The whole world's a circus...Pt1

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#130 of Exploration

A week after we played at being gods, or rather Winslo did with surprising ease, Silverine pulled us aside at breakfast to go on another trip. It was apparently a very cold planet, so Draco and myself decided to ping, our immunity to cold would counter this with no problem. I left RPG and sword in my quarters, deciding to keep with the idea of carrying little. Draco still had his massive broadsword over his back, and Ryan Lewis would be with us, no, I stand corrected, the entire Hunted would be coming with us. Notice this did not include Giancarlo.

I stood in the Great hall, wearing my silver runic short top, and my black trousers. My black glasses completed the image. Draco, on the other hand was wearing neither top, nor shoes. He knew he was good looking, why not flaunt it? He took my hand, and allowed me to do the teleportation. I will stress that this matter of teleportation is still a field of guess work, so where we would arrive on the planet was random to the ninth degree. So I hit the teleporter's blue gem and we were off on another adventure.

Sometimes I think that the teleporter, on the other hand, has a sense of humour of it's own. We fell gracefully for 35 seconds, and I felt Draco's grip tighten and loosen on my wrist. Then with the customary bang, we arrived.

The first thing that we noticed was we were in a small box, about nine feet tall, and four by four feet. The second thing was a huge drum roll, and then a voice.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I, the Great Majesto will perform an act of such amazement. See this box, it is empty, but I will cause someone to appear in the box.I must ask for absolute silence, for this requires delicacy."

I whispered at Draco."Looks like we're on, partner."

The dragon smiled." This sounds like a circus.What pose shall we hold?" the volume went down outside. I felt the ground underneath heave, someone was trying to get in via a trapdoor underneath. The ground underneath was wooden, and painted a very light colour, except it was too dark to tell what. I grabbed my rifle and held it pointing 45 degrees down, looking poker faced. Draco stood with his back to me, folded his arms, and stood tall and erect, his neck back in attention, and his face like mine was expressionless.

This was going to be interesting. There was a growling voice below me.

"I can't get in, stop the act!"

Too late for that. The magician outside shouted.

"I summon my helper to appear in this box!" there was a pause, and the box gave way, splitting at all four corners, collapsing outwards. The roof was retracted on a rope, and smoke went everywhere, and a flash of fireworks. Then I got a look at the audience, and the audience got a damn good look at what the magician had summoned.

Locals get first explanation. What they saw was the magician wave his wand at the box, it broke open, and amidst the smoke was two figures. One was a tall scaled creature with huge wings. A huge sword ran along his back, and his reptilian head locked looking at the magician. He did not look happy or mad, but he looked big and scary. The other was a shorter creature, with no fur or scales. He carried a long stick in his hands, and his scowling gaze swept the arena with a look of irritation. His clothing was exquisite and light, sweeping down not unlike the magician's cloak.

What we saw was the circus. We were in a huge domed tent, with various devices like a trapeze and ring in it. The audience surrounded us 360 degrees, and was many layers. The colours were red and yellow, and the very centre of the ring was pure black. Lights shone from four huge poles holding up the tent, all aimed at us. The glare was surprising compared to the dimness we had just been in, but that was not too much of a problem. After this, we paid more attention to the creatures sitting around.

It was a full house, there was not a gap in the seats. What occupied these seats were about six foot tall, and covered in dark fur of many types. They were wiry and less handsome than wolves, they movements more clumsy, but they seemed more primal. They reacted quicker to surprises, and when a noise was made, they turned their heads rapidly to pin point the sound with their large ears. What I was in fact looking at were jackals.

The magician was only three metres away, his wand aimed at my chest. His face was disbelieving, he wasn't registering what he was seeing.

"Oh well, there goes any chance of stealth." Draco said rather frankly in Draconic.

"He expected us to be his helper who tried to break through the floor."I replied in Centralite," I'll be his helper."

I stepped primly over the collapsed wooden wall and came to a halt a metre from the jackal, and sank down onto one knee, keeping my eyes firmly upon his furry and clawed feet. I shouldered my rifle, and placed my right hand on my left shoulder. The magician looked even more surprised, but quickly hid it.

Then something happened. Someone applauded. A lone round of clapping, which was quickly joined by more, and triple more still. The jackals went berserk with appreciation, they stood up, giving a loud standing ovation. The magician, out of his depth, turned and bowed theatrically to the audience.He bowed low, his hand went forward further around and down, brushing the floor. He stood with a huge smile, one who knows his act has gone well, and spoke.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen." he announced," I bid thee goodnight, have a good one!"

