The New Age: Chapter 4

Story by GalePahvoth on SoFurry

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#5 of The New Age


Sorry for the chapters being so short, I may start combining them so they're a bit longer.

Chapter 4

Caro brought me down into where the town of Blackburn really began, it smelled of wet clay and oil lamps, the only light that of the flickering flames from the lamps and candles. The air was damp and cold, just enough to make your skin crawl a bit. The look on my face must have said enough, because shortly after entering Caro's voice echoed in the caverns. "You'll get used to it, trust me," his smile was reassuring, even when the situation wasn't ideal, "We don't really have any free rooms, I hope you aren't bothered sharing one with me!"

I smiled a bit in return to his own. "I don't mind at all, but are you sure your group will be okay with a stranger around their leader without protection?" We turned down another corridor, leading to a wide open room and he pulled what looked to be a shower curtain closed behind him and said in a jovial voice. "You act like we have enough privacy for you to get away with something to begin with!" His comment made me laugh even though I hadn't meant to and I forced myself to stop and coughed a bit embarrassed. "S-sorry," I stuttered, "I promise you I hadn't meant for that to come out." He shook his head and that's when I noticed he was snickering as well, "It's quite alright Gale! It's nice to hear someone laugh again in times like these."

I felt my face heat up a bit and I turned to look around the makeshift room. There was only one bed and a dresser, the rest of the room was empty except a few oil lamps and candles. "I'll have a bed brought down before tonight! However, if you're tired from your journey you can take a rest on that bed for a while, I don't mind!" Until then I hadn't noticed just how sore my muscles were, and that bed did look tempting. Maybe I should... I haven't relaxed in a while..... I shook my head and looked to Caro, "No, it's quite alright. Though some food and water would be perfect right now if you have any to spare." My stomach growled right on cue, almost as if to emphasize my hunger.

"Of course! How rude of me not to mention it before... The dining area is above ground though I'm afraid, you don't mind that do you?" Any food would've been enough to get me to go back out into the open at this point, it's not like I hadn't just been above ground for a year. "That's fine! Do you mind showing me where?" I couldn't quite put my finger on why, but I trusted Caro. I felt safe around him.

"I will escort you there, but I won't be eating with you I'm afraid. I have some official 'duties' that need to be done," He walked back out of the room and I followed close behind him, unable to traverse the underground city without someone leading me yet. A few times I tripped over dips and raises in the ground, I could hear the various people snickering and talking about me. I can't really blame them, after all, I'm someone new and I seem to be a klutz from what they can see. Soon I found myself back to the staircase leading above ground, Caro held his hand out to me to help me up so I wouldn't stumble. Despite the wound to my pride it caused I took his hand and made my way up into the light.

"The cafeteria is in that building right over there," he pointed out the window in the cement building to a wide building with many entrances. "Tell them I sent you alright?" I nodded and walked out to the building, feeling much more vulnerable now that I was by myself. An unfamiliar voice called out to me and I turned to see who it was, before me was a man who looked like a mix between a hyena and a coyote. "You're the new guy?" His voice was gruff and a bit on the harsh side. I gave a small nod, looking him over. He couldn't be much older than me, though he was certainly younger than Caro. "Shy one ain't ya? The name's Jack, you headed to get something to eat?

"Yeah, I haven't had a decent meal in a while. My name is Gale," He opened the door to the building for me and I walked inside, it was empty other than the person behind the counter with all the food on it. I walked up and grabbed a plate, the lady behind the counter sneered at me. "Who the fuck are you?" Jack hit the counter to get her attention, "That would be a friend of Caro's... Now get the man his damned food!" She didn't let up on the glare but relented and placed a serving of beans and potatoes on the plate. Not wanting to start anything further I thanked her and went to a table to begin eating. The food was good, at least compared to what I had been eating while on the road. Should I trust Jack...? He seems like a loose cannon... Jack sat across from me without a word and began eating as well. Curiosity finally got the best of me and I pointed at him with my fork, "So... what.. uh.. what are you anyways?" He gave a smirk that was somewhat unnerving and replied with a slight growl in his voice. "I'm a Dhole, not many of us around."

Did I offend him? I looked to see if I could see any signs that he was angered but his face was completely expressionless. That's when his voice picked up again "See you around Gale, I have shit to do." He stood up and left, leaving me alone in the room with my thoughts.