The Trensetters 3 Pt2

Story by Professor Bob on SoFurry

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#6 of The Trensetters

It didn't take long for the two to reach their destination. They walked inside Target, just walking straight, since the girl's department was practically just as you walk in. Gina knew she couldn't sneak Christmas gifts into this outing, but this is the best time to look at least. Kimberly took her hands out of her pockets, now that they were in a nice, warm place.

"I wonder how much you'd spend if you let Julia loose in here", Kimberly joked, walking beside her mother when they reached the section.

"Too much...", Gina joked back, though she was very truthful.

While her daughter poked through some of the warmer jackets made for dragons, she just looked around at the clothes nearby. She didn't want to give a twelve year old any kind of clothes for Christmas, that would piss her off, though she'd be very polite about it. Kimberly thinks she's easy, but, she's not. She's somewhat of a tom-boy, but also deffinately not. Her intrests are hard to follow sometimes. Sure she could get her a book and maybe art supplies, but this was Christmas! Gina knew she could come up with better.

"Ma', how's this look?", Kimberly asked, holding up a black coat.

"Looks a lot better then your old denim jacket. You could play in the snow with that, if your cold got better at least", she answered.

"It's better then it used to be. Could I please?", Kimberly said, pleading for a yes. Even though the cold didn't like her, she sure as hell loved snow. The flurries had calmed and there was a nice about of fallen snow now, and more then plenty for a little dragon to play in.

Gina just smiled. "As long as you're better", she replied with a happy tone, going back to rummaging through the young girl's clothes. Kimberly carried the coat with her, joining her mother and looking around herself. Upon finding something, Gina snickered, knowing how cute her daughter would look in it. "Hey Kim, think you could try this on?", she asked her daughter innocently, holding it up for display.

Kimberly gave it a look. "Awww, come on, I don't like dresses!", she griped. Then she got a look...not just a look, but THE look. Her mother's silent way of saying "please", very politely a thousand times over. Kimberly sighed at her smiling mother. "Ok, I'll try it on", she submitted to that happy look. Gina followed her over to the dressing rooms and Kimberly went into one of the booths, while her mother waited, leaning against the door to the booth beside it. She would hear Kimberly growl or grumble occationally, irritated from having to try on a dress of all things, and having to take nearly all her clothes off to do it, knowing she'd have to put it all back on again anyway. Within a few minutes, a sight appeared from the dressing room booth.

"Now here's something I don't get to see everyday", her mother said with a smile, looking over her daughter. The dress was white, having some dark blue parts around the upper areas. It went to Kimberly's knees, and went up to covering most of her shoulders, making her look like a private school girl. The dress was tail-holeless, so many species could wear it. This meant she had to keep her tail abnormally close to herself, making sure it stayed down, as it appeared from the bottom of the back of the dress. She didn't like the limited movement she could make with her tail, since she was used to jeans, where she could wag or elevate it as she pleased, without giving a dirty old man a peep show. "Damn you're cute!", Gina couldn't hold in. Kimberly was pretty, so dresses looked well on her, whether she liked that fact or not.

Kimberly just put a paw to her forehead. "I know, but I just don't like wearing them. My upper tail get's cramped from being used too little", she said with a slightly lower tone, wanting to get back into what she concidered to be normal and comfortable clothes.

"Go get changed and we'll walk around before we go", Gina told her. Kimberly went back into the booth and resumed her grumbling, trying to get the dress off and everything else back on. Once she got out, Gina took Kimberly's new coat and began carrying it and the dress.

"Don't tell me you're getting me that dress", Kimberly half snickered.

"You could use a new one for special occation or whatever", her mother replied, since she couldn't just not get that dress she found. Kimberly sighed and shook her head a bit, while they walked to the older woman's section. She just sort of followed her mother, who was just looking around for anything special. She didn't know she was looking for clothes for Julia, so there was no harm in it. Gina started looking through a rack of designer short sleeve shirts, that is before the dragon-like growl of her daughter behind her caught her attention. She turned her head to see her staring off at someone, growling softly with a slight sneer. "What's the matter?", Gina asked her concernedly, turning around to see what she was growling so angrily at.

"That's her!", she growled, trying to quiet her voice so she wouldn't be heard. What Gina looked at as a female German Shepherd, and she tried to figure out why she was growling at her like that. She wasn't too far away, and a certain something caught her eye. A large silver cross necklace around her neck.

"She's the one who hurt you?!", Gina said with a serious tone, quickly getting pissed off herself.

"Yeah, thats her", Kimberly replied angrily, though solumnly.

"Hold these", her mother said, handing her daughter the coat and dress, before quickly walking off. Kimberly eyed her strangely, wondering what this was going to be.

Gina approached the woman calmly, acting friendly really. "Hi miss. Are you coming from a church?", she asked her once she stopped beside her, gesturing to her cross.

The female Shepherd turned her head to her, almost curious to why she asked, but answered none the less. "Yes, I'm a representative from the Church of Christ. Trying to spread the word of our lord before his day", she answered, being a little pompous with her bible beativeness.

"Really? I think you should be rethinking your priorities since you harm innocent children", Gina said mockingly, getting an evil smirk.

The woman didn't quite like that remark, especially when she recongnized a certain resemblance between this dragon and a certain other one. "That girl! You're?!..", she exclaimed ready to tear ass.

"You got it lady!", Gina growled with a vengeful voice and that smirk, crossing her knuckles into the dog's muzzle before she could flee. The shepherd stumbled backwards with a yelp, getting punched right and left by a very pissed off dragon, making her continue to stumble backwards. Being that German shepherds were strong, she started throwing her own, landing them though it helped her none. This wasn't a cat fight, and like they say, 'if you want an ass beating, see a dragon'. Gina shoved her backwards with her left paw, and reeled back her right arm far, giving it a snap as she releaced it, slamming her knuckles into her muzzle and cheek, just below her eye, causing her to make a high pitched growl and fall. An obvious drip of crimson blood came from her nose, and she grasped the impact spot of Gina's last blow, while she writhed on the ground. Kimberly watched this in awe, never seeing her mom fight someone before, and win like that too. Gina went briskly back to her daughter and motioned for her to follow.

"Are you alright?", Kimberly blurted out in her concern, walking briskly alongside of her mother.

Gina rubbed a spot at the end of her muzzle a bit. "I'm fine, just a dull ache. She wasn't much", she said confidently. "Let's pay for those and get out of here before she gets some damn securety guards", she then grumbled. She and Kimberly baught the coat and the dress and left, getting a satisfaction that proper revenge brings. They both got into the car calmly, as they had no problems, and Gina started the car.

"Thanks mom, for doing that", Kimberly thanked her softly, still surprised she did that.

Gina smiled. "No one hurts you and humiliates you without getting a taste of it themselves. I don't think she'll be getting violent with anyone else for at least a while", her mother answered to that. Kimberly felt warm and cozy, knowing she was well protected, and her mother would do plenty to set things right. "You wanna stop for breakfast?", she then asked, slipping her demeanor back into her usual, happy self.

That offer sure perked Kimberly back into her happy self as well. "Hell yeah!", she chuckled.

Julia sat on the livingroom couch with a glass of iced tea, half watching the TV, and half watching the clock. It was just after eleven now, and once again, Ron was missing. She had called his parent's house to see how he was doing, and was told he hadn't shown up yet. Gone for hours, and not where he was supposed to be. Julia was certainly thinking what she wished she wasn't now, almost certain it was true.

"Julia?", Craig asked, wondering if she was off in space.

Julia snapped out of her thoughts, afraid that maybe her worries might be sensed. "Yeah Craig?", she said, wondering what he wanted.

"I'm headed off to the park for a while. Just wanted to let you know", he said somewhat somberly.

"Ok Craig", she replied lightly herself, sensing his depression. She was sympethetic to him...she didn't know what she'd do if she lost all her friends. Craig grabbed his jacket and left without another word. His guilt was getting worse, and Julia did worry and all, but her mind was far too occuiped with her lover...

Ron drove to his parent's house merrily, whistling an incoherent song like a tone deaf grasshopper. As much as he hated going over there to do his father's "bidding", he was too happy with today's holiday shopping success. Got Gina's and two for Kimberly, along with another little one for Craig. His money had dwindled to six bucks, and his duty was done. The things he got today couldn't be concealed well, so he decided to keep them in his car, hidden a short while, until he could slip them through his window. Now all he had to worry about is if they liked what he got! He pulled up at his parent's house with a smile, walking in to see if it would last.

"Hiya! Need anything done today?", he greeted once he opened the door.

"You could take out the trash, that's helpful", his father said from the other side of his newspaper. Ron didn't find this to be anything of importance or annoyance, so the smile was going to stay. He walked over to the kitchen and gave a smile to his mom at the table while he grabbed the trash bag and tied it. Then, something caught his eye. His mom's eye.

"Something the matter?", he asked her. She had her hand upon the top of her cheek while having her coffee, and her eye was sort of red, maybe swollen.

"Just my allergies dear. Could you refill my coffee before you take the garbage out?", she answered with her motherly smile. He took her mug and went to the coffee maker, filling it as asked. Something bothered him though. Her allergies were in the Spring. This deffinately wasn't the Spring....but that wasn't exactly what was bothering him.

By the time Ron got home, Julia was ready to tear out the hair she didn't have, worrying about where and with who he might be. Eventually, that door did open, and in came Ron with his happy smile.

"Ron!", Julia snapped, half glad to see him home, half pissed.

"Hi Julia...what's with that look? Smile!", he greeted, getting a laugh in his good mood.

"Where have you been?! I called your parent's house more then two hours ago, and you weren't there!", she yelled, making it obvious now that she was pissed.

Ron didn't quite understand her anger. "Been out working on that surprise", he said in a happy way, trying to ease what he thought was her curiosity.

"Surprise?! You have no money! You disappear for hours and don't tell anyone what you're doing! Then you come home and try to get in bed with me? Since when? And then I say no and it's no big deal? No big deal to a guy?! Maybe there's someone else who's giving you those pleasures!!", Julia screamed, getting up from the couch, looking really pissed off. Ron looked shocked, and actually took a step back from his peeved mate.

"You think I'm sleeping with someone else??!!", Ron shouted back, not believing what he was hearing from his girl.

"You sure make it look that way!", Julia snapped, nearly getting in his face.

"Jul, I'm not doing anything to make it look that way! What's wrong with you?!", he tried to defend himself, for what actual reason, he had no clue. How could she do this to me, he growled in his mind, trying to keep himself in check.

Julia clenched her fists and eyelids, looking like she was about to slap the hell out of him, before she suddenly wimpered and started briskly for her room with a few sad, high pitched sobs. She knew it to be true. Her lover forever, was no longer forever. "Leave me be!", she said tearily, closing her door and locking it before Ron could reach her.

"Julia!", he called at the closed door, jiggling the knob to find it locked. "Julia, I'll explain!", he called again, willing to admit his secret to her. There was only silence. "Let me explain, please!", he pleaded with the door, banging on it a few times franticly. He waited several seconds without moving an inch, and recieved no reply. Only the silence remained in the house. "My god...", he mumbled sadly, slowly getting off her door, taking a few steps back. He slumped up against the wall behind him, and found himself begining to sob. He was actually crying, and not lightly. He couldn't believe this...any of it. The only thing in his life that was right, ever, thought he was a player. There would never be anyone could she think that?! Ron slid down the wall to his rear, burrying his muzzle in his paws, not knowing what to do. She would let him speak, and he would tell her the truth. Ruining his surprise was a risk he would take for her....but she thought he was cheating, and with no proof. Did she not trust him? Was it always this way? Where did we go wrong...

Craig wandered through the snow, actually feeling a lot better in this cold getting some relaxation then he did in his warm home, dealing with the fire in his head. He felt sorry for himself, as well as angry at himself. He didn't know what emotions to feel anymore! It seemled like the world up and turned against him! Justin was the happiest and least violent of anyone. The anger he displayed yesterday...was something he had never seen before. He was so pissed and aggrivated, it almost looked like he would kick his ass! He knew Justin wouldn't do that, but the way things have changed, he felt no better at all. Craig arrived in the park, watching some children play in the snow as he walked by. Wolves, foxes, raccoons, he started counting in his head, looking at all the different furred species at play, finding the cold to be the best. Their parents would smile and talk, occationally being interrupted by a snowball from one of their kids. They'd laugh and carry on in their fun. Craig wished he had his good friends and family right about now. To be a child and play, it's something he missed. Now all he cared about was being a damn big shot. Rockers didn't act that way! You sit by and take life as it comes with your ideals at heart, not as some poser who tries to hard! Craig growled at himself in his head, and looked down at the concrete walkway beneath his feet, still hearing the playing of the kids. There was only one person in the back area of the park, the skateboard area. A dragon? Right in the bench from days ago...the same guy?

