Payment Upon Delivery

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Always check the apps you download, you never know when one might deliver you something that you didn't even know you needed...

A strong hypnosis piece that was commissioned from me by Darkwitt overr on FA, who also did a lot helping me edit and add content as well. True hypnosis is something that I don't get to write about surprisingly, which is a shame because I really like such a thing. Marked adult for mature themes.

If you would like to experience full immersion into the story, here is the song that inspired such a thing:

"Taxi!" The wolf shouted on the busy street, waving his hand in the air as one of the bright yellow cars passed by. "Taxi!" Once more he tried again, only to find that the second car that drove by had a passenger in the car already. After several more attempts the canine gave up and walked back to a group of anthros that had been waiting nearby, straightening his glasses in frustration. He had done everything but dive into the middle of the street and with his new blue suit and red tie on he didn't want to get splashed on from the standing water still in the street.

"I told you it was going to be next to impossible to get a taxi this time of night Trevor," a female tabby said as she applied makeup to her lips. Like the wolf she was dressed in a sleek pantsuit that was tailored to her figure to show it off without being tight. "Why don't we just call this whole work dinner off and go our separate ways? I know we're celebrating the Markfield account but our reservations are in forty minutes and we're still across town."

"Sorry guys, I forgot that this was the time of night when cabs are scarcer than gold," the wolf replied sheepishly. "Maybe Merle is right, call this one dead in the water."

As the rest of the group nodded and began to split off when suddenly the gecko in the back raised his phone in the air. "Wait guys, technology to the rescue!" He announced as the others walked back to him. "I just downloaded the Uber app and got a car to come to our spots in ten minutes, if there's no accidents on the road we should make it there in plenty of time to get our reservations."

"Harold... that's not Uber," the dragoness said as she looked over his shoulder at the phone. "It's all multicolored and has the picture of a face on it that looks like it was sketched by a four year-old." Like the others the dragoness had been dressed to impress, though she wore a long, black dress that almost covered her high heels and a white blouse buttoned up all the way to her neck.

"Well I put in driving services and that was the first one that came up," Harold replied as he put it back in his pocket. Of the four the gecko seemed to be the least stylishly dressed as the others, his idea of dressing up was a blue button-down shirt and a pair of corduroy pants that he usually wore around the office. "Plus the description says that it will get you all exactly where you need to go and in style. Plus look, I think that's our car right now!"

The four looked over to see that a car had turned onto their street and drove down the parking lane towards them. It wasn't what any of them had expected in a car, a Kia Soul with a glittering gold paint job and neon pink stripes as well as tinted windows. The car continued for a few seconds before it stopped, the sound that could be heard inside stopped as it came to a halt in front of them.

When it stopped, the gecko looked smugly at the rest of them before they crowded around the car. They looked inside, shocked to see that the interior of the vehicle was completely empty aside from the white leather seats with what looked like a bright blue gel pack in the middle of each of them. It vaguely reminded them of the bucket seats street racers tended to favor. There was the smell of bubblegum that seemed to waft out of the interior, though it wasn't unpleasant and didn't seem strong enough for them to suspect anyone was in there. They all looked around, as though they would see the would-be driver running away from the area before they looked back down at the car.

"I guess... it's one of those driverless cars?" Harold said as he went to the driver's seat, opening up the car door.

"I don't like this," the dragoness replied nervously as the rest of them began to open the other doors to get inside. "I've only heard about these things in the papers and then you hear the horror stories where they show that those driverless cars drove themselves off cliffs and such."

Harold looked at the dragoness incredulously before he opened the door of the car and looked inside, then at the control panel. "There we go, all these cars usually have a manual control switch in case the automatic doesn't work," he said as the others cautiously began to open their own doors, particularly the dragoness. "C'mon Whitney, this car isn't going to bite, we have to go now if we're going to make those reservations."

"What about paying for the ride?" Whitney asked as she slowly slid into the front seat as well, feeling the strange material between her legs shift from her weight.

