Eros 9 - Chapter 1 - The Aristocats

Story by Gorrister on SoFurry

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#1 of Eros 9

Sorry for being so quiet lately, been working on some projects as well as getting distracted with life stuff.

This is the first chapter of a new series called Eros 9, following the happenings of the release of a potent and body-altering biochemical into a small suburb.

This chapter features cock growth, muscle growth, and a whole lot of incest, so don't read if that's not your thing.

Bonus points if you get the reference for the chapter's name (No not the Disney movie)

"What do you mean we lost one of the canisters?" Hollister Bridges asked, clearly upset. Hollister was a bear who was getting too old to deal with these kinds of problems, but it was his job to take care of of things. He stood tall in his well pressed suit as he studied the lab-rat ( or more accurately: the lab-bunny ) who was standing nervously in front of him with a clipboard and a lab coat.

"I-It... it seems we can't seem to find one of the canisters of Eros 9... sir" Mary said finally, stumbling over her words as she spoke. She was a young, shy female rabbit. She was 5'4", normal height for a rabbit, with rather average looks except for her exceptionally large hips. Her brunette hair was put up in a bun with her floppy ears tied with a ribbon behind her head. As per usual, she was wearing a plain pastel colored blouse and dark skirt, wearing a lab coat over all of it. She adjusted her glasses before she started to fiddle nervously with her clipboard (that was mostly for show) as she stood in front of the big burly bear in a suit who was more than a few feet taller than she was and imposingly wide. "We suspect foul play..."

"Foul play?" Hollister asked, trying to stay calm, but there was a clear anger in his eyes. He was an older bear, built like a brick house, a ton of muscle and fat covering him. More fat these days than muscle though, the hard abs he had when he was younger was now covered in a layer of thick paunch. He might not have been as in shape as he was back in the day, but he still was an intimidating sight at almost 7 feet tall and almost half as wide, and he still had a rugged handsomeness to him, least he'd like to think so. He looked over the rabbit with the grey hairs in his fur bristling a bit.

"Please explain how someone could take ANY cannister from our storage facilities?"

"We... don't know sir." the rabbit fidgeted a bit, "We believe it was an inside job..."

"One of our own took it?" Hollister said, growling a bit. He clenched his fists, "Do we have any leads at least?"

"I'm afraid not..." Mary replied with a nod, "We're investigating the issue as best as we can."

"What kind of fallout are we looking at if someone were to release... Eros 9, you said?" Hollister asked. He might have been the Director of R&D at Codil Biochemical Company LLC, but he didn't know the exact details of every single thing that the Department worked on. He knew, however, that whatever Eros 9 was, having it released out into the open was going to end up badly. The company didn't make many 'friendly' biochemical solutions...

"Well..." Mary said, fidgeting a bit, "It's an experimental aphrodisiac... it was too potent for individual use, plus there were some... side-effects..."

"What do you mean? How potent are we talking about? And what kind of 'side-effects'?"

"The only use we could find for it was as..." she bit her lip with her large buckteeth, "As a weapon... even a small dose can affect a whole city block. Its effects as an aphrodisiac is potent enough to be overwhelming. The side-effects include enhancements to sexual characteristics and other bodily changes. It was thought it could be used to incapacitate an enemy force."

"And it didn't work?" Hollister asked

"It would have worked fine if the government had any interest in the kind of results it produced. They would rather have dead enemy soldiers than ones passed out after a couple day long... well... 'orgy' would be the only way to describe it..."

"I see... and how much was stolen?"

"Not much... but it's enough to..." Mary said, glancing at her clipboard, "Enough to cover a small city..."

"That's not good..." Hollister said, clenching his fist with nervous anger. "Make sure all security resources are on this. And get a quarantine team ready. If this 'Eros 9' gets out, we need cover it up quickly. We need to do whatever needs to be done to keep this quiet!"