Noticing that someone was standing near him like a few days before, he picked his head up from his book with that same look. "Yes?", he said slightly low, wondering what this other dragon's intentions were, though he looked completely harmless.

Craig cleared his windpipe in his nervousness, just looking on with his somber look, giving a very small smile though. "There enough room for two?", he asked lightly, making sure his voice was far from hostile, and deffinately sorry.

The dragon corrected his glasses and made a noise of thought. "Sure", he replied, not really reluctant. Craig took a seat beside him, pulling his jacket close to himself to try and keep warm.

"Hey, I'm-uhh pretty sorry for being an asshole the other day. I was on an ego trip and I...lost sight of who I was..." , Craig said somberly, and appologeticly.

The dragon replied with another noise, and a flip of a page. "This is a turn around from how you acted last time", he said lightly himself, trying to keep hostilities clear.

"This is the real me. Please believe me when I say I'm sorry. I'm not used to causing problems, especially with another rocker. I tried too hard and became a poser...", Craig replied, giving a sigh of cold mist at the end.

"I've heard about you myself. Go back to what you were doing to become everyone's friend, and they will welcome you back. People like someone for a reason", the guy told him, giving his humble advice, placing his book at his side and turning his attention to his guest.

"That makes more sense then anything I've heard in a while, but I can't do anything till they're not so pissed", Craig said, snickering lightly, for really no reason other then his nervousness.

"Appologizing always helps. Let the pieces fall into place one at a time. My friends will know you came and appologized and it will spread. Then, you do your job, which is not doing one. Be yourself, that's what got you where you were", he added, showing a bit of wisdom that was appreciated.

"Thanks man. I'm Craig", he said with a small smile, feeling a little more relaxed, extending a hand of introduction.

The other dragon clasped his hand and shook it with his own little smile. "And I'm Matt. This time we're saying 'hi' with a handshake and not fists", he introduced, getting a slight laugh.

Craig chuckled a little himself. They both were being pretty light and somber. Maybe it was the cold, or maybe they both just got something off their chests. "So we're ok now?", he thought he should ask.

"Yeah. I can let things slide, you seem like an alright guy", Matt told him in his laid back sort of way. Now that Craig talked to the guy, it was dead obvious he was a rocker. "So I heard you were the guy in that kidnapping a while back. You must have put up a great fight! Tell me about it", he stated, asking for the story of that day. Craig chuckled for a moment, liking that compliment about putting up a good fight, especially from someone so....skilled.

Since Ron's argument with Julia, he had went to his car and brought in his Christmas gifts to hide, as there was no one around to see. Once they were hidden and he had rested for a while, having a beer from the fridge, he walked quietly back to Julia's door with a determination to settle her worries.

"Julia, we need to talk. You can't stay in there all day", he said lightly with a knock, being back into his usual Ron self. This time though, the door was answered. Julia looked like she had cried for a little while, and he felt bad she did. She must really believe he....was sleeping around.

"I'm sorry for going off Ron, come in and we'll talk", she said very lightly, like she had been so scared to come out herself. Ron went into her room as asked, and she shut the door quietly, wandering to the end of her bed. "Have a seat", she offered, still as quiet and somber as ever.

Ron sat down next to her and put an arm around her. "There has never been anyone else Julia. I have been Christmas shopping with the money I begged my parents for. That's why I have to go there in the mornings to help out. It wasn't a little!", he calmly explained to her. He was extremely hurt by her distrust, but he had been trying to look at it from her point of view.

Julia looked up from her lap with a surprised, yet not, look. She was sure she had been wrong, but needed convincing. Well, she got it. "I knew it....I'm sorry Ron. I just got so worried because I care so damn much. Not seeing you these past mornings has...been lonely. I love waking up and seeing you, and I'm so sorry I would doubt. I just kept twisting things in my worry", she sadly told him. She placed a paw upon his knee and smiled softly.

"Well I could see why you would doubt, with all my secrecy and all. I made that move on you yesterday because I feel closer to you then ever. You're my mate, I know it. It did hurt that you said those things but...I just looked at it from your perspective. What I saw, was a perfect, loving girl, who wanted her big dragon by her side", he said lovingly and softly, embracing her sort of eroticly.

Julia sort of giggled and brought her mate down to the bed. "You got it...", she whispered, just holding her male dragon, staring into his eyes. The two kissed and chuckled, feeling even closer then they did before. This was a match made from the stars, and nothing can stand in it's way.

"We're home!!", Gina called when she and Kimberly came in the front door. Well, maybe a few things can stand in the way. The two said 'dammit' in their heads, having not gotten anywhere. Ron and Julia sat up and just smiled, giving eachother a good kiss before they got up.

Shortly after, Kimberly was already on her way to Sheila's house, not being able to bear this odd discomfort any longer. She wasn't about to let herself fall into Craig's predicament, though her's was different in many ways. Kimberly was never keen on having lots of friends. Her circle of close friends would do just fine. Sheila was the most important part, and if she lost her, she'd be worse off then Craig. Losing them would be just as bad, but Kimberly herself would be wounded, having lost her best friend since she was in diapers. She refused to let that happen. She went up Sheila's front walkway, deciding to not go to her window this time, and knocked on the front door.

The door opened a ways, with Sheila's mother in the doorway. "Hi, could I see Sheila for a little while?", Kimberly politely asked.

"Certainly. Sheila!", she replied with a smile for the young dragon, calling for her daughter. Sheila came within a few seconds, but slowed significantly when she noticed who it was. She kept quiet and walked outside, as her mother closed the door to keep the heat in.

"Here's your jacket Sheila. There's sort of a blood stain on the back inside", Kimberly said nervously, handing her the jacket back. Kimberly was wearing her new coat, which was pretty warm and comphy, so she didn't mind giving Sheila's back. Sheila took the jacket with not the most comforting look, though Kimberly couldn't tell exactly what emotion she was displaying. "Can we talk?", she then asked, hoping to break the ice and settle this.

Sheila started walking down the walkway to the driveway, with Kimberly following. "I can't believe you saw us!", she said sadly.

"I'm sorry, I had only come to give your jacket back. I tried to leave without startling you two....and I'm sorry I judged your relationship, I was just shocked", Kimberly said appologeticly, though she didn't exactly see herself as fully in the wrong.

Sheila stopped infront of her garage, certain it was private enough. "You shocked us too....Chris isn't allowed to date, and neither am I, I guess. I just wanted to spend time with him scared him away. I got so mad I.....I'm sorry for hitting you. I was far out of line to do that to you, I'm so sorry!", she said lightly and sadly, before becoming appologetic. She knew she screwed up.

Kimberly smiled a bit. "As long as we're friends, I have nothing to be angry about. You had umm...respectable cause to be worried. I just showed up at the wrong time, I won't hold that against you. I hope you and Chris'll be a good pair too", she replied, easing the tention to nothing.

"Thanks Kim. I can't believe you'd let me off like that!", Sheila said with a smile and light giggle, feeling a lot better. This had been irritating her too!

"Your slap hurt, but not enough to make me mad, not at you. I've known you too long, and you're my best friend. I just wanted us back on normal terms!", Kimberly giggled in response.

"Why don't you sleep-over tonight?", Sheila invited with a smile, apparently looking to make things right.

"Sure! I'll just go back to my house for a bit. You need to ask your parents?", she said happily, wondering if it was ok.

"My mom will say yes, don't worry. I'll leave my window open a crack so you can get in easy", Sheila assured.

"Ok, I'll see you in a bit!", Kimberly said with a hint of joy, leaving for her house to get a few things. That was a lot more painless then she thought! Sheila was feeling the same way about what happened. It never ceases to amase her how much alike they grew up to be.

"How'd it go Kim?", Julia asked when she walked in, standing near the kitchen with another glass of iced tea.

"Perfect. Hey mom. Ma', you around?", she replied with a smile, looking around for her mother.

"Yes dear?", Gina said, coming from her room.

"Could I sleep-over at Sheila's house?", Kimberly asked.

"Ok. Just give me a call later and tell me how you are", Gina said with a smile, glad to see Kimberly back to her happy self.

Kimberly went down to her room, grabbing her pillow and stuffing a shirt and some pants in it. She knew this would be fun, and she hadn't spent good time with Sheila in a while. Time to giggle, play, and do whatever. She was twelve, and she'd only be that age once! Gotta have fun while you're still a little girl, she said to herself.

"Does this mean the bed is all mine tonight?", Julia walked in a joked.

"Unless you put someone else in it", Kimberly replied with a smart-ass smirk. "Please don't", she snickered, sticking her tongue out.

"You little bitch", Julia laughed, lying down on the bed.

"I'm off. See ya' Jul!", she said with a smile, in quite a good mood, setting off for the door. After saying goodbye to her mother, she walked out and set off for Sheila's house again. Once she stepped out into the cold, she found someone else. "Why the hell do you look so happy?", she joked to her brother walking up the driveway.

"All is well. Or it will be at least", he smiled, walking by. "Where are you going? Hope it's not somewhere without permission again", he said in a smart-ass way in his happiness, turning his head around to talk.

"I'm staying the night at Sheila's", Kimberly answered simply. Once he went inside, she was already across the street, heading around Sheila's house to her side window. It was left open a crack as promised, and she pushed it open, climbing inside.

"I have arrived!", Craig announced when he walked in the front door, trying to be funny.

"Have fun walking around by yourself?", Gina asked. Julia had told her that he went for a walk in the park.

"Not by myself. With the guy I lost to. Everything's gonna be ok!", Craig said proudly, quite happy for himself.

"Good!! I knew you'd do it!", his mother said excitedly, happy for him. Everyone was in such a good mood now! It was great! Before Craig could escape, Gina gave him a hug. She was just too damn happy!

The day progressed into the evening, with everyone settling in nicely. The house was certainly not the same without Kimberly. She was the life of things, but the other four had much of their own happiness to replace that missing piece for the time being. Craig just loafed around in a carefree way, Ron and Julia stayed close all day, and Gina just enjoyed the atmosphere. She finally got her Christmas wish. That was, for everyone to be happy, and for this to be a memorable Christmas, having Ron with them. She would be going Christmas shopping tomorrow morning, and no one would be the wiser. Well maybe, but still. After dinner and the usual TV, Ron had slipped off for his shower. He grabbed a quick change of clothes and a towel and went to the bathroom. Giving a little yawn, he tossed his clothes beside the door and turned the water on, waiting a few seconds for the water to warm. Once he was in, he came to thinking, as most people do in the shower. That and something else, but he had Julia for that. Julia....she was like a dream. Dreams bent the fabric of reality, either to become something terrible, or something wonderful. That girl's love and everything else just blew him away, like she was something beyond this world's capability, reaching into the fantasies of a dream. No matter what, she would always be there for him, even if they argue. Their bond was that close. He couldn't wait for Christmas, with his little surprise. Even though Julia knew, she still didn't know any of the gifts, so it was still alright. Ron had soon gotten out of she shower and dressed, walking down to his room to ready a few things for bed. While fixing some things upon his dresser, he got a guest.

"Hey Jul. What's u--", he said with a smile, before she walked quietly over and placed a finger on his muzzle. She closed the door quietly, and locked it.

"You know, with Kimberly not next door...", she said in an erotic manner, placing her arms around her mate, rubbing his back with her paws.

"Oh-ho...", he said in a 'is that so' way, getting a chuckle. Ron leaned his head down a bit, since he was tall, and kissed her a few times, moving how own paws a little further down then Julia's were on him. She giggled, and the two embraced eachother and went for the bed, making sure to grab a little something that was ribbed for her pleasure from his nightstand drawer.

Kimberly and Sheila were having a fine time together. They sat on the floor infront of her bed talking in their pajamas. Pretty much anything was a subject. They talked about the old kidnapping incident, the boat burning, Chris. It wasn't until Kimberly started coming up with things did they really start to reminice.

"You remember way back when we were little, when our tails were just tiny things?", Kimberly started thinking back, using their tails as a comparison.

Sheila just laughed. "I remember a lot of crap from when we were little. You would usualy come over here and help me build things with my old blocks, or play tag. You were such a hellraiser too", she said with a big smile, snickering at the end.

"What about the time we tried to paint your bike, and got most of the paint all over your garage?", Kimberly snickered, giving the end of her tail a little wag.

Sheila sighed, snickering a bit herself. "Yeah I do, and I also remember that being mostly your idea. I got spanked for that you know!", she smiled back, just snickering lightly.

"I got the ruler for that, so ha!", Kimberly retorted, making this look like a competition.

"Oh yeah? Bedwetter!", Sheila laughed, pointing at her dragon friend accusingly.

"I was six! Tail chaser!", Kimberly shot back, laughing herself.

"TILL you were six, and I chased my tail only when I was bored, and I was four!....ah crap I can't think of anything else", Sheila said while laughing, holding her knees she was laughing so good.