"It just says 'Payment Upon Delivery'," Harold replied as the wolf and cat got into the car. As soon as they were all buckled up the gecko started up the car, all the lights on the dashboard lighting up as well as the center display that showed their current location. The song that they had heard from before started up as well, causing the two ladies to jump as they heard the heavy beat of it in the speakers.

/Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground,

where an old man of Aran goes around and around.

And his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night,

For a strange kind of fashion there's a wrong and a right.

But he'll never, never fight over you./

The four held their hands to their ears as Harold tried to turn the station, then when that failed to turn the song off, and when that didn't work as well he finally turned it down enough that it no longer blared in their ears. "Ugh, are we going to have to listen to this the whole trip?" Merle said as she once more began to apply make up, this time eyeliner as she looked at herself in the pocket mirror.

"Just go," Trevor said. "It's not blaring and we only have a twenty minute drive to the restaurant."

After about a minute or so, Whitney looked over at Harold, whose eyes were focused on the road as they drove through the city. "So Harold, your department must be really pleased at the new deal, you guys got the lion share out of that one," she said, the gecko replying with a simple nod. The dragoness sighed and pulled on the hem of her skirt slightly to keep it down. /Near a tree by the river by a river there's a hole in the ground/ Ever since they had decided they were going out for the night she had wished she had a spare set of clothes in her drawer, where they had decided to celebrate wasn't a very fancy place to eat the clothes that covered up her blue scales started to feel a little stuffy. /Where an old man of Aran goes around and around./

"Can you believe some of these lyrics?" Harold said suddenly, causing Whitney to look over at him once more. "The chorus of this song is ridiculous, talking about a tree near a river and some old guy dancing around it. I feel sorry for our backseat riders, sounds like the main speakers are in the back."

Whitney just nodded and looked out the windshield, every so often taking a glance at Harold who, despite his earlier protests, had started to tap the steering wheel to the beat of the music. She found herself mimicking the gecko with her own fingers against the dash, wondering if she should try and initiate conversation again or leave it. Though they had been assigned to the same account, she never really saw too much of him. Most of the time he and Harold hung out discussing design specs while she was with Merle and the others getting cost assessments. Soon she realized that she had been staring off into space and Harold was looking at her, which caused her to look out the passenger window as she cursed her shyness.

Meanwhile in the backseat Merle and Trevor chatted for a bit as they waited to get to the restaurant, though every so often he would grab the front seat and look over the driver's seat to talk to Harold. It hadn't mattered to Merle much, the black furred cat just tried not to get any of her designer brand makeup anywhere then exactly where she needed to be. The only time she stopped was when it sounded like the song they were forced to listen to was coming to a close. "Oh thank god, maybe the next song-" her words were cut off when the opening to the exact same music started to play again, "oh come on!"

"Well look at it this way, we only have to listen to it like twelve more times before we're done." Trevor said with a grin. "We've been through far worse in meetings when-" /Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground./ suddenly the wolf stopped, as though he had forgotten what he was about to say. /Where an old man of Aran goes around and around./ After a few seconds he shook his head to clear the cobwebs and looked back up to notice that Merle had stopped her primping until about that second as well. /And his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night./ Trevor sat back, slightly confused, and went up to adjust the tie of his suit when he remembered he hadn't worn one that day, at least he thought he didn't. /For a strange kind of fashion there's a wrong and a right./

/But he'll never, never fight over you./

Trevor began to unbutton his shirt as he felt himself begin to grow hot, even though the AC was on. He did just enough to expose the creamy white fur of his chest as he listened to Merle continue to talk about how terrible the music was. "Oh come on, it's not that bad," the wolf said as he patted Harold and Whitney on the shoulder with a grin.

"Are you kidding me?" Merle replied as she glared at them all.

"Oh yeah?" Trevor said with a smirk. "Your foot obviously likes it."

