of destruction. For some reason, this seemed to upset the new king greatly. He walked into the smoldering ruin and kicked down the larger planks that survived, growling deep in his throat before finally coming across the cellar and its hidden passage.

"Captain, rally your men. We've a day's journey ahead of us."

The captain nodded and gestured for the rest of the guard to follow as they descended into the earth, "If I might ask my liege, where is it we are going exactly?"

Kia turned back to the old rat who had thus far served him loyally.

"To find the witch that killed my father. I can smell her. She and that dog harboring her escaped through this way in fear that I might come for them. I will have my vengeance."

The heavy-set rodent nodded and ordered his men into the tunnel. They would do as the king commanded. They would seek out the woman responsible for the death of Asad.

Night began to fall and the moons cast their brilliance across the land, offering light enough to bask in. It was a lovely respite from the harsh light of day in the desert, something Layla had come to appreciate during hir all to brief and infrequent visits to this magical place. Shi and the serpent shi had guided here sat under a thick, proud tree as the spirit they sought approached. She was clad in jade scales, not unlike Elizabeth, though hers glistened softly in the moonlight, almost as though she were covered in thousands of precious stones. Her posture was erect and formal, her figure uncovered and exposed to the world. She felt no need to dress, especially not around the jackal who had assisted her in securing the lives of so many who had come to live among her gardens.

"Layla, it is a pleasure to see you again. Who is it you have brought to my sanctuary that required your presence?" Her voice was almost musical.

The canid stood and moved forward, offering the dragoness a casual embrace. Shi had come to understand that there were many who appreciated the concept of sensual contact, and that there were many who did not, that there was a time and place for it. This was one such time where it was best to restrain hirself.

"This is a very dear friend of mine, Elizabeth Amunet. She comes from very far away though I do not know exactly how far or where. What she has told me is that she comes from another world. And I brought her here myself because she carries a very important passenger. After so long of being alone Miss Damatra, we have finally found the strength to grant you your wish. My friend Elizabeth has brought your son back to you."

The cobra rose to her feet, her hands resting protectively on her swollen abdomen, caressing the great sphere tenderly. The dragoness paused, unable to truly believe what she had been told. Tentatively, she reached forward and gently placed a single hand on the snake's belly, closing her eyes as she reached out with her senses.

Elizabeth smiled, "He's safe. Asad can't hurt him anymore. Just give me some time to let him out and he will be all yours."

Damatra felt her breath catch in her throat as she felt the familiar presence of her child harbored within the hooded snake's womb, stepping closer only to embrace Elizabeth. Tears streamed down her cheeks as unbridled joy overwhelmed her.

"You brought my son back... I... I can... I can never thank either of you enough! It has been centuries since I felt his presence! Thank you! Thank you so very much!! And please! Sit! You must rest! You've come such a long way! I could not dare ask you to undergo such a task as to give birth so soon after arriving!" The sparkling dragon eased Elizabeth back down under the tree, unable to help herself as she settled close by and fawned over the great swell that concealed her son.

The snake batted her eyes softly as she let the time the two had been apart roll over and over in her mind, "Centuries? Just how old is Kaji!?"

Damatra looked up just as Layla moved to rest at Elizabeth's unoccupied side, offering hir serpentine friend a kiss on the cheek. Now was the time for the story, the history of the world as told by one of the few old enough to recall most of it.

"Twenty thousand years ago, I and the other spirits of this world lived among what few people were scattered about. There was much turmoil and fear, fear that their actions, good or bad, might affect how we saw and treated them. We needed a demonstration of our kindness, that we harbored no ill will towards them. And so, a child was conceived. Kaji. The first of our kind to be born rather than simply blinked into existence by the powers of the universe, at least on this world. I cannot speak for the rest of creation. Showing them that we had compassion and love for others eased the tensions between our two kinds, the mortals and the spirits. Peace spread and life was good for all. Until one day a dark storm rolled across the plains of Aurilus, now lost to the sands of the unending desert. With this storm came the arrival of man, a jackal. He harbored such malice and malevolence within his soul that we feared he might upset the balance of our world. We taught him our ways, tried to show him that there was no need for violence or senseless rage, but all he could think about was his father, his betrayal, and a woman who had banished him from his home."

Elizabeth bit her lip as her cheeks flushed, suddenly feeling much worse about how her family had handled the situation so long ago, "I'm so sorry... my ancestor sent him away because of the threat he posed to her people. She could not have known that he would end up here. It was before we understood what the stars were."

Damatra nodded softly, politely silencing her pregnant guest, "Please, let me continue. If your family is indeed connected to this, then you must know the entire story. Your deeds may have been for nothing. The young man never gave up his quest for vengeance, even when it seemed he would never have a chance to return and settle his score, so instead he began to build a new empire here on our world. He took many wives and had many children, selecting one as his heir who took the family name forward in a similar fashion as his father."

Elizabeth nodded, feeling slightly distraught that her family was responsible for all of this, and that all she had tried to do might have made no difference. Still, she listened as Damatra carried on, needing to hear more.

"The line continued on through the ages, slowly building their power until one day, in an act of foolishness on our part, we confronted him. Little did we realize the sort of strength the family had accumulated. He recognized us for what we were and destroyed many of us, leaving only a handful of us, taking my son as his prized possession." The brilliantly scaled woman turned to gaze off into the grass, recalling those days with great heartache.

The snake frowned, "How long ago was that?"

"Many centuries. I myself was nearly killed in the process. The spirits of earth, fire, and air rescued me and brought me here where we erected a great barrier to keep the evil king and his forces out, lest he get his hands on one of us as well. Without my son at my side to aid me, the world was left to languish outside my oasis, slowly dissolving away into a tremendous sea of sand and barren rock. I was devastated. For fifty years I wept and mourned the loss of my son, terrified that he had been slain." Damatra closed her eyes, fighting back the tears that came from recalling such pain.

"Wait, fifty? I thought you said it was centuries." Liz stopped and kicked herself for sounding accusatory, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean it like that."

