Human in lion world part 13

Story by Nalalover94 on SoFurry

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#13 of Human in lion world

This is a fanfiction about a human falling in love with a lion if you don't like those kind of storyies you don't have to read this plus sorry for spelling mistakes read my profile to know why and i don't own any of the lion king characters they belong to Disney but a do own Zuki, Siri, Haku, Nightheart, Bahari, Silverlight, Kubwa, Lepo and Daniel. Wow 13 storyies just wow and this one made me almost gry when writhing maby becuse i'am very emosinal i don't know.

Human in lion world part 13

It has gone three weeks since Daniel came to the pride land and have become close friends with everyone in the pride even with Kubwa and Bahari the two roughs that joind the pride two days after Daniel but things with Lepo was still going on that Lepo would try and attack Daniel but always got chaset away by the others Nal, Zuki, Simba, Nuka, Siri, Moyo, Nyota and Mauaji got bigger and Nala had become secretly in love with Daniel but she was to scared to tell him or anyone else about it but did she got busted by her mother and Zira but they keept a secruet beetwen them. That human most die you stupid lions he's not like what he says he is and he's only will kill you. Said Lepo to the pride while they and Daniel was in the shades of a three Zira got angry and said: You don't know my bro like i do Lepo he's never liket the idea of killing leave before i kill you where you stand. Lepo laugh and said: You think you know humans becuse you lived with them for two month's? he may live here with the pride but deep down he knows that he is'nt a part of the pride and that he got alone no chance to survive. Lepo walkt away and saw the face Daniel got when he walkt and new he had gotten to Daniel's head when Lepo was gone Daniel stod up and walkt to the pride Nala stod up and said: Daniel are you ok? But Daniel didn't respond but kept on walking everyone got alittle worried about Daniel but let him have his space right know but they followd him. When Daniel got to the top of the pride rock Mufasa, Taka, Ahadi, Kubwa and Bahari came to the pride and Kubwa askt: Silverlight what's the matter with Daniel right know? Silverlight and Kubwa had become in love with eachoter and Silverlight said: Lepo said things and it seams like it got to Daniel. Bahari nuzzeld Nightheart becuse they was in love and Nightheart said: I guess this time it will be hard to cheer up Daniel. Simba lookt up the rock and said: Why can't Lepo just leave him alone? Daniel is cool and funny to be with. Mufasa lookt down at Simba and said: Lepo seams like he can't leave the past behind him son. Sarabi lookt up and said: I'am gonna go up to see if Daniel is ok. Sarabi walkt up and Nala followd but didn't walk completely in to the cave but was in a ear drop distance as she heard Sarabi say: Daniel are you ok? Daniel satt in his leafe made bed and said: Not really Sarabi the thing Lepo said doe it was cruel he did speak the truth i'am not really a part of this pride so i guess i most try to get on my way. Nala's heart beat dropt and Nala ran out of the cave and ran past everyone to a place only she and Daniel knew off. Mufasa came in the cave and said: Why did Nala ran away cruying? Sarabi and Daniel lookt at Mufasa and Sarabi said: We didn't know Nala was lisening but i guess it's becuse Daniel now feel like he has to leave us becuse of what Lepo said about that Daniel dosen't belong in this pride. Mufasa's face got shockt and everyone else had come to the cave and got shockt to but Zira got most shockt and ran to Daniel and said with tears in her eye's and said: Daniel don't joke with yourself you are a part of this pride you my brother, my son's uncle you are friend with everyone here you don't need to leave you most stay here. Daniel lookt at Zira: I know i'am you brother and Nuka's uncle Zira but who are we kidding? I'am a human and humans aren't a part of a lion pride i know it will feel sad that i leave and i don't like this anymore then you do sis. Nuka ran up to Daniel and interrupted him by saying: Then don't leave uncle you live here you just can't leave you can't. Daniel lookt at Nuka that had tears in his eyes and Daniel said: Stop it Nuka belive me i wish to stay but deep down i know i don't belong here i'am a joke as a hunter i can't defend myself as good as anyone of you can i know it is'nt fair but life is'nt fair Nuka but i have to do this i don't want to know what kind of lenght Lepo is willing to go just to get me. Sarafina lookt more sad and said: Well Daniel if you woun't stay for yourself please stay for us and for Nala. Daniel got confust and said: What do you mean right know Sarafina? Zira lookt at Sarafina and turnd to Daniel and said: Sarafina means that Nala is in love with you but she's kept it a secruet becuse she touth it would ruin your friendship with her if you knew. Daniel lookt at Sarafina who nickt her head and Zuki said: It's that why Nala ran mom becuse Daniel wanted to leave wish made her more sad becuse she's loves him? Sarafina nick her head as Haku said: That's what love can do Zuki. Siri lookt at her mom and said: Should anyone go to Nala and comfur her? Daniel wipt his tears and said: Then it's best if i go i now where she went and i can tell her that i just feel like going becuse of what Lepo said but you guy's have managed to chance my mind. Daniel walkt to the place he and Nala knew with his spear that he hade made. When Daniel got closer to the place he heard Nala scream and then heard a roar that was from a lion Daniel's heart almost frost and he ran as he scream: Nala hang on i'am coming.