Love Knows No Bounds - Just Another Day At School

Story by bulbachu on SoFurry

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His padded paws streaked across the floor. He glanced over his shoulder to see them still chasing him.

This had become another part of life for Zeke. Ever since he became a fur, he had been harassed by bullies nonstop at school. Right now, three of the members of the football team were trying to catch him. Sure, he could outrun them, his feline appendages and lean body made him extremely quick and agile. The only problem was that the end of the hall loomed up ahead.

Thinking quickly, Zeke ducked into one of the closets, transforming into his cat form. He hid in the corner on the top shelf, hoping they wouldn't see him. A few seconds later, they came bursting in to the room. They pretty much ransacked the place before the bell rang and they had to leave or they would be late for class. Heaving a sigh of relief, Zeke came down from his perch and transformed back into his anthro form.

His transformation happened about 5 months ago. It was summer then, and school had been the last thing on his mind for ages. This was his freshman year, for many it was a year to make new friends and settle into high school. When he became a fur, almost all of Zeke's friends left him, not wanting to be seem with, or even anywhere near him. The only friend that stayed was John. John was 5'11", 132 pounds, and very lean. He had glasses and his deep blue eyes seemed to sparkle with life. He had short blonde hair and was rather skinny, but much stronger than he looked. He and Zeke had been best friends since first grade, and it was a relief to have at least one friend he could count on in school.

One more thing about John. He was the smartest kid you'd ever meet. He was only a freshman, but was already taking a few AP classes. He would have skipped a few grades by now, if it wasn't for Spanish holding him back. Well, that and him wanting to be with his friends. John was almost always reading. Between classes, walking home from school, you name it, and there he would be, reading some kind of book.

"You're late" the teacher said as Zeke hurried into class, just seconds after the final bell. He sighed and set his books on the desk in front of him, taking out his class notes and a pencil. From across the room, John asked "Was it them again?" Zeke nodded and replied "This time I was able to evade them." John smiled and said "That's good."

The teacher continued writing stuff on the board, oblivious to the conversation her students were having. I should probably explain why. The chemicals had affected different people in different ways, and John was one of the lucky ones. Since he was very smart, the chemicals altered that part of him and now he was psychic, so to speak. He could move some small objects, could read people's minds, and was able to communicate with people using telekinesis, which he was doing now.

John and Zeke had made plans for John to go to Zeke's house after school. The two were so close, they were practically brothers. Both were only children and Zeke's parents cared deeply both for him and for John, but John's parent couldn't care less. John's dad was a complete drunk, wasting away so much money that John was put in charge of the family's expenses. His mother ran away to be with another man only a few weeks after John was born, so he didn't remember what she was like. He often spent the night at Zeke's house because Zeke's parents loved both of them and John would do anything to be away from his dad.

Lunch was nothing special. Zeke tried to swallow the cafeteria crap, but couldn't, so John shared his lunch. John always brought his lunch from home and he always brought extra food for Zeke. They both sat at the fur table. Here is where everybody who had become a fur were pretty much forced to sit. John was the only human to sit there, he would stick by his friends no matter what.

After school got out, Zeke and John walked to Zeke's house. After doing their homework and eating a light snack, they played Halo 3 on Zeke's xbox. Zeke's parents were going out for the night, so they knew they'd be able to do pretty much anything. After they heard the front door shut and the car engine start up outside, they stopped the video game and turned to each other. John smiled before he began glowing. What happened next would shock most people, but Zeke was used to it by now.

In John's place was an anthro wolf. He had long silver hair that flowed down his body and deep blue eyes that sparkled with intelligence. His chest was a slightly lighter color and there was a blue crescent moon on his forehead. It turns out that John is also a fur, but he was able to conceal this by using his psychic powers to refract the light around him, making him appear human. Besides his anthro and human forms, John could take on the shape of a both a full grown wolf and that of a wolf pup. Zeke thought John was lucky as hell, but he never complained. John had woken up one morning as a fur only a few weeks after Zeke. It had taken a while before he was able to tell anyone, and so far, Zeke was the only one who knew he was really a fur.

Zeke licked John's muzzle and they both laughed. Suddenly, John lunged at Zeke, making them both fall onto the bed where they wrestled playfully. As the sun hung low in the sky, they huddled together and lay down next to each other for an afternoon nap. They'd wake up in a few hours and night is when the fun would begin....