The ancient lady shook her head dismissively, "It's quite alright. And yes, it was. It was almost six hundred years ago when I finally came out of mourning. Kaji has not aged a day because he chose to remain a child in mind and body. His innocence provided mortals with a sense of connection to us, that we too share the need to protect our young just as you do. When Layla made contact with me in hir exploration of the tunnels, shi explained the deeds of King Asad and mentioned the rumors around the source of his power. It was then that I knew his family must still have my son locked away somewhere. It would only make sense for them to use my son like that. They knew of dark powers, unspeakable incantations that granted them unnatural abilities of longevity and influence over others. I fear that there may be a darker agent at work than simply one bloodthirsty king passing on his lust for violence to his offspring."

Layla shook hir head, more than willing to vouch for Kia in his absence.

"The circle has been broken. With Asad dead, he can't manipulate his son anymore, he can't corrupt and twist him into the heir he wants him to be. Kia is a decent, honest, caring person who would never dream of becoming the monsters his ancestors were."

Damatra sighed quietly and nodded, looking down at Elizabeth's tummy again as she caressed it with great affection, "I hope you're right. If you're not, then the other spirits and I may have to take matters into our own hands now that Kaji has been safely returned to us."

Elizabeth frowned throughout the whole of the story, finding something about it somewhat disturbing. The fact that Asad's ancestors knew of certain taboo magics worried her and compelled her to press for more information.

"What sort of incantations are we talking about? You said they wanted to live longer and hold sway over people, how so?"

The jade dragoness shook her head in ignorance, unable to properly answer the inquiry.

"I'm sorry, I don't know much about the nature of their gifts. I do know this, there is some sort of curse on that family, passing down from father to son, king to prince, ruler to heir. It is a terribly dark curse too. I pity any poor fool who ends up a victim of it."

Layla nodded softly, now concerned as well.

"We'll speak to Kia when we return, see what we can find out. Maybe we can warn him about whatever it is that the royal family's been up to over the millennia."

Damatra nodded softly and relaxed her posture, curling herself up against the gravid snake carrying her child.

"For now, let's try not to dwell on it. Sleep is in order, and in the morning, you can properly reunite me with my son. Tonight, he is in good hands, and I'm sure he's quite comfortable."

Elizabeth chuckled and offered the mother of her passenger a knowing grin, "He's not the only one who's been enjoying this."

The dragon chuckled and pursed her lips against the snake's cheek.

"I share your sentiment. He used to spend a great deal of his time curled up in me in just the same way. In fact, I look forward to doing just what you are now with him. I won't let go of him for at least half a decade. I won't let anyone take him away from me ever again!"

The two mortals laughed and pressed closer against the emerald spirit awaiting the true return of her son as they all let sleep take them. Little did they know there was reason to worry closing in on them.

An eerie orange glow cast harsh shadows along the walls of rock. The sound of steady but relatively soft footfalls shuffled through accompanied only by the occasional clink of metal against metal. The squad progressed onward without so much as a whisper, following their new king loyally. Eventually, the men reached a large cavern fraught with spiny gaps and crevices, as if the very earth sought to tear intruders asunder. Kia glared forth into the darkness, infuriated by the puzzle before him.

"Sire, There are too many tunnels for us to explore them all. We must turn back and summon more soldiers."

The young jackal spun about, letting his hand fly, striking the captain sharply across the cheek.

"Fool! We have come this far! I will not permit that witch any chance for escape! We press on!"

The demoralized captain held a hand to his face, his pride more hurt than his cheek, repressing a growl. It was beginning to seem like this boy was just as bad as his father.

"As you wish sire... but which way?"

The irate canid turned back towards the maze before him, pausing softly as a faint aroma drifted past his nose. He closed his eyes and inhaled slowly and deeply through his nostrils, letting that scent pass over his sinuses, gradually piecing together the source's identity. It was Elizabeth. He could still smell her from having passed this way hours ago. If he was careful, he might be able to track her by his sense of smell alone.

"This way." He turned and began walking, the men not even daring to question his decision. He would not be denied his revenge, determination driving him through the winding passages, slowly approaching the oasis. As they closed in, the serpent's scent grew stronger, bringing a shift in the jackal's plans, related to the bulging swell between his legs. His desires would not be denied either.

His approach did not go unnoticed. A sharp shift moved the cobra's scales as her passenger stirred, pressing out against her smooth, fleshy walls. Elizabeth quickly moved her hands to the great swell, her conversation with Layla and Damatra interrupted by Kaji's sudden movement.

"Easy in there little guy. You're gonna be fine. I'll let you out soon. Your mom's just a little concerned about what Asad had been doing to you."

A loud whine came from under her skin. He wasn't at all worried about remaining trapped where he was. Something else had concerned him.

"The bad man! He's coming! I can feel him! He's close!"

The serpent shook her head and began trying to sooth the poor boy, assuming he had just awakened from a nightmare, "No, he can't hurt you anymore. He's gone."

Kaji pushed outward against the cobra's hands more firmly, urging for her to listen and believe him.

"It's him! I know it is! Somehow he's here! We need to hide!" His insistence conflicted with the cobra's memory of events upon leaving the palace. Still, he was just a child, even if he was a very old child.

"Here, I'll just have a look to see if anyone is coming." Elizabeth lifted a single hand from her belly, her crystal ball appearing in her palm.

Layla offered the snake a light nudge as shi grinned, "I'm sure that lil toy's seen all sorts of things."

The serpent giggled but remained silent on the matter. The sphere shimmered as an image appeared within, revealing the king and his men as they approached. Kaji, as if knowing what they saw, recoiled back as deeply into the sorceress as he could muster.

"See? I told you. The bad man is coming."

Elizabeth was stunned at the boy's ability to divine the previous unknown approach, though she was still uncertain about the title he had given the jackal.

"He's not a bad man. He's the prince. Probably king by now, and he's a kind soul. Layla and I have spent a good deal of time in his company and I can assure you without a doubt that he's definitely a good person."

