Reindeer Transformation

Story by Pawsclawz189 on SoFurry

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**One night on christmas eve, in a small cabin out in the forest, there lived a family of a mother, father, and daughter. the daughter was named emily. she was ten years old, loved animals, and liked to draw all day long. since they lived in the woods, they were always surrounded by animals. she would often stare out the window, wondering how they lived, and what they do. this christmas eve night, as her parents were setting up the tree, she stood, staring out the window in her room. the night was beautiful as all the stars lit up in the sky.

"wow.....awesome..." She said, smiling.

suddenly, she saw one star flash by in the sky. really fast.

"whoa!..shooting star.." She says, surprised. she jumps off her bed, and runs out her room. she goes up to her mother who was applying the lights around the tree.

"mommy! I saw a shooting star!" emily said, quite excited.

Her mother looks at her and smiles.

"that's great! how about you go wish for something?"

Emily gasps.

"yes I will!" she says, and runs back to her room.

Once back on her bed, she looks out the window and closes her eyes.

"I wish I was a reindeer." she says, opening her eyes. suddenly, she began to feel warm, and prickly. it tickled her, making her giggle a lot.

"hey, that tickles!" she says, rolling on her back on the bed. little brown hairs were starting to sprout out from her arms. she looks at them and gasps.

"it's working!" she says, watching her beautiful fur grow more. when it covered her arms, the little bones in her hands and fingers began to crack and reform, as the nails turn a blackish color, and grows bigger. she makes a small grunt as she watches her hands turn into hooves. once done, she now had the arms and hooves of a reindeer. her shirt began to rip, as her brown fur fluffed out. she gasps.

" is gonna..b-be mad..mmm.." she says, groaning as her pants started to rip, a little deer tail growing out from her backside. fur covers her chest, belly and legs now, as the muscles and bones in her little legscracked backwards and began to stretch longer, and longer, turning into hindlegs. this forces her to stand on all fours, as the toes on her feet formed together, and changed into hooves as well. once on all fours, her pants, panties, and shirt fall off her body, completely ripped. she started to pant softly, becoming exhausted. but it wasn't done.

a shot of small pain went through her body, as on the top of her head, little antlers began to grow out. as it grew sharp edges, and became longer and bigger, her ears shrunk and stretched out on the top of her head as well. she moans and gives out a little cry.

"Mommy!! mummy!" she says, as her nose and mouth began to crack, and stretch, longer, longer, and longer into a long snout. finally, the transformation was done. she pants heavily as she looks at herself in the mirror. she instantly smiles and wags her little tail.

"Yes! it worked!" she jumps off her bed on all fours, and walks out the door, her little hooves making clicks on the wooden floor. her mother, who was still decorating the tree, was about to put the star on top as she turns around to see her daughter.

Emily giggles. "surprise!" **** Her mother screams.**