
Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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The trigger pulled, the body lay where life once stood

Evil actions gave peace to a being anything but good

Hands shivered as eyes met with shocking relief

Now to those only known by the bleeding would grief

One life for another

To end one without knowing of the consequence, at least the other

Where actions can't be denied, but memories of the better times collide

All silent, it seemed the room wasn't still safe, there were plenty still in fear

Someone came to me, crying, smiling, I assume thanking me, but not a word did I hear

The mask only hid the face, not the eyes staring toward nothing with anticipation

I was lost in thought, making decisions in the moment to justify my lack of hesitation

I had done what many would agree was needed

For those who enjoy life to continue through it for heart, with their meanings silently proceeded.

I was not myself, not for now

I blinked & was outside with the others somehow

Officers asking what had happened & so many answering for me

I was blinded by the lights flashing, but others managed to clearly see

For a moment, hands were at the ready, guns loaded pointing intent toward my being

With no emotion to choose, they relaxed & cuffs were the next thing I was seeing

It was calmly done when I was placed in the car, with others enraged that their actions against me had been taken that far

The door closed, I could hear the crowd chanting "hero", vividly demanding I be let go

The car was moved by the many, forcefully showing their thoughts as I moved inside to & fro

After a moment of commotion, control was gained by the officers so few

Faces filled with fear behind the stone expressions, they carried on doing as they needed, & somehow the crowd all aloud knew

There argument was one with no good ending

The choices were beyond them, my fate, pending

Even so, I couldn't seem to agree with their demands

I had ended another, for many to carry on, either way, blood was on my hands

I didn't deny, I wouldn't even try, I couldn't find a good enough reason why...

The walk was short to the cell where my life would stand still

I was anything but hungry for answers, I couldn't shake this deathly chill

Eyes looked at me with such wonder, giving not a moment to long to ponder

No one asked me if I was alright, or would I like anything

I was a jail bird unwilling to sing...

Soon enough, a man came in to take my story

He assured me, the truth was nothing to cause any worry

The situation was understood clearly from beginning to start

I only had to mention, to the best of my ability, every single part

If all was the same as so many others, I would be set free

He was puzzled as there was no reaction when he said with a smile, there's no doubt from the story given by me

I'd stay the night, in lock-up, till morning for my case

I couldn't slow my mind, ever chasing that moment frozen in time, before I ended his life, ...his haunting face...

Sickly I never waited for a pause of reasoning to possibly sink in

It was a lose lose situation, neither one of us would win

And yet...I made a move to end the game

Sickened by the physical sight, I put out his life's flame

It'll stay with me now, the flash of hope that faded before he breathed his last

I'm here now, will be tomorrow too...but my futures now in the past...

I left my innocence with the body bare

I hope he walks free now, without any care

If I'm set free, the prison will be one I can only justify in me...

If they send me away, I'll give back what I can, for him, each & everyday...

"Right & wrong as words are often easy when in choice

In life, the one time chances we regret are those we often times lost voice..."

---Thanks for reading---
