Baker's Dozen: Cory Miller Part 2

Story by LiquidHunter on SoFurry

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#6 of Baker's Dozen

The story continues with a happier ending that previous.

Bakers Dozen

The Fifth: Part Two

Freedom. Hello old friend. How I missed you so.

I suddenly found myself with an excess of it even though only days before I had none. Now I was out, a free man, thanks to Cory Miller, my guardian angel.

No, I didn't fall for him. I was tired of love and its traps. It had ensnared me in its grip, made me blind to the dangers that came with it and I let Casey take advantage of the blindness. Now that chapter in my life was over and I was glad to leave it behind.

For so long I had concentrated on sharing my time with others, wanting to find someone to spend my time with. Always looking for that special someone that I would love and would love me back.

No more of that. I had enough of it and so I spent my time alone, not in some depression riddled self exile from society, but as a way to celebrate myself.

I went to the movies. Alone. I went to nice restaurants. Alone. I went on long walks on the beach and watched the sunset. Alone. Ok, I didn't do that last one, it was winter.

I spent my time with myself, happy to be finally in a place where I could do what I wanted and not have to worry about anyone else.

People stared at me, whispered at the already strange wolf/dragon hybrid that would come into social places, places that people went with friends, alone. I sat in the back of movie theaters in the shadow, happily munching on popcorn and other snacks. When I went to steak houses or sushi bars, I found a nice small table and would easily spend up to two hours slowly eating, checking my phone and just having a grand old time.

It was how I spent my freedom. Imagine, having spent so long scouring for someone to love, only to become a sex slave to some demented, self absorbed cat that wore the same colors as someone that you really loved, but couldn't have. Yeah, I realized that I had spent too much time trying find someone else to look after that I forgot to look after myself.

I did this for about a month and a half, going out several times a week and treating myself. My parents became a little worried. They had been worried about me for a good long while now with my very sketchy and often changing behavior.

I had somehow managed to keep everything a secret from them. They didn't know I was gay, that I had slept with four people at that point. Nothing. It was a miracle that they didn't, but I knew they suspected something.

My mom made it a point to come to my room everyday and sit down at the edge of my bed to see how I was doing. She was good like that. When she didn't know something, she took the time and effort to try and figure it out without being too overbearing and intruding.

She never pushed for information, she only asked about school, friends, stuff that any parent would ask about, but I could tell it in her eyes that she was worried about me.

I guess that was when I told her. Not about Casey, I had cut him out like a cancer from my life at that point. He may as well not have existed. No I threw her the bone she was looking for and one that I knew that I needed to get rid of anyways.

"I'm gay." Two short words. It was simple and I said it one January evening when the snow was falling and collecting outside the window.

She was bundled up in her favorite red sweater that my dad had given her when we first moved up here. She wasn't used to the cold, having originally grown up farther south and her winter coat was never very thick. She clenched it tightly after I told her.

I was afraid of what she might think, but good moms never disappointed.

"Oh, thank god." She broke the silence between us and startled me.

Turns out that she and my dad thought that I may had fallen in with the crowd, which was not untrue, except that the crowd they were thinking of involved drugs and guns. I don't know where they got that idea, there wasn't a large crime problem here.

Everything at home was fine after that. I told my dad the next day after school. My mom didn't tell him, letting me give the news and they were both supportive. I could tell that my dad was a little disappointed. He had wanted grandchildren at some point in his future and made me promise to do my best on that front.

I promised. I was still a senior so there was always the future ahead and whatever that entailed.

Fixing the suspicion at home was a major relief to me. It got my parents off my back, which since I went back home to them everyday, it had grown quite tiring to see them watch me when they thought I wasn't looking. Now we were one happy family again.

School was a little trickier since Casey was there. For the most part, it went on as normal. No one knew about what happened except me, Casey and Cory and after Cory's threat to Casey, no one else was going to know.

I didn't look at him, I just pretended he didn't exist and for the most part I did convince myself of it, pushing myself into a sort of denial. That illusion would occasionally be broken with fleeting eye contact in the halls, in the cafeteria, when I sat down in class.

