Affiliated Student Bodies, chpt 1 The Power of Love

Story by SigmaWolf on SoFurry

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This is a continuation of the original A.S.B (Associated Student Bodies). The tile of the series is A.S.B. Affiliated Student Bodies.

This story is fan fiction based on the characters copyrighted by "Lance Rund" and "Chris McKinley) all copyrighted characters are property of their respective owners.

I look forward to constructive criticism. Would also like to know your thoughts on continuing this comic, I currently have 15 chapters like this. This biggest hurdle for me will be the illustrations.

This story is fan fiction based on the characters copyrighted by "Lance Rund" and "Chris McKinley) all copyrighted characters are property of their respective owners.

This story takes place during the summer between semesters and after another story/fan fiction titled, Associated Student Bodies: Don't Cry, by Tristan Black Wolf.

The story is meant to be told in a comic format similar to that of the original A.S.B.

The power of love.



Brian Johanson: Male, White/Grey wolf

Secondary Characters:

Michael King: Male, Lion (Daniel King's younger brother)

Scratch Rose: Male, (Randy): (Coyote) Musician, wanderer

Erick: Male, Jack Russell Terrier (Randy's previous lover, and owner of the Stonewall Bistro)

Jeffery: Male, Unknown (Erik's Mate)

(San Thomas park amphitheater, Brian is playing his guitar at the theater when Scratch Rose and Michael King walk by, crowd has gathered to listen, Scratch and Michael both have their guitars)

Michael: Check it out, that guys got quite the crowd over there.

Scratch: Yeah Brian's got a gift when it comes to music, he can really draw a crowd.

Michael: You know the guy?

Scratch: yeah he's the guy I told you about that probably has a room if your still interested.

Michael: That's great but I don't have much to pay him with.

Scratch: I don't think Brian will care, he could use a friend.

Scratch: Let's go meet him.

(Brian singing)

Michael: Wow he can sing too?

Scratch: Yeah but he makes that Gibson sing even better.

(Scratch and Michael go on stage)

Scratch: Hey Brian, how's it been?

Brian: Scratch, wow... long time bud, how's the road treating you?

Scratch: Never a dull moment, but it's good to hang my hat close to friends from time to time.

Brian: So whose your friend?

Scratch: Brian this is Michael, Michael this is Brian, He's been following me on the road a bit.

Michael: Hi.

Brian: Hey.

Brian: So what brings you two to San Thomas?

Scratch: Looking to play a few of my old haunts, and Michael here is needing a place to stay. Figured its better if he's with fella's his own age, not with an old coyote like myself.

Brian: Ah.... well I still got that extra room in my Apartment that Randy rents to me.

Scratch: I figured you might, mind if Michael stays a bit?

Brian: No problem.

Scratch: Well I'm going to go visit an old friend, I'll let you two get acquainted.

Brian: See ya Scratch.

Michael: Thanks man I owe you one.

Brian: It's cool man, so Michael you play much?

Michael: Call me Mike, and yeah.

Brian: Well jack in, let's see what you got.

(Michael plugs into amp and starts playing, Brian joins in)

Brian: You got skill bud

Michael: Thanks, Scratch has been giving me a few pointers.

Brian: He's a good teacher, taught me a lot about music.

Brian: Not to pry but aren't you a bit young to be on the road with ol' Scratch

Michael: Well it's better than being at home.

Brian: I don't know about that I'd give anything to have a place to call home.

Michael: What do you mean

Brian: I've never had a place to call home.

Michael: What... how, where's your family

Brian: I don't have one, not anymore, see my parents were killed by a drunk driver when I was 3.

Michael: Sorry to hear that man.

Brian: Kind of got kicked from foster home to another, I was too much trouble to stay in one place for long.

Michael: That's rough.

Brian: So why are you on the road?

Michael: Its... complicated.

Brian: No problem... I won't pry.

Brian: Ok... what do you say we head home? I'll show you your room.

Michael: Ok.

(Brian and Marcus pack up and head to Stonewall Bistro)

(Stonewall Bistro, Erick behind bar)

Brian: Hey boss I'm back, this is Michael he's Randy's friend and needs a place to stay so he will be in the guest room at my place if that's ok.

Erick: Sure... wait Randy's in town?!

Brian: Yeah something tells me he will be stopping by, better not let Jeffery know.

Erick: Thanks for the heads up, yeah I got no problem with Michael staying here.

Brian: C'mon mike lets head up.

Michael: Thanks again man.

Brian: No problem

(Brian's apartment)

Brian: By the way I'm starting college classes in a few weeks but you're welcome to stay here till then.

Brian: There's not much in the fridge but you're welcome to it.

Michael: So how long have you known Scratch?

Brian: About 3 years now I suppose... he has taught me quite a bit.

Michael: Is he always on the road?

Brian: For as long as have known him, you'd have to ask Erick he has known him longer.

Brian: Well I'm going to head down and set up for tonight.

Michael: Set up for what?

Brian: I play downstairs from time to time, good tips on nights like tonight

Michael: Do you think I could join you?

Brian: Better yet you open for me, any money you get is all yours.

Michael: Wow thanks I appreciate it, I could really use it.

(Michael playing not many tips)

Michael: I don't get it I guess these people just don't like my music.

Brian: Sometimes the crowds can be tough.

