Emily The Werewolf

Story by Pawsclawz189 on SoFurry

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Joshua has found out some shocking news today. His girlfriend, emily is a werewolf. At first, he didn't believe it. But when he drove home to find out, he found her sitting on the couch, reading a paperback copy of "The Shining" from Stephen King.

"Hey sweetie." Joshua says. He was a bit nervous.

Emily looks up and smiles at him. "Hey babe. How was work?"

"Oh..uh..fine." joshua says, rubbing his head and gently sitting down next to her. "Listen..um..."

"Yeah?" Emily says, wrapping an arm around joshua's waist.

Joshua gulped and uttered, "are you a werewolf?"

Emily blinked and slightly blushed. ".....How did you find out?"

It was true. Joshua stood up in shock.

"..babe?" Emily says, standing up with him. "Listen..it's..a lot to take in..but..it's not really a bad thing."

" not a bad thing?!" Joshua nearly yelled. "Your a werewolf! A big, snarling wolf with claws and sharp teeth that kills everything you see!"

Emily started to laugh.

Joshua blinked. "W-what are you laughing at?"

"Your basing it off those dumb ol' movies, silly. " Emily said with a giggle. "Here.."

She softly grabbed his hand with hers and sets him back down on the couch. "Just sit back..and watch.." she says, as she stands back.

Joshua gulped once more, not knowing what was about to happen, until he noticed the full moon outside.

Suddenly, emily blinked her eyes, and her pupils became a sharp green color. It resembled a wolves eyes. Joshua sits back on the seat, shivering.

Soon, light blonde fur began to grow through her body. Her fingers and knuckles cracked, forming into paws. Soft, plump pink pads grew from her palms, and razor sharp claws protruded out from her fingernails. Once the fur covered her body, her legs cracked backwards. Her toes began to fuse and form together, becoming thick footpaws. Pink pads also formed on her soles, while her toenails became sharp canine claws, snapping her sandals off. she kicked them off. Her spine twitched and started to grow out from her, as a long fluffy tail soon came about, and started to wag back and forth. She giggles, enjoying her transformation, as her ears grew to the top of her head and started to grow pointy in a triangular like shape. Finally, she closes her eyes as soft crack sounds were head, as her mouth and nose starts to stretch out into a long snout, and her teeth becomes sharp fangs. Once done, she lifted up her head and howled to the moon.

Joshua stared in awe. She was a beautiful werewolf!

Once she was done howling, she looks back at josh, a wide smile spreading on her snout. "So..what do you think?" She says. She still had her normal voice.

Joshua's response was him taking out his phone, turning on the flash and taking a picture.

"Ah!" Emily said, rubbing her paws on her eyes. "What are you..?"

"this shit is going on instagram. " joshua says.