The cat looked down to see that her foot was in fact tapping with the music, her toenails a brilliant red color as they poked out from the open toe of her shoe. She looked at it curiously, then at the others. She blushed and considered responding in her defense, but they had already launched into conversation on what they were going to do now that they had a weekend where they didn't have to work. As she continued to ponder though she suddenly heard Trevor shout, "chorus is coming up, c'mon guys, you know the lyrics!"

Merle once more held her hands to flatten her ears as the other three began to sing along with the lyrics. "Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground!" The others looked at each other with a stupid grin on their face before they all turned to the cat, who had started to mouth the words despite herself. "Where an old man of Aran goes around and around! And his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night, for a strange kind of fashion there's a wrong and a right! But he'll never, never fight over you!" Once it was done and the song finished up they stared at each other for a few seconds before they started to laugh, then each of them went back to talking to each other as the tune began anew once more. A barrier seemed to have lifted between the four.

Merle called them all jerks as Trevor pulled off his coat. The wolf found himself swaying his head to the music, the beat starting to become catchy to him as he put the garment aside. He turned to Merle to talk to her and saw that she had started to put on a shade of bright purple on her eyelids. "Is that a new shade?" he asked as he fiddled with his ears. "It looks really good on you."

"Yeah, I was getting tired of the electric blue," Merle said before she paused, looking down at the different bright colors that made up her color palette. "That's weird, I could have sworn I had normal colors to put on... guys, did you see-"

"Near a tree by the river there's a hole in the ground!" the other three had interrupted once more, once more the other three grinning madly as they sang along with their heads bobbing to the music to irritate her. This time it was far less effective, the feline just sitting there with her arms crossed as she sang half-heartedly along. When they had finished and it went back to the melody Merle rolled her eyes, a small grin on her own face before she finished her other eye with the neon color.

Harold looked down at the map on the center console as they stopped at yet another red light. "We are going to get there by the skin of our teeth," he muttered as he fiddled with the settings, the last one accidently turning the song up a little before he moved onto another knob. "The AC is on max and I still feel warm."

"I'm feeling pretty good," Whitney replied, rubbing her hands against the scales of her bare midriff under her white tank top. "The problem is your clothes, you are wearing way too much right now." When she realized what she said and looked down at herself she was surprised to find it looked like her clothing had shrunk; not only was her skirt up to her knees now but her blouse looked like it had been cut and half and all the buttons were missing...

Meanwhile Harold looked down at himself and his clothing choices. "All I have on is a shirt and cargo shorts," the gecko replied as he looked down at himself in dismay and rolled up his sleeves to expose more of his dark green skin. As he did he noticed something strange on his upper arm, it looked like a purple patch of something hard like a scab. He turned to ask Whitney about it when he noticed the confused look on her face and thou- /Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground~/ this time, none of them turned to sing, though both he and the dragoness begin to bob their heads to the music as they stared blankly out into space while they listened. Once the lyrics began to fade he felt slightly embarrassed that he had gotten into the song, but he had seen Whitney and the others bobbing their heads as well so he decided to let the matter go. Slipping from his head before given the opportunity to complain.

/~But he'll never, never fight over you./ Trevor blinked slightly when he realized he had just been listening intently to the song. "So... how much longer until we reach the restaurant?" he asked as his fingers fell away from the multi-colored studs in his ears. He had been waiting ever since work was over to have them in, and now that they were there he felt... more complete. Plus it matched the piercing on his chest, his finger absentmindedly rubbing his nipple under the tight work shirt he wore while he put his glasses on his forehead to rub his eyes.

