Guessing Games

Story by significantotter on SoFurry

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Not my favorite story to come out of my fiction class, but I'm still pretty happy with it. I liked working with something more light-hearted. There are still a lot of edits that could be made on this, but I decided to just go ahead and post it without completely rewriting it. The characters and personalities are fictional, but this is actually based on a true story!

I have one more story left to post from my class and its my favorite of the 4! :3

Marik didn't know how Lenny was so relaxed all the time when he perpetually danced on the cliff of expulsion or failing grades or whatever it was that week. But he did. The guy was unmovable; the force of nature funneled into pure not-giving-a-shit.

Right then Lenny lounged out on the disgusting mildewy couch like he was some Roman Emperor. Marik imagined tall twig-like Tim kneeling in front, feeding grapes one by one into his mouth. It was too funny. Marik looked up at the roof of the cramped common room and cracked a smile. Lenny caught his eye.

"Dude, you look like you just saw a fucking leprechaun, like, fucking or something. What's up?"

"You're Caesar, except Cheez-Its instead of grapes."

Tim cracked up, slapping his open hand on his tan dress pants. Tim made Marik smile. The guy looked more stuck up than a fence post with his sky-blue polo and the black dress shoes he wore every day for some God forsaken reason, but he had a great sense of humor. Even the dumbest puns set him laughing. However, understanding the importance of high-brow humor, Marik tried not to make many puns. He planned his jokes very carefully and only punned when it carried a real kick.

"Fuck yeah, I am." Lenny boasted. He brushed the vaguely cheese-colored powder from the Symphony X logo on his shirt. Marik didn't understand the point. The shirt had so many stains that the faces on the star circle pattern were permanent shades of pizza sauce red and Cheez-It orange. The Russel Allen signature, Lenny's badge of pride, was nearly unrecognizable.

"Lenny fuckin' Caesar, Emperor of Dipshits!" Lenny himself said, accompanying himself with a boisterous laugh.

"I think you know plenty about dipwads," Tim chimed in. Marik's lips twinged with a gentle smile. "But I don't think you're the emperor. You're not even a senator of dipwads!"

"Yeah, well what's my competition?"

"Furry convention's in town," Tim laughed.

"Hah! No shit? Well, I dunno, don't think that robs me of my crown." Lenny paused for a brief moment to lick the cheese from his fingers and then tilted his head towards Marik. "Marik, are you a furry?"

For a moment, Marik thought about lying. Hell, he'd done it before. The topic once came up when he'd been home around Thanksgiving. His mother had just finished setting out the turkey when somehow the topic of furries came up. He started correcting them on all the incorrect things they were saying and

"Marik, are you a furry?"

"Nah, I got a friend."

But this time he didn't.

"Yeah," he muttered.

"Fuck!" Lenny exclaimed. "I knew it!" He erupted in a deep throaty laugh. Marik's knuckles gripped white against the torn fabric of the armchair's arms.

"Seriously?" Tim asked. He wasn't laughing, and Marik couldn't quite figure what to make of his expression.


"So, like," Tim continued, "what does that mean?"

Blood tingled back into Marik's hands as his armchair death-grip loosened.

"It's animal-people, you know; you seen them. Furries like drawing them and shit," Lenny interjected.

"And how in heavens did you guess Marik's one?"

"You never seen his computer?"

"What? No, of course I haven't! I don't snoop Lenny, and you really shouldn't either!"

"It weren't snooping! Like shit, Marik's in here every day working on his fucking play scripts! His background's this big sexy fox guy with a bulge like Mario Lopez! How the hell'd you never guess?"

"Sexy?" Tim's eyebrows rose.

"Shut up, fuckwit!" Lenny laughed. Marik grinned too. His head was still spinning.

"So it's like art and stuff? But you also dress up? Like mascots?" Tim asked after a moment.


"Yeah," Marik nodded, "like mascots."

"Dude! You're on the wrong end of the fuckin' field. You should've been one of them mascots, not safety! The fuck were you thinking?" Lenny roared with laughter. Tim nervously chuckled. Marik, however, found the joke genuinely funny and his laughter thundered over top.

"But we're the buccaneers!"

"You can't be a furry pirate?" Lenny asked.


"That's emperor dipshit!"