The boy remained firm in his belief, continuing to urge the ladies to take shelter, "Don't be fooled by what he looks like. It's him. We should hide." From there he fell silent, leaving Elizabeth, Layla, and Damatra to ponder his request. Something seemed to resonate with the cobra this time as she searched back through her memories.

"On second thought, maybe there's something to this fear of his. There's something I need to see for myself." Elizabeth stood and turned, already walking towards the cave entrance. Layla stood to join her, now concerned about Kia. The dragoness rose to follow the woman carrying her child, not daring to let her slip out of sight. The trio traveled swiftly towards their destination, the jackal finally letting a nagging thought reach hir voice as they crossed the respectable distance.

"Mind if I ask what you're looking for exactly?"

Elizabeth sought out Layla's hand, her fingers slipping between the canid's and squeezing affectionately.

"It's probably nothing. I just have a feeling there was more to Asad than we thought."

Layla frowned as a crease of confusion formed on hir forehead, "What does that have to do with Kia?"

Elizabeth turned to gaze upon the jackal, a look most earnest in her eyes, "Absolutely nothing I hope."

The conversation died there, hints of something more sinister in the works seemed to insist on silence. All the jade serpent could do was hope she was wrong.

The two sides continued their march towards one another, one seeking vengeance, the other now concerned with the defense of lives place in danger. Inexorably, they drew closer until Kia and his men emerged from the caves, the scope and beauty of the oasis giving them all pause. Even the young king was stunned. As they stood there marveling at the great secret the planet had kept, the three ladies approached.

"It's pretty amazing isn't it? Told you you'd get to see it at some point." Layla smiled as shi strolled forward only to be stopped by Elizabeth. The snake shook her head and gently tugged the jackal back between the two scaled ladies. She wasn't about to take any unnecessary chances.

"Yes. Amazing. But that can come later. I'm here for a reason. Mrs. Amunet, we have some business to conclude."

A soft chill ran up Elizabeth's spine as Kia spoke. There was an uneasy change in the jackal's tone. Something wasn't right.

"What business is that?"

The regal canid crossed his arms, annoyed that she didn't seem to know, "You killed my father. Something must be done about this." He lifted his chin, motioning for his men to move in, surrounding the trio and pulling the cobra away, restraining her.

"I told you I would do all I could. You knew the risk. You agreed that something needed to be done." She didn't try to struggle, moving along obediently. Her cooperation didn't seem to change how the soldiers treated her.

As two of the men all but dragged the serpent over to their king, a dark smile crossed his muzzle.

"Oh no. You told me nothing. You wormed your way into his bed and killed him. Everyone else knew nothing of what actually happened, but I could see right through the lies."

The more he spoke, the more apprehensive Elizabeth grew, until a sickening realization hit her, "Kia, I told you my story... but I never told you we took Amunet as our family name."

The jackal just grinned softly, a nauseas twist of a knot making itself known in the pit of the snake's stomach.

"Sure you did. You told me when you were standing over me, righteous fury burning in those eyes. Your distant great grandmother made your family name known as she chased me across the desert and hurled me into space. Do you have any idea how it feels to rocket through the void between the stars with nothing but a cloud of energy to shield from the cold and the radiation?"

Elizabeth stared unblinking into the canid's gaze seeing the face of a foe she had believed long dead, "Kaydin..."

The grin pulled wider, as if he were some specter back from the great beyond, "So she did tell her children about me. Please, what sort of things did she say?"

Elizabeth's expression turned quickly from shock to burning hatred, a hatred that had endured for thousands of years.

"I know everything that happened. She passed her memories on to her daughter, and from her to her daughter, all the way down to me. I know every last sordid detail. In a sense, Amunet lives on in me." She hoped that revelation would have some sort of impact on the cad, and it did but not what she had hoped for. Instead, it only seemed to sweeten the moment for him.

"Oh how fortuitous! It's as if destiny has brought two rivals together to finish the epic struggle that began so long ago. This is too good. I had planned on just killing you outright, but that won't do." His utter delight over the victory only served to anger not only Elizabeth but the other two ladies now held at sword point to prevent any interference.

Layla growled softly, keeping a firm hold on hir emotions, "How the hell can you be as old as you claim to be? I remember seeing you for the first time as a child. You hid behind your father, too shy to be out in front of the public."

The other jackal rolled his eyes, annoyed by the interruption, "Haven't you been paying attention? Kia is gone. I'm Kaydin now, just as Asad was host to me and his father before him, all the way back to my first son born on this world. He was brilliant, that boy. Loyal too. He could not stand to watch me die, especially after what I told him about this whore of a snake. He found a dark incantation to save me, by capturing my spirit and housing it in himself. Unfortunately he didn't realize that sharing his body would be so complicated a prospect. After a while, he just gave up and yielded control to me. After that, I saw no reason to stop jumping from son to son."

"So we're more alike than either of us thought." Elizabeth glowered, searching her memories and knowledge to find details on such an incantation. Maybe there was a way to undo this, or seal Kaydin away.

The heartless jackal simply continued on with his gloating, "Yes! Poetic isn't it? Just think of it, a king who never dies, forever ruling without risk of a successor undoing all his hard work. I've become immortal! And I possess all the knowledge and memories of my descendents! I could use what I know about the universe and how it operates to stave off any challenge to my rule! And now that I have you, I think I'll break you and put you in my harem where you belong... your dragon friend too. As for the bitch who helped you, I'll just have hir executed." He spat the word out as if it were poison. There was a strange disdain in his voice, as though the two had an unpleasant history. Perhaps he was disgusted with what he saw Kia doing with hir, or perhaps there was more between the two jackals than he was letting on.

Elizabeth suppressed a growl, "So we're just to be slaves... meant for your pleasure, our power to use at your whims, while the people of your kingdom beg for water and starve?"