He was mad, it was easy to tell. His ears would twitch in sync with his tail, only the end flicking side to side like a furry metronome. When I got close in the hall, his hackles would rise and he would let out small growl that only I could hear. He did his best to try and seem big and still in charge, but he wasn't.

Cory never went away. He was in pretty much all of my classes and he was there whenever it seemed like Casey was going to pull something. That big dog, built like a wall from countless hours in the gym for football, put himself between us. He only had to look to remind Casey of what would happen if he got near me.

Corey. I didn't really have much of an opinion on him. Sure he had saved me and I was beyond thankful for all he did, but he was still an unknown to me. I was wary and often distrustful of him and anyone else for the longest time and he understood and kept his distance.

He never came up to me to talk. He was just a distant, but ever present over my shoulder. I respect him greatly for that, knowing that I just needed time to myself to recover.

I focused on my grades at school. They had been slipping and I wanted finish high school strong. I stayed after school most days since Cory had managed to get one of his friends to drop off my car and the school library was open until ten at night to let people just like me get some studying done after school without having to drag text books back home.

There I poured over text, absorbing information and writing down what I couldn't remember or understand. Plus, the quiet was comforting. It was just me and the books and the occasional break to watch funny videos on the computers.

Around February was when Corey decided that I had enough time to heal and checked up on me. He caught me one day a few hours after school in the library.

I was in my favorite spot, at the back between the rows of old computers that gave off more heat that the heaters and the solid brick wall that was actually twice as thick as other spots due to a shipping error that got the wrong type of bricks delivered. This made the back corner the warmest spot in the school during the cold months.

My fur was there, but there were also scales which made the fur more for show. I needed the extra warmth to properly function. Anywhere else and I would need to start putting on layers until I looked like Ralphie Parker's younger brother. Y'know from 'A Christmas Story."

Ok, well...

Cory popped in, just like that. I don't know where he came from since I had seen him leave in his car after school, which meant that he went out of is way to drive all the way back here to check on me.

Sure, the school wasn't that far away from his home, but it required the effort.

Don't tell me that you didn't do something that was very simple simply it required slightly more effort and time. "Ugh. I don't want to because I need to veer off in a different direction for two seconds." You know you've done it, I've done it.

I watched him cautiously from behind my striped scarf and small mountain of text books. I was currently part of the way through my history book reading about the fall of the Roman Empire.

He, at first sat down at a table some distance away from me, near the 'D' books in the classical literature sections. For reference, I was in the 'G' section for cook books. Classical literature and cook books are no where near each other in any library.

He pretended to not notice me and sat there awkwardly until he realized that grabbing a book would have made him less noticeable. He got up, looking over at me at which I quickly looked down at my text, not at all reading anymore, just looking at the picture of Julius Caesar, that Roman war hound riding on top of his horse leading his armies into Gaul.

He returned with a copy of Romeo and Juliet. He later admitted to me that it was the only thing that he recognized. No one from our generation reads those books for fun, only for English class and even then mostly the BarkNotes of it.

He flipped through the pages, only stopping to give an occasional glance up at me.

The good thing about being a hybrid between two apex predators was that I had great vision and I could watch him while looking like I was reading.

I kept an eye on him, occasionally flipping a page through my history book.

It was after twenty minutes and half a dark age later, that he started his approach. He got up, as silently as a dog his size could, moved one table closer where he went back to not reading.

I couldn't help by contain a smile. It was rather cute and after months of respecting my wishes to be alone without having to be told, I was going to give him B.O.D. Benefit of the doubt for those of you who don't know. My physics teacher loved that term, said something about it being a lifesaver for him when he was in the Navy.

So, yeah. I was going to give him a chance. I was starting to get tired of the whole doing everything by yourself thing at that point. I could go out alone so many times before I realized how despicable I must have looked doing that. Don't get me wrong, I was not sad, not even close, but I was a very self conscience person.

Chair by chair, desk by desk, Corey island hopped across the library until he was right there sitting across from me, having abandoned, or lost Romeo and Juliet along the way.

I peaked up from a very enthralling tale about the War of Roses and met his gaze.

"Hi." He said, his fingers intertwined with each other, the table shaking slightly from his bouncing knee. How do football players get so nervous? They were big, strong and played in front of hundreds of people on a weekly basis and yet this one was barely able to keep eye contact with me.