Kimberly laughed till it started to subside. "Oh well, a draw", she said while she was trying to calm.

"Aw crap...", Sheila chuckled, finding it fun to talk about the old days. "Oh well, I'm ready for bed. You can take my bed, I'll sleep down here", she offered, getting to her feet.

Kimberly stood up with a stretch, giving her tail a bit of a swish after keeping it still. "I don't wanna take your bed. It's yours", she told her, not wanting to intrude like that.

"Well alright. I just got to go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a minute. You can use that blanket over there for yourself", Sheila let be, setting off for the door and pointing at a blanket that had been folded beside her bed. Kimberly grabbed the blanket and draped it at the foot of Sheila's bed, adding her pillow, making an instant bed. Her carpet was kinda comphy, so she didn't really mind sleeping down there. The two girls had fun all evening, and Sheila's mom even brought their dinner in for them. Gossiping and reminicing, it's something they hadn't gotten to do for a while. Kimberly settled into her 'bed' and under the blanket, with Sheila returning only a few seconds from then, climbing into her own bed.

" there any guy you're aiming for?", Sheila asked out of the blue, hinting her curiosity.

"Well no, not really. You're farther along then I am", Kimberly replied a little awkwardly, being put on the spot like that, and having to admit her current puberty status.

"Oh well. I'm sure there's someone you like, you're just not going to tell yet", she giggled back.

Kimberly made a practicly silent snicker and smiled. "Have you and Chris gotten far yet?", she asked, feeling like asking a personal question of her own.

"No way! Chris really isn't like that. Sure he smokes and all sometimes, but he's really a softy", Sheila smiled up to her ceiling, just lying in her bed.

"That's good. I'm glad you're happy", Kimberly said happily and lightly, with her head snuggled into the pillow.

With a comfortable sigh, Sheila flicked her light off. "G'night", she wished the dragon at the foot of her bed.

"Good night", Kimberly yawned, lying there peacefully till sleep took over.

Gina awoke quite groggily in the morning, with a fourth of her tail dangling off the side of the bed. She needed more sleep, but there was more important things to do. She sat up and stretched, finding that she had slept rather sprawled out on the bed, and had her head resting on her wrist, cutting off circulation, which made it quite tingly. After stopping at the bathroom and brushing her teeth, she had woken up a little more, and wandered over to her dresser to get dressed before she left her room. She grabbed a pair of pants, a clean shirt, and the ever dreadded bra, putting them on before going to brew herself some coffee. She wanted to get out early, and since it was already nine-thirty, she put the coffee in a portable mug and grabbed her keys, before heading out for the car. She had a few ideas in mind, but she was really shooting in the dark this year. Kimberly and Ron would be especially difficult, and she didn't have much time left. The most she could do is go with her ideas and look around, keeping within her budget as always. She always wanted to spoil her kids, but never really had the funds to do so. She made good money, especially with the child support, but paying for the bills, house, and five dragons put a huge dent in spare cash. Craig always wanted one of those videogame systems, but she never had a large enough sum to get one, and still get games for it. Then it hit her. That's what her special gift could be! But just how expensive would that be, is what she needed to know. Gina had roughly a bit over two- hundred she had saved for Christmas, and two-hundred and fourty to be precice. This was a special time for her to be close to her kids and have fun, so she always kept funds set aside. She stopped at Target first, since she was there to browse briefly the other day. She grabbed a small pile of clothes for Julia that were a tad more on the expensive side, along with a small gold chain for her wrist that she thought she'd like. Just a little gesture for giving Kimberly her really really nice silver one. That was sixty-eight bucks already, and she had three to go. After a check at the electronics section, she found her idea for Craig to be too expensive, just like every other dead end idea she had thus far. Kimberly came next, so she went and got those art supplies she thought of and a book better then she species one she liked. It focused on ancient and current dragons in heavy detail, and she did mention a while back she wanted something like that. Before she left, she grabbed a new black jacket for Ron, and quickly got another idea she could do. A roll of film in her purse that needed to be developed had a great picture of Ron and Julia together, and he didn't have any. He would now, and framed! But Craig....still no ideas, and this was the last day she could shop. She went and had that developed and framed, which looked really cute, and left, still trying to figure out what to get Craig and finish with Kimberly.

Ron woke up half on his side and half on his face, having his muzzle pressed against Julia's neck. He wanted to move, but his legs wouldn't. Not after that night. He smiled and took the arm he had around Julia off of her, taking up and stroking the back of her head and neck. She was so cute...and fiesty! Julia's eyes opened slowly, but she smiled and put an arm around him too.

"Good morning", Ron said low, just smiling happily, running his fingers across her neck.

Julia made a small giggle. "Good morning....just as good night", she replied, making an erotic joke about it. Neither of them were clothed, as they fell asleap snuggling. Their warm embrace and soothing touch lit up the morning. Such love was wonderful.

"I can't move my legs", Ron laughed.

"That's supposed to be my line", Julia laughed back, nuzzling her muzzle against his.

"Then I guess I have no reason to stay in bed", he teased.

Julia kissed him a few times, and they both slipped out of bed, holding a paw of the other's. Julia went and grabbed her clothes she had tossed around the room, while Ron pulled a fresh pair of everything out of his dresser and closet. With another hug and kiss, after getting dressed, they went out to the kitchen for breakfast. Julia played the role of the wife the morning after the act, making a breakfast of eggs and sausage, while Ron took care of the toast. It was hard to cook when you can't keep your paws off the person beside you, but that only added to the fun. They hadn't been happier in a long time. After breakfast, and Craig woke up, Ron left for his parent's house to see if they needed anything today, while she stayed behind and cleaned up.

Ron zipped over to his parent's house with a smile, replaying last night over and over in his head. Life was perfect. Nothing on the road was going to make him mad, and the trip seemed instant. He hopped happily out of his car, landing his shoes into the snow. He walked with a smile to the door, having it fade at the sounds of arguing and yelling. Ron slowly moved his head over so he could look in the window beside the door, and it's blinds were not fully closed, so he was able to see the form of his mother and father standing next to the diningroom table vaguely. He had peeked through the window quickly enough to see his father move quickly, and then there was a sound of a slap. The form of his mother stumbled, catching her balance on the table, as his father stormed into their bedroom and slammed the door. Ron had sneered hard at hearing that, and quickly, but not noisily, went through the front door and rushed through the livingroom to his mother's side. She looked away from her son, holding a paw to the point of impact on her muzzle, letting a pair of tears make their way down her cheeks.

"I thought you told me he stopped", Ron didn't say in the kindest way, though he gently placed his hands upon her shoulders to correct her posture and get her upright.

His mother sniffed, giving the hard slap area a firm rub, before she lowered her hand to her chest in discomfort. "He hasn't been too happy lately, I'm sorry you had to know", she said softly and sadly. Ron's expression didn't change one bit, and he just continued scowling. His mother took his right paw into her own and stroked it with the other. "Don't worry about me", she said lightly, looking to ease her son.

Ron sighed a growl, changing his scowl into a sneer for a short moment, before he cooled himself. "I want you to be happy and safe. You shouldn't have to put up with that", he said with anger.

"I'm alright Ronald, trust me. You know how mad your father can get at me when things aren't going right", she tried to reassure, holding his paw with a gentle firmness a mother is an expert at. Ron closed his eyes, trying to ease the pain his nerves were throbbing with. He knew too well his father's violent streaks. Never on him, but always on his mom. Ever since he was a little pup, he would see her get hit, slapped, or punched. As a small child, this was gut wrenching to see. Waking up in the middle of the night, wandering to his door with his dragon plushie, hearing the mentaly hurtful arguing of his mommy and daddy. It would always have sounds he didn't want to hear in it, if hearing them yell and be angry wasn't enough. He would squeeze that dragon, trembling and crying in fright. It's one of the reasons he had kept it for so many years...

"It's just not right. You've delt with it long enough, take a stand!", he growled low, making sure his dad didn't hear. His father was very burly for a scientist, and was the one who gave him his strong body through genes. Ron was scared of him, as he knew his father to be practicly the only person who could take him on, and win. Using the strength he had, on a, his mother....was sickening.

"Ron stop. I know you worry, but I'm fine. We always make up, so I don't want you to be all distrought over this", his mother said as plainly as she could, not wanting him to carry this burdon. She looked into his eyes and felt his muscles untensing, still holding onto his paw, finding it comforted her too.

"Ok mom. Just be careful alright?", he eased off, wishing for her best. "Do you want anything done?", he asked, more out of concern then anything else.

His mother let go of his hand and made a smile of a sort. "No, that's alright. You can go", she said softly, but a little higher then she was before. Her eye looked better then it did yesterday, and the new slap welt just added to it, but Ron just told himself she would be ok.

Ron bent his head over and kissed his mother, right at the top end of her muzzle. "I'll see you tomorrow morning then", he said with a light, lofty voice and a smile. After turning and starting for the door, he turned his head one last time while walking. "Love you ma'", he said with a more happier tone, not wanting to leave on such a sour note.

"Love you too Ronald. Bye", she said, matching his attempt to be happy. She watched him leave and close the door....and then she was alone again. She loved her husband, she always had, and did trust him, even with some of the things she had been through. They always came out together in the end...but that didn't make his occational tantrums any less painful, especially when her son had to see them.

Craig closed the front door of the house and stuffed his paws into his pockets. It was quite nippy as usual, but the sky had cleared for the most part, and there was a soft winter's glow cast upon the houses and sparkling snow. He set off walking to Sheila's house, already seeing those two throwing snowballs at eachother. Kimberly looked like she was having a lot of fun, and actually felt bad for going over to ask what he was about to. They noticed him once he got to their property, as they were lost in the winter's play.

"Hi Craig!", Kimberly called to him with a smile, though she wondered why he was here. It's not like she wanted to go home, that was for sure.

"Hi Kim, hi Sheila", he greeted the two girls, being polite. "Kim, do you think you could sorta come with me to Justin's place? I, uhh, don't really want to go alone", he asked of her and explained. The only detail he left out was the fact that he knew Kimberly to be very supportive and thought she'd be great help to him just by being there. He just wasn't about to embarass her infront of Sheila like that, with family mushyness.

Kimberly made a small sigh, putting a paw to her muzzle to think. "Sorry Sheila, I should probabbly go", she said with a light kindness, trying to press that he needed her.

"That's ok Kim, I'll go get your stuff", Sheila replied understandably, bounding for her window on the side of the house. Kimberly and Craig watched her go, just sort of instinctively, before turning their gazes back to eachother.

"I'm sorry to mess up your fun. I just need you right about now so I can fix this. Justin thinks you're nice anyway, so I'm hoping he won't go off at me infront of you", he said sorta low, laughing at the end though.

"It's fine", Kimberly smiled with a small giggle, feeling like she was going to blush with the compliments. It felt real nice though, to be looked up to for something like this, especially after all the horrors she caused in the past. Being kind was a lot better then being a careless hellraiser, and helping her family allowed her to 'repent' for her actions. Even so, she would never say no anyway. Sheila arrived with her pillow, stuffed with her pajamas and old clothes, several moments later.

"We can finish this later", Sheila said with a good smile, handing her the pillow. She hadn't had such fun in a while!

"See ya'!", Kimberly said, heading for their house. Craig waved goodbye with a little smile of his own.

"Ron will be home in just a tiny bit. He'll drop us off there. You have enough time to put your stuff away quickly", Craig told her as they walked.

Five minutes from then, the two were getting into Ron's car, as Craig had asked him to take them over there as soon as he pulled back up. Ron didn't mind much, as he really needed a destraction right about now, though he was doing an ok job at brushing off what had happened earlier. It only took them about four minutes to drive there, and Craig got out of the car, as did Kimberly.

"Just follow me around and stuff, don't be nervous. Oh, and beware of his sister...", Craig said last minute, really trying to ease his own nervousness. Kimberly nodded, and Craig knocked on his friend's door. It took a few moments, but it was answered.

"Oh...Craig. Hi Kimberly", Justin said in a surprised way, before he said a polite hello to his little sister. Kimberly thought it best to stay quiet, and just smiled.

"Well Jus--", was all Craig managed to say before a loud voice interrupted him.

"WHO??!!", blurted out Sharon, who blew into the front foyer, finding this to be true. "Get out of here! Teacher's fuck pet!!", the annoying dragon screamed. Kimberly didn't exactly realize who Justin's sister was, and quickly bared her teeth at that voice.

"Bitch!!", Kimberly retaliated, with Justin holding Sharon and Craig holding his own sister to keep from from mauling eachother.

"Get out of this house you hoe!", Sharon shouted, while the two boys tried to get the two firey girls to stop.

"Shut up Sharon!", Kimberly growled angrilly, while Craig did his best to restrain her.