"Chill out Trev, we'll make it in time," Harold replied before he caught himself, wondering what possessed him to call his co-worker that. It sounded good on him, the gecko said, and considered remembering that for the future as he leaned down to look at the GPS to see how close they were. As he did he felt Whitney's arm wrap around his shoulders and he looked up to see the dragoness wink at him and blow him a kiss from her bright pink lipstick covered lips. He felt himself blush slightly some more, especially since he had never known his co-worker to wear lipstick before, but as he looked down at the map his bashfulness turned to concern He had made a wrong turn somewhere because they were nowhere close to the route for the restur-

/Near a tree by the river there's a hole in the ground, where an old man of Aran goes around and around.~/ The four of them stared out the windows, their heads bobbing together as they looked out of the window of the car. /And his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night./ Their bodies went slack, the gecko's hands sliding off the wheel as the car began to sway slightly with their movements. The car didn't swerve an inch, letting the four passengers enjoy the song to its fullest as it drove itself down the street. For a minute, the irises in their eyes seemed to pulse gently to the song. The blue gel in their seats raised, pressing firmly into each of their crotches as a gentle vibration started. Quiet moans of surprise met each of their lips, drowned out by the music. What was happening, none of them had the awareness to really acknowledge. It felt too good to question.

When Whitney snapped out of it, she absentmindedly wiped a bit of drool from her mouth. Careful not to smudge her makeup as she looked over at Harold who also seemed to shake himself out of the music's rhythm and grab onto the wheel. Though she thought it was strange it didn't seem to bother anyone else in the car. Her head still swayed slightly to the music as she pulled up the bright purple and white latex thigh highs until the material was tight against her scales. The edge of the new garments fell just short of her mini-skirt, which had gone from black to electric blue and was so high up it hardly covered her panties which was something she wouldn't have normally been caught dead in.

Meanwhile In the backseat, Trevor blinked when the song had started over, mimicking the whistling noise of the intro as he reached up to his forehead to pull down his glasses, only to find that the had been replaced with a pair of goggles with green-tinted lenses. Just as he stared at them in confusion he suddenly shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he felt like something prodded up against the backside just under his tail, though when he felt between the seat and his black leather booty shorts was the gel microbeads that made up the seat itself. "Hey Merle, you feel anything weird about these seats?"

"Maybe you're poking yourself with those tight shorts of yours," Merle replied with a smirk as she put her makeup bag away and adjusted the multi-hued top that was little more than a bra on her chest, which looked strange compared to the dress pants that still covered her legs even though the fabric clung tightly to her legs. "I know you have a sexy ass and you want to show it off but you could-" /Near a tree by the river there's a hole in the ground~/'

All the conversation in the car stopped dead yet again as the four relaxed back in their seats, their lips moving slightly to the music in a genuine way as their bodies moved to the music. Their glassy eyes stared straight ahead, blinking only occasionally as the car continued to drive. /For a strange kind of fashion there's a wrong and a right./ As the lyrics came to a close the bulge in the shorts of the two males grew substantially as the woman's nipples poked out from their clothes as well. /But he'll never, never fight over you./

Merle nearly jumped when the chorus of the song ended, her hands rested on her exposed thighs near the tie-dyed bikini bottom that she had worn to compliment her top. "Man, this song is awesome," she said, the latex fishnet she wore as stockings and arm huggers clung tightly to the amber fur of her body as she turned to Trevor and placed a hand on the tight psychedelic tank top that he wore. "As I was saying babe, those are my favorite bottoms of yours, every time I grind against you I just want to take you right there."

"Hey, settle down there you two," Harold said with a chuckle. "I don't think we're going to want to pay the cleaning costs for this rental." The gecko took a hand off the wheel to adjust his shirt, only to feel nothing but bare scale beneath his hands. He frowned slightly and looked to find himself completely naked from the waist up, save for a black collar around his neck and as he looked back at his wrists he found a similar cuff around each of them. In the back of his mind he felt something was wrong; he got a mental image of two well-dressed individuals in the backseat instead of what looked like two club-goers that he currently saw, and though he and Whitney still seemed normal they might also be getting changed by whatever was laced in the music. Harold shifted gently to look toward the back, everyone seemed to grow quiet every now and then. Empty eyes and drooling lips indicated they were a bit take up in the moment. Even he was feeling it. Trying to rub his tired eyes, he muttered back. "H-hey...s...something's happenin' t-"