"Hi." I replied, my voice muffled by my scarf. I quickly pulled that down. "Hi." I repeated.

We sat awkwardly, both waiting for the other to initiate conversation. In the end it was me.

"You finish the homework for history tomorrow?" I asked and lifted the history book up a bit. A short essay about any famous person from history. Easy and I could have finished it without coming here today, but with a big exam coming up of notable people, I wanted to make sure I was prepared.

"Uhh, no." His ear flickered. "History was never my strong point. Too much pure memorization. I spent class working on math."

I shuffled my feet under the table. "N- need help?" I couldn't help but notice his muscles that were showing through his shirt. Why is it that jocks always wore tight shirts? Not that I was complaining... oh, that's why.

"Who are you writing your essay about?" He shifted his chair around the table to get closer to my book so he could so, but he was really just trying to get closer to me. If he didn't do it, I'm sure that I would have. "I- I can't think of someone."

I randomly flipped through the pages, passing through hundreds of years of history with a flick of my paw. "Maybe Napoleon?" It always intrigued me that the mouse was able to rally the entire country the way he did, even if he did fail in the end.

"Hmm." He rubbed his chin. "Sounds good." He nodded, trying to look knowledgeable. "I actually have no idea about what he did. He was French right?"

"Yeah." I closed the book. "Look, I can help you."

There was a slight smile on his face. He had his trap which I obediently walked right into.

I was still weary, but Corey had shown himself to be worthy of my trust. If I was going to try dating again, Cory was the best option.

He was next to me in a second, his lightning fast reflexes that had served him well was once again helping him here in the library.

The large dog was looming over me, patiently waiting for me to help him.

We were there until the library closed. While we did talk about a number off topic things such as football and even a little about my previous boyfriends. We didn't talk about Casey, that was something that we really don't talk about even now, though I did read the last few chapters that he wrote for me about Casey. I appreciate it.

Anyways, it really did turn out that Cory didn't know much about world history and only a bit more about American history. I did my best to help him with it, but there was not enough time in one half gone evening.

An hour was spent just picking a period in time that Cory was familiar with, which turned out to be American history. After that, it was pretty simple, we looked at football history. Not every person of note in history was some world leader or general that fought in some great war.

This was no longer my area of expertise, so I spent nearly as much time as Cory did, just flipping through pages of different history books, looking for someone. Eventually we settled for Walter Camp, the man credited with creating American Football.

Slowly, sentence by sentence, we typed out the essay until we had a healthy three pages of decent writing that would easily get Cory an A- tomorrow. We printed it off and I handed it to Cory who seemed more than satisfied with the work that we did.

"Thanks, man." He stapled the pages together and put the paper carefully into his history binder that he pulled out from his backpack. "I don't know what I would have done."

"Panicked and just written a single paragraph about one of the people from the posters in the classroom." I rubbed my eyes and yawned, stretching my arms above my head.

"Yeah." He chuckled and looked at his watch. "Damn, I took up all your time." He frowned. "There's no time for you to write your essay." He drooped his head. "I'm sorry about that, taking up all your time. I wasn't expecting to take up so much of your time."

"It's fine." I patter his arm that was now resting close to mine. It was solid muscle and made my skin feel hot. "I can pump something out quickly during lunch."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." I was sure. History was easy to me, just list facts that sound impressive, that's all history is, the history that we care about, a collection of interesting facts and their impact on the world. I would easily be able to type something about Napoleon.

"Well, thanks for the help." He was getting close to me and I was actually starting to get a bit nervous. So much so that I immediately got up.

"No problem." I grabbed my bag and rushed out to my car. I do believe that Cory said something while I had my small panic attack and left him behind.

I covered my face when I reached my car, the cold sending me reminders of times when Casey would splash ice cold water on me to get rid of my erection. I didn't get an erection because I enjoyed what he did to me, it's just a natural reaction.

I reached into my pocket for my keys. My heart was thudding in my chest and I couldn't stop shaking. He got so close to me. He was moving to kiss me. Later, he would tell me that it was going to be on the cheek, but still, I couldn't handle having someone touch me, I just automatically assumed he was going to hurt me, even if I knew he wasn't.