Michael: I don't know, sometimes I think they just don't get it.

Brian: People like what they like, they stick with what they know.

Michael: Yeah they probably like love songs.

Brian (grins) everyone likes love songs, heck most songs are love songs in some sort of fashion.

Brian: Whether it's in love, out of love, losing love or finding it, heck the songs we played Earlier in the park are example of love songs.

Michael: How?

Brian: They're songs of consequences of love and how it changed their lives and not in a good way.

Michael: I suppose your right.

Brian: It's also how you deliver the song, you have to make them feel ... what you feel, then they can relate and will enjoy the music too.

Michael: Is that how do you do it?

Brian: Absolutely.

Brian: Tell you what I'll start, you join in when you want and watch the crowd. I'll even play the same song you did to prove it.

Michael: Ok.

(Many people giving tips)

Brian: See you have to make them feel the music not just hear it, you can have the best technique in the world but if there's no feeling the music is lost on the audience.

Brian: Now you try it.

Michael: (plays music)

(Applause, tips)

Brian: See you put your heart on the line and they loved it. Like I said love has a lot to do with it.

Michael: Where did you learn that?

Brian: Scratch of course... he has tons of experience with love and love songs.. I'm sure he's told you.

(Brian's Room, lounging)

Michael: So?... what's it like being independent and not having to listen to anyone, and being able to do your own thing?

Brian: Well.... the independence is good I suppose but with it comes a lot of alone time, and as for not having to listen to anyone...well it seems there's always someone you have to listen too.

Michael: Yeah but it's got to be better than living with people that just don't understand you, and order you around all the time.

Brian: What do you mean?

Michael: Well my family.. they have no clue, my parents won't let me live my life.

Michael: My sister is lucky she doesn't live at home anymore and doesn't have to deal with them anymore.

Michael: My brother has turned into a drama queen to get more attention, and I'm stuck getting the blame for everything.

Brian: Sounds rough... but it also sounds like problems I wish I had.

Michael: How can you say that? You have no idea what it's like.

Brian: True but tell me this, does your family love you? Would your parents move heaven and earth to see you back at home?

Michael: I suppose they do, but I doubt there even looking for me, they're probably more interested in what my brother is doing.

Brian: Why do you say that?

Michael: My brother went to college last year and decided to be gay.

Brian: He decided to be gay?

Michael: Yeah he's just trying to get their attention.

Brian: I don't know that you can decide something like that, seems like it just happens.

Michael: Yeah well I want nothing to do with faggots and what they put up their asses.

Michael: I certainly don't want to be around them.

Brian: ha ha ha

Michael: What's so funny?

Brian: You do know that Randy is gay right?

Michael: WHAT!?

Brian: Yup about as gay as they come.

Michael: How... he didn't tell me?

Brian: Most gay people don't exactly advertise their sexual preferences.

Michael: But his music is so good, how can someone like him be gay?

Brian: Remember earlier what I said about love songs and how they affect people, when you put love into your music?

Michael: Yeah?

Brian: Randy taught me that love is a powerful thing, whether your gay straight or other, love finds a way, and for those that are gay their love has to really be strong to endure the ridicule and admonishment of today don't you think?

Michael: Ok, but what are you getting at?

Brian: That's where Randy gets the love he puts into his music. Despite the hurdles he has had to deal with his love is even stronger and makes his music that much better.

Brian: Love is universal, gay or straight, you move heaven and earth to be with the one you love and when you put that into music it speaks to people.

Michael: But why does my brother have to be gay?

Brian: Well... he met someone he loves. Does it matter who it is that he loves, or that he found someone to love?

Michael: It's not right though.

Brian: Love is too powerful to ignore, you saw that earlier when those people started listening to your music, I mean really listening.... with their heart.

Brian: Michael.... do you love your brother?

Michael: I.... suppose

Brian: If you saw your brother in trouble with a crowd of people trying to hurt him what would you do.

Michael: I'd kick their ass

Brian: What if its 20 people

Michael: I don't care, I'd still fight them.

Brian: Do you think your brother would do the same

Michael: Yeah.

Brian: Exactly, despite the odds with the love you have of your brother you would fight for each other.

Brian: So do you understand how strong love is now?

Michael: Yeah, I suppose, but how are you able to get people to listen to your music like that?

Brian: Well I suppose it comes from being alone for so long, not having someone to care about me or for.

Brian: I would give anything for that.

Brian: To be honest you're the first person I would actually call a friend, everyone except Randy and Erik have never wanted nothing to do with me.

Michael: Wow I guess being on your own isn't exactly what I thought it was.

Brian: Food for thought... well I'm off to bed. Night.

Michael: Night.

(few weeks later)

Brian: Well I got all my stuff moved to my dorm room on campus

Michael: Why don't you just stay here during school.

Brian: Because Erik rents out the room for extra income, plus he charges more during the school year than what the dorm does.

Michael: I want to say thanks again for letting me stay here these last few weeks.

Brian: No problem bud.... look I may be at the dorms but if you need a place to stay don't hesitate to come by.

Michael: Thanks but I got enough to stay off the streets for a bit.

Brian: The offer is always open bud.

Brian: I don't have a return policy.

Brian: Heck you could always stop by we could jam it out.

Michael: I might just do that... Thanks again.

Brian: See ya Mike.

Michael: Later.