/Near a tree by the river there's a hole in the ground, where an old man of Aran goes around and around./ The gecko's musing stopped as soon as the chorus hit his ears and like the others in the car all semblance of rational thought went out the window, their bodies going slack like puppets with their strings cut. Bobbing helplessly as if the car's shocks were keeping them in time with the song. /And his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night./ Their mouths hung open in a slack-jawed expression, their eyes glassy as their lips moved only slightly with the lyrics. /For a strange kind of fashion there's a wrong and a right./ Nothing else seemed to matter to them but the song and each other as they danced in rhythm with the beat. /But he'll never, never fight over you./

The song started over and almost reached the first lyrics when Whitney realized both she and Harold had just been staring blankly ahead. She was just glad that the car had the capability to drive itself to their destination as Harold seemed very distracted by the music just like her. "Does it say how long until we get there?" she said as she ran her arm warmer covered hand down the thick scales of his arm.

Harold shuddered at the touch as he turned to Whitney, trying to focus despite the tingling sensation of the dragoness' tough and vibration of the lump of gel that had seemed to nestle right against the thong portion of his loincloth. "Yeah, we should be getting close," Harold said, scratching his well-proportioned pectorals and abs underneath his light purple skin, which was the reason that he chose his outfit in the first place. "How are you two holding up?"

Merle and Trevor had started to make out in the backseat, only to stop and separate to answer Harold's question before they giggled at each other. "I love the way you dye your spots," Trevor said with a grin as his hand traced over one of the many neon-colored leopard spots on the feline's body, whose muzzle had lengthened slightly into the configuration of one of the bigger species of cats. "You use the blacklight stuff?"

"You better believe," Merle replied with a big grin.

Whitney and Harold looked at each other as they watched the two begin to make out. "This... this isn't right..." Whitney said as they stared. "Merle isn't a leopardess, and Trevor," she looked at the pink tinted markings and subtle features of the canine that weren't wolven, "Trevor's bouncing around looking like a husky and he doesn't even drink caffeine."

"You're right..." Harold replied as he heard the song starting over once more, his fingers tapping to the beat before he stopped himself and finally noticed the azure scales on his hands that went right up to the cuffs. "Scales... I don't have scales..." he turned the rearview mirror down and saw the muzzle and head of a purple-scaled dragon looking back at him, his head cropped with a mane of long lavender with white-tipped hair that threatened to go past his eyes. "I'm a dragon?!"

Whitney looked down at herself as well as the former gecko began to panic, the bright blue scales of her stomach replaced with a very thick layer of white fur that was red on the edges. "I'm changing too," she said before she unbuckled her seatbelt and turned back. "Guys, something's happening to us!"

"Yeah, you're ruining our buzz...." Trevor said as they broke the kiss, Whitney's mouth dropping open as they saw that their eyes had turned a glowing purple. "The best part of the song is coming up, just like...relax and let it wash over you." Trevor and Merle smiled, mouths open and arms close to their bodies in various poses. Trevor had his hands behind his head as he thrusted quietly into the seat, while merle silently bobbed with a look of utter arousal on her face. The two were practically dolls, now.

Harold tried to push the brakes to stop the car, but none of the controls seemed to respond to him as they continued to drive forward. In all likelihood, he never had control of the car in the first place. At the same time, Whitney tried to just open the door, but as she found they were locked the seat below her suddenly began to vibrate around her groin which caused her to groan and clench her legs together. The same thing happened to Harold, the stimulation causing him to gasp as the gel pooled up around his groin and tailhole and begun to massage it. The two of them quietly moaned, strength draining out of them as they tried hard to squirm under the clothing warping and shifting under them. He turned to Whitney, whose back had arched as her stimulation continued, and said "W-we... have to g-get out... of th-the car... before-"

/Near a tree by the river there's a hole in the ground~/ Harold and Whitney's concerns melted away with the rest of their thoughts and slowly a vacant smile crept over their faces. The fawning that Trevor and Merle were doing to each other was forgotten also as their minds were filled with nothing but the words to the song. /And his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night./ The four's eyes began to glow as the last of their wills succumbed, and when the final line came all of them burst out and sang. "But he'll never, never fight over you!"