Fingers grasped nothing and I banged my forehead on my car when I realized that I left a good amount of stuff just piled on the table, including my wallet and car keys. I had to go back and deal with him. I had just left, in a rush, like some spineless douche.

I wasn't ready to go back and face him, I had turned into a wreck. I kept my forehead against the cold car, feeling the sweat freeze against the cold surface. I didn't want to cry, I willed myself to not cry.

"Forget something?"

I turned around. There was some pain from the frozen fur tearing off my forehead.

Cory was there, paws in his pockets and shifting from foot to foot, trying to keep warm.


"It's okay." He said and pulled his hands out of his pockets to reveal my keys and wallet and the other junk that I had thrown onto the table. "You're going to need these."

I took them from him and slid the key into the car and unlocked it. I left it there and turned back towards the kind dog that didn't deserve how I had been treating him. "Thanks." I said and avoided eye contact, ashamed.

"Really, it's okay." He replied and shifted a little closer. "I moved in too fast and after what you've been through, I understand." A little closer. "I'm going to take it a bit slower."

He really wanted this if he was going to try again.

"I'm getting closer." He said with a blush. It sounded silly, but I didn't move away.

I was waiting for another panic attack, but I felt rather calm now that I knew that he was moving towards me.

It took a little, he was moving really slowly. Eventually he was there, his chest in my face. There was only the light from the nearby light post which Cory was blocking, casting his shadow over me as he gazed down at my smaller form.

There was the shuffling of fabric as he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me in close into a hug. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you like that bastard and no one is going to hurt you again, not when I'm around. I'll make sure of that."

I leaned into the hug. I did feel safe, surrounded by Cory's arms, his head rested on top of mine. We stood there like that for some time, no one said anything, it was perfect.

He let me go. "It's getting late."

"Yeah." I looked up at him. "We have class tomorrow."

He went back to his car and waited there until I had gotten into mine and started up. I watched him pull out of the lot and drive towards his home. I did the same.

The next day started off normal. I went to the library during lunch and quickly typed out a paper about Napoleon and filled it with random facts. It wasn't going to get me the best grade, but it would do and plus, this wasn't worth that many points, I just needed to make sure I was ready for the big exam coming up.

I rushed back to class and got into my seat before the bell and turned in the paper. The teacher took it without looking at it and I could see Cory ahead of me. He turned in his paper with confidence.

It was after all classes were done that Cory came up to me.

"It's Friday." He reminded me. What high school student didn't know when it was Friday, but I got the message.

"It is." I played along.

"You doing anything this weekend?" He asked, obviously a bit nervous again.

My parents wanted to go out and eat on Sunday, but that was Sunday. "Something on Sunday, but other than that..."

His ears perked at the notion that I had today and tomorrow free. "You free tonight?" He double checked and I shook my head.

"I'm not doing anyth-" My stomach growled and I rubbed my stomach. "Sorry." I blushed. "I missed lunch."

"Right." He nodded. "You had to write your paper." He looked a little guilt. "Want to grab something to eat? My treat." He didn't have to ask again.

I got into his car, mine would be safe in the student parking lot of the school, and we drove off. It wasn't uncommon for me to not come back on Friday's all I had to do was leave a message, which I did, letting them know I was with a friend. No need to get into more specifics beyond that.

I was feeling like Mexican and even if Cory wanted something else, I don't think he would have cared. We went to the first 'Mexican' restaurant we came across, Taco Bell.

I ordered the steak quesalupa and a bean burrito. I was hungry, but it didn't take much to fill me up. Cory on the other hand, he ordered a box of ten tacos.

"That can't be good for you." I said as he opened up the box and began to take inventory of his feast. He grabbed the first one and applied green sauce to it.

"None of this is good for us, but it's delicious." He took a bite out of it, the hard shell crunching between his incisors. He needed all the calories he could get, even in the middle of the winter. He was keeping his bulk on for after graduation, he wanted to impress the coach of whatever college he went to since he had a few decent scholarships lined up.

I nibbled on my food while he devoured his. One by one, the tacos fell, devoured by the insatiable appetite that was a growing young adult. I think a person of his size would need close to three thousand calories right now, that number would be much higher during football season.