"Yeah! Shut up Sharon!", Justin said mockingly, giving his sister a fling backwards, away from Kimberly. She kept her balance of course, and the two pissed girls growled at eachother, before Sharon stormed off. Kimberly unclenched her teeth and let her muzzle rest, breathing a little heavy from that little stand-off. Craig let go of her once he thought she had cooled down and shifted his attention to Justin. "Sorry about her you two. She's such a bitch. Come on in", he chuckled lightly, showing them from the foyer to the diningroom to the right. Justin had an interesting house, as it was somewhat victorian and two story, and the entryway was it's own little room, with the stairs directly infront. Justin and Craig wandered through the doorway into the room, while Kimberly leaned up against the frame of the doorday, letting them have just a tad more privacy by not being right there with them.

"I heard you made friends with Matt", Justin said a lot more upbeat then all the other times he had spoken to Craig in the past few days. He took his seat on the side of his table and Craig sat down on the end.

"Yeah I did. Please accept my appology too, I know I screwed up", Craig replied, jumping straight to the point with a sorry tone of voice. He was confident at least, and he owed a bit of it to not being alone, with Kimberly only a short distance away.

Justin made a very small chuckle and smiled. "I do", he relented.

"Thanks man. How's everyone else?", he smiled back, nervously wondering how the others are.

"Give it time. Matt said good things about you, so that helped you a lot, so you just need to wait for any grudge to be lifted, which could have happened already, I dunno", Justin explained.

"You havn't been to the cafe recently?", Craig asked, surprised he had not been.

"Not today at least. I've been stuck watching Sharon. She don't ever give me a break", Justin said in a slightly annoyed way. He really didn't like putting up with her crap. "I shoulda let her and Kimberly fight. My mom said she'd get into deep trouble if she pulled a stunt like that again, since she never fully believed her story", he joked.

"Hey Justin, could I use your bathroom?", Kimberly up and asked, feeling the need to pee pretty damn bad, after being outside all morning.

"Sure. First door to the left of the stairs", Justin said looking over his shoulder. Kimberly wandered out, and the two took their attention back to eachother.

"I'm sorry if me bringing Kimberly has caused any trouble, I didn't know Sharon would hold a grudge after something like that", Craig appologized.

"Don't worry about it, she's always this bitchy at home. She might be smart and a good student, but that's the only thing that's kept her out of trouble. She complains about Kimberly all the time, saying this and that. It's all stupid", he snickered.

"Well, are the two of us ok now?", Craig asked, keeping his voice light and upbeat, like he always does.

"Yep", Justin replied as his normal self, not wanting this to carry on farther, as Craig learned his lesson. A loud, elongated yowl broke their conversation, and they darted from their seats out of the diningroom, knowing that scream to be Kimberly.

"How do ya' like that you bitch!!", Sharon shouted vengefully, as the two reached the diningroom doorway. They ran around the stairs and found what had taken place. Sharon had fired a tazer at her adversary. She dropped the device upon being caught, and Craig got to his knees to help his downed sister. Kimberly had been coughing and breathing hard from the longer then normal electrical shock. The two pointed electrodes stuck in her lower chest, and the great electrical shock knocked all the air clear out of her lungs.

"Kim, are you alright?!", Craig said in a panic, grabbing her shoulders as she made it herself to her hands and knees, still wheezing hard. She looked like she had fought the tears, but a few slipped, going down her cheeks. The shock she got was not meant for someone so young, and not meant for that length of time for anyone at all. Kimberly quickly growled softly, getting her air back, and clutched the electrodes in her lower chest, tearing them out herself. Craig was astonished she took that so well, ripping those pointed things out like she was ready to jump from the ground. She had two holes in her shirt now, along with matching blood stains from the bit of blood that was leaking from the wounds.

"Sharon, what the fuck is the matter with you??!!!", Justin shouted in a shocked anger, making sure to get between her and Kimberly. Kimberly's wheezes became hard pants, as she got onto her feet, clutching the tazer's wounds, as Craig held her gently at the tops of her arms so she would be ok. Justin, grabbed his own sister, and deffinately not gently, with one of his hands, grasping the shirt of her left shoulder.

"She's been asking for this since the day she assaulted me for no reason!!", Sharon shouted in defense of herself, blatently lying.

"You goddamn son of a--!", Kimberly growled harshly, taking a lurch before Craig got a better hold of her to calm her so she wouldn't get herself into any trouble.

"You fuckin' stole mom's tazer and used it on her unprovoked??!! Come on, I'm locking you in your room till mom get's home!", Justin snapped, before he pulled her along behind him up the stairs. Kimberly growled softly at her pain, still clutching her belly hard, feeling the 'after effects' of having so much electricity zapped through you. Her nerves were shot, and standing was a slight problem after her system took such a shock. Craig helped her into the diningroom and sat her down, while she continued to pant, wiping the last of her tears that managed to escape her eyes.

"I can't believe she did that...", Craig growled, looking at his poor sister and a twin pair of blood stains on her shirt.

"I walk out of the bathroom and got shot with the damn thing. She can't fight me, so that's what she decided to do..", Kimberly grumbled, able to talk a bit better now, having some air.

Justin came in briskly, with not the happiest look. "She's locked in her room, and my mom will be home in a few minutes. Trust me Kim, she's in big trouble this time", he told the injured girl. The three of them sat at the table, and Justin had brought drinks for them, as they sat and talked for a while. Justin's mother took longer then expected, and by the time she came in, they had settled in nicely. His mom came in the diningroom, seeing that Justin had guests.

"Hello there", the deeper voiced woman said to the two.

"Ma', this is Kimberly, Craig's brother", Justin introduced, allowing the name she had heard so much to have a face.

"Hi ma'am, nice to meet you", Kimberly greeted with a smile, being as polite as she could.

"So this is Kimberly! You're quite polite. I knew those things Sharon said about the fight you two had weren't true", she said enthusiasticly, lowering a bit at the last sentence.

"Speaking of Sharon, she hadn't behaved too well while you were out. Kimberly?", Justin told her mother with a lower tone, beckoning for Kimberly to stand up and remove her arm from her belly. She did so, revealing the two blood stained holes. The circles of red had gotten slightly larger, though they weren't big. Justin's mother gasped upon seeing this, while Kimberly wiped some dryed blood from her paw, like it was more of a concern.

"You poor thing! What did she do?!", she expressed her shock, wondering what caused this.

"She stole your tazer and shot her with it when Kim came out of the bathroom, giving her a long high setting electrocution. Unprovoked of course", Justin explained in a 'matter of fact' way. His mom growled and clenched her fists.

"I knew that girl was a liar! Dammit, she did that because she thought she'd get away with it, like I always allow! Not anymore!", she said angrily, stomping into the kitchen. "I'm sorry Kimberly. Sharon will be singing a new tune shortly!", she appologized, opening a drawer and pulling out a big wooden spoon. Justin snickered, knowing his jerk of a sister was finally going to be punished for something.

"Go for it mom", he snickered while she walked briskly out. Kimberly quickly got a smug look once she left, knowing retrobution was coming, and she wasn't dealing it for once! Having the underside base of her tail swatted with a ruler so many times, she could only hope that spoon hurt more! Sharon would deffinately be singing a new tune after her mom's through; With howls, whines, and tears! Kimberly snickered herself at her thoughts, turning her attention back to the two older boys.

"Ron is going to be here any minute to pick us back up, why don't we head out front?", Craig suggested.

"Alright", Justin said, leading the two others outside. Kimberly was sure happy now, knowing Sharon was about to suffer for being such a dumb bitch. She hoped the bottomside of her tail would hurt too bad to sit too! Revenge is fun to even think about, she laughed in her mind. She listened to Craig and Justin talk for a few minutes, and she thought she might have heared Sharon howl once, and after that, she sure as hell couldn't keep a straight face. When Ron pulled up, she and Craig said goodbye, while Ron said 'hi' from his window. They left for home, and Kimberly let Craig tell Ron the story of getting tazered. It pissed him off really bad, which made Kimberly feel sorta good, knowing she meant that much to him. She then let him know what was happening to her now, and he got a laugh off of it. 'Serves her right', was his exact words.

Gina wandered Radio Shack, getting pretty pissed at herself for still having no ideas. She finished with Kimberly, getting her a Monopoly set, especially after all the fun they had playing it across state. However, her anger was about to end. Her idea came.

"Craig likes his stereo...why not get a second set of speakers?", she mumbled happily to herself. Gina wandered over to the counter to ask about this, since wires and crap wasn't her thing. "Excuse me, how might I hook up a second set of speakers to a stereo?", she asked the clerk.

"You could use an amp. Will you need help picking the devices out?", he asked. Naturally she said yes, so he went about his duty of selecting parts to meet her budget. She ended up getting a good set of speakers, and a standard amp since it only needed to push the two, and she stayed just within her budget. She put them all in the trunk of her car, ready to jump for joy, finally having her holiday shopping complete. She made her way home, seeing Ron's car pull up beside her driveway before she got there. Thankfully, everything was in the trunk, so there was no chance of peeking when she drove in. Ron and the others had gotten out of the car when she drove into the garage, with Kimberly lingering behind.

"Ma', I harmed another shirt", Kimberly joked, spreading the two sides of her coat apart to show the two puncture holes and the bit of blood around them, once she got out of the car. Gina almost winced, seeing even the littlest blood that was her daughter's.

"Dammit...what happened?", she asked concernedly.

"I got shot with a tazer. Doesn't that sound like fun?", Kimberly said lightly, though she was trying to be somewhat humorous with her sarcasm.

"A tazer??!!", her mother bursted out with. "Gimme your shirt so I can treat the blood stains", she sighed.

"Right now?..", Kimberly said a little embarassedly. There was no one else around, but they were in an open garage still. Gina quickly went and hit the button to shut the door.

"I'm going to have to clean and bandage that too you realize", Gina reminded her. Kimberly sighed and took off her coat, giving her mother the shirt. While her mother pre- treated the stains, she slipped her coat back on. Tossing the shirt in the wash, the two girls went in through the garage door. Gina lead her to her own bathroom, giving her a seat on the toilet-lid. Though it was embarassing, this was her mother, and she allowed her to wipe the punctures with alcohol and clean off the bit of blood. Gina finished her work off by bandaging the two holes, telling her daughter she could take them off later, when they have had a little time to heal. After that, Kimberly used her coat as a shirt for a while, as they sat on the end of her bed talking about how she got tazered. People like Sharon really piss Gina off, and what she did was inexcuseable. She like the part involving the wooden spoon though.

Kimberly and Gina ended up having dinner by themselves that night, after Kimberly came home from playing in the snow with Sheila. Ron, Craig, and Julia went up the the cafe to kick a few back and have dinner out late. Kimberly reclined on the couch in her pajamas with her mom on the other end, while they watched TV together. When it was just the two of them together, they always talked and laughed about things, and even then it was calmer and quieter then it usualy was. Kimberly wouldn't have been like this when she was younger, and she felt very happy they could spend time like this now. It steadily became more and more apparant why they held nothing against her....she really changed that much. It was like she was Kimberly, yet better. The Kimberly from her dream was right. They were the same person, but there was something she left out. There really were two different sides, and by the looks of things, one side lost the war and disappeared. No more stupid nightmares to scare herself with.

"You think that Sharon is going to appologize now?", Gina asked, wondering what her daughter's oppinion of her might be.

"Her mom might keep her from electrocuting people, but I think Sharon is still going to be pompous and a bitch. She'll just do it with a sore tail now", Kimberly said in a funny way, not being able to contain a snicker at the end. Sharon better be embarassed for this one!

"I finished my Christmas shopping today", Gina announced to her with a smile, knowing she could keep such a thing quiet. "Think you could go take your shower now so I could bring them all in from the car?", she then asked.

Kimberly smirked, giving her approval. "Yeah ok", she replied, hopping off the couch and going into the bathroom. Gina grabbed her keys and went out the garage door, flicking on the light to start hauling these things into her room for wrapping and hiding.

Kimberly placed all her clothes neatly on the counter beside her towel, and removed the two bandages from her lower chest. She made sure to look at the punctures in the mirror, finding the little wounds to not look so bad when they're not bleeding. She turned the water on, making sure to give the water a minute to warm, then got in. She took a seat on the cool tile, sitting within the shower's rain, warming herself a bit from the water. She didn't have a seat to think, but instead, did it to relax and enjoy the warm water. For once, everything seemed ok. Even though she had problems here and there at times, they were surpassable. Her family was happy, she was happy, and to add a laugh, Sharon wasn't! Kimberly shifted her tail, moving it infront of herself so it could be warmed too in the water. Christmas was almost here, and now that she remembered, her mother had that surprise tomorrow. She stood up and washed herself, then got out and dried herself off. Once she had gotten dressed, she found her mother back on the couch.