Kaydin nodded rather matter-of-factly, as if it was no real concern to him or that he even took a sick pleasure in grinding the people into the sand.

"That's about the size of it. Not sure if I'll give you a daughter so that the cycle can continue," He reached forward, yanking Elizabeth to him. She was spun around roughly as he pressed his chest against her back, one of his hands sliding over her domed middle and the other arm pulled tight about her throat to keep her restrained. He relished the curves of her figure, his palm gliding up to fondle one of her sizable breasts. Not even the most 'gifted' slave-girl in his harem was so well endowed. It was oh so delicious picturing her spirit crushed and chained to his bed, already anticipating locking her away in his new stomach and leaving her there until she begged for mercy.

The serpent however had other plans.

"Bad idea 'your highness'." A loud, chilling hiss followed as the snake's jaws parted, her fangs sliding into position. Like a bolt of lightning, she struck. Ordinarily, she was careful, tender, even loving about her bites. This time however, she drew blood, jaws clamped hard on the jackal's arm, chewing as he howled in pain. Every last drop of her venom was gone in mere seconds, filling Kaydin's new body with the pleasure-inducing toxin. The king released his captive as he gripped his crimson stained forearm, his cries of agnoy and rage slowly turning to noises of pleasure. The soldiers charged as though to attack the snake but seeing the sudden change in the king's demeanor gave them pause. Soon, those sounds faded to a series of wanton pants. Hoarse, need-filled words mingled with the gasps as Kia's mind bubbled to the surface. She had guessed right about the effect of her bite, it knocked the monster away and let the host control once more.

"He-he's too... strong! P-please... kill me! You have... have to st-stop him! Oh god!" He moaned loudly, a hand moving to his groin, "It's too much! Layla I need you!!"

The guards now stood completely dumbfound. Thoughts of being rid of the odious beast gave them hope. Their posture had softened, permitting the other two ladies closer. Layla dropped to hir knees next to the writhing, hyper-stimulated Kia. As soon as shi took his hand, he yowled at the top of his lungs as if thrown into an intense orgasm.

Shi immediately let go of his palm in shock, terrified that shi had harmed the possessed prince, "What's wrong with him!?"

Elizabeth sighed and sat carefully at the poisoned man's side, taking Layla's hand in hers again, "I gave him as high a dose as I could manage. Hopefully that'll keep Kaydin back for a good while. Until it wears off though, he's going to be stuck like this. Every nerve in his body has had its sensitivity cranked up to eleven and the knob ripped off. Right now, just laying there, touching the grass, is like the best blow job he could ever get... only on his back rather than his crotch. Taking his hand like that, well you can pretty much imagine what it's like. It'll buy us some time until we figure out what to do with him."

The bartender frowned deeply, offering the cobra a stern look that betrayed the resolve to protect hir friend no matter what the cost.

"I'm not killing him. No one is. You're going to figure out a way of getting this... Kaydin thing out of him. You do whatever you have to, just save him."

Elizabeth sighed and lifted her free hand, producing the sphere from earlier as the guards all watched on in awe. It rose from her palm and drifted down to just over the incapacitated jackal's chest, shimmering softly before he lifted off the ground, releasing him from the maddening throes of hypersensitivity. He fell limp in the air, still gasping for air, then began to curl his toes and squirm ever so softly in the air, this time seeming far more at peace than on the ground.

"Well, that'll keep him comfortable for the most part while I try to think of something. The effects will last about a day. If I'm going to split these two up, I need to know more about how they were joined. Kia... Can you hear me?"

The rumbling prince nodded softly, cooing softly as he hovered there in the air, "Mmm, yeah, I can. This feels really good. Can I stay like this?"

The snake chuckled and shook her head, restraining herself from offering his cheek a kiss. That lone act might be enough for him to fall back into a screaming fit. As much as she would have loved to keep him in a never ending state of extreme arousal, it was very impractical as well as hazardous.

"No, you can't. You stay like that for too long and it can do permanent damage. The nerves burn out and you end up with less feeling than you started off with. Either that, or you end up addicted to it. And while it would be cute to have you addicted to my venom, playing with you, biting you now and again, I don't think that's the best choice. I've got an antidote to help ease you back down but I don't want to use it just yet. We have you somewhat lucid and out from under Kaydin's control. We need to figure out how to separate you two and to do that, you need to access his memories just like he accesses yours. You have to tell me about the method he uses to possess someone."

Kia nodded softly, somewhat annoyed that he couldn't just focus on this blissful, giddy state but determined to do away with this thing inside him.

"Okay...I'll try," He fell silent for a few moments, his face creasing into expressions of discomfort and exertion, clearly attempting to break through Kaydin's defenses. He growled and struggled in the air further, frustrated that he was unable to focus more clearly and torn by his desire to savor the moment and fight with all his strength against that which wished to claim him. Finally, his eyes flew open and he inhaled sharply, "I think I've found it...the incantation...I...I see it."

The snake leaned forward, hopeful of the discovery, "Can you recite it? And be careful not to actually invoke it. I just need to know what spell was used."

Again Kia nodded, speaking in an arcane tongue, pausing ever line or so to moan or shiver, those brief respites being just enough to prevent accidental invocation.

Elizabeth listened carefully, committing every word to memory until at last the whole of the ritual had been spoken, giving her a clear picture of what was at work. It was one hell of a spell in play, and the cobra worried it might not be possible through traditional means. The jackal, no longer needing to focus so hard eased back into the ecstasy of his predicament

Liz smiled seeing him return to a more pleasant state, then turned back to the other two ladies, "Okay, now that we know what we're dealing with to a greater extent, time to brainstorm. Right now, they're stuck together. This particular incantation binds soul to body, so in order to separate them, we would have to disconnect them both from the body they're sharing, and then make sure only Kia gets returned. Now I know you can disconnect a person from their body, Layla. You've got Nut's gift."

The jackal furrowed her brow softly, intrigued by the comment, "How do you know about Nut? Do you worship the old gods?"

