MLP: FiS Chapter 1

Story by Ooraka Kutanaga on SoFurry

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#1 of My Little Pornies: Friendship is Sexual

Original characters and locations owned by their creators, this is JUST a fanfiction of a different version of the series. This is also a Commission.

Hi everybody, my name is Twilight Sparkle. Now, I know you are thinking I'm the same from the TV shows, but that is for children. This world is more sexual, more adult, and, obviously, not safe for those who read while working. I've been studying the ways of pleasure under the princess, Princess Celestia, for the last few years, although I've yet applied such knowledge.

I was sent off to the city of Pornyville, where I was to learn about more things sexual and the fact that everyone had different tastes. My room was quite clean and proper, since I did not party as much as the other students, wanting to make sure my studies came first. Being teased by the others for being a virgin, it just steeled my resolve to become a better student.

Anyways, as I waited at the train station with Princess Celestia, she gave me a gift. It was a dragon's egg, and that I was to keep it warm so it would hatch and become a loyal companion. I hoped so, as then I would have someone to help keep my new place nice and clean. I prefered things to be kept in their place, that way I always knew where it was.

The train ride was not anything special, at least until we got closer to Pornyville. As more people got on, I noticed they would change their clothes, most doing so in the train car without closing their blinds. Blushing brightly, I'd look away suddenly, though would sneak glances now and then. So many different sizes to document, I knew I'd need to take pictures to compare as to which size is preferred.

Now, on the aspect of clothing, I should point something out: While those in Canterslut, the capital of the region, would wear clothing that was proper, but had easily torn away crotches and spots for breasts, And usually done in silks, satins, form fitting and very regal. Those in Pornyville obviously had a different tastes. One of the males wore a suit of leather straps, similar to what would expect a gladiator to wear, minus the male coverings. It turned him on, as I saw his sheath swell, the flared crown of his penis popping out. Of course, that is also possible because the woman he was with bent over, her tail up and winking her vaginal lips at him. Picking her own clothes, she wore a corset that went under her breasts to hold them up, but gave easy access to her nipples, which looked puffy and aroused.

I noticed the majority were wearing leather or some sort of plasticy material. The catsuit worn had nothing covering her breasts or genital area, leaving no imagination to what she would want. The figures were very nice, and very appealing, judging from what I read is the "norm" for how the most appealing ponies looked. Everything looked very well made, and the scenery was very nice. Rolling green hills to the south, a wonderful forest to the north, rivers to the west, and then the train tracks to the east. First thing I saw that told me I was getting close to the city was the city tower, which was shaped just like a large penis, a symbol for the openness of the city and it's inhabitants.

Once getting off the train, blushing brightly, I was greeted by a pink pony, with the symbols for male, herm and female entwined on her flank. She looked me up and down, licking her lips, before running off, bubblegum pink hair and tail flowing behind her. Shrugging it off, I headed for the mayor's office, as I was told to go there for my keys. Of course, I did not expect what I was greeted with.

I heard moans coming from inside, and I thought it might have just been one of the porn movies that circulate inside the cities, and on the internet. Opening the door, I called as I entered, my eyes bugging out at the scene before me.

"Mayor, I'm he---" Before my eyes was a lovely mature mare bent over the desk, breasts squashed as she pushed back against the pegasus behind her. The pegasus, which I'd assumed was male, turned hir head to me, and gave a wicked grin. Shi licked hir lips as shi continued thrusting into who I presumed was the Mayor, and, judging by the pool of fluids dripping onto the floor, they had been going for awhile.

"Hey new blood. Close your mouth and get over here." The pegasus called to me, and, without thinking, I moved inside and closed the door. "I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest trainer in Pornyville. No one breaks in mares like I do." Grabbing the mare's ass, shi gave a strong thrust, body shivering as both let out a loud whinny, hir sac pulsing with each spurt of seed deep within the mare's vaginal canal, maybe even her womb. As shi pulled out, my eyes went wide again, shi was HUGE! Easily 13 inches long and as thick around as my wrist.

"I'm guessing you are the new arrival here for our little community?" Hir shaft was still dripping with their combined fluids, and I turned my head around with a blush, nodding. Holding my bag in front of me, I moved back towards the door.

