Backstories: Boss Guillermo

Story by Albus Kane on SoFurry

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#2 of Backstories

Picking up where Tales of Zootopia left off.

The moment that Guillermo was run out of town, he decided that he would never go back to Zootopia. Instead, he moved to downtown Los Angeles. The counties the two cities are in are right next to each other, but they're on opposite sides of each county. I just mentioned that because I felt like it. Anyways, he moved into a one-room apartment in Los Angeles, and started from there. I honestly have to admire the brilliance of his plan. He started out by stealing a shotgun from a police officer (the police in LA are militarized to this day), then used it to rob several convenience stores, and used the money to buy a laptop and a modem. He kept his identity hidden by wearing a fedora, trenchcoat, gloves and jackboots. Once he got the laptop, he used the apartment complex's internet to hack into multiple people's bank accounts and withdraw all of the money he could from them, and deposit it his own. Before the LAPD caught on, he used various ATMs to turn all of the money into physical currency, and then laundered it by giving it to an "investment fund" used for covert and illegal transactions.

That's when things started scaling up rapidly. He hired a few goons, bought equipment for them, and pulled off five bank heists in one day. He used the money to buy a few warehouses just outside of town, where nobody would bother looking; more goons and more equipment; and bribing investigators into closing the case. He repeated the same plan, but on a larger scale, robbing fifteen in one day, which meant that, at that rate, his wealth and power would both grow exponentially. He used the money to scale up even more, as well as to modify the warehouses to the point where they couldn't be recognized as the original buildings. He combined them all into one complex; added sentry guns, an electrified barbed-wire fence and solar panels for power; and added more support for the buildings in case of bombardment. That's when he started his own gang: Guillermo's Mutts. That's also when the police and the media figured out that he was behind it all.

His wealth and power grew even further, and he even expanded out of state, and that got the attention of another crime syndicate: Alex's family. It's run by a demisexual, transgender Dragon who calls herself Mother Alex and once had somebody killed over calling her a tranny. She car-bombed Guillermo and many of his lieutenants. Some of them, including Guillermo, were kept alive through augmentations and prostheses. His hands were replaced by bladed claws with rattlesnake venom injectors, his feet were replaced with four-clawed "General Grievous feet" with retractable blades, his chest and back were covered in armor, and his eyes were replaced by cyber-eyes (technically cameras wired into the visual cortex of the brain) that could see wavelengths of light far beyond the average Joe's perception. He felt as thought he had died and been reborn, no longer feeling empathy for others the way he sometimes felt it before, and he forged an alliance with a certain someone with more suspicious links than sausages in the post-apocalypse. That someone was Dawn Bellwether.