"You done ma'?", Kimberly asked to make sure, heading around to have a seat next to her.

"Yep", Gina answered with a smile, feeling that happiness she gets this time of year. Kimberly sat down beside her mother, snuggling against her side, feeling her warmth. Gina looked down at her comphy daughter, who was resting her head on her, and smiled in a serene and calm way. It is unsure if the two had ever been closer then this moment, but this was deffinately one to remember, having the mother and little daughter snuggled against eachother in the peace of the night.

Ron, Julia, and Craig sat at the bar together, talking, drinking, and enjoying themselves. Craig opted to just sit with his sister and friend, letting those who wanted to speak to him to come themselves. It was actually working! This was the most relaxed he had been in days, leaning on the counter with a smile, a glass of beer, and a basket of chicken wings. As for Ron, this was mainly his idea to come here. After having known his mother was still being hurt by his father, he couldn't get that little worry out of the back of his head, and thought a little time out with his friends and his girl would do some good. James was sure glad to see them, especially since it had been a few weeks since he had seen Ron or Julia. With his job and all, Ron hadn't gotten out much.

"I wish Justin was here", Ron commented, wanting a bit of music.

"I'm surprised he's not. His mom has been home, so he could come if he wanted", Craig said, taking a sip of his brew. The cafe was quieter tonight, though there was much talking going on. Without Justin and his guitar, the place doesn't seem to be so noisy.

Julia sipped on the lemonade she got and frowned a bit. "I feel bad for what happened to Kim. A little girl getting tazered at full strength for almost six seconds? And to add the stupid woman that got her shirt torn off and her back gashed...", she said a sorta quietly, swirling her drink.

"Pisses me off...", Ron grumbled, taking a swig of his beer.

"You should have seen her though. She tore the wires out and got to her feet, still ready to take anything. Her body didn't agree, but she sure as hell did anyway", Craig said in an optimistic manner.

"Kimberly is good in certain situations. She did save your life, and did it with only one usable leg", Ron added as a reminder.

Craig made a small grunt of aknowledgement. Derek was about to stab him and she jumped, grabbing his arm, giving Craig the extra few seconds needed to plow a punch into his nose to get him to drop the blade. He couldn't use the blade with such a weight on his arm, and she risked it to save him. Not to mention she was the one who untied him. "That's not something I'll be forgetting", he said a few moments later.

"I see that scar on her thigh almost every day, and it hurts to look at it", Julia stated, taking a gulp of her cool beverage once she said it. Kimberly couldn't even walk after that for a while, so Julia was the one who ended up taking care of her when her mother could not. She realized she wasn't the nicest about helping her little sister sometimes, especially since she knew she sometimes cried because of the pain of that wound, with her cut through muscle and all. It was always subtle, because she never wanted anyone to worry about her. Kimberly isn't the only one who carried guilt because of being mean in their past....Julia wished she could have been more caring for her hurt sister then. She did care for her, and stayed by her side and talked, listened, and one time read to her, so she wasn't a bitch about it. She's just disappointed she wasn't as nice for her then, as she is for her now.

"She pulls through everything with a smile", Ron chuckled, downing the rest of his beer. The door to the cafe thrust open and a welcome figure wandered in with his trusty acustic.

"I'm only an hour late, that's only like a few seconds now", Justin wandered in joking, greeting his buddies. "Hey you guys. How's it going?", Justin stopped to ask the trio, while he holstered his guitar strap on his shoulder so he wouldn't have to carry it's entire weight.

"Great", Craig answered first, being his usual carefree self.

"Sharon got what was promised, so let Kimberly know she bawled into her pillow for a while. I was laughing in my room too, she's finally getting into serious trouble for the even more series crap she pulls. Like shit, tazering someone? She's fuckin' stupid as hell", Justin told Craig, obviously happy his sister got a 'taste of her own medicine'.

"She'll love to hear that", Ron said with a smirk, signaling to James for another beer with his hand.

Justin smiled and wandered over to the little platform set up for the local guitar players, though Justin was it's prime user. He was pretty damn good too! Ron finally got his music, and the three went back to their laughing and talking. Christmas was close, and things were just peachy. They would be getting a tree on Thursday and doing all the little decor work, so it'll look nice for Christmas-eve, as that was the "traditional" time for them to hang out and open their gifts for eachother. Gina always had a problem with the tree shedding or wilting slightly before Christmas, so she started buying one a day or so before hand just two years ago. After a few beers on Ron and Craig's part, the three went home happy. Craig's evening was great, as no one seemed to be mad anymore, and it was all back to normal. They got home around ten fifteen, and walked in from a light snowfall to their warm home. Craig whispered for the two behind him to walk in quietly and pointed to the couch. The two girls were fast asleap, snuggled against eachother. Gina had her back reclined against the corner of the couch with her tail pressed gently against the couch and her right leg, with her arms placed upon her daughter comfortingly. Kimberly sat snuggled against her, resting her head on her lower chest, sleeping quite comfortably with her mother's paws upon her left shoulder and tummy. She had an entire couch, so her tail was draped across it, and her left paw rested on her mother's leg. Ron, Craig, and Julia whispered to eachother how incredibly cute this looked, so Craig tip-toed into his mother's room and grabbed the camera, being that he was the technology inclined person of the family. He took a perfect picture of the two, and everyone went off to bed themselves. Julia and Ron kissed eachother goodnight and actualy slept seprately, still tuckered out from the previous night's folly. The house drew silent within a short time, as sleep came easy for all.

Ron was somehow the first to wake up that morning, as the sun just began to intrude upon his window. He woke up with more energy at that time of morning then usual, and couldn't go back to sleep, so he slid out of his bed and tossed on some clothes. The house was silent upon leaving his room, so he wandered to the bathroom and got rid of last night's beer, and went quietly to the kitchen to run a pot of coffee for Gina, and himself too. Those two were still sleeping on the couch, though Kimberly was cuddled a bit closer now then she was before, against her warm and breathing pillow. Ron smiled at that cute sight and quietly started the coffee, not wanting to disturb those two. He had never before seen something like that, and he felt lucky to see such love. Ron sat down quietly at the diningroom table after slipping out to get the morning paper, just reading it while the coffee brewer dripped. It wasn't much longer till Gina slowly woke up herself, with her daughter snuggled against her. She woke up a few times during the night, but smiled and drifted back off to sleep, not wishing to startle her girl. She looked down at the peaceful sight with the gentlest of smiles, placing the hands she had on her into more of an embrace.

"Kim?....Kim, wake up honey. Kim...", she whispered softly, taking one of her paws and stroking it down the topside of Kimberly's tail. She made a quick but small sound, and her tail flicked a few times in her sleep from being petted before she awoke. She looked up, still cuddled against her mother's side.

"Mornin'", Kimberly greeted, still having a bit of her tail stroked gently. Since Gina's arm couldn't reach far, because Kimberly's tail was across the couch, she could only run her paw across the top-most part of her tail to a little farther down, but it still tickled in a gentle motherly way.

"I'm guessing I was comphy?", Gina said softly with a smile, putting her arms around her daughter.

"Yep", the young dragon giggled in reply, nuzzling against her mother while she stretched her tail, giving it a few wags that tapped upon the sofa.

"This is by far the cutest thing I have ever seen", Ron chuckled from his observation spot at the table behind and diagnaly from them. They weren't startled by him, but Kimberly did get off her mom to look over the back of the couch.

"You're up early! Is that coffee I smell?", Gina greeted with a smile, smelling her favorite morning refreshment brewing.

"I thought of you", he said happily, getting out of his chair and putting his paper down two get two mugs.

Kimberly yawned and got up off the couch, stretching her limbs a bit. On her way down to the bathroom, her mother got up off the couch with a stretch of her own. "Kim, get dressed in a little bit for that 'surprise' today. Nicely too!", she said by the time Kimberly got to the hallway. Kimberly nodded with an excited smile, still curious to what this thing was, and continued down the hall.

"Surprise now?", Ron asked curiously, having not heard of this, as he handed her a mug, made just the way she liked it.

"Their aunt Christi and my dad are coming for a visit before Christmas. I'm going to tell them in a little bit, but I thought this would be cool", Gina smirked.

Not too long after, Kimberly got Julia and Craig up for their showers and Gina told them all exactly what the surprise was. Kimberly was pretty damn happy she'd be able to see her aunt again, not to mention Michael. After they were up, Kimberly went back to her room to get dressed, rummaging in her closet for something nice while completely ruling out that dress she just got. She picked a pair of jeans that looked new, having not been faded any, and a shirt the same way. She then put on her necklace and bracelet, along with a tiny dab of Julia's purfume on her neck, just because. Kimberly left her room and went out to the livingroom, taking a seat on the couch next to her channel-surfing brother.

"Hey Kim. Justin wanted me to let you know that Sharon is suffering. Thought you'd like to know that", Craig smirked while flipping through the channels, waiting for his turn to take a shower.

"It's an amusing thought", Kimberly replied, giving a light chuckle as she leaned back a bit and made her tail comfortable.

Kimberly ended up waiting rather impatiently for a few hours, loafing around on that couch. Craig took his shower and her mother took her own, with everyone dressed and ready for company. The only good relatives they had were finally going to pay a visit! It was something she didn't expect, that was for sure, but was pretty happy they were. She'd get to meet Christi's husband too, so today would be enjoyable to say the least. It wasn't known when they would arrive, so Kimberly refrained from going out to play in the full snow, as a light snowfall through the night made a perfect amount of snow for she and Sheila to play in. So she lied on the couch restlessly, wondering why there was nothing good on TV. When a channel does a Christmas special, isn't it supposed to be good? Fat chance...

Ron, being the sneaky guy he was, slipped into his room to wrap his presents while everyone else was busy or waiting. He sat infront of his closet, feeling like he wanted to laugh, wrapping everything he got for his good friends and his girl. He took a roll of wrapping paper Gina left lying out when no one was looking this morning and came down to his room to finish off his little surprise. He made sure to write it's owner's name on the gift, and placed them all into a large mall-sized bag he had kept in the far corner of his closet.

"I can't wait till Christmas-eve now", Ron mumbled happily, getting to his feet and closing his closet doors. His own door opened and Julia came in with a smile.

"Come on out here, no sense being all by yourself", she said in an upbeat way, obviously in a good mood.

"Sounds good to me", Ron smiled back with a nod. On their way down the hallway, they heard a car pull into the driveway, and Kimberly quickly perked up from the couch, stepping over to the kitchen to say 'hi'. Ron and Julia stopped at the end of the hall to look out the diningroom window, and sure enough, it was Christi's car.

"Hi Christi, hi Jake!", Gina greeted the two, once she opened the door for them.

"Hey Gina!", Christi greeted back, stepping in from the snow.

"Aunt Christi!", Kimberly said happily, charging at her with a hug that made her laugh. Her husband Jake came inside carrying Michael and his diaper bag, while Gina closed the door behind him to get rid of the chill.

"Well hi Kimberly", Christi chuckled, hugging back the girl that was obviously glad to see her. "Everybody, this is my husband Jake", she introduced, switching her gaze to the man carrying the pup.

Everyone said their hello, and eventually began to settle in. Gina sat with the two on the couch, and unfortunately they only had seating room for three, so Ron brought the diningroom chairs into the livingroom so Gina's father would have a spot, and so would Craig, Julia, and himself, so they had just enough chairs. Kimberly never minded being on the floor, so it all worked out. Jake turned out to be a funny guy, especially when it came to his little son, so he was quite ok in Kimberly's book. They all sat around talking for about a half hour, until they got a quick knock on the door that answered itself.

"Hey dad!", Gina said from the couch, getting up to give her father a hug.

"Hi Gina. Hi everyone", he greeted, embracing his daughter, before he turned his head to say 'hi' to the other guests and her kids. Gina showed him to his chair, and they all sat down to talk some more. "Your brother is spending Christmas with your mother this year", he said, making a face and rolling his eyes.

"Figures", Gina grumbled, doing the same. Ray and Eliza did end up getting married the day after they left. Many of their guests didn't stay, or were just really pissed about it. Ray never broke ties with his mother, even after knowing what she did to his sister. He turned cold towards Gina, and learned how to be even more annoying from his new wife that now has the last name Trensetter. Like she deserves it!

"It's better they stick to their own crowd anyway", Christi chuckled. She hated her sister after that incident, mostly because her sister went against everyone, and broke ties with many of her own guests. She got tired of putting up with her crap anyway.

"And I don't have to go to any of her stupid get-togethers anymore!", Jake added with a smile, lifting Michael up over his head to play with him.

"I'm just ashamed half my family is corrupt and sick", Gina's father sighed. The divorse came through and he wore no ring any longer, nor did he even speak with the woman he so loved for many years. What she did was unforgivable, and he could never love her again. As for his son, he still tries to keep touch with him, but hates what he had become, being so cold to his sister and her children. With Ray, he was like his mother, and up until that incident, wasn't a bad thing, but sure is now. The dragon does not fall far from the mountain.