"I'll just come back lay....." And as I turned around to leave, Rainbow Dash had moved so fast that I was not able to stop hir from locking the door before I could open it. "..ter. Heh, or not. I can stay." Swallowing some, I moved to the desk, and gently tapped the mare, only to have her grab my hand and smile.

"Don't be absurd, Twilight. You are here to enjoy what happens here. I got the note from Princess Celestia, and she told me to give you the full arrival package." The grin she gave me made me pull back, only to have something warm, wet, and hard pushing against my back. Turning my head, I got little more than a scream before Rainbow Dash had me bent over the desk beside the Mayor. I was squirming to get out of hir grip, but all it did was rub my posterior against hir hard, throbbing shaft.

"Stop squirming and let loose, you little bitch. You're in Pornyville, and that means you accept sex from anyone, whenever they ask." At this, shi began to pull back, only to rub the flared tip against my sex. "NO! I've never had sex before! You'll tear me open!" I was crying at this point, trying everything I could to not let it happen, but one fateful move lined us up properly. At that point, shi gave a rough THRUST, and I let out what could only be explained as a scream of murder, and my virginity was taken. The pain was IMMENSE and I just could not believe that I was actually supposed to enjoy this. As shi got about halfway in, shi began pulling back, at which point, I thought shi'd stop. Boy, was I wrong. Shi pulled back until the flared tip was just inside, and gave another strong thrust, burying hir shaft deep into me. The only reason I'd not torn was because of the combined juices of the two from before.

I was crying and grunting with each thrust, as I was in such pain, but still shi would not stop. What had I done to deserve this treatment from them? I was told everyone here was peaceful and welcoming. But, here I was, bent over a desk and raped, right beside the mayor, who simply lay there and watching, fingering herself. As I noticed what she was doing, I blushed, and then it hit me: I wasn't crying so much, as I was starting to enjoy it, much as I told myself I hated the reason why.

The pre from hir cock, er shaft, was adding a lubrication, and therefore, made it easier for hir to thrust into me. Of course, it still stretched when shi went deeper, but I soon found my body acting on it's own, pushing back against hir before I even knew what I was doing. As appalled as I was about the situation, what surprised me was what came out of my mouth as I went to ask to stop.

"STOOOAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" I experienced my first orgasm brought on by someone else, and I was not prepared for the sensation. My body would have fallen to the ground, had I not been propped up by the desk, and my right hand was being held and caressed. Looking over, I noticed the Mayor, and she seemed more like a person than a wanton slut she did beforehand. The stroking helped keep my there, at least until Rainbow Dash proved true the last part of hir name.

Hir thrusts were moving so fast, I almost wondered why there wasn't any fire coming out of me, but all that escaped were fluids. The flared tip kept bumping against my cervix, and I shook my head, saying it would never fit. I was wrong, of course, as I knew the cervix could distend easily to at least twice the size of the mare stud pounding my sex raw. Each thrust, and I could feel that shi was winning, when with a strong thrust, shi ended up balls deep. I screamed in renewed pain, though it was short lived, as with a flick to my clit from the Mayor, I was set off into a second orgasm, milking the thick cock of all of it's seed. I was rewarded with the pulsing of both shaft and sac, though more so from the cock inside me as the first spurt entered my womb. I was glad I wasn't in season, or I'd be in big trouble later on.

As it sits, the next ten minutes or so were spent with me FEELING each pulse of seed within me, most having escaped the seal, even though I looked bloated, either from pregnancy, or a big meal. Both of us were panting as we came down from the high, though my legs were still twitching some as I felt Dash pull out. Even when softened, shi was hung better than that one time I'd spied in the boys washroom back in Canterlot. Apparently, that was all for the welcoming committee, as they were wanting to be the first to have their fun. I sighed and figured it would be a good idea to run off to my new home. At least there I would have some securities..... even if Rainbow Dash would probably break the door down and..... no! I couldn't let such crude thinking overtake me.