Harvey gripped the wheel. He was nervous, as he rightfully should be: He took a canister of highly potent 'Eros 9' from his work. It was a small capsule, easy enough to fit inside his lab coat. It had dozens of warning labels showing how to properly treat and care for it.

Like most people in the lab, he didn't know what it was capable of, but he did know it was a dangerous bioweapon. That meant that it was very valuable to the right people... unsavory types, sure, but people who had a lot of money they'd be willing to spend on a powerful weapon like Eros 9!

He put the canister in the seat next to him, and he looked over it time and again to make sure it was really there, that all this was really happening! He was so nervous and lost in thought about how selling this canister could change his whole life around that he missed a red light and barreled right into an intersection. He heard a loud honk right before another car slammed into the side of his vehicle.

For a few moments, there was nothing but the chaos of twisted metal and broken glass as his car spun out. Once everything settled, heaving for breath as adrenaline rushed through his body, he took a look around to take stock of what just happened. Nothing was broken or bruised, he made it out without a scratch, he thought to himself. Though his car wasn't so lucky. Something else wasn't so lucky as well...When he looked where he had put the cannister he noticed that it wasn't there. He searched around frantically, taking off his seatbelt to look all over the car before he saw it.

It was lying in the street among broken glass that covered the asphalt.

He got out of the car and slowly made his way to the cannister. It looked like it might have survived the crash! He picked it up quickly and that's when he noticed the large crack along the side as well as hear a hissing sound coming from it.

"Oh no..." he said to himself, dropping the cannister in terror. He had no idea how potent Eros-9 was, how much needed to be in the dispersed to be effective, but he wasn't going to stand around to find out! He dropped the cannister and ran quickly from the scene.

"Hey!" a stout buck said as he got of his wrecked truck. "Get back here! We need to exchange insurance!!" He tried to chase Harvey but he was long gone. He grunted and looked around at the damage, noticing the cannister on the ground. "What the hell is that...?"

He walked over to pick up the metal cannister, "Eros 9?" he said out loud, "What the hell is Eros 9?" he nearly dropped it on the ground when he felt a sudden shift in his body. He was changing...

-The Carson's house-

-One minute downwind from Eros 9 first contact-

It was dinner time at the Carson's family home. The family of cats had gathered around the table to enjoy a rare dinner together. Martha was dishing out some of her fresh made tuna casserole to her son and daughter, saving a good chunk for his husband. Her fluffy, Maine-coon tail swished behind her as she gave her husband Frank a good helping of her casserole. The chubby Prussian blue feline smiled up at his wife, always happy to have a home cooked meal, his wife being a fantastic cook!

The two were still in love after all these years together, raising two kids together. Their passion for each other might not have burned as bright for one another as it did when they first met, but it was still there, if only barely.

Martha couldn't remember the last time Frank had made her orgasm.

Frank could only barely remember the last time they had sex at all...

But that wasn't important now. Family was! Having dinner like this with everyone sitting around the table was just like old times, provoking exciting and fond memories for both Frank and Martha. Their kids were not as excited though...

Chris, the youngest one, was looking over the food skeptically, giving it a few sniffs. He would rather be playing videogames right now, but his mom insisted that he'd join the rest of the family for a sit down dinner. Chris took after his mom, mostly. He looked mostly like a Maine coon, but unlike most of them, he was rather short for his age. Also unlike his mother, his fluffy fur wasn't anywhere near well maintained. Instead it was a bit mangy and ill kempt.

His sister, Erin, took more after her father. She was rather tall, like her mother, but had beautiful sleek grey fur like her father. Also like her father, she was a little overweight, though hardly more than a tad chubby, and she was blessed in that most of her extra fat had gone to her breasts and rump. Erin was busy texting her boyfriend on her phone, not paying attention to anyone at the table.

Erin paused for a moment and her ears perked up. She sniffed the air. "Do you guys smell something?" she asked, moving her long hair from her face as she looked to her mom and dad, hardly registering her little brother.

"It's just my casserole, dear." Martha said with a bright smile to her daughter, putting down the serving tray onto the table.

