Max Terbating: Overloard of the Night

Story by wolfs1ut on SoFurry

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a nice story about friendship and love... <3

Max Terbating: Overloard of the Night

Max Terbating, the dragona dragoon dragon furry, (pronounced tera-bah-ting) sat in his room staring at his plushies. His dripping wet jet black furry hair dangled near his dangle, tangling in his tangles. Red eyes, like burning coals in a fridge, glaring at the soft toys he collected as a child. Max's gargoyle-like snout sniffed at the now cracked, white animals... yuck. Max hadn't come out of his room all day due to his secret admirer... Where is he? Max wondered, nervous as a pig in heat. Max's admirer planned to meet him in his room at exactly 10:00 in the morning - during school! So dangerous... Max had crept up into his cold, unforgiving womb of an infertile woman of a room to see his lover but alas he wasn't there. Where could HE BE? Max wondered angrily, wondering if his sex appeal had put him off. Max Terbating was known to all in his school as the sexiest man alive. When Max transformed into a dragona dragoon dragon furry at school everyone watched in awe. What a sexy, dangerous man!

Max was about to give up and leave to watch some hentai when he saw it. At first it was only a glimmer - like a shard of glass at the bottom of the kid's pool. Then, the figure crept closer and closer until Max thought his heart would burst out of his chest. He could smell that wet dog smell, see those nearly green but not really eyes... it was him: Peter Phile.

"Is it really you?" Max asked the luminous figure, rubbing his eyes for luck.

"Aye, it's me," Peter replied in his fake pirate accent, rubbing the sweat from his pale, red brow.

"B-b-but you're d-d-dead!" Max screamed in Peter's face, trying to mask his excitement. "I saw you die on that swing! You tried to go all the way around but you couldn't and then you hanged yourself!!"

"'Tis true, my friend. I am dead... but not in the conventional way, you see. You see, I'm not really dead... at least not in the conventional way. Conventionally, I'm alive but on the inside I'm dead... Deadness is me, unconventionally. You see... I'm unconventionally dead. I'm a nonconformist, y'know. I'm not really dead? Yes, 'tis true. I'm not really dead. I'm unconventionally dead. I did hang myself... but not conventionally. You see, a true nonconformist would not die when hanged by the neck... Yes."

Max couldn't believe it! A real ghost! Or maybe a guardian angel!? Max rubbed his furry dragona dragoon dragon furry paws against his tangled, wet hair in a cool way. His red eyes burned bright like a song in the night.

"Is it true?"

"Yes... Max, I come to you now to ask a favor..."

"Anything, anything and anything! I would really do anything if I needed to!"

"I need you to follow in my footsteps."

"Like hang myself?"

"No, well, maybe, but like I need you to like follow me."

"Will do, Peter!!!"

End of part 1???