By the time I finished the quesalupa, he was almost done.

"You're going to choke if you continue inhaling tacos like that." I laughed and watched a drop of sour cream fell off of his lip and onto the table. He quickly wiped it up.

"Inhaling is the eating of the future." He bit into another taco. He had three left now. "All the rage."

"Mmhmm." I nodded, my burrito was left untouched.

"It's true." He insisted and finished off his last taco and then belched. There was a the smell of lettuce and taco meat in the air which I swatted away.

"Smells like you inhaled it."

"Sorry." He wiped his mouth. I kind of lose focus when eating.

"It's fine. My dad is like that as well." I said and opened up the burrito, gingerly peeling back the soft tortilla and revealing the brown and yellow inside before I squeezed some hot sauce onto it. "He gets so hungry at times, I guess it has to do something about him being a dragon. I get some hunger urges at times as well, but nothing like you or my dad."

"Just happens." He shrugged. "I burn through a lot of food. My mom complains, but she supports me. Always wanted a famous son. Not sure if I'm going to be famous, but worth a try for her."

"I'm not sure what I'm going to do in college." I leaned back in the chair. Nothing had really caught my interest. I think my parents wanted me to go into real estate, they went on and on about how they expected a boon in business. I didn't care about it, but then again, I wasn't sure what I cared about.

"You'll find something. You're smart." He blushed a bit. "I mean..."

I smiled. There was a charming quality to him. He was big, tough and yet so innocent.

"I-I- You-" He rubbed between his ears. "I'm a mess." He chuckled nervously.

"I've been worse."

"Yes." He picked up his cup. "Yes you have." He sipped from it.

A bit more awkwardness ensued, but we eventually ended up back in the car, driving around in the dark.

"I always like driving at night." I leaned up against the door, peering out at the cars ahead of us. "The red spots of light, glaring like an overdone J. J. Abrams movie." I looked over at Cory was keeping focused on the road, but he had an ear cocked towards me. "It's just relaxing at times."

"I hear you." Cory said and we went through an intersection, tailing a small sedan. We were slowly driving towards our homes. "On the field, there are times when I can just focus and concentrate so clearly on everything. It's not often, but those times are the most comforting, I can see exactly what I'm supposed to do." He flexed his fingers on the steering wheel and gave me a sideways glance as he waited for the light to turn. "I think... I think I know what to do." He reached over and slid it over the arm rest that separated us and rested his large paw on top of mine.

It was warm. Hot. His fingers squeezed down on mine, rubbing the fur on the top of my hand and then the scales on the underhand. He swirled his thumb under mine teasing it. I gripped his hand back.

This felt right. I wasn't afraid to trust anymore.

"Look, um." His paw grew a little warmer. "My parents are out for the week. I don't know about your parents, but..."

"They won't care." I said. "It wouldn't be the first time I had spent the night out and as long as I leave a message, they'll be okay."

He perked up immediately. "Cool." He said, trying to hide his excitement.

We were already heading to his house, not the school where my car was.

"It's not much." He said as he stepped out of his car, shutting the door and breathing warm air into his paws. "Nothing like your house."

"It's a house." I said and closed my door. "Doesn't have to be big."

I was very well off. My parents made a lot of money and it showed in the clothes I wore, sometimes the way I acted and most of all, the house and neighborhood I lived in. Cory wasn't poor, but life wasn't the easiest either. His home was well taken care of, but old with the paint worn and the railing of the front porch starting to rot. The yard was covered with snow, but the drive way was shoveled. Overall, it felt like a home, not some shelter.

Cory led me up the steps, my paw in his. He tugged lightly, encouraging me to follow, not dragging me. He dug into his pocket for his key and pushed it into the lock, turning it until the deadbolt slid out of place. He pulled the key out, twisted the knob and opened the door, ushering me in.

"I'll get the heater on. We keep it off when no one is home to save on electricity." He flipped on the light, revealing the kitchen, which was where we entered. There were pots on the drying rack, ready to be put away. A black refrigerator tucked in the corner that had pictures and kindergarten drawings on it, held by magnets. The tile was a little dirty, but we did just track some wet snow in.