On my way back, I decided to take a look at the city, to learn how to get to certain places. Of all the things I found, not a single one had birth control. Quite the opposite, really. More than a few offered fertility enhancements, which set me as a big strange. One store that caught my eye was what was called Catsuit emporium. Catchy name, and since it said "The Best Clothing Store in Town" which was not exaggerating, though it was the ONLY clothing store in town. Opening the door, I peeked inside, only to hear the chime, which was interesting.

"New Meat" I wondered what that meant, but a white unicorn with lovely purple hair poked her head around the corner, and here eyes went wide in a gasp.

*GAASP* "Oh my, you're the new arrival, aren't you? Twilight Sparkle, I believe?" When I nodded, she smiled and ushered me in and began taking measurements. "I'm Rarity, clothing designer and fashion consultant here in Pornyville. If ANYONE needs any clothing or anything judged, I do it." She paused and looked me over, her magic pulling items, ribbons, and fabrics as if she just thought about it. Such control of her magic, but it is more focused than my own studies. As I was wrapped up in fabric, I expected to be covered head and toe when she was done, but I was basically in a lovely purple body suit, and it covered me from the neck down, except for me breasts and sex area.

The material looked like leather, but it was thin and stretchy. It felt amazing against my skin, almost like the silken touch of another. The coloration was a deep blue-ish purple, or indigo, as I was told, and had bright purple, almost lilac, collars around it. The design upon it enhanced the view and directed towards my breasts, ass, and sex, making me feel a bit uncomfortable. I was covered from my neck to mid thigh, and down to both wrists. Given an option, I selected some lovely lace gloves, the pattern reminded me of the stars above.

After grabbing my key, I picked up the egg and ran back to the house, sighing as I got inside. Locking the door and looking around, I was glad to find out I was alone. Heading to the bathroom, I simply let my body relax, trying to get the cum out of me, as it made it hard to move easily. Unfortunately, the cum had hardened somewhat into a gel-like substance, making my canal stretch and ripple as it came out, causing my legs to once again begin to shiver. I wondered why it felt so good, when I was told all my life that sex wasn't a good thing. This sensation started feeling good, so I used some of my magic to shape the cum in a phallic shape, just something simple. Not the flared length Rainbow Dash did, but just an overall thickness that would just stretch me a little bit.

I can't believe I'm doing this. Here, of all places. I was having odd flashes of ideas popping into my head, and in return, I began getting wet, though I knew it wasn't water. Normally, I'd have turned the shower on, but I would most likely destabilize my makeship phallic insertion item, or as some have called them, dildo. Rubbing it around some with my magic, I tested whether it would hurt like it had with Dash. Thankfully, all I felt this time was the weirdest feeling of being full. Pushing further in, I was starting to get a bit dry, so I pulled it out slowly, shivering as I continued. Each time, I was able to push it in further, and each 'thrust' of the dildo, I was bringing myself to climax. I knew the feeling, but the depth at which I was feeling it was another level. I was touching nerves I'd only felt with Rainbow Dash, and I was starting to enjoy it.

"If this is sex, I sure hope I get more. I wonder what other things I'll learn here?" My mind was only able to think for a few more seconds after articulating my thought, as my magic, enhanced by my emotions, started taking over, moving the cum dildo back and forth, faster and faster. Every so often, it would waver some, adjusting the angle of penetration, stimulating my inner walls in another way. This was getting better, and I wondered if what others said was true. 'Sex with someone else is better than on your own.' And, as long as I lived here, I would honor the mission the Princess had given me, and enjoy myself.

After I came, twice, I was able to reign myself in and dispel the magic. Sighing, I turned the tap on and started the shower, brushing along my body. I know I could have easily just used my hands to move it back and forth, but the feeling over not touching myself as I did so was too good to pass up. After the shower, I curled up in bed around the dragon egg, wondering what kind of dragon would hatch out of there, and also what gender it would be. Either way, my first day in Pornyville had come to a close, and I could not wait for tomorrow.... though I'd make sure to ask for some sort of lubrication to start. It hurt until I was wet enough, and did not want to worry about internal injuries.

During the night, I had strangely arousing dreams. Most I could not remember, but the last one felt oddly real. In the dream, I was being tied down with some sort of vibrating object on my stomach, and there was a small tongue, or what felt like a tongue, teasing at my folds. It kept it up until I was close to orgasm. As I climaxed, I woke up and gasped, still feeling the sensations from the dream. Pulling back the covers, I gave a squeak of surprise as I found out what the sensations were.