"I do feel bad for you....being married so long and breaking apart. What you did for your daughter was commendable though", Ron said lightly, getting butterflies in his stomach for reasons he didn't even know. He just cared that much.

The fifty-five year old man just chuckled. "There is no doubt in my mind I did the right thing, and I deffinately don't regret it. I got one good child out of it!", he said, getting a laugh. The group continued to talk and Michael started to get restless, so Christi gave him to Kimberly for a while, who was very happy to do so. Michael needed someone to play with, and besides, Kimberly loved that little pup. She carried him down to her room and placed him in the big space between the bed and the dresser before she closed the door just a bit. She hopped to the floor and gave the little guy's nose a poke.

"Hello again Michael", she greeted the small dragon that was staring at her attentively. He got to his hands and knees and gave his tail a flick, starting to crawl aimlessly in his exploration of the room. Kimberly sat up and rested her arms on her kness, pulling them close to get comofrtable, as she watched him check out his surroundings.

Ron popped open his car door and got inside, rubbing his chilly paws together once he had the door shut. It was eleven-thirty now, so he had to get over to his parent's house. The worry for his mother came back as he started his car and he sighed, now actually wanting to get over there to see if she was alright. It only took a few minutes to get there as usual, and he got out of his car and went inside without hesitation. His dad was fixing himself lunch in the kitchen, and his mother was flipping through channels on the couch.

"Just the guy I needed!", his father called, even before he got to greet anyone. "Come empty the dishwasher, then run a wash of colored clothes in the garage", he said plainly, grabbing his sandwitch and going into his bedroom. Before Ron would be doing anything he had a question for his mother.

"Hi mom", he greeted as he approcahed. "He hasn't done anything to you has he?", he said low, at almost a growl.

"No honey, I'm quite alright as I said", she smiled to ease his worry, moving her head from side to side to prove she had not been struck. Her eye looked fine now, and there was no welt from yesterday. Ron just smiled back and nodded, happy to have a worry off his chest. He went and did as told, which ended up taking a little while, but he knew it was worth it to be able to make his 'family' happy with the presents he got. It was noon when he kissed his mother goodbye and left, hoping he didn't miss anything back at home.

Christi, after going down to the bathroom, went quietly to Kimberly and Julia's room, peering in to see how Kimberly and Michael were doing. She was far too occupied to notice her, since she was looking somewhat away from the door, playing with Michael. He was quite energetic, crawling around with a bounce of a sort, getting his tiny paws on anything he could. Kimberly gave him Charlie to cuddle with, so they ended up playing with that plush doggie for a while, till the small pup sat down by the closet, looking around curiously while his tail tapped against the shag carpet. By now Jake had wandered over to see what his wife was watching, and Christi shushed him before he could make any noise and motioned for him to watch. Kimberly poked at his tail, which made it wag and him turn around to investigate this, though when he turned, he smacked his own tail against the corner of the open closet door. Michael made a very small pup yelp, rolling it into a wimper, just before he started crying. Jake wanted to go in and lend a hand, but Christi stopped him.

"You poor guy!", Kimberly said softly and sympetheticly, picking the crying baby into her arms. Kimberly sat herself down gently, keeping Michael's head snuggled against her lower chest, and his lower half supported by an elevated knee. She stroked the part of his tail that he hit softly, trying to comfort the little boy almost instictively. "It's alright Michael. No harm done...", she said as softly and motherly as she could, trying to ease his pain. Michael continued to cry into her shirt, being comfortably supported, and started to slow his tears even after just a few moments, while Kimberly shushed and cuddled him close. When his crying became only a sniffle, Kimberly rubbed the impact spot of his tail to get rid of any remaining ache and stroked his back softly, showing him he was loved and had support. Michael lifted his head off her chest and looked up with a curious sound after a moment, even giving his tail another wag. Kimberly looked to him with a smile and placed him gently back onto the carpet, wiping his cheeks with her own shirt.

"I see now why you were on her side after she wrecked your sister's wedding. She's so kind...", Jake whispered into his wife's ear.

Christi made a nod. "That she is. I hate my sister so much for screwing with her and her family", she whispered back in nearly a grumble. With a simple hand motion, the two quietly walked away from the door, leaving Michael to his first-class babysitter.

Once Ron came home, he hung out in the kitchen at Julia's side, to keep himself from being shy around her relatives. He knew them all to be nice, but he still didn't see himself as a part of the family, and didn't belong here. It's something he had to carry with him while he lived with his second family, who was only related to him by being Julia's boyfriend. Though he would rather live here then his own house, which was something he came to admitting to himself, he still felt inner pain from being tossed aside by his father. The other guests were talking in the livingroom still, except for Gina, who was behind them in the kitchen making lunch. Cheese and crackers, along with shrimp. After the wedding, sandwitches are automaticly ruled out as a lunch for get-togethers, as Gina and Christi had enough cold-cuts for a year.

"Aren't you tired of going to your parent's house every morning? You some kind of slave now?", Julia asked with a curious notion, making sure she didn't reveal the reason he was going, and also making sure the question didn't sound insulting.

"Yeah, I am, for both your questions", Ron chuckled a bit. "It's good to see them though, even though I'm not exactly wanted anymore", he sighed.

"Don't fret over it. You have plenty of love here anyways", Julia said softly, giving her big dragon a hug, knowing he needed one. That heart of gold Ron holds dear, seems to hurt him too sometimes.

"Could one of you go get Kimberly and Michael? Lunch is just about ready", Gina asked of the couple as she tried to get the plate of shrimp together, along with a quick cheese burger for Kimberly, since she hates shrimp. Ron hates them too, but he was just going to snack on the crackers.

"I'll take care of it Jul", Ron offered with his usual upbeat tone, walking off for the hallway.

Julia walked to her mother's side. "I wish he woulnd't let himself be jerked around by his parents. If they don't want him anymore, they shouldn't make him go over there every morning", she said rather quietly to keep this private.

"I know what you're saying, but they're still his parents. He's going to love them anyway, no matter if they kicked him out. He's doing what he wants really", her mother whispered back.

Ron tapped on Kimberly's slightly ajar door. "Hey Kim, lunch is ready. Need help with Michael?", he said with a smile, wondering if she needed any help. The two were sitting on the floor playing, and by the looks of it, Michael was having a blast.

"I got it Ron. Thanks", Kimberly smiled back, picking up the happy pup into her arms. Ron went back to the livingroom, and Kimberly made sure Michael was supported comfortably before she began walking. He was just a pile of smiles, apparently very happy to play with her. From what she had seen, he remembered her too. These feelings were something Kimberly had not yet experienced, and wondered if this was something her mother got to feel every single day. It must be wonderful, she thought as she left her room with the little dragon quietly in her arms. He tapped his tail lightly against the arm supporting it and gripped her shirt with a paw, just for the sake of grabbing something.

"Hi Michael! Aren't you a happy guy!", Christi said in a cheery way, lifting him out of Kimberly's arms once she brought him to her. He made a small noise, apparently sad that his fun was over, going limp and sulky in his mother's lap on the couch. Christi sure noticed this, but was sure he'd perk back up in a minute. He was a baby afterall, and attention spans were pretty short. "You take great care of him Kimberly", she complimented, feeling like she still wan't giving her enough credit for her remarkable skill.

"Thanks. He's really sweet", Kimberly smiled almost embarassedly, adding a compliment of her own.

"Don't be so modest, Michael is rarely this happy and well behaved. I also don't know anyone else who can get him to stop crying in only a few seconds. You'd make a perfect mom", Christi fully admitted.

Now that really did make her blush. "He's just a cute pup, and he's a joy to take care of. You're really lucky. I'm guessing you watched me for a bit?", she replied with, taking a gander to how she knew about him crying.

"Yeah, I peeked in to watch you two play. By the way...", Christi smiled, before reaching a hand into her pocket, while the other kept Michael in her lap. She pulled out her wallet and whipped out a bill, holding it between two fingers out to Kimberly. A fifty dollar bill. "For your babysitting for me during the wedding, and doing such a good job", she said in a proud way.

Kimberly was plain shocked. "I can't accept this, no way!", she tried to decline. She didn't want anything at all for babysitting, and most certainly not that much!

"Then call it a well earned Christmas gift. Save it, you never know when a little cash'll help", Christi tried to persuade lightly. She knew her niece deserved this.

Kimberly thought for a moment, still very reluctant, till she eased up. She jumped on her aunt with a big hug, making sure not to get Michael in the middle. "Thank you aunt Christi! I'll save it", she relented, taking the fifty into paw. She kissed her aunt on the muzzle and skipped off to put it away safely. Once she went off, Michael whined, making a gesture with his paw in her direction that seemed more sad and desperate the longer she wasn't at his side.

"She'll be right back Michael", she reassured her little boy, cuddling him into her lap. She felt bad that he would again lose his friend...he really liked Kimberly. If she had a babysitter of her quality, things would be great.

"That's pretty cute. We'll have to make sure he visits more often, huh?", Jake chuckled from her side, playing with his son's tail, which made his attention switch yet again.

"I'm sure they would both like that", Gina's father smiled from his chair.

"Shrimp and crackers", Gina announced with an accent to be amusing, placing the two plates down onto her coffee table. Everyone started to dig into her snacks, while she went back to the kitchen for Kimberly's lunch. Kimberly came back into the livingroom and sat down beside the coffee table just in time to be greeted with a cheese burger.

"Thanks ma'", she thanked for having a special lunch prepared. Shrimp tasted pure nasty, so this was quite a kind thing for her mom to do.

Their day steadily progressed into evening, while they all loafed around the warm home talking and gossiping about the evil side of the family. Kimberly helped keep Michael busy a part of the time while they talked, placing him next to her to play. Gina made lasagna for dinner, and it was a hit, even with her upper-class guests. Christi and Jake didn't have Italian often, and they found her cooking to be 'divine'. Once the sun began to set, it was time for Christi and her family to head home so they could give Michael his bath and put him to bed. Michael already looked passed out by now, exhausted from his day. Everyone said their goodbyes, except for Kimberly, who followed them out to their car.

"It was great seeing you again Kimberly, and I'm sure Michael appreciated all the attention", Christi told her with a smile while they walked down the front walkway to their car, while she carried the tuckered out pup in her arms.

"It was good to see you too", she replied with a soft happiness, giving her aunt a kiss. "Bye Michael", Kimberly then said, giving the tired Michael a kiss on the side of his muzzle.

"And it was nice meeting you and your family. The official Eliza hating group!", Jake said sincerely, before he started laughing from his little remark.

Kimberly smiled, refraining from laughing while she said goodbye. Didn't want to make this anymore painful now. "You too. Come by whenever you feel like. Love ya'!", she told her uncle, switching to all of them while Jake got into the drivers seat and Christi had gotten Michael strapped in his seat.

"Bye!", Christi and Jake called while they left the driveway. Kimberly walked back up her walkway with a wave, sad to see them go, but happy enough that she got to see them anyway.

After Gina tidied up the place and cleaned everything after dinner and all, she went and got her coat from her room and went out to the back porch, where her father had been for a little bit now. He greeted her with a smile, as she closed the door and looked into the night sky.

"I was wondering when you'd come looking for me", he chuckled. "I thought me and you should talk alone for a while....I'm sorry you went through everything you did, and I thought we should talk about your mother. I still don't know everything, and I think I should be there for you now, since I wasn't there for you then...", he said a little more solumnly. The night had just come, and it was very calm. No breeze, no clouds. The wintery weather had gone through, leaving a dry cold air and a sky of stars that were barely drained out of their vision by Gina's porch light. The blinds on the back door were closed, and they had their privacy. Gina made a little sigh and walked to the edge of the concrete slab of her back porch, not wanting to sit at her table like her dad was, and gazed up into the stars.

"It's cold tonight. A...strange cold.....and these stars...I remember them", Gina said, crossing her arms, until the most abnormal feeling came over her. Her body trembled, and not just from the cold.

Her father made a confused sound, wondering what his daughter was talking about. "What do you mean?", he asked curiously.

Gina's eyes stayed fixed upon those shining stars, almost like they were talking to her. "These stars and this cold....something happened to me today. Yes, I remember...three days before Christmas. I had a dream while I was at Eliza's wedding, after I had seen mom again after so long. I saw myself in our basement, being caned by was horrible to even watch, and I was glad my daughter woke me up...I was afraid it would go one day further, to today", she muttered and said in a subdued way. Her father got up from his seat and walked to her side with a look of near fright, seeing her stare into the sky blankly. He woke up a memory...

"Gina?..", he said lightly, worried about her. She gave no responce to anything, like she wasn't even here anymore.