The compere of the circus was shoved into the ring by some helpers, and while he was stunned to see us, he was a professional, and he began to quell the audience. The magician gestured with his hand to me and Draco.

The dragon shook himself gently, his wings extending outwards, and he walked after the magician. I followed him, as the magician led us off stage. The circus hands backed away from the three of us. The magician kept his smile up until he got to a large caravan, fairly modern compared to one of ours on Earth. He opened the door, accepting compliments from others around the place.He fumbled with the lock and opened the door. He beckoned us in and shut the door behind us.

"They are really first class disguises." He said, sitting down on a chair and rubbing a hand across himself, he looked a little tired.Then he couldn't understand why Draco burst out laughing.

"My fellow artiste,"I began," you must have guessed no jackal could fit into a suit the shape of me, no matter how small, the proportions would all be wrong."

"But, then," the magician was finding it hard to accept the only other alternative," You aren't from this planet?"

"Give the man a Pulitzer."I rolled my eyes."Both me and Draco herald from the skies, and we landed in your magical box about fifteen seconds before it broke apart."

"What about my helper?" the magician sounded worried for his apprentice.

"Still underneath the stage, by the sounds of things." Draco replied, speaking for the first time, and the sibilant overtones made the jackal shiver. There was a knock on the door, and the magician opened it.

There stood three jackals. One looked younger, he was the apprentice, I guessed. The other two though, no idea. The apprentice spoke.

"I couldn't get through the trapdoor."

"I was standing on it, mate." I replied off handedly, lingering around the far side window and palming a scanner. I dropped it through the window and heard whispering.

"Disguise yourselves, and then teleport. Look out for one another." Silverine said clearly. Simba and Javid would be clustered around as they had the two teleporters, none of the Hunted had a teleporter yet. The apprentice looked at me.

"Who is he, and what?" he whispered to the magician.

"What he is is Alduin, one of my friends." Draco replied, from his seat, and all four turned to look at him,"I am Draco, and I wish to speak alone with Majesto."

The jackal shivered, looking at the specimen in front of him. Draco was two feet taller, more muscular, and armed with that sword.

The other three seemed relieved, and quickly shut the door and ran for it. I shut the window as I heard the first of the Hunted teleport. Majesto sat down on the couch again, but this time like someone up on a charge.

"What do you want me for, Draco?"

"You know we are aliens, we seek knowledge of the planets we visit.You can freely answer my questions, or ask us to leave."

"And what do you do if I do want you to leave?"

"I'm sure Alduin can dream up something." Draco replied mildly.

"Translated he wants me to deal with you, knowing my reputation it won't be nice." I replied, liberally. The jackal stepped back in fear from the two of us.

"I let you in here, I trust you not to hurt me."

"Trust alone is not a sufficient wall.We saved your act just then, we merely want some facts in return." there was a bang outside, which the jackal turned to listen to, but then looked back at us, convinced it was another act outside. I saw through my thermo glasses some nine or ten humanoids walking away in packs of two and three. One was a jackal, that would be Polymorph, the others, while disguised, still showed up as usual.

Majesto backed further, looking at the dragon lying comfortably on the bed.

"I certainly didn't expect you two underneath the box."

"So are you able to cast magic, or are you just a master of trickery?" I asked, summoning a small flame in my palm. The jackal looking at the finger sized flame in awe.

"I do illusions. Give the audience a show, make them believe, it works every time." Majesto replied.

I dispelled the flame, and then went back to the original topic." So are you going to answer our questions?"

The jackal looked at me hesitantly."I..." he began, and then shut his mouth again. I sighed, and stood.

My arm whipped out, and caught the jackal around the wrist, I pulled as I stood, and I spun around behind him, holding his left wrist and right shoulder, and pushing him towards Draco. He started struggling violently.

Draco looked amused. Majesto grabbed a cupboard.

"I don't want to, Alduin, please stop!" he implored. I looked at Draco.

"He's got the same problem Ryan Lewis had, except worse." the jackal was scared of the dragon, I was trying to prove Draco was mild mannered, and Draco sat up, keeping a pitying smile on his face.

I pulled the jackal off his purchase, and pushed him harder.

"Nooo!, Alduin, I don't, I...." he cried, and then petered off as Draco grabbed the jackal's flailing arm.