"No, I mean something that smells go-" she caught herself, "I mean something that doesn't smell like food."

"Now that you mention it..." Frank said with deep voice, sniffing the air, "Something does smell good, other than your mom's cooking. Can't put my finger on it though..." he said with a shrug and starting to eat his meal.

"Maybe you're just smelling the new candles I bought recently?" she asked, taking a seat next to Frank at the table. No one had noticed her candles. No one ever did.

Frank's ears perked up a bit as Martha sat down and he gave her a small look of surprise. Without realizing it, she had placed her hand on Frank's thigh and was rubbing it gently. She was even purring quietly. This was so unlike her, they both knew it, not that she or

Frank complained. She stopped after a moment with a hidden blush and started to eat. Frank went back to doing the same without saying anything.

"Whatever it is..." Erin said, "It beats smelling Chris' BO" She said with a giggle as she started to eat dinner. She looked at her brother, expecting him to complain or come back with a retort or say something at least, but the short cat boy just ate his dinner.

Chris was trying to concentrate on eating as hard as he could, trying anything to take his mind off his raging hard-on tenting in his pants. He was used to random erections popping up now and again for literally no reason, but they usually went away if he concentrated on getting it to go back down or on un-sexy things. This time was different... his cock was harder than ever and throbbed almost painfully in his pants, demanding attention. He thought about running to the bathroom to quickly jack-off, that might do the trick! But there was no way he was going to get away without someone noticing his tenting pants, especially with how Erin was looking at him!

He bit his lip, trying to focus on his food again. He could swear his pants were getting tighter, and he could feel a dampness start spreading in his underwear as pre leaked from his cock. He couldn't believe how wet his underwear was getting. He thought he peed his pants without realizing it for a moment, but it felt too thick and sticky to be that! He was used to a few dribbles of pre usually if any, but it felt like he came his pants already with how soaked he was getting, but his cock continued to throb harder. He swore he could feel the fabric of his underwear start to tear...

He had to get his cock out! Now! He had no time to run, he had to just jack-off here! Under the table! He could do it without anyone noticing, maybe, he thought. There didn't seem to be any other option at the moment... When no one was paying attention, he fiddled with his pants and with a few deft maneuvers, he managed to get his cock out of the tight confines of his underwear and pants...

There was a loud wooden thud that shook the table.

"What was that?" Erin said, looking around startled

"What was what?" Chris asked nervously, trying to hide a blush across his face, looking as innocent as possible. The sound had been his cock hitting the underside of the table like a fleshy baseball bat.

"Mom? Dad?" Erin asked, turning to her parents. Frank and Martha were looking at each other with big dumb smiles on their faces, staring into each others eyes. Erin couldn't see their hands and she could hear both of them both purring. "Mom...?"

Martha's ears perked up and she turned to her daughter with a surprised smile, "Hmm? Oh I'm sure it was nothing dear..." she said with a nod before turning back to her husband. Erin rolled her eyes and sighed.

Chris meanwhile was doing his best to multitask. He was stroking his cock under the table with one hand, slowly, while he ate with the other, pretending as if nothing was going on. But he knew something WAS going on...his normal erect length wasn't anything to brag about, measuring 5.73" long and 1.3" around. This was roughly average for felines his age, or at least that's what the research he had found online says, and he had researched the subject... a lot. But now, he knew he was stroking more than 5.73 inches of cock under the table.

He kept on pausing somewhere mid-stroke, thinking he had run out of cock, so used to his normal length. He had to be twice his normal size now! And so much thicker! He could barely wrap his paw around his manhood now. He got used to his new length quickly and was stroking up and down from the thick base to the broad tip in slow and determined strokes, doing his best to not make it obvious what he was doing, but that was secondary to searing pleasure of his new huge cock he was dealing with. Pre leaked and spurt from his throbbing cock like a broken faucet, dripping down onto the floor.