Gina giggled at the stars in a creepy way. "Even after everything I got a day before, as soon as you left for work, she came into my room and grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me off the floor while I was playing, dragging me to where I was scared to go. Straight to the basement with her look of anger, and me being pulled along, trying not to trip while I whined in fright.....I didn't bother begging, I knew she was going to punish me for being bad...but I only made a little mistake, and I said I was sorry...that never stopped her. I didn't mean to make her mad, it was an accident...why didn't she let it go...", she continued blankly with tears in her eyes, though she was silent in her breathing, with no sobs or anything like it.

"Honey? It's ok, please..", her father tried to say softly, wanting to hold his traumatized girl, but was afraid to touch her while she was in this trance.

"Once we were downstairs, in the cold chamber I knew for different reasons, she ordered all my clothes off and slapped me when I wasn't going fast enough. She grabbed me by my tail, pulling me backwards into the center area, while I stumbled to keep upright. I wouldn't be standing long anyway, as she grabbed her broom handle off the table and slammed it into my right thigh....I remember screaming and falling to my knees, till it struck again upon my back with all it's force, sending me to the floor, where I writhed and bawled with my screams as she beat me till I couldn't move. She stood over my bruised body, grabbing my tail, covered with bruises on it's sides and topside, and pulled it up onto my back all the way, putting her foot down hard on my tail and back to hold it there, keeping the underside of it up. She...took the broom handle into both her hands and brought it clear behind her back, before she swung it down as hard as she could onto the underside base of my you know how much that hurt?....I screamed and cried, but I couldn't move while she kept beating the underside of my tail into dark bruises, hitting a little farther then just that part of my tail, but I'm sure she did that on purpose....once she got tired of that, she picked me up by my neck, knowing I'd have to use my own battered body to support my weight, and bent me over a stand we had down there. She tied my paws up and my legs to the stand, as well as pulling my tail up and tying it to my back by my neck. Even though my insane tears, I begged and pleaded with her, that I was sorry and had enough....I could barely move as it was and...I was covered in bruises, everywhere. It hurt to god, why didn't I pass out...why did I keep breathing...", Gina described, letting silent tears stream down her cheeks, as she began to tremble, and her voice got quieter.

Her father was sick to his stomach. He was scared, and couldn't bare to hear this, noticing his own hands were shaking. "Please, calm down honey...snap out of it...", he said in nearly a whisper, feeling his own eyes drip.

"Mom pulled a switch she cut recently...she'd even carved it till it was whippy...just for something like this. My pleas went unanswered, and she just whipped my already black and blue tail base. The lashes kept coming, no matter how much it hurt or I cried....I could feel the trickle of blood when she cut my tail open, and kept on going. By the time she had finished, the complete underside of my tail base was a bloody mess, and I had cried myself so horse I couldn't speak, and my breaths sounded like wheezes. I trembled and wimpered with my eyes wide open...then she untied all three bonds and nearly drug me to the corner, tossing me to the ground and tying my right wrist to the pipe, finally leaving....have you ever felt what sitting on a giant, swollen, bloody wound felt like? I was so limp, and had nothing left, I couldn't even sob anymore. I would stay there until I came to from the haze, and the pain of my tail base would increase ten- fold....then I'd put my tail between my legs and lean back to sit on the topside of it, to get the weight off my painstricken hurt to sit at all, but what was worse, was that right before me was my bloody tail...there was no way I couldn't look at it, feeling the stickyness of drying blood. Cold, wet, tired, naked....I'd stay there for hours in the very dim light from the basement window. That night I looked up through the window....and...saw the stars.....I shivered and let my tears flow gently, wondering if there was happiness in those soft stars, seemingly smiling at the world....would they smile if they knew about the forgotten girl?...", Gina went on in her trance, having her voice get a little shaky once she mentioned the stars. She trembled and fell to her hands and knees, bawling hard with her mouth open. Her father quickly knelt to her level and placed his paw on her back, rubbing it reassuringly, while he quietly cried himself. Hearing something like that about your own girl...the one you love...was like nothing before.

"Gina I'm so sorry I didn't know, I'm sorry..", he said like a plea, with his own teary voice.

Gina eased off her crying, trying to speak. "I hate remembering things like that! I can't take it...", she said while crying. Her dad helped her to her feet and sat her down gently into the seat he was sitting in. He hoped her children were off doing things, becuase they didn't need to see their good hearted mother like this. She was in so much anguish. "Why did she always hurt me?!...I tried to be good, I tried!" , she bawled, holding her head up with her paws to her cheeks.

"You were a good girl!", her father tried to assure.

"She hated me...Ray could have done no wrong, but she hated me...I was always no good! Dirty useless girl!", Gina cried. "I only wanted to be loved!! Why?!...why did she hate me...I...only wanted love...", she broke down completely. Her father couldn't stand seeing her like this, but there was nothing he could do. She had to take what her mind dished, and it was time he knew. She cried hard into her paws, keeping her body still. "Last night, Kimberly sat on the couch next to me and snuggled against my side....I put my arms around her to keep her comphy, and we fell asleap that way, and she stayed cuddled against me all night....why couldn't I have love like's not fair...I was a little girl who was hated by the one she wanted to love...beatings instead of hugs....I wanted love...she didn't love me!", she said once her crying lightened, only to make it come back. Gina's father knelt down a bit and put his arms around her tight.

"She can't hurt you or anyone else....I'm sorry your childhood was like that, I'm so sorry....I wish you had the courage to tell me what was going on to you...", he whispered to her, franticly appologetic.

"I did my best to hide all of it from you, by wearing those big dresses and things....I didn't want to hurt you, and I knew mom would beat me again..", Gina sobbed in reply, completely out of her trance. Her father held her and wouldn't let go...she needed a parent's the love she so lacked when she was but a child.

"Let it all out honey....the memories hurt, but you'll feel better after telling me", he told her, taking his voice back to his fatherly one. He knelt down a little more and placed his hands over hers, removing them from her cheeks gently, while she turned her head and looked into his eyes. "I'm always here for you, and I always have been. I love you, and so does your children and good friends. Share your pain with me, I deserve to take the weight of your torment from you. Daddy will always be there for his daughter", he told her lovingly, reassuring her that she was not alone.

Gina ran the back of her right paw across her eyes and threw her arms around her father, still crying a bit. "I love you too!", she said through her tears. Their embrace lasted till she calmed and her father got up to his feet. He took two of Gina's porch chairs and put them side by side on the edge of the porch. His daughter sat down next to him, and he looked up into the sky. She followed his lead, scanning her eyes over the stary winter sky.

"The stars do have not been forgotten", he said with a small smile of his own. Gina just looked quietly up at the stars, unknowing of what to say. "Thank you for telling me your past, though it hurt so much, having that memory come back...", he said appreciatively, feeling some closure to his curiosity of her past.

"You had to know, and I had to know...", Gina sighed with her bloodshot eyes. Her crying had stopped, but she was quite tired now. "I needed to have my secret shared...with you. Along with your love and care, I feel somewhat relieved. You finally know...", she said lightly, giving a relenting sigh.

"I have always been proud of you, and you grew up to be smart, kind, and raised three wonderful children on your own", her dad complimented. "Everything will be fine. The past is the past, and the future can only have more love", he found to reassure her.

Gina looked down from the stars and looked to her father, actually smiling happily. "Thanks dad. I love you so much..", she said softly. They sat there for a while longer together, talking about different things, while they let the past sink back to where it came. While the past was 'accepted', they could move on. After they spoke and laughed for a while, they got up and hugged eachother goodbye. They went inside and Gina called down the hall to come say goodbye to their grandpa.

"Bye grandpa!", Kimberly said when she rushed out of the hallway, clasping onto him with a hug.

"Bye grandpa", Julia walked up next, giving him a kiss.

"See ya' grandpa", Craig said to him, giving him a quick hug too.

"Take care John", Ron wished him, settling for a handshake.

The dragon chuckled once he got to the front door. "Love you all!", he said with a smile as he left. Gina watched him go with a smile and a wave, gently comforted by his love, even when he wasn't here. Everyone hung around for a while longer, with Gina lying on the couch watching TV, along with Julia and Ron, while Kimberly relaxed in her bed and Craig listened to his stereo. By ten, everyone had left for bed, tired from such a day, and they still had to go tree hunting tomorrow. Sleep came easy for everyone, especially Gina.

Though she slept well, Gina woke up at seven and couldn't sleep anymore. She felt full of energy, and her mind was occupied with thoughts of everything. Her past, her present, her future. Her father's words helped her through something that tore at her insides. Keeping a secret from your loving parent for more then twenty-five years, and finally releacing it, gave her a new peace of mind. Julia had grown into a fine adult, and was almost eightteen. Craig cares about everyone, and though he may make the occational mistake, he was quite the guy. Kimberly turned her whole life around to help everyone in the family, becoming her pride and joy. Gina's life was a success, and her mother was wrong, and always had been. Her children had all the love she wanted when she was little, and never had to face the fears and hurt she did, which told the world of Gina's triumph over her hell. Gina smiled and got out of bed with a spring, giving her big tail a happy flick. Today was the day her family would get a tree and decorate the place, getting into the festivities of Christmas. Tomorrow night they'd all get together and open their gifts, having fun together as they always would, and with Ron too. She got dressed and went out to the kitchen to make her morning coffee and to wait and see who woke up next.

It took a while, but everyone soon got up and got dressed. Julia, Craig, and Kimberly were going to head out with her to get their tree, while Ron had to unfortunately go to his parent's house. Julia wasn't happy about him missing this event, but she relented none the less, as she understood his reasons. The two cars left at the same time around ten- thirty, headed off to their own destinations.

"So where are we going?", Kimberly asked, tapping her foot on the car's carpet.

"There's a place about fifteen minutes from here that sells Christmas trees, I thought we'd go there", Gina explained while she kept her eyes on the morning traffic.

"Remember everyone, don't feel sympethetic for the little tree, buy it, and piss your friends off because you got a useless sapling", Julia said in a jokingly serious way, making a smirk at the end.

Ron tapped his fingers on the steering wheel while he drove, listening to the radio instead of his whistling. He felt like a little kid, not wanting to wait for Christmas any longer. He knew they'd all have fun and there was always his 'surprise' of secretly kept presents for his second family. When he reached his parent's house and got out of the car, he regretted being there, missing out on being with the others. Being a slave as Julia put it, wasn't the best thing he could be doing right now. His father was outside, scraping ice off his car, and apparently seemed happy he had came. That wasn't a good sign.

"Grab a shovel and clear out this bit of snow so the car can get out", his father told him to do while he kept scraping the car windows.

"Alright", Ron said in his usual way, though he was pretty annoyed. Being a slave got old fast.

Gina parked the car in the small parking field of this area that had a whole bunch of trees for sale. She and her kids got out of the car and smelled nothing but pine and other tree smells, walking through the enterance to the fenced off area. Trees sitting in rows, with all different sizes and fullness. Gina and Craig looked around closely for one that looked nice and would fit on top of the car, while Kimberly and Julia trailed behind, talking to eachother.

"You and Michael were cute yesterday. You must like little kids a lot", Julia told her sister, sluggishly walking along side of her.

"Yeah. No plushie could ever beat the real thing, watching him play and look around all curiously. He's still trying to understand the world and figure things out, all the while sucking his finger and tapping his tail against everything", Kimberly smiled, rubbing her paws against the insides of her pockets. This place looked really Christmasy, having all the snow on the trees and ground, along with a clear winter's sky, though this meant it was a little nippy for a dragon.

"Any thoughts about your own children while you took care of him?", Julia curiously smirked, looking to hear about her future dreams. Every little girl thought about growing up and having a family of their own with the perfect husband, and it wasn't actually something Julia had brought up with her little sister before, so she had no idea what she thought about it.

Kimberly hummed in thought, watching the snowy ground as she walked. "I have wondered what my kids would be like. A boy or a girl, what they would do with their lives....I like thinking about that sort of thing", she said lightly and low, apparently thinking about the subject again in her head. "What do you think of little kids?", she then asked herself.

"After dealing with you growing up, I don't know anymore", Julia laughed, getting a small look from her sister.

"Funny, but I don't think your kids will be setting your house on fire for any science fair projects", Kimberly said in a more humorous way, actually making a joke from her past. That was something she wasn't comfortable to do a while ago.

"Kimberly Syndrome, that's what it'll be called", Julia snickered, stopping a ways behind her mother and brother while they evaluated a tree.

"It'll be fun, watching our kids grow up and play together. Auntie Julia and auntie Kimberly", Kimberly smiled, getting a giggle from thinking of what their kids would be calling them in the future.

"Hey you two, what do you think of this one?", Craig called to them from next to a tree, just a few steps from their spot. Kimberly and Julia walked to Craig and their mother's side, just taking a look at the tree.