Draco pulled the jackal easily onto him, sat him down on top of his legs, and while one arm was wrapped around the jackal's waist, the other began delicately stroking the jackal's back. The jackal shivered, repulsed by the touch, but the dragon kept at it, caressing the jackal's back, like one would do with a frightened cat. The jackal trembled, and while he still looked scared, Majesto stopped struggling.

I sat down beside him."Draco is not as nasty as he looks, Majesto."

"I'm afraid..." he whispered, crying freely.Draco removed his restraining arm from the jackal's waist and put it around the jackal's shoulders in a comforting way. His other hand stopped massaging the jackal's back and worked on his furry chest, stroking up and down in a slow, sensuous circle. Draco bent down slightly and whispered in the jackal's ear.

"I will not harm you.Our intentions are friendly. Look at me."

The jackal did, afraid not to, and yet afraid to obey. Draco kissed the jackal square on the lips.

The jackal struggled briefly, and then relaxed. Thus entrapped in a French kiss, that dragon had no patience in making out, I waited for them to stop.They broke off after fifteen seconds, and the jackal was much more relaxed than at first.Still scared, but relaxed.

"I, I, I'm sorry." he said, stuttering. Draco smiled, and ruffled the jackal's head gently, which made him wince.

"You're not the first." the dragon said in a growl that suggested he wanted to laugh. Draco let go of the feline, and the jackal shifted onto the bed next to the dragon.

Thus we began asking questions, and once again it was Draco who started asking them all. We had found this technique worked rather well with Draco. After the initial fright, it was important to keep talking, making pleasant conversation with that person, so they become more accustomed to you. Silverine was not of that school, but Draco, Devlin and Propani all were, and while Dev was better at it, Draco was still good at soothing ruffled feathers. The sick realization of what Draco was was now more "O.K., he's big and terrifying, but he's not that bad."

So I sat back, quietly, watching jackals pass to and fro outside. I had shut the window and I noticed that we hadn't gotten anyone looking this way when Majesto shouted.

"Majesto, does this caravan have sound proof walls?"

The jackal looked uncertain at me." Why?"

"I just noticed that I'm sitting at a window, and not one jackal turned to look at your display."

"I did, I find I have a lot of privacy. The reason no one's looked at you is because the windows are black out."

"So I could theoretically scream, and no one would notice." I replied.

"Yes." Majesto nodded.

Draco switched to Centralite, having finished his question and answer period.

"Can I please give him some more teaching about my gentility?"

Majesto himself answered that one by getting up and walking over to a small chamber with a change of clothes. Draco counted to thirty, and then walked over himself.

"Eeeeepppp!" Majesto turned, startled, and blushing deeply.

Draco looked up and down the jackal."Well, I can't see anything wrong with you, what are you complaining about, or trying to hide?"

"I'm trying to hide my nakedness, Draco! Please, stop looking at me like that!"

I would have laughed. Draco stepped back, removed his trousers, and then moved back, picking up the naked jackal.

"There's nothing wrong with being naked, Majesto." the dragon said. I lay down looking in amusement at Majesto's deeply embarassed complexion.

"Yes there is! If you think otherwise, why are you clothed?"

"But I'm not." Draco replied.

I shifted form rapidly, and was suddenly in my bionic form wearing not a stitch. Majesto hadn't seen this, and he craned his head to stare at Draco's bare body.

"Put me down, I don't like being carried!" he whined. Draco shifted the jackal, holding him like one does a child in his huge arms, and then gently placing him down on the bed, sitting beside him. Majesto looked deeply disturbed.

"But why do you want me naked? Is this some kind of personal question?"

Draco began to lie down on top of the jackal.

"No! Draco, I don't want you to!" the jackal scooted sideways on the bed, retreating into a corner. He looked at Draco's impressive manhood, and quivered. Draco shuffled closer, and Majesto whined.

"It'll hurt!Please, don't try it."

"Now, now, Majesto. I can be gentle." Draco said soothingly, reaching out and carefully taking the wrist of the paralysed jackal.

He stiffened."No," he said weakly,"I don't want to be raped, please." his voice was fading as he was gently coaxed to lie with his back to the dragon.

"It's hardly rape if you enjoy it, is it?" the dragon asked, running both clawed hands down the jackal's chest. Majesto closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

"I can't, it will, it, I don't." his protestations faded yet more as Draco began to run a delicate finger up and down the jackal's length.

"No, Draco, I, I, you're too big, stop, I don't like this." Draco continued to worm his hand up and down he jackal's penis, making it erect and hard.

"I, I," the jackal stopped talking as his breath came in short gasps as Draco manipulated his cock to it's full length, maybe nine inches. The dragon took the cock in one hand and began to stroke up and down with infinitely slow strokes. Forget Majesto, he was making me feel sexy.