Cory disappeared out a doorless passageway into a hallway where I heard him mess with the heater controls. A fan began to whir and the vents located just above my head near the ceiling began to churn out air that was quickly warming up.

"Cozy." I shrugged off my jacket and held onto it.

"It's home." Cory reappeared again and took my jacket before tossing it on a chair. "And your home for the night." He grabbed my paw again and led me out of the kitchen and down the hall. There were photos of his family. His father was big, bigger than Cory while his mom was surprisingly small, a petite black lab next to the massive bulk that was his father. "He wrestled." He said as we passed the photo.

"Wrestle what?" I looked again. "Bears?"

"Occasionally." Cory shrugged. He was walking a bit funny, but I had a pretty good idea why. I had spotted the bulge early on. It had come and gone all day, pressing tightly in his jeans. "Even dragons once."

"You'll have to tell me about that." I said and he shouldered what I assumed to be his door open. His room was tidy. He had his pads stowed in the open closet, his clothes neatly folded and stacked next to them. He had a television on top of a table against the back wall and some football posters taped around the place. His bed was well made, blue cotton sheets.

Cory sat down on the edge of his bed. The frame groaned a little. I sat down next to him and he began to twiddle his thumbs.

"Ever bring anyone here before?" I asked him.

"Uhmm. Once, but we didn't do anything." He was losing his confidence. I guess I would have to take the reigns. "We just talked and made out a litt... hmfff"

I pressed my lips against his.

He was shocked, no doubt and quite clumsy. He wanted this and wasn't sure how to handle it. His paw clumsily grasped at my sides and I had to push his hands away as I pushed him back onto the bed.

He calmed down, relaxing his lips enough that it didn't feel like I was kissing a warm stone wall.

I laid him back down so that I was on top of him.

"I can be impatient at time." I spoke into his mouth.

"That's... uh... that's fine." He answered back. He was trying to take off my shirt. "But, uh, I'd like to see those wings of yours."

I rolled my eyes and sat up and raised my arms. His fingers latched under my shirt and pulled it up over my head.

I kept my wings hidden under my shirt, clothes, whatever. If the fact that I was a cross between a dragon and a wolf with both fur and scales made people stare, my wings definitely did. But, for someone that I knew who wouldn't judge, I would let him see.

They were tight, being kept up against my body. I flexed them out slowly.

"Why do you hide these." He stretched out and touched the membrane of my wings. I shivered. They were sensitive and not used to being touched. I rarely touched them.

"People stare."

"They should. They're jealous, I would be. I am." He traced the wing up to the tip where it came to a bony hook and then looped back down.

"I don't know."

"Trust me." He scooted out from under me and sat up. "You trust me?"

I nodded.

"Leave them out." He reached down away from my wings and rubbed down both the fur and scales on my side. "For me." He leaned forward and kissed me, pushing against my lips with his tongue. I opened my mouth and his muscular appendage swept into my mouth. I could still taste a bit of sour cream on his breath.

This time he pushed me back down against the bed, trapping me between his body and his bed. He gave me one hard grind, letting me get a tease to what he had in his pants.

I rubbed his strong back, feeling him flex under my fingertips. I massaged him as he attacked my mouth with his, pulling back for a breath, a little bit of spittle between us before he continued to try and suck my tongue out of my head.

He ground his crotch against mine again. I pulled on his shirt and he back off enough, hurriedly pulling the fabric off of him, showing me his chiseled abs and solid pecs. I felt like I was before a god.

He undid his belt and pulled it off with one quick motion and tossed it aside with his shirt before coming back down on me.

We made out some more. He rubbed his paw pads against my wings, being the first outside my family to get familiar with them. I slowly fumbled with his button as he did with mine. Eventually we both succeeded and out pants were gone along with the underwear, leaving us staring at each other's naked body.

He was big, I mean very big. His sheath was as thick as my arm and the towering meaty spire that rose from it reached past his belly button. He had two orbs at the base of his tapered cock, red and angry with the blood that was engorging them, they were easily the size of my fists and were only getting larger.

I wasn't erect yet, but I was quickly spilling out of my sheath as well.