Erin was trying to focus on her food herself. She too was feeling very hot and horny. Lost in her own little world she barely noticed how strange her brother was acting, or what her parents were doing. Her mom and dad were just staring at each other... their paws under the table somewhere! Both of them were purring loudly just like her brother.

She didn't know what was going but she knew something was... she felt hot, and needed something... She thought about her secret vibrating toy she had stashed away upstairs in her sock drawer, but she knew she needed more than that...

'How can I be this horny?' she thought, 'What was going on? '

Suddenly she felt something warm drip on her legs, sliding down to her feet. It was slick and almost boiling hot as it made its way down her leg. She felt something drip and drool onto her leg again and again from under the table. The feeling sent shivers up her spine. Wanting to find the source, she reached under the table with a groping hand and her eyes went wide when she felt something hard and slick under there.

She looked at her brother who was in shock as he looked back at her, also shocked. Erin had only ever touched a cock once before, her boyfriend Terry's, but she knew what she was wrapping her fingers around was definitely a cock. She thought Terry was big, he was a wolf after all. But his member was tiny compared to the massive mast of meat that was throbbing in her fingers, so thick she couldn't even get her fingers around it!

Chris didn't know what to do. He throbbed in his sister's hand, at her mercy, begging his eyes not to get mad at him or reveal what he had been doing.

She wanted to yell at her brother for being so sick and perverted, jacking off under the table at dinner! But... she couldn't say anything, she couldn't even take her hand off that thick cock, throbbing, hot and dripping with pre over her fingers.

Erin gave her brother a sly smile and started to stroke him off under the table, making the short cat let out a moan. She paused for a moment, worried that her parents would notice, but it was clear they were in their own little world now. Mom was now in Dad's lap, hands exploring each others bodies. Part of her felt nauseous seeing her parents go at it like that, but at the moment, she was too horny to care. She didn't even care she was stroking off her own brother with one hand, her other hand going down into her pants, fingers starting to play with her dripping pussy, her lips swollen with hot need.

She couldn't believe she was doing this... but it felt like she NEEDED to do it. She needed to cum... she needed that cock! That scent she smelled earlier was getting stronger and was overpowering now, it made her head swim with lust and primal need.

She looked over to her parents. They weren't paying any attention to anyone but themselves, making out with each other as loudly and lewdly as possible. She took her chance and quickly got under the table, wanting to get a better look at her brother's cock (not to mention a taste...) Under the table, she found out there was more than one massive cock in the family... Her dad's cock was out and throbbing under the table, her mom's sizeable rump rubbing up and down its length and doing nothing to hide the considerable girth and length of her father's member.

She thought for a moment about joining mom in pleasing her dad when she felt something poke against her muzzle. Her brother must've thought she had forgotten about him... she turned to face her brother's cock head on. She let out a little gasp when she caught sight of it. It might've even bigger than her father's! No! Definitely bigger than her father's! Where had these to been hiding cocks like these!? She never thought of herself as a size queen, but seeing these two magnificent cocks on display right now was making her mouth water and her pussy ache.

Chris gripped the table and let out a purring moan when he felt a pair of lips wrap around the tip of his drooling cock. He couldn't believe what was happening! His sister had caught him jacking off at the table and instead of freaking out and getting him in trouble, she was suckng him off! And doing a damn good job at it too. Chris always joked about his sister being a slut, even though he knew she wasn't one. The way she was sucking his cock under the table, though...with her soft paws stroking the good portion of cock she couldn't take into her mouth and squeezing his extra plump, cum swollen balls that no longer fit in his pants, he was starting to think otherwise.

Though this was the first time anyone had sucked him off before, so he didn't have much to compare her skills to... Regardless, he was enjoying himself fully, and by the way she purred around his cock, it seemed like his sister was too.

As Chris was savoring his first ever blowjob, panting and lost in pleasure, he barely noticed his parents starting to move around. He had been so enthralled by his own enhanced cock and now his sister's mouth that he wasn't aware that his parents were making out at the table. He eventually noticed, and was surprised when he saw his mom bend over on the table, resting her breasts on the surface, plump and overflowing from her blouse.