"Can I join in after you've won his submission?"

"I think I've already got that." Draco replied,"But sure, and do me a favour. Kiss him, so he stops mumbling how he doesn't want it."

That was not necessary. As I crawled over onto the bed, Majesto's eyes were shut.

"Oh, Dravij (I presume this was a reference to their religion), how, unh, do,no, no, don't insert it in me." the jackal ended on a small cry as Draco inserted his rock hard cock into the jackal's ass. As the jackal was subjected to the full eighteen inches, Draco stopped with it as far down as he could go, and Majesto opened his eyes, face lined with pain.

"It, it's so different." he moaned, and I crawled forward, across Draco's legs. Majesto looked in alarm.

"Don't you add yours too!I'm not that loose!"

I gently rubbed my hard cock against Draco's ass. The dragon looked intrigued.

"You want to fuck me, Alduin?"

"I do. In return, you can tail fuck me." Draco smiled, giving this idea some thought, and then finally nodded. Only I could get away with trying that, anyone else would just get rammed by his cock or bondaged and abused.

One of Draco's long arms and his tail went around my ass, and he pulled me into him. The jackal in our sandwich felt me rub against him.

"Alduin, I,"

"Majesto, relax.Now let me show you something."

He looked afraid, and I took him gently by the head, with both hands, and kissed him. I started off with very little force, but as Majesto became used to it, went a bit more firmer and more passionately.Draco let the jackal have his arms back, he had pinned them accidently when he grabbed the jackal's waist, and the jackal returned the favour. His hands pulled me tightly into him, pulling me with force against his chest, and shoving his tongue into my mouth. Then Draco started thrusting.

Neither me or Majesto had to work at all. Draco thrust back and forth into the jackal, and consequently rose and fell on my own cock, and tail fucked my ass. The jackal shifted back and forth through this, and I let go with one hand to stroke Majesto's cock. The jackal closed his eyes feeling me work his cock higher up, and Draco work his base and balls. The jackal very quickly developed a knot,and Draco grabbed it and began rubbing all around it with his hand. I began stroking his whole length, and the jackal broke off from our kiss, moaning and arching under this treatment.

After thirty seconds of me and Draco playing with the jackal's cock, he ejaculated, letting go with a howl. I angled his cock back towards him, and his semen fell on his stomach and chest. I milked a very respectable amount from him, and he slumped back onto the dragon's chest. Draco chuckled.

"See, my little friend? You enjoyed that, didn't you?"

Majesto looked up gratefully.

"You two...I mean, it was so intense."

I withdrew from Draco, and got up onto Majesto. The jackal smiled at me, and I got onto my knees, astride him. Majesto looked at me and my erect cock.

"Do you want me to suck you off, Alduin?" he asked, grinning.

"I do, but first I'd better get in position." I took hold of the jackal's cock and lowered myself down onto it. Draco grinned mischieviously and pulled me onto Majesto's knot. My ass resisted briefly, but the dragon's strength overcame, and the jackal howled in surprise as my ass closed around his knot.

"Oh, Iviqi, that felt so nice." he gasped. Draco laughed, and I smiled.

"Try it more often.You know what to do now, Majesto."

Draco bent down, and the dragon whispered into the jackal's ear. "Let's both suck him off, see how many times we can get you two off."

Silverine spoke sarcastically into our headsets."If you two have quite finished terrorising the locals,could we get back on track with our mission?"

"Silverine, Centralite law 121a, concerning matters of Scouts, sex is allowed between scouts and natives, providing infomation has been gathered first. We have already done so, so it's allowed."

"Where the hell did you get that from? What Centralite law?"

"Go look it up, it's a classic case of Centralite law, it's in the book."

Silverine just laughed and clicked off our link. Draco smiled at me.

"Is that a real law, or did you just make it up?"

"I just bought us another ten minutes while Silverine stops laughing." I said with a straight face, and then bought myself another ten seconds while I waited for Draco to stop laughing.

Majesto, after we had enjoyed one another for about an hour, graciously offered to show us around. This was a small town, and the circus had three nights here.I told Draco I would alter my Tripod and Raptor forms, and settled down to do so. I felt myself slip into my coma, and began concentrating.

"Alduin, are you ok?"

Delnom was kneeling down next to me, his paw on my shoulder.

I looked up blearily."Hey Delnom, how's it going...wait, what are you doing here?"