"Dude, this is awesome!" Harold said as he banged his hands against the ceiling. "God I'm pumped for this!"

"Gonna shake that dragon tail Hal?" Merle said from the back seat, the leopard swaying to the beat and shaking the glowsticks that she wore. "My husky and I are gonna light up that dance floor!"

"Between you two you have enough glow paint to actually light up the dance floor!" Whitney said with a laugh, smoothing her thick orange and white fur over the remnants of scales that she didn't even know she had anymore. As the vixen looked out the door she saw something that caused her to smack the muscular arm of the dragon in the driver's seat as she told him to stop.

On the street, a bull walked down the sidewalk, the crowd parting from his huge frame as he went by. He was dressed in an expensive three-piece suit and held a briefcase, which he nearly dropped when he heard a loud horn beep behind him. He turned to see a shimmering gold car with a pink-furred husky and a multi-colored spotted leopardess with their bodies poking out of the moon roof. "Billy!" they shouted at them, which caused the bull to raise an eyebrow.

"Do I... know you?" Bill asked, looking around to see if the ravers had been referring to someone else and just happened to look at him.

"It's Trev and Mel, from work!" the two shouted, the sound of techno music filtering up from the car itself. "Hal and Whit are in here too, let us give you a ride man!"

At first Bill began to back away from the car, especially when the car doors opened to reveal a dragon and vixen that beckoned them forward. "I think you might have me confused with someone else," he said as the car stopped running, the song doing so as well.

"That's funny Bill," the leopardess giggled. "But if it's not me then how do I know that you got drunk at the Christmas party and felt me up in the janitor's closet?"

"Merle?!" Bill shouted in disbelief, his earlier trepidation replaced with curiosity. "You look so different, with the bright makeup... and the skimpy clothes... and you're apparently a leopard now..."

"Dude, we will explain everything, just hop in!" the dragon nearly shouted. Despite his better judgement Bill slowly walked forward and scooted around the leopardess, who had begun to dance despite the lack of music, and the doors slammed shut. Soon the car was off again, hurtling towards the destination on its own as Hal and Whit looked back at their newest passenger.

"Alright, what the hell~" he was suddenly interrupted by the start of a particularly loud song that caused him to flinch. "Could you turn that down?"

"Of course not! this song is awesome!" Mel said as they began to bob their heads to the music once more. As they did Bill tried to assess what was happening, he was just walking home when four ravers that had claimed to be from work got him inside a car. What little clothing the raver's had on all fit with a club, as well as everything from the frosted headfur of the dragon that swayed back and forth to the bright pink markings of the husky and bodypaint on the vixen. They were so far away from anyone that worked with him he began to think that maybe someone was playing a-

"Near a tree by a river there's a whole in the ground, where an old man of Aran goes around and around!" the four suddenly launched into the chorus that caused the bull to jump. "And his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night!" Suddenly Bill's vision began to grow fuzzy as the music pulsed in his head, and as he grabbed his head to try and shut it out but the with four voices singing so loud he found himself unable to drown it out. "For a strange kind of fashion there's a wrong and a right!" Everything started to get dizzy, his vision blurred and all he could see were the bright markings of the four ravers. "But he'll never, never fight over you!"

As soon as the chorus lyrics died away Bill felt like he could think again and shook his head. "What in the hell do you four think you're doing, do you know how unprofessional this is?" he asked them, the four staring at him with vacant expressions, which allowed him to see their glowing and pulsing eyes for the first time. "How... how are your eyes doing that?"

"Billy baby, you know that it's all for the club," Merle cooed as she began to pet his head, and as Bill reached up to stop her he suddenly felt an absence of his horns and instead found a mane of hair that seemed to lengthen under his grasp the longer he touched it. "I'm just glad that we were able to pick you up so you didn't have to walk all the way there."