Cory pushed me back down and rubbed his leaking cock down my entire torso in one long hump, leaving a sticky trail down my belly scales.

I shivered, he shivered, we both shivered. My legs wrapped around his torso as both of our cocks slid against each other, his much larger one pressing mine down onto my belly.

"Oh, god." He moaned. "This..." He was breathing hard. "Is so much better than anything I can do with my hands."

"I know." I said and reached down, grabbing both of our cocks in both of my hands. I needed both to even try to encapsulate our man-hoods. It was a mess down there, he was leaking everywhere and with so much. So much more than anyone else I had been with.

I slid my paws up and down both of our shafts and he shuddered with each movement, his grinding became erratic and his cock slipped out of my grip enough that is went under me, between my cheeks, hot dogging me.

"Oh." I whimpered.

He snapped back to and backed almost completely off of me. "I- I'm sorry." His retreating cock left a wet trail on my ass and running down my thick tail.

"It's fine." I rubbed my foot on his hips. "I felt good."

He tilted his head to the side, confused.

"I'm not just saying that." I wasn't. I found myself being quite versatile. I had topped Harley, Jeffrey and bottomed for Harry. I found myself feeling submissive to Cory, this gentle giant, this protector of mine who had delivered me from the clutches of evil. I wanted him to surround me with himself and make me feel safe.

I used my legs to pull him back towards me slowly, bringing up my wings to surround us.

He came down, his erection had died down a bit, but that was good, no way I was going to get that knot of his in when it was fully engorged like earlier.

His tip prodded me, using my tail as a guide, a path leading right to my pucker. He pushed in slowly, very slowly as to not hurt me.

We both moaned loudly as he sunk in after inch into me. His girth was stretching me and I wiggled under him, pulling him more and more into me with my legs and pushing down with my wings. They may not have been used much, but they were strong.

"I've never... I've never." He said in a panic when his knot touched my opening.

"Take it slow." I said with a little pain.

He nodded and licked my forehead. He pulled back, again, slowly. Each inch burned, but felt so good as well. He pulled almost completely out and then in a knee jerk reaction to pleasure, he shoved himself back in with a savage thrust.

I screamed out.

"I'm so sorry." He hugged me to his chest, his rod still buried in me.

"Slowly." I gasped. "I said slowly."

He heeded my words this time. He rocked back and forth, occasionally licking and kissing me as he worked his way in and out of me.

The bed creaked more and more, his pace slowly picked up once there was no more pain on my end. The frame pounded against the wall and I could feel his knot push against my rear, slowly spreading it more.

I pushed down on him. I wanted the knot. I knew the feeling of knotting someone, to tie myself physically and I wanted to share that feeling with Cory. It was a race against time to get it into me before it became too large and with the size of Cory's package, it wasn't going to be long, it was already almost too large.

I was getting close as well. His thick rod filled my entire inside, shoving up against my prostate and sending leaking pre all over my chest each time it bobbed with his thrust. I was doing what I could to hold off until he spent his load.

"I can't last..." He had his eyes squeezed shut. "I, arggg." He thrust forward one more time and forced his knot into me.

A white blinding pain flashed in my eyes as his large bulbous organs buried themselve deep into me along with ten inches of red hot flesh that immediately began to churn out his seed, filling me deeply.

I couldn't hold it in either. My tail flagged upwards and my wings spread out as I sent jets of my own spunk against Cory's chest and then mine. I felt each of his pulses send a string of cum into me and he never stopped pumping into me. Dogs were like that, as long as they were knotted, they kept ejaculating and soon I was feeling completely full.

Cory collapsed onto me, hugging me tightly to his chest and held me there, his head resting on top of mine. We laid there for nearly an hour, waiting for his knot to deflate and by that time, my stomach had noticeably distended.

He rolled us over so that he could sit up, me on his lap and still speared. He held onto me as he got up and carried us to the bathroom where there was a shower. He turned it on and stepped in before pulling me up and off of him. An hour's worth of content spilled out of me in a torrent and was quickly washed down the drain.

He kept his hold of me, keeping me in a long hug.

"I wish this would never end." He breathed out lethargically, the aftermath of sex clinging to him.

"Neither do I." I replied. "Neither do I."