"Silverine told me to send a message to Simba, his skills are needed."

My blood ran cold. "Who's been injured?"

"Silverine said you'd say that, no one is in serious trouble.I just need to find him, and I don't know everyone yet."

I got up, and activated my tracker to Simba. I could just pass on the message, but Delnom wouldn't know Simba until they met. Both of us disguised ourselves, and walked out of the campervan.

Draco spoke on my line."Majesto is showing us around, Alduin."

"Yes, you are with Simba, he's who we need to find."

"I'll stop the tour then." he turned to the others Majesto was showing around, Polymorph and Simba," Hold fire guys."

We walked down the street, converging on their spot, when a jackal in the street looked at Delnom.

"Why do you walk around with a staff?"

Delnom paused, but spoke carefully," I have slight abilities with magic."

I scoffed inwardly. Yeah, and I have slight abilities with transformation. Talk about under statement. The jackals around us peered curiously at us, about two dozen or so.

"Can you show us, magician?" one asked.

"Just one trick?" another requested.

"O.K., but just one, I need to talk to someone." Delnom replied, deciding on a spell to use.

"Make it look as though you transform me." I said in Centralite, thinking I would use my Raptor form.Delnom turned and nodded.

"Very well, my friend." he said in the jackal tongue,"You enjoy transformation, don't you?"

"Of course I do, master." I replied, bowing a bit, and Delnom chanted, aiming his staff at me. I changed into my Raptor form.

Err, correction required.As I began to change, I didn't feel myself change, more rather I felt a strange pain I had not felt before on my back.I dropped my disguise, determined to find out why it felt so unusual, and as I did so, Delnom, and everyone around me gasped in fear.

Now I knew why it took six hours to change form, or at least the consequences of waking up before the six hours were up. I was bizarre, a half monster creature. I interlinked through Delnom's glasses to see myself properly.

I had two large Raptor wings on my back, and my body was made out of the alloy, like my normal bionics. My legs had fins at the bottom just before the feet, which looked like a foot made out of tail fins. My legs had two ion rockets running down the length, which fortunately bended with my knees. My arms were thicker set then usual, and underneath each forearm was a machine gun, starting just after the elbow and finishing underneath my palm.My chest was strutted and all edges, rather than a soft belly.My neck had a row of plates interlinking underneath one another, and the head now had the nose of a Raptor for a helmet. One eye was bright red, the other black.

Delnom jumped back, keeping about five metres away from me as I took a step towards him, my prank in the Tripod form lingering, and all the jackals turned and ran.

"What the hell? This isn't my Raptor form." I muttered, and then I clicked.I looked at Delnom.

"When did you wake me?"

"Draco said it was about four hours since you had started sleeping."

"O.K, Delnom, don't wake me again, please. I was changing form, and the interruption must have frozen the process." I looked at my arms.On the top of my arm was a small long box, and I tapped it.

Out of it rose a small dart like missile, and it ignited, rocketing away through the distance, and striking a signpost. The post was blown to bits, and as I did several jackals decided to try and quell this new menace.

Several jackals leapt on me. Delnom levitated one of them out of the fray, and began arguing with him, and I felt furry claws scraping my body. I growled, angry at everything in the universe for a minute, and lashed out with my fist. I hit something, as the furry pile of jackals threatened to collapse me.

"Stop!" I heard my boyfriend's voice, which had no effect.I jutted my arm under a jackal's neck, inversed so the machine gun pressed deeply into the jackal's throat.

"Stop or I fire!" I shouted.There was a mass freezing of people, and the weight was relieved. I opened my eyes and saw that one jackal was frozen in fear with the makeshift weapon underneath his muzzle, whimpering quietly. I scowled, spitting and looking around in disgust. I knew exactly how to press the trigger, and I felt like doing it right then.

Ryan dropped his disguise and broke the circle, walking up to me, looking solemn and placing a consoling hand on my shoulder.

"Please lower your hand, dear."

On his touch and word, I immediately lowered my arm, and the jackal began breathing again. I looked incredibly miffed, looking around for my other compatriots, and then back at myself. Delnom was standing back, disbelieving. He didn't know what he'd done to me, but he knew he had done something.

"Look at me, Ryan." I growled, as Draco and Simba approached.

"I am, Alduin, and I don't care how badly you look."

I looked at him in confusion, and he smiled." I still love you, and to be frank you do look cute."

I tried to contain a grin, and failed, bursting into giggles." I look terrible, don't I?" I hugged him, and he laughed, returning it as much as he could.