'Were her tits always that big?' he thought. They didn't seem to fit in her shirt at all! And the cleavage they created practically begged for a cock or his face to be placed between them...

He couldn't believe what he was seeing, but also couldn't look away when his dad stood up, looking a bit more muscular and bigger all over, except for his paunchy belly which had almost completely disappeared. He had a massive cock throbbing in the air at least a foot in front of him. He started to take off his mom's jeans. He was having a tough time though... the jeans were on extra tight for some reason and when he finally yanked them down, practically tearing them off of her, Chris knew why. His mom's ass was HUGE. There was no way he had never noticed that before. Did it grow that size like his cock had?

Whatever had happened to his mom, it did a good job! Watching that bare butt jiggle softly as his mom's hips wiggled enticingly for his dad made him want to push the old man aside and hump her before his dad got the chance!

What was he thinking though!? That was his mom! And his sister was sucking his cock! This wasn't right...But he couldn't stop it with how horny he felt... the needs that were being demanded from him were simply overpowering. He watched with lust and a bit a jealousy as his father lined up his thick cock with his mom's rump before thrusting into her with a grunt, making his mom moan out and grip the table. Chris thrust his cock in time with his dad, grabbing his sister's head with one paw as he pushed his cock deeper into her muzzle. She tried to gasp in surprise but was overwhelmed by cock being shoved down her throat. She eagerly look his additional length, though, her purring getting louder with her entire throat vibrating around his cock.

Chris started to feel uncomfortable in his clothes, they felt so tight! He looked down and could see his stomach was showing a bit, as if he was wearing a shirt size too small. He reached down to feel at his belly, expecting to feel soft, yielding fur but was met with hard resistance. He had abs now! He felt his chest as well, finding hard pecs pressing through his now tight t-shirt.

He felt strength surge through his body all over. It felt good... he pulled his cock out of his sister's mouth, making her let out a sad groan as he took her new favorite toy away from her. He tore his clothes off, tearing the fabric with ease thanks to his newfound strength. He marveled at his new body for a moment, flexing his new lean muscles before his throbbing cock reminded him he forgot something.

He reached under the table and brought up his sister. She was panting hotly, her paws rubbing over Chris's bare chest in amazement and lust. Erin was used to looking down at Chris who was a few inches shorter than her, but now she had to look up at her brother standing several inches taller than her. Chris had really grown bigger everywhere! He grabbed at her clothes and with strong hands and sharp claws, he tore them off his sister, making short work for her top and skirt, doing the same with her bra which looked like it was several sizes too small for her now anyway.

Chris lifted Erin up and pushed her onto the table onto her back after clearing off plates of food out of the way. He practically pounced on top of her, the table straining under the combined weight of the coupling cats. His muzzle found its way to her breasts, hungrily suckling one of her nipples as his paws squeezed her rump, fingers digging into her ass. He might have mocked his sister for having a 'fat ass' in the past, but now he was glad she had such a sizeable rump to knead and squeeze. He never remembered it being this big though...

His sister moaned out at the squeeze, "Please..." she begged, "Fuck me!"

Chris smirked at her and was only happy to fulfill her request! He wasted no more time and lined the dark red, bulbous tip of his new super-cock against his sister's swollen lips. He could feel the wet heat of her practically burn his cock as his tip pressed against her, and started to spread her lips apart. Chris couldn't believe how good this all felt! He also couldn't believe that he hadn't cum already, there was no way he could last this long with his normal cock! He slid into his sister, making her moan as he guided his hips forward. He gripped her rump firmly, dragging it back towards him as he sank more of his cock into her.

Erin would've thought a cock like that would tear her apart, at least she would've thought that if her mind wasn't so clouded with lust. She needed that cock inside her and was so relieved to have it impaling her, filling her so completely, stretching her to her limits!