The egg had hatched during the night, and though uncomfortable to lay on the eggshells, I was more attuned as to why the dragon was teasing me. Gasping and squirming through another orgasm, I gently pushed the dragon's head away, sighing in post orgasmic bliss. Turning the bedside lamp on, I took the time to get a good look at my new dragon.... I had a DRAGON! YES!!!! Well, noticing the look I was given, I took a chance to speak to it.

"Um, hello there. Might I ask why you were doing what you did with your tongue?" I was not expecting an answer, as the dragon had only JUST hatched. However, I was pleasantly surprised.

"Well, as a sex dragon, when we hatch, we seek the nearest creature and pleasure them with our tongues to get our first meal. This also, sometimes unfortunately, attunes us to the creatures wants, needs and desires. Sort of like a symbiotic bond." I smiled and nodded, waiting for him, her or hir, to continue speaking as I was in awe. "Also, as we are born fully functional hermaphrodites, or herms as is the shortened term, we are able to please either gender perfectly well. Now that you are awake, and I have fed some, we shall get to naming me." This time, shi looked to me, stretching some in the light to give me a full look over hir colors. Hir body was primarily purple, but with a green belly, spots, and spikes. Having no idea what to name hir, I shrugged and asked if shi minded the name "Spyke"? Normally, it would have been with an I, but I thought the Y would make it more gender neutral.

Nodding in approval, Spyke moved to sit before me, growling softly, or so I thought. I would later come to understand it as purring, but right now I was pleased with the fact shi would not try to eat me. However, what shi did next surprised me. Moving along my body, shi wrapped hir tongue around one of my nipples, giving it a squeeze. This caused me to moan and lay back, relaxing and letting hir do as shi wished, for now. Now and then shi would change which nipple shi worked at, but after awhile I felt something prodding against me. Now, I'm not sure what it was at the time, as it felt different than an equine cock, but as I looked down, I gasped. Not very big, at least compared to Dash, the dragoness was sporting a good 5 inch throbbing cock. Pointed at the tip, it looked like a pointed sausage, getting bigger in the middle. At the base, I thought it was hir sac, but shi told me it was hir knot, meant for locking hir into the whole shi fucks.

This got me curious to try what it was like, and I nodded, giving my consent. As shi ran it up and down my slit, shi came in contact with my clit, adding a new level of pleasure I hadn't thought I'd get to. The tip was dripping with some sort of fluid, I can only guess it is pre-seed, or pre, as it will be shortened. Pushing in slowly, it felt amazing compared to both Dash, and my own makeshift dildo before. Because of those, I was not exactly as tight as I could have been, but still tight enough to feel as shi pushed in.

Sliding in was nice and smooth, and had me moaning softly. However, as shi pulled back, it felt like there was something digging into my flesh, causing me to scream some, but not in pleasure... well, SOME pleasure. Apparently shi had these barbs on hir shaft near the tip that help stimulate the hole shi is in. Of course, it didn't hurt, just scared me. After a few more slow thrusts, I got used to the feeling, reaching down to rub along Spyke's back. As shi began to pick up speed, both of us were groaning and grunting, Spyke reaching as deep as shi could, though hir knot kept popping in and out, stimulating my clit with each pass. Just the sensations alone were enough to raise me to climax, as the barbs ran along my inner flesh, stimulating one like blunt claws down the back, while the knot and shaft spread me around them, throbbing with the beat of hir heart. Each pass, shi grew bigger, though it could have just been the knot and me thinking it grew over all, but shi soon would not be able to pull back as easily.

Wrapping my legs around hir to stop hir from pulling out, I gave a loud whinny of orgasm, most likely waking some of them up, if they weren't already up for their own fun. Shortly after I came down, the dragoness still pounding into me, shi held flush against me, hir body spasming in what I could only guess was orgasm, as I felt each pulse of seed filling me. Now, unfortunately, due to hir size, shi was not able to reach, or fill, my womb, but seeing as shi was only the size of a house cat, I knew shi'd get bigger and better as the years flew by.