Elizabeth snickered quietly and grinned, giving the feminine jackal a light nudge.

"Honey, I wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for the old gods. They're the ones who graced my grandmother with a new body and the powers handed down through the family. Of course I know about the gods. Nut has blessed you with her gift, to be able to consume a lover and give birth to them again afterwards. The only problem is we risk the creep trying to bind himself to you."

Kia twitched and shivered as he rolled over in the air, turning to face the ladies as best he could. He knew more than just the ritual, "No... shi's safe. He can't infest hir."

The sorceress tilted her head softly, curious about such a proclamation, "How do you know?"

The prince moaned louder and squirmed, trying to fight to stay clear of mind enough to speak.

"I just know! Whatever you're going to do, just do it!" He yowled once more before finally falling limp, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He lost his battle against fatigue, unable to stay conscious any longer. Convinced that shi had the power to save hir friend, Layla moved closer to the unresponsive jackal, prepared to do what was necessary. Elizabeth reached out to stop hir, still unsure of the course of action.

"Hold on. I'm worried about him too but if you go through with this and we're not ready for what comes next, Kaydin could just go right back into Kia and it all starts over again. We need to make sure he can't do that. Give me a minute to think of some way of trapping him."

The auburn woman growled softly, frustrated and desperate to take hir anger out on something. The soldiers were all being cooperative, even apologizing, claiming they were simply following orders while Damatra tried to keep them separate from the two hard at work on saving the third. She knew they needed their concentration.

"You can discuss all of this with hir after they've put their plan into action. I'm sure shi won't blame you for whatever it is that awful man made you do."

The discussion continued for several minutes between the squad and the dragon while serpent and jackal worked feverishly to divine a method of containment.

Eventually, and rather unhappily, Elizabeth settled on the best, simplest course of action. She collected the sphere from over Kia's unconscious form and nodded to Layla, giving hir the go-ahead. Without a moment's hesitation, the canid began stripping hir endangered friend, still floating just inches above the grass. Once he was naked, Layla gripped his ankles and shoved them into hir mouth. It was odd thinking of this as saving his life rather than just being another attempt at satisfying hirself. Shi pushed all notions of arousal away and quickly, almost greedily stuffed the sleeping male down hir throat, gulping wetly and noisily. The soldiers all watched on in shock, believing that Asad had been the only one who possessed such an ability. Within mere moments, Kia's neck was wrapped about by the woman's lips and a hearty shove saw him slid out of sight, bulging the jackal's neck visibly until he landed in hir belly with a moist slurp. Layla panted and held hir stretched gut, not used to bolting hir food like that.

"Ooo, remind me to practice that more in case I have to do it again."

Elizabeth chuckled and nodded, reaching over to give her companion's middle a firm pat. The next few minutes would prove quite interesting indeed, and there was the matter of how Kia would react upon waking back up.

"Just relax while I do my thing. The trap won't work so long as Kia is still a viable host. We need to make him inhospitable. He said you're safe, that makes me think that he'll want to look for another male body. When he leaves you to do just that, I'll be able to snag him. I just hope he forgives me for doing this to him. It's not something I usually do without knowing I have consent."

Layla snickered, "Knowing him... I have a hard time believing he'd be mad."

Liz nodded and kept her end of the bargain. She pressed a palm against the round jackal's middle and began to chant, the sphere glowing softly as she crafted her words carefully, seeking the desired effect. At last, she was certain the enchantment was in place and pressed closely against Layla's side. The canine wrapped an arm around hir similarly swollen friend and nuzzled into her cheek.

"And now we just play the waiting game, right?"

Elizabeth nodded and returned the affection warmly. Her mission was nearly complete, and that meant their time together was almost over. It broke her heart to think that they would be going their separate ways.

"That's right... and after we're sure Kaydin's taken care of, I'll head back home, and you'll go back to your smuggling operation. Why don't we just enjoy what little time we have left together?"

Layla sighed and nodded, turning to pull Elizabeth towards hir, their lips meeting in a passionate, tender kiss. Shi began to curse getting so attached to the ravishing serpent. It made it so hard for hir to say goodbye. Elizabeth fought back her own emotions, letting but a single tear slip down her cheek as they kissed. Damatra watched with a soft coo and hurried the men off to a small collection of trees where they could settle and relax, offering the girls a little more privacy. Intimacy the way they needed it at the moment was not possible, not while both were so occupied. It would have to wait until after Kia was reborn and the jade spirit was able to reclaim her child.

An hour passed as the two remained locked in their bittersweet embrace. They said nothing for fear that it might break whatever spell that had brought them together and send them flying to distant ends of the universe. They simply drank in the moment, burning it forever into their memories as the seconds ticked by. At last, when words finally came, it was Elizabeth who spoke, letting what was in her heart finally come forth, unafraid of the consequences. Nothing could be more somber than to lose one so dear. So she took the chance.

"I love you, Layla."

The jackal looked to the cobra, their eyes meeting as shi let those words sink in. They felt right. They truly did. And before shi could even fully grasp what shi was doing, shi let them escape hir lips.

"I love you too, Elizabeth," A lightness filled both hearts and they pressed tightly against one another once more, feeling as if a piece of themselves that had been missing for so long had finally found its way back. They had to find a way to be together. They simply had to, "I don't care what it takes, I can't just let you leave and never come back. We have to work something out. I don't want to spend the rest of my life wondering what we could have ha-" a tremor in hir middle caught hir attention, the bulge having shrunk considerably in the last hour.

Elizabeth gazed down at the canid's belly and sat up quickly, summoning her crystal sphere in preparation, "Here he comes. Just try to relax and let him do whatever he's gonna do. You're in no danger of being a host, he'll want out as quickly as possible, and unless I missed my guess, he can't do anything real to harm anyone until he takes a body."

Layla winced and sat up as well, hir hands moving to hir stomach as shi felt the knot inside continue to turn and tighten. Finally, when it became to much, shi leaned forward as if to wretch, but instead of what would be expected, a thick, acrid black mist gushed forth into the air, fleeing the form that had removed him of his new home. A hiss of pure malice seeped from the dark cloud, swirling about just overhead.

