Genetic Children-Log 03- No Work Today

Story by Korm on SoFurry

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#3 of Genetic Children

Please don't steal my Characters or my ideas, sorry if this is similar to your life(as if)

Some more latin in this one courtesy of Google translations again,

Carrying an opaque white bag Korm headed out to the footpath to throw it in his wheelie bin. It was collection day so he had taken the bin out a few hours earlier, after opening the lid and cramming the bag in he saw the truck was already heading down his street. He shut the lid and stood waiting for the large white garbage truck to shuffle its way down, god it was moving slow. As it was getting closer he noticed that it had neglected to pick up the bin at the house before his, and leaning backwards he could see that the others hadn't been emptied either, if they had been the lids would be open. Feeling a tingle run up the back of his neck he turned and walked slowly back into his house.


"HELLO? ANYONE HOME?" Korm heard a man yelling. He had heard the truck stop for a few seconds before continuing on of course he had also heard a door slam as someone got out of the truck. Korm had locked his front door and went into the bedroom to his clothes cupboard he had to be ready if this was, as his feeling suggested, something bad.

He pulled aside his jackets and pushed a button concealed on the upper side of the door frame.


Korm heard a window shatter at the back of his house, they were coming in and they weren't being quiet about it. He heard the footsteps coming through the house towards his bedroom, the bedroom door was kicked open so hard that the handle smashed a hole in the wall. The man proceeded to his computer ripped the cords from the tower box and left out the front door. Korm heard the truck stop again, the door slam and the truck left. He was still under the floor, under the bed. The button had opened a trap door to a bunker under his house, the lab told him he would need it one day. It was equipped with everything that anyone would need for survival in case he had to hide out for a prolonged period. It was fire proof and once a man was inside there was an override to render the button in the cupboard useless. There was also no way anyone could trace the button to that which it operated as the link was wireless.

Korm was in his bunker sending the last of his data backups to the second always-on computer in his lab, the button had a secondary feature. It immediately backed all pre-set files up to his bunker computer via 10mb/s wireless LAN. He had his dream notes, technical notes and research pre-set, all of it had been transferred and deleted from his hard drive as the files were compressed it had only taken seconds.

Looking at the monitor, he saw the feed from 30 pinhole cameras placed throughout his house, all were clear.

He opened the encrypted messaging service on his computer and typed in a binary code to access the Lab's message system.

Which was the following: "have been attacked, assailants unknown proceeding with breach protocol will contact within 24 hours"

Three hours later Korm was sitting on a large piece of concrete in a dimly lit, empty building. He was setting up a laptop that he had cut from the inside of this rodeo's back seat, it had all the encryption software installed but required a code on start-up or the hard drive would fry. He input the code and let the Lab know that he had evaded any tails and the breach protocol had been enacted, all he had with him was his car and the clothes on his back.

A reply came from the Lab, a reply directly from the Director, after decoding it read:

"Info being gathered, confirmation of breach protocol enactment accepted, proceed to secondary pit, return to Lab in morning, DISCARD VEHICLE"

Korm shut the laptop down and walked through the debris to the doorway. He went to the car and put the laptop under the drivers seat. The car started first time and he pulled out of the abandoned block and headed through down a bush road away from town.

After he had emerged from the underground bunker, he went to his car and grabbed a jerry can from the back. He set it on the ground and pulled a crowbar out as well. After ripping one of the weatherboards off the house's back wall, he withdrew some fake number plates and changed his cars plates. He threw the crowbar back into the car and then the original number plates went into his house. His house was laced with a passive explosive that had to be armed or it was just as useless as play dough, C2 explosive was much more stable than c4 and the explosive can be more easily controlled. The arming device and detonator were concealed in his car as well, he poured the petrol from the jerry can on everything he could from the front door to the back, threw the can as far in as he could and shut the back door.

As Korm was driving away several small muffled bangs were heard from his house and the petrol ignited, and his house was gone along with everything that was evidence of him being there Long before the Fire Service ever got there.

As he drove away from the abandoned block he saw a side road and turned onto it, after travelling two kilometres, he turned his car right and drove it into the bush. He transferred all the gadgets from his car into the chest on the motorbike that was concealed in the bush and drove his car into the underground storage. After grabbing a few essentials from the stored food and water, he locked the front from the inside and headed down stairs. It was a small place, big enough for his car and the bike on the top level and just a room with a bed and a computer on the lower level. The facilities were powered by batteries, activated upon entering and sufficient for at least a week of constant use.

He plugged his laptop in, preferring to use that over the on base computer, and plugged the satellite line in to his modem. He sent one more message before retiring to bed that day:

"Secondary pit reached and secure, not followed going to stay here the night and proceed just before sunrise, prepare the shed two wheels only."

With that he hit the hay.

"Liber, Maritus, Periculum!"

The woman was standing facing his but her head was concealed in shadow.

He wondered what was casting the shadow as, looking up he saw nothing above them. He had control of his head in this dream but not his body. He moved his gaze back down and saw that he was naked, she was also naked. A soft light was caressing her thighs and the left side of her abdomen. The light emanated from nowhere and threw a shadow over her right side, the swell of her stomach was a little larger this time, he surmised that this was his mind dealing with the impending 'birth' of his daughter. The feline glided over the ground towards him, her paws making no sound on the ground. She raised a human hand to his face and stoked along his bearded chin. He still couldn't see her face it was like a matt black block over her eyes, ears and nose.

She moved her hand to the back of his head and proceeded to kiss him, plunging her tongue deep into ins mouth, his tongue replied feeling it was natural, something he did everyday, it slipped in and around her rough feline tongue, exciting him as he tasted he. He felt her starting to pull out of the kiss and he couldn't do anything about it as his body wouldn't respond. Her hand licked down his side and he felt it encompass his shaft, she pulled her hand away from him, and the pushed it back towards his body. Korm let out a quiet moan.

Her head rushed forward until her ear was resting on his cheek, he could feel her face fur and smell her cat-like scent.

She was still pumping downstairs as she whispered in his ear:

"EXCITO!" More Latin, WAKE!

Child, Husband, Danger! Was the message left in his mind, Child, Husband, Danger! Either he was in danger or his child was.