david's college days part three

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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It was a warm and cool night David was walking home with pippin, her home was not too far away.

David knew this wasn't about homework she was mad for David.

As pippin open the front door to her "parents" home David was greeted by a complete tip there was dirty panties, old beer cans, half eaten food, and lots of other things that would make a clean person faint,

"this is heaven!" said David looking at all the mess

"but if were ever going to do homework we must clean this mess up", "We?" said pippin "I don't clean, why do you think I smell like a tramp?, It's because my parents are away in Barbados and I don't like to clean, GET IT?!!".

David knew what to do

"look I'll clean it if you get started on the homework, okay?"

David began to clean and tidy putting washing out and doing washing hovering and reclining and cleaning stuff that had not touched since her parents went on holiday David knew what to do since his parents showed him what to do as a young boy.

Pippen looked out at the window and saw David putting up and taking down washing, she thought to her self he would be the perfect husband all work and no play she fantasised about David and her on the wedding day and the honey moon but then it accord to her what with David only got £20 EMA money and she got the same.

She flopped on to her unmade bed and sighed then she felt something tickling her foot she lifted up a old t-shirt and saw a big spider.

Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Pippen cried out load David herd this and ran up the stairs and saw pippin on top of the draw panicking over a little spider that had scared her, David had seen bigger spiders in his own house this was small and cute.

"Why are you afraid of this little spider?"

"It's not little it's BIG"

David sighed and got an old cup and a piece of homework and court the spider and let it go then got back to tidying and cleaning but now pippin wanted to help tidy up as she was now scared of her bedroom.

she was not very good this as she just slung a whole load of cloths in to one corner witch David had to then short though and put away.

After a while David had the house looking like it was clean and not a tip David looked at his watch 22:05 five past ten!

Were never have time to do homework now but little did he know that pippin had been doing both there homework in between cleaning, and she made saw David had at lest done it not rushed it and got all answers wrong.

David looked in adamants and started to finish off what pippin had started David finished in record time and was still in the mode for cleaning pippin was tired and let out a yorn and started to go to sleep.

David looked around and saw pippin fast asleep and souring, David know he couldn't do any more cleaning with nosey machines but could put away more items and watch a bit of telly.

David cleaned and dusted and put away out any other spiders that may scare pippin after a long and hard night of cleaning David noticed a locked door and was curious what was behind it.

He found a note attached to the door it read

"mum & dad's room do not entire or else"

David hated not knowing what was behind the door most probably more dust and more cleaning to do.

Just then David looked up and saw a key on the top of the door, jackpot David reached and unlooked the door to find a real trashier.

Pippen's dad was a hard rock ‘n' roll man and his wife was a fan of Queen, David had to look though the collections of stuff that pippin's dad had he had lots of 60's 70's 80's 90's rock ‘n' roll stuff and all of it was dusty but David did not dare clean the collection of stuff as it was not his.

Pippen awoke to find David in her mum and dad's room,

"David, get out of there I'm not allowed to let any body in there its my dad's tomb if you like that stuff",

"aww" David said sadly and got up and went downstairs to watch telly but went to bed instead.

In the morning David looked at pippin and got up to make breakfast and to see what's on telly but then it happened, pippin's parents were coming up the drive way and looking mad or pissed off and they were very red.

David ran as fast as he could up the stairs and told pippin the bad news David ran out the back door and went home very quickly and said nothing until the next day when things went ok with pippin and she said they wanted to meet you.

David went to pippin's house to see what had happened to pippin if she was still alive or locked up but to David's surprise pippin's parents were not cross or mad they were happy because David had kept the house clean, and said to David he could come round any time he wanted too, David said to himself a well, all well's that ends well.

They soon talked about stuff like how pippin's dad was a fan of rock ‘n' roll and how the mum loved Queen but not the new Queen, no she only like the old Queen and on the day Queen's lead singer died, she was no the phone to all her friends and they all went to the tribute for the singer and she showed David the ticket from the concert and then showed David the singed copy of a poster of Queen the real one is in a pressed case.

Dad had to butt in as he showed David his collection of records, CD's and cassettes and David was even lucky to be given a cassette he had been after for years KANSAS song for America and he loved it.

So now David had a girl friend who's dad was a big fan of rock ‘n' roll he also knew someone who liked the old band Queen, but this was all going to change very soon.