Kaydin's voice emanated forth, distorted, almost demonic, as if it would curse anyone who would listen.

"You witch! How dare you rob me of my birthright!? I am king! If I have to die trying to invade your body I'll see to it that you are trapped in a nightmare that you will never wake up from!"

Elizabeth rose to her feet, lifting the crystal ball towards the inky mass above as it lurched forward towards her, "The gods have weighed your heart and it is heavy. Ammit awaits your coming. Give his belly my warmest regards."

The sphere flashed with a brilliant light, dragging the darkness of Kaydin's formless essence inward. A screech of rage and terror split the silence as he was pulled in, unable to escape, scrambling to find something to latch onto. He reached out to Layla and seemed to find purchase with hir, 'gripping' hir somehow.

"You can't do this to me!! I'm immortal!! Give me your body!! I don't care if I can't control you!! Just give me your body!!"

Before shi could answer, decidedly in the negative, the mist seemed to lose his grip and was sucked away into the crystal completely. What had been a pristine sphere of purest glassy crystal was now tainted by a dingy yellow, a strange pulsing visible within as Kaydin's soul wrestled away within his new prison, awaiting the actions of the gods Elizabeth had invoked.

Another terrifying cry, muted by the sphere, reached the ears of the two women as he was torn asunder. The temporary link between the orb he was trapped in and the underworld allowed the beast Ammit to drag him away and be devoured. A collection of voices speaking as one, in a grand harmonious choir that seemed to exude a sense of peace and tranquility echoed softly from the sphere as the tinge of corruption began to fade.

"Elizabeth Amunet, daughter of the daughters of Queen Amunet. You have succeeded where your ancestors could not. You have delivered unto us the soul of the wicked one, Kaydin, he who became twisted and deformed by a son's desire to protect his life. We thank you for this. Had he been left unchecked, his influence could have spilled across to other worlds. He could have gained enough power to challenge even the gods who granted his enemy the power do destroy him. Your family has done well the task we set before you. We reward you with the knowledge Kaydin gained in his years living as a dark spirit inhabiting his children and their children. Your power has increased tremendously over the years. We feared that perhaps your line would have become just as corrupt as the wicked one until one day you would rise up and overthrow us. You have proven yourself true of spirit and pure of heart. Should your children one day reach so high, we will be waiting to welcome them among us. Go now and walk the blessed path you have made for yourself."

The voices faded and the light diminished until all that was left was the sparkling sphere Elizabeth had grown so accustomed to. She was stunned by the words of the gods, unable to believe that they thought so very highly of her.

"I... I guess they don't have a problem with what I do back home... so long as someone's willing the gods don't see anything wrong with even the most humiliating submissive acts I suppose. Cherry will be happy to hear that."

Layla was similarly awestruck, having come in contact, albeit indirectly, with the very beings shi had been raised to believe in. Shi wasn't even the slightest bit concerned with what it was the snake did 'back home' at the moment. Hir faith had been proven correct.

"All this time. They were real. I could have just prayed to them and they would have heard me. I gave up talking to them because I thought they didn't care about mortals."

Elizabeth pulled hir lover close, nuzzling hir cheek to sooth the woman.

"They're not the only gods out there. The gods that Kaydin believed in are real too. When his father crossed the line, my gods abandoned him. He turned to others. That's when my great grandmother did what she did. It's a lot more complicated on the immortal plain than you'd think. But... that's the first time they've ever spoken to me or anyone in my family directly other than Amunet herself. Now it's over. It's finally over. I don't have to worry about him anymore. I don't have to keep looking over my shoulder to see if he's creeping up behind me."

Layla nodded softly and squeezed the snake firmly, wishing shi could know what it felt like to have such a weight lifted, "Well, maybe you could stick around longer now that it's over and done with?"

The cobra chuckled and shook her head softly, pressing her face into the jackal's shoulder, "I wasn't talking about Kaydin being my other responsibilities. I help a friend run a place back home. It's like a resort, a very special resort... among other things. I can't just leave them all behind, as much as I would want to stay here."

The two felt the same tug on their hearts as before and fell silent, just holding one another as they awaited Kia's return.

The stars twinkled in the sky above as the pair of lovers held on to what happiness they could, the jackal's belly swelling outward over the course of a few hours until at last, a stirring could be felt inside. Damatra had long since returned to join them, no longer feeling the need to be a good hostess and wanting to be near her son once again. Elizabeth quietly and quickly returned Kaji to his mother, the two of them sharing a tearful reunion once they were able to embrace one another. Just as quickly as the serpent had given birth to the little blue dragon, the jade woman slipped him right into her for safe keeping, swearing to never let him out of her sight ever again. The boy was not about to argue or complain. He was home, back where he belonged. Silently, he vowed to never even leave his mother's womb again. That was how he was caught in the first place after all. Through all of this, Kia continued to stir, sleeping contentedly but once more whole.

Layla rest a hand atop hir middle and sighed softly, caressing hir gravid abdomen tenderly, "Well, if you're not going to be around, at least I'll still have him."

Elizabeth snickered quietly and shook her head, stroking the woman's belly tenderly, "Actually, he's more like you now. I figured it would be less traumatizing a change if he were still equipped with the familiar. But, there's something that still bugs me. I've slowly been going through some of Kaydin's memories and there is this deep hatred for you in there for some reason, even before he linked up with Kia and found out what you two were doing. I'm still trying to find out what it is."

Layla winced softly as a kick came from under hir skin, the jackal inside slowly beginning to wake, hir new voice offering a soft moan, "Honestly, I don't care. He's gone. That's all that matters. Now if you'll excuse me, I think it's time I let 'Princess' Kia out."

