The Light and the Darkness of Humanity

Story by lexis lexi on SoFurry

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wow, this is pretty scary and inspirational at the same time. i don't mind any helpful criticism, so feel free to comment.

the one who sits in darkness

is the one who looks for the light to fix their blight

the one who looks to the moon to be swoon

_they have a fear in their eye the one that shows lies _

in the darkest of depts they feel the warmth of a large red light that heats all around and brings back to the brightest lives

it is the flame, passion, darkness, brightness, and yet it shines though ones eyes it is a gate way into a ever so secret place into ones hart, but what is it and how does this item exist many wonder and its a question based on life

_whether we ever find the answer or not is something that should be looked at though this haze of greed and hate. _

this is something we cannot easily see. The greed and hate cause constant wars, and yet they're are people who always dream for a better world and can see though it all, they are a light, a beacon of hope. yet, we are the minority held down by this shadow, the shadow of humanity, the one race of animal that can kill its self off.