"It's green and it's a tree. Suits me fine", Julia answered first, with her usual humor.

"I like it", Kimberly answered plainly, feeling the needles.

"Great. I'll go get a sales-person and we can get this thing out of here", Gina said happily, walking off down the aisle of trees to find someone. Kimberly sat down in the snow to rest her feet and Julia followed suit, so that they may keep talking a little longer.

"I think that would be cool too, being close aunts with eachother's kids", Julia said on a happy note, pondering the idea of it herself now.

Craig sat down on the other side of Kimberly, wondering what they were talking about. "What are you two going on about?", he asked with a curious smile, cutting into their chat.

"Craig, what have you thought of the future?", Kimberly asked him with a small smile, rather asking the question that explaining.

"Not anything really", he replied, not quite getting it.

Gina came back down the aisle, and the three got back up. "That was fast, I've already paid for it. Craig, grab that end, I'll get this one", she said, looking to take their tree out to the car.

Now that Craig had taken a few steps away, Julia spoke to her sister quietly. "He won't be thinking about that till he has a girlfriend", she told her quietly with a snicker. Kimberly replied with a smile and a snicker of her own, heading over to help carry the Christmas tree out to the car and tie it.

Ron took a look at the clock hanging on the garage wall and growled, knowing his good friends were returning home about now, and he was still slaving out in this cold. He didn't know he could sweat in this chilly air, but trying to shovel so much snow in such a little time was quite the workout. The driveway was done now, but his dad wanted salt poured down on the rest of the driveway to get rid of any remaining ice. To his surprise, his mother came into the garage carrying a mug of hot chocolate.

"I thought you might need something warm", his mom smiled, handing it to her actually shivering son.

"Thanks ma'. So there has been no problems with you and dad?" , he thanked, wondering of her well being.

"Nope. I told you it was only temporary, you shouldn't worry. Oh, and you don't have to come tomorrow morning or Christmas morning, we'll be out ok?", she smiled reassuringly, remembering to tell him that he wasn't needed for a bit.

"Alright", Ron replied with a nod, taking a few gulps of the hot chocolate. She went back inside and Ron flicked his numb tail a few times to warm it, hoping what she said was true. There were no markings he could see, but the worry wouldn't disappear that quickly, as he knew how much of a jerk his father was. Ron quickly finished his mug, placing it on top of a box before he grabbed the bag of salt, so he could finish this job and leave, to be with his girl and the family he lived with and loved. Even though he wasn't a direct member of their family, he was still a part of it, and they even thought that, so he really wanted to go back to his home and spend his holiday time with those who wanted him more.

Gina and Craig had quite the time moving things in the livingroom for the tree. They decided to put it in the left corner, opposite of the TV, so they could sit on the couch and infront of it, still within the tree's vicinity. All of Gina's Christmas light strands had blown, to her frustration, but it wasn't too big of a loss. Kimberly had taken the box of ornaments out of the garage, placing them about with a small stepping stool she needed to reach the upper part of the tree. It still had some snow on it, but that made it look nice for the time being. Ron had gotten home shortly ago, so Julia was off talking with him, as he wasn't too happy about playing slave. Kimberly didn't mind working alone for the time being, but she wished her brother would finally hang up the phone and give her a hand. Apparently he was talking to Justin and things were mending back to normal for him again, so she just let him talk without rushing him any. She really didn't know where her mom was, but Kimberly could only guess she was working on the Christmas gifts again or something while she and the others were busy. Grabbing a decorated glass sphere from the box, she got back on her stepping stool and placed it up high on the tree, giving it a slight poke before she hopped down for another. To her sudden startle, the doorbell rang, and she bounded off for the door, seeing there wasn't anyone else around to answer it. With a flick of the wrist, she opened the door and was surprised by what she found on the other side, but tried not to look it.

"Umm, we made these for you", said the timid voice of Sharon, holding out a paper plate of home made Christmas cookies. Kimberly smiled a bit and took the plate into her paws, looking at Sharon's mother and the seemingly shy Sharon.

"Thank you", Kimberly said truthfully, keeping her eyes set on both Sharon and her mother, and not just one.

"I thought we should do something as a kind gesture after what happened. Now, I think Sharon here has something she wants to say", her mother said with a smile, before looking down to her daughter, making her tone of voice have the hint of command in it.

Sharon sighed and lowered her head a bit, shifting her foot and tail. "I'm sorry", she said lightly and maybe a little sadly, actually like she meant it. Kimberly wasn't sure if that was possible, but it looked like it.

"Thanks you two, I appreciate it", Kimberly smiled, knowing this was a nice thing Sharon's mom did, and hey, Sharon needed some credit too.

"You're welcome Kimberly. Merry Christmas", Sharon's mom said in a happy way, ready to return to her car with her daugher.

"Bye. Merry Christmas to you both", Kimberly told them in just as happy of a manner while the two walked back to their car. She thought she'd add Sharon to her merry Christmas wishing, just because she sounded truthful enough for now. Apparently she didn't like having her tail swatted, and Kimberly couldn't blame her for trying to repent after just one dose. She closed the door, enveloping herself in the heat of their house once again. She put the cookies on the kitchen counter, and made sure to grab one while she was at it.

"Kim, was that Sharon?", Craig asked while still on the phone with Justin, so she sorta guessed who actually asked that.

"Yep", she just sorta smiled, taking a bite of the tree shaped sugar cookie, still soft and tasty. Wanting to tell her mother about this little happening, she went to her door to see if she really was doing something secretive, but actually found it open a crack. She pushed it open quietly, finding her mother lying on her back on her bed, just relaxing.

"Oh, hi Kim", she said in her relaxed voice, though Kimberly noticed a certain tone within it that meant she was thinking about something.

"Thinking about something?", Kimberly asked, crawling onto her mother's bed and lying down beside her, within the space on the big bed that would normally be occupied by a husband.

Gina could have giggled at her daughter bouncing her way onto the bed, but was busy pondering about how to reply to her daughter's curiosity. "My dad and I had a talk about how things were when I was little, so I'm just scanning over his comforting words", she used to explain, hiding her traumatic episode. Kimberly didn't need to have that burdon of sadness right before Christmas.

"Glad you're happy then", Kimberly smiled with her head on one of her mom's pillows, while the tip of her tail tapped quietly against the matress.

Having her little girl here was making her thoughts change a little bit, thinking about her and the other two children. "I'm sorry for spanking you with a ruler when you were younger. I really saw no other choice. I didn't want to hurt you, and it always hurt me..", Gina told Kimberly, thinking about the same subject with her own kids.

Kimberly was surprised to hear that, but she appreciated being told that, even though she didn't hold anything against her mother. "I was a bitch who cussed at you, stole from you, and lit things on fire. I can't blame you for a swat", she giggled, comfortable and acceptant of her past. She knew she would have tried anything to get her child to not be a criminal, even if it was the last thing she would ever do.

Her mother laughed for a moment, finding her candid attitude to be humorous. "That helps me even more Kim, thanks", Gina smiled to her happy daughter.

"That was Sharon and her mom at the door a minute ago. They brought Christmas cookies and an appology, and the cookies are good too!", Kimberly let her mom know, wagging a bit more of her tail, as the small tip muscles were getting tired.

"Well that was nice of them. I better get up and have some", she said in a joyful way, slipping out of bed with a small surge of pent up energy. Kimberly bounced off the bed too, joining her mother.

"Wanna help me with the tree too?", Kimberly said in a excited way, as she really did want someone to spend time with her decorating the tree. Wasn't as fun without someone else.

"Sure thing", her mother said in her happy motherly way, leaving the room with her daughter just behind, ready to grab a cookie and get to work.

"I'd get tired of being used like that too, but you just need to hang in there for the rest of our vacation", Julia tried to cheer her Ron up, as he was feeling down about being used. He and she were sitting on Julia's bed, just talking about the whole thing, as it was bothering him a lot.

"I know he wants me to earn my insurance money, but he could at least be kind about it....he acts like he doesn't love me at all anymore", Run sighed, speaking in a sad tone.

"What does he say and do?", Julia asked out of curiosity. Maybe she could help him put a few pieces of this together for him.

"He says little, and what he does say is bacicly a command to have me do his work. No friendly hello, no thank you, no I love you. The jobs he gives me are either trivial or just exhausting. Do you know what it's like for a not bundled up dragon, shoveling a driveway of snow, then walking around with a heavy bag of salt? I'm busting and freezing my tailbase for someone who doesn't give a shit about me at all...", he explained, a little more irritated then sad.

"Well you don't have to do anything for the next two days. Just talk to him when you go back on Sunday, see if you can get some fatherly love out of him", Julia thought to say, just to lift the weight of this off his shoulders so they could go have fun. He didn't need such crap at a nice time of year!

They all went to bed that night thinking of the next evening, when they'd all sit down as a family and enjoy their Christmas-eve. Ron was especially tingled by the thought, wanting to make his "foster" family happy and spend some good time with them. Tomorrow would be the day! Naturally he woke up first that morning, getting out of bed with a stretch and a quick peek into his closet to look into the bag of his presents. Now he really did feel like a giddy little dragon, but one that wanted to give and not recieve. It was eight and he couldn't keep his tail still, so he just wandered out to the livingroom and flicked on the TV, keeping the volume low while he watched the Christmas classic 'It's a Wonderful Life'. He just watched the TV with an excited smile, quietly shifting his tail a few times on the couch.

"How can you watch that movie?", Kimberly said in a tone that suggested she didn't like that film, coming from the hall and stopping behind the couch, nearly making Ron jump.

"Oh, heya Kim. What's wrong with 'It's a Wonderful Life'?", Ron replied in his startle, wondering why she didn't like it.

"This movie is frickin' depressing!", she answered, leaning over the back of the couch at Ron's side, making a conversation about this.

"How do you mean? He finds life to be wonderful!", Ron nearly chuckled.

"Yeah right, this movie is hard to watch. The ice accident, the pharmisist that makes his ear bleed, all the crap with the town", Kimberly said to defend her beliefs.

Ron hummed in thought. "You know, this movie is depressing isn't it?", he said in a candid way, realizing she was kinda right.

Kimberly laughed quietly, leaning off the back of the couch. "I'm gonna pop a bagel into the toaster, you want one too?", she announced and offered, setting off for the kitchen.

"Sure Kim, thanks", Ron replied in a very appreciative way, finding that to be a nice thing for her to offer. He laughed in his head, knowing he had a kind gesture of his own for her later. Knowing she was sorta right about that movie, and he had seen it ten times already, he started flipping through the channels to find something better. It took a few minutes, but he did find another movie and Kimberly, and he got his breakfast too.

The household woke up with a lighter attitude and a sense of comfort, knowing Christmas-eve was only hours away. Everyone would be staying in today, and would enjoy eachother's company in the warmth and high spirits of their home. Window ledges of white snow and an air of winter mist, sending a comforting shroud over all the homes and all those we reside within them, embracing the warmth of their family and friends. Whether Christmas day or Christmas-eve is special to you is no matter, for the love you share with others at this time of happiness is no different. Infront of the TV, in their comphy room, or just in the presense of their family, the day progressed into the evening, when the sun was setting and the night was about to begin. The livingroom was already filled with everyone, just hanging out and snacking, and when night fell, it was time.

"Well, why don't we get started? Kim, could you grab Julia's and Ron's and pass them up here?", Gina said in her happy way, asking to have the two's gifts passed to the couch, since Kimberly was on the floor and Craig wasn't far away either.

"Sure!", Kimberly said in a childish glee, making a slide to the tree and grabbing the four that were theirs, handing them to the two.

"I knew you'd get me something", Ron sighed with a slight chuckle, taking the two presents from Kimberly while Julia took hers.

Gina finally got to watch her kids and her special guest open what she got for them, and she was pretty happy with the result. Kimberly was overjoyed to finally have a book that focused completely on dragons, and the art supplies could help her make sketches from the photograhs in the book. Everyone was happy to find she got Monopoly, especially Ron and Julia. Julia got that pile of new clothes she wanted, and she thought that gold chain bracelet was cute and modest. As for Ron, he couldn't be happier to finally have a new jacket that was a bit warmer, after being in the freezing cold shoveling snow and all. The picture of the two Gina had enlarged and framed made him, and Julia too, silently happy. It was taken shortly after they came back from Eliza's wedding, taken while they were sitting underneath a tree at the park together. It was a perfect picture, and they looked like the cutest couple. Ron would treasure this always. Craig had been curious of what the big box by the tree had in store, and cheered in laughter at the joy of what he found. His stereo would have four speakers now, and Ron could help him set up the wiring. Gina did want something more special then that, but just seeing him happy was the point, and she'd get a computer later. Once everyone had finished, and Kimberly was already flipping through her new book, it was time for Ron to unveil his own surprise.