Just as the two canids had done dozens of times before, they both took their relative positions and began, making terrific headway in only a few short moments from sheer practice. Out popped a familiar tawny head, features softened and more feminine than before, followed by a pair of shoulders, then breasts that were comparable to Layla's. Elizabeth chuckled upon noticing the similar swells, reaching forward to help tug the altered Kia free, abdomen, hips, then thighs sliding out and from there it was just a matter of the two pulling away from one another. The 'newborn' panted softly as shi began to open hir eyes, something about the world feeling odd. Hir first glance as down to hir new chest, which immediately caught hir interest.

"Um... When the hell did I grow these?"

Elizabeth laughed and slipped up behind Kia, wrapping her arms around the new feminine form affectionately, "It was a desperate measure to keep Kaydin from sneaking back in and taking over you body all over again. He's gone now and won't be bothering anyone anymore. So, if you don't like the changes, we can turn you back. It'll just take another day or so to do it."

Layla, out of breath but collecting hirself quickly sat up and nodded, looking over what was essentially a clone of hirself, wondering if this meant shi was attracted to hirself, or to the new Kia, "I certainly wouldn't mind, and the troops are all busy doing their own thing."

The freshly modified canid shook hir head, looking over hir figure carefully, not entirely ready to write off what could be a new world to explore.

"No, no, this is fine. I just... It's not what I expected. I look like my big sister."

Layla paused and scrunched up hir eyebrows in deep confusion. Was he just joking? He sounded quite sincere.

"You don't have a big sister. You're an only child."

Kia shook hir head and looked over to Elizabeth, blushing softly under hir fur, "There's a reason why the two of us look alike. Before I passed out, I learned some very interesting things about my family from Kaydin."

The snake narrowed her eyes as the princess spoke, her own mind rifling away through what had recently been deposited. A few fuzzy images started to come into focus as her eyes widened, "You mean... Layla is..."

Kia turned to look back at the identical jackal, "You're my twin sister. You were born first. I came just a few minutes after."

The woman sat there utterly stunned, unable to accept that as the truth. It couldn't be right. Could it? Elizabeth's expression, having seen the same thing as well, only served to confirm it.

The snake managed to compose herself and finally speak, "Kaydin was in Asad's father when you two were born. He was disgusted with you. You were useless to him and a threat to Kia's right of succession. He couldn't use you as a host, so he was going to have you killed and discarded. The nursemaid couldn't go through with it so she hid you with a family that would take care of you. When Kaydin found out, he had the woman beaten so badly she could barely move her legs. He never did find out who she left you with though. She took that secret to her grave. You two are brother and sister, well, sisters. All this time you two have been sleeping together, you didn't even know it was with your sibling!" The serpent sounded delightedly amused by the discovery, pulling both Kia and Layla together in a hug that mashed their chests together.

Layla was utterly astonished. How could shi have missed it? He did have a very similar aroma, and they did share a sort of resemblance, "I've been fucking my brother in the ass?"

Elizabeth nodded with a chuckle, "And he's been fucking you, and you both have been loving it!"

Kia's cheeks flushed a deep red at the notion, worried as though it were not acceptable, "I suppose that means we won't be continuing with it any further will we?"

The elder of the twins pulled hir younger sibling into hir arms, kissing the new girl as shi always had before, "Honey, we don't have to stop anything. You're the now. You can do whatever the hell you want. You can even help me smuggle people from now on. I bet you'd love doing that."

Kia immediately bit hir lower lip, vividly recalling the actions that led up to the present.

"Actually, I don't think it'll be that simple. Kaydin burned the bar down before coming here. I'm sorry Layla. I couldn't stop him."

It was another shock, this one not quite as profound as the previous surprise but still quite the powerful blow. The jackal however was determined not to let anything depress hir now. Things had truly turned around for the kingdom and that was cause for celebration.

"Well... I guess... I'll just have to rebuild it. We still need to get people here somehow, right?"

Damatra cleared her throat, having been listening closely to the conversation, chuckling softly as they all seemed to embrace the incestuous relationship that had developed over the years. With her son back under her protection, things would be different, very different.

"Actually, you might not have to anymore. As the spirit of the flora of this world, and with the spirit of this planet's life water, we can finally begin to heal the wounds that sun and sand have torn so wide. Come with me. All of you." She rose her voice at the end to summon the guards as well, beckoning the entire group up along the slopes of the wall of rock shielding the oasis from the harsh desert winds. Out they all looked over the land, desolate and dry as the emerald dragoness caressed her pregnant stomach, feeling the warmth of her child within as he lent her his power, the two working together as one. An aura of brilliant light surrounded the tree spirit and she lifted off the ground, her form fading to nothing but light, an orb of deepest green accompanied by a sphere of azure. The two streaked away with blinding speed as clouds began to gather overhead. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed as a soothing rain began to fall, quenching the thirsty desert. The storm spread wildly, covering more and more of the land until the whole of the planet was shrouded by rain clouds, drenching much of the land in its life giving water.

Green began to erupt across the sandy ground. Grass sprouted and spread as though it were a fire of plant life. Bushes and trees began to emerge from the thin blades, creating forests, meadows, thickets, and even jungles. Oceans filled the most vast of voids and waves crashed upon sandy shores. Rivers tore their way through the earth towards the new seas, completing the cycle the planet had gone so long without. A portion still remained desert, but no more was the ball of nothing but tawny yellow and brown. A lush, green and blue world could be seen among the heavens, taking its place among the many planets that held such life. Those who bore witness gazed on in utter awe. It was as though they watched the moment of creation. Cities, villages, towns, and checkpoints all opened their gates to the new world around them. The people within poured out to catch but a glimpse, to make certain that it was not but a dream.

The two orbs of light that had encircled the planet and spread their life-giving powers returned to the wall of stone, returning to their mortal shapes once more, mother and child standing before the men and women there.

"It's a good start. There is still much that needs to be done but now there is life where there was only a bleak desert. Forests will grow, but the people must learn how to farm once more. The people of our oasis can teach them. You do not have to carry them here anymore. Instead, let them return home and share what they have learned. Thank you. Thank you for bringing us together again. Now we can watch over this world properly."