While the two siblings started to go at it on the table in front of her, Martha watched on while getting something she hadn't had in years: a proper fucking. She loved her husband, but their love-life had cooled down a lot over the years, not that it was a raging fire before...But now, she felt like a teenager in heat again, getting fucked by her old flame, Stan, a massive stallion with a cock that barely fit her.

Martha WAS a size queen, Frank barely met her standards with his normally above-average cock, so she had a number of toys she kept secret for when she was in the mood to get truly filled. But now, Frank had a cock that any stallion would envy! It was even bigger than her favorite toy she kept hidden in the back of the closet.

She squeezed around every inch Frank had to give her, which was plenty, pressing her hips back against him as he thrust in. Thankful she had extra cushioning back there now to withstand the impact of his wild thrusts, riding her like a bucking bronco!

The sight in front of her was spurring her lusts like Frank's cock was doing from behind her. She knew what she was seeing was supposed to be wrong, but it just too sexy to look away from! She couldn't believe her son was so hung now (she wondered if he was bigger than Frank was now...) and couldn't believe how sexy her daughter had gotten. She was also happy to see that her daughter had similar tastes, as far as cocks go, taking Chris's beautiful massive member like a champ.

The table creaked and rocked a bit with the combined efforts of father and son fucking mother and daughter respectively, the wood strating the strain a bit under the muscular frames of the two now hunky masculine felines and the increasing curves of the curvaceous feminine felines they were pounding.

With a crash, the table finally gave way, the legs giving out and splintering underneath. The cats yelped in unison as they came crashing down, falling over each other and winding up in a heap in the center of the ruined table.

After a moment to overcome the sudden crashing excitement, Chris started to giggle, then so did Erin with Frank and Martha not too far behind.

"Maybe we should move some place more accommodating?" Chris suggested with a grin to his dad as he pulled out of Erin and helped her up. Frank did the same with his wife. Both males were still rock hard, their wet cocks dripping pre like broken faucets.

Frank nodded and smiled at Martha before picking her up in his powerful arms. She purred deeply. "Let's go upstairs to the master bedroom." He said, leading the way.

"And maybe we can swap and share~" Chris suggested following suit with his sister, picking her up with ease while she didn't take her hand off his cock the whole way up the stairs, his own paws groping all over her melon sized breasts and bubble butt that wiggled with each step.

The family of cats fucked like rabbits for hours on end, all four of them having increased stamina and endurance with these new changes they had been given.

First off was to finish what they started downstairs, Chris giving her sister a proper fucking just like Frank gave his wife. The two female cats mewled out in unison as father and son came in time with each other, thick salvos of kitty cream firing from their cocks and over swollen balls.

Next, Chris wanted a ride with his mom while Frank wanted to see if she still had a talented mouth on her, not remembering the last time he got a blowjob from her. Erin felt a little bit left out but was happy to watch once Martha gave her biggest toy to play with while she waited for her turn.

Father took the front while son took the back of Martha, the two hunky cats filling her with more cock than she could ever even dream of, seesawing back and forth as she bounced between them.

Halfway through, Erin got tired of her mom's toy and decided to get a taste of her dad's balls, squeezing between his muscular thighs to give them a lick. She reveled in the taste of him, her saliva mixing with her mom's as it dripped from the two heavy orbs.

Frank knew he wasn't going to last long with this kind of attention, but didn't want to get outdone by his son! Sadly, he ended up coming first, letting the first shot of cum shoot right down his wife's throat. He pulled out and let the rest of the heavy ropes of cum shoot out over Martha and Erin's face, both of them with mouth agape to catch what he had to offer.

Chris smirked and doubled his efforts to fuck his mom, the hot sight of one of the best 'money shots' he ever seen right in front of him inspiring him to new heights.

Martha came again around her son's cock, squeezing tightly around his massive girth, filled completely with his cock each time it slammed into her. She couldn't believe how much she loved her son's cock, and she couldn't believe that she could think that, but she did and she loved it.

Chris came and filled his mom up with his massive loads, thick cream swelling her belly up as she got filled with what had to be gallons of cum.

Chris was still hard, just like Frank, so they decided to give Erin the same treatment that her mom got. This time Frank took the back, riding her daughter plump ass while Chris got to take his sister's mouth once more.

Martha, not wanting to be left decided to help a bit. She was going to try something new. She knew that Frank didn't care much for it, but she wanted to see if her son might like it. While the two hunks fucked her daughter, she got behind her son and knelt down before spreading his firm cheeks apart. She pressed her tongue against Chris' hole and wiggled it inside him.

She expected a reaction but she didn't expect the kind of reaction that Chris gave. Chris seized up when he felt that tongue invade his tight tailhole, plunging in and finding its way around. He let out a loud mewl as he came immediately, Erin almost choking on the powerful spurts of cum shooting down her throat even thicker and faster than before. Erin pulled off Chris' cock to gasp for air as he continued to cum, showering her with seed as Martha continued to tongue her son's tight hole.

Martha giggled after Chris was done coming, moved up behind him, "Looks like someone's sensitive back here~" she said with a smile, giving her son a kiss on the cheek as she hugged around him, giving his cock a squeeze with both hands, still rock hard.

Frank was still fucking Erin and was enjoying how tight she felt, loving the feel of her daughter's pussy. While those two were busy, mother and son decided to have some fun of their own.

Martha started suckling her son's cock, kissing and licking over the surface at first before taking it into her muzzle and then past the back of her mouth, deepthroating his cock like a pro. Chris thought Erin was good, but she had plenty to learn from mom! Chris held onto his mom's head as she bobbed up and down his length, moaning hotly. One of Martha's paws was busy rubbing her son's fat nuts while the other snaked its way around his legs, slipping between his cheeks and sliding inside his tailhole, and then finding his son's 'joy button' of a prostate.

Once again, the reaction was immediate and unexpected. Chris grabbed the back of his mom's head and shoved his cock all the way down her throat and came with a loud mew. Martha thought she could out do her daughter and take everything that Chris had to give her, but he had so much to give! Cum filled her stomach and overflowed past her lips around her son's cock. She gasped for air after Chris finally let her up for breath, having to turn away as Chris kept on cumming, letting loose a few more gallons of cum over her, drenching her in the stuff.

Frank came himself, pounding away at Erin who was drooling with in orgasmic bliss now after the rough fucking her father had given her. She moaned out when her father came deep inside her, filling her with plenty of potent kitty cream.

They continued to fuck into the night, swapping places, sharing each other and generally enjoying each others bodies until sometime in the early morning when they finally ran out of steam. They fell asleep on the big bed cuddled in a big catpile, snuggled up with each other a purring in unison...

"This is just one of the many happenings that are going on in the city..." Mary said, after showing the drone-captured footage of a family of cats fucking each other. "The drones are going to be used to continue to monitor the situation until Eros 9 has run its course."

Hollister nodded from her chair in his office where Mary had given him this 'presentation', "And the quarantine is in effect, right?"

"Yes sir." Mary said, "We have created a quarantine zone around the city, well outside the radius of effect of Eros 9. We're doing our best to keep this under wraps, but it's only a matter of time before the outside world finds out about this... "

"That's Public Relations problem, not ours." Hollister said with a nod, "As for now, keep me updated on any new 'happenings' and continue to monitor the situation as it develops. I'm going to get ahold of whoever is in charge of security and find out how the hell they let this happen in the first place. " Hollister growled and hit his desk for effect. He calmed down after a bit and cleared his throat, "Now please excuse me, Mary."

"Yes, sir!" Mary said with a nod, turning to leave Hollister's office as quick as she could.

Hollister couldn't help but be a bit turned on by the footage he saw earlier, maybe that's what put his mind in the state to look at his subordinate in a new light. He hadn't noticed it early but he did when she turned to leave: Mary had a very nice ass...

His pants grew tight. He was going to have to deal with this before tearing into the head of security...