Elizabeth smiled as she looked over the newly budding plant life draping the land in a verdant rainbow of color. She had not just removed a tyrant from power but helped to give hope back to an entire planet.

"Just wait until Carmel hears about this. Shi'll wanna visit and learn all your secrets," She giggled softly as Damatra tilted her head softly at the curious comment, hoping the cobra would explain further, "Shi's a friend of mine, loves plants. You two would get along famously. Maybe we can arrange some sort of meeting."

The dragoness collected her son in her arms and squeezed him warmly, more than willing to return him to the safe confines of her womb once they were sure their job was done, "I would like that very much."

"So this is your place huh?" Layla stood within what was essentially a grand stone palace consistent with the snake's taste in atmosphere and architecture. It indeed felt as though shi had stepped back thousands of years into the past. The several pairs of eyes watching hir didn't seem to faze hir in the slightest as the master of the hall wrapped her arms around the jackal.

"Yeah, this is my place. The Inn's just down the mountain but I've got a faster way of getting down there. You think Kia's gonna be okay? It's still very much a male-dominant society we left hir in."

The newcomer chuckled and offered hir beloved serpent a firm kiss, hands moving to cup Elizabeth's supple rump.

"I think shi'll do just fine. When I was there to say goodbye, shi was in hir harem. You should see what shi's done. Shi is absolutely in love with hir new body, letting hir subjects treat hir like shi's part of the harem. In fact, shi was talking about making that part of the policy, that whoever rules does so from the bed rather than the throne."

Elizabeth laughed and kissed her lover once more, her heart fluttering in her chest as she let the reality sink in. Layla was here to stay. With the help of the more skilled denizens of the Inn, they would be able to return now and again to pay Queen Kia a visit. With nothing left to do on that world, it didn't take much convincing for hir sister to join the sorceress.

"Sounds like shi'll make one hell of a monarch. Best one that planet's ever seen. Now, did you wanna go see your new bar right away or would you like to play around a little first? I must say, I've been itching to get you back in bed." Elizabeth let her own fingers tease and fondle Layla's figure.

The jackal laughed and pulled hir girlfriend tight against hir, grinning oh so broadly as ideas swirled about in hir mind, "I think a little fun is in order. But tell me something, are there any rules against bringing your girlfriend to work with you? Maybe... tucked away somewhere hot, sticky, and musky?"

The emerald snake hissed happily at the thought and rubbed her nose with the newly employed bartender, "None whatsoever. Just try not to hit me against the counter too much while I'm in there. Oh, and watch out for a pair of boys named Sirius and Brian. They're gonna be all over you."

The two shared a snicker and were guided to the bedroom where a dark feline lounged and mewled softly. She was heavily swollen with one of the many servants she had been in charge of while her mistress was away. Isis looked up and yelped with a start, sitting in her proper position, weighed down by her occupant squirming away under her midnight black fur.

"Mistress! You're back! Were you successful?"

The snake grinned to her favorite pet and nodded, pulling her new lover towards the bed, "Oh most definitely. Layla, this is Isis. She's my absolute best friend... and a terrific bottom. I left her in charge while I was away. Isis, this is Layla, your new mistress. You'll get plenty of time with hir after shi gets used to how things work around here."

The feline's eyes widened at the poorly worded explanation, fearing the change was more drastic than it actually was, "You're leaving!?"

Elizabeth cackled and lifted a hand to cover her mouth, adoring her pet's concerned reaction.

"No honey, I'm not going anywhere, except in here every now and again," she gave Layla's trim tummy a soft pat, her hand trailing down between the jackal's legs, eliciting a pronounced rumble of approval from the auburn lady.

Isis sighed in relief and moved to nuzzle against them both in classic feline fashion, "I was worried you were going away and not coming back. Does this mean Miss Layla is your mate?"

The cobra nodded, stroking between the cat's ears as she knew she loved, "Yes, shi is. Who knows, you might hear the pitter patter of little feet at some point in the future. Anyway, we would like a little alone time. You go ahead and continue your fun. You're still in charge. I'm not 'officially' back just yet."

The black cat nodded and stood erect, no longer needing to play her part, though somewhat disappointed that she didn't get to. A hand moved quickly to her still very active belly, purring deep in her throat.

"Yes ma'am. I'll make sure the palace is properly tended to." With that, she slipped out into the hall, barking orders for several servants to join her elsewhere for further pampering.

Layla simply laughed and flopped onto the grand bed, pulling Elizabeth atop hir, "So everyone in this palace of yours is under your control? Essentially nothing more than a bunch of slaves to do your bidding?"

The snake nodded and nuzzled into the velvety cleavage before her, feeling as though she had died and gone to heaven, "Yes, but every single one of them is so by choice. They are willing slaves. If someone changes their mind, they're free to leave... Though I haven't had anyone do so yet. There have been temporary leaves of absence but they always come back. They're quite happy here, I make sure of that."

The jackal nodded and began working the lady's long, smooth tail into hir shorts, shivering as shi guided the lithe appendage back into the masculine feature she had disappeared into once already.

"Mmm, I think I could get used to this sort of lifestyle. Thanks for bringing me home with you Lizzy. I can't imagine what life would be like without you."

The two shared a passionate kiss as more of the hooded serpent slipped out of sight into the desert dog's member, swelling hir sac back out inch by sloshing inch. Eventually, Elizabeth saw her world clouded by the jackal's flesh, the smell of male hormone flooding her nostrils until at last she was sealed away in hir beloved's scrotum once more, overjoyed by the prospect of exploring it again and again, among other places. Layla cooed happily as shi gave the snake's form a loving caress through hir skin, chuckling to hirself before standing once more and moving out of the bedroom. Shi had work in an hour. No sense in keeping the new boss waiting. Shi had heard a lot of interesting things about this place so far, and all of them appealed to hir less appropriate sensibilities.

Yes, shi had finally come home.