"Well I'm glad that you guys saw me beca- wait a minute!" the bull shouted as he backed away from the amorous leopardess. "This isn't right, this isn't happening, we all work at a financial institution downtown and only go raving on weekends... no, wait, what?"

Suddenly a vixen wrapped his arms around him before she began to sing "near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground~" along with the others. The bull's eyes nearly rolled back into his head as he saw the pants of his suit began to turn shiny and ride up his legs. As the fabric continued upwards some of it was left behind, leaving metallic straps that wrapped around the thinning muscles of his legs. By the time it reached his groin his pants had become nothing more than a silver speedo with matching buckles connected to it.

When the chorus ended Bill gasped, his vision still swimming and his head pounding as he broke free from Whit's grasp and fell back into his seat. "Man, you guys sure know how to party," Bill said as he felt a grin spread over his face. "I hope that we get to the club before the dance floor gets busy and... I need to get out of here, get out and raise my tail... rrgh! I mean, we should get out of here now."

None of the others responded to him, they just continued to dance and sing in sync with one another. They didn't even seem to regard his resistance, whatever hold the music had on them seemed absolute. He shook the husky that had identified himself as 'Trev', only to watch as the canine slowly turned towards him with a huge grin on his face before the other male leaned in and kissed him deeply. Bill was so taken aback he pushed himself away and into Merle, who nuzzled against him and caused him to recoil once more.

When he was finally able to get away from the two he realized he had to find some way to call for help- "Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground~" Bill's eyes widened for a second before his facial features went slack and any thought he had was obliterated by the force of the four voices and the music that surrounded him. His head was swimming, all he could think about was how catchy the lyrics were and his head began to bob to the music in time with the others as he felt his body shift, losing height and density as he went from a heavyset build to a better-defined but less muscular one that was more equine than bovine in nature.

"~But he'll never, never fight over you!" Bill's brain rebooted once more and he had to blink a few times as the song restarted, running one hand through his mane and the other rubbed his sizable package as the gel of the seat began to wrap around it like the others. The stallion felt the jewelry and lights that had been woven into it by Mel, but as he adjusted the fishnet shirt that he wore he felt like something wasn't right. The five of them, didn't they do something other than just go to the club? It bothered the equine, though it was mitigated by two sets of hands that had started to caress his body.

A voice caused Bill to look up, seeing the vixen looking at him. "Hey Billy, you alright?" She asked as her hand rubbed the horns of the dragon next to her. "We need you there to represent, just go ahead and relax, this car has the sweetest massage feature."

"Yeah totally, just really getting into this beat, it's like the best song ever!" Billy said with a giggle, then moaned as the gel around his crotch began to vibrate. "Nuugh, so good, I can't wait... wait..." the smile left his face as he looked around once more, then at himself. "WHOA! What the hell am I wearing?! This is perfect for me to strut my stuff- no! I can't give in, I have to-"

"Near a tree by the river there's a whole in the ground, where an old man from Aran goes around and around!" Bill's eyes began to glow as his rational mind finally caught up with his subconscious, which had been obliterated the first time he had heard the chorus from the force of the four ravers that surrounded him. By the time they reached the last line his eyes were pupiless and his glowing irises pulsed in perfect sync with the others. "But he'll never, never fight over you!"

"Uh....ahh...." As the chorus ended none of them made an effort to talk to each other anymore, none of them needed to as they sang and danced to the song. With each time the chorus rolled around they fell more and more into the music, though as the car was closed to its destination they all started to itch their chests.

/Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground./ An area on all their chests began to darken as their bodies went slack, mindlessly singing the words to the song. /Where and old man of Aran goes around and around./ Suddenly what looked like black rubber bubbled up from their skin. /And his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night./ The substance coalesced until it formed a large triangle on all of them. /For a strange kind of fashion there's a wrong and a right./ When it finally hardened it shined unnaturally, marking the five of them all the same. /But he'll never, never fight over you./

Suddenly the car stopped in front of a club, the GPS chiming that it had reached their destination as the five ravers stepped out. The first from the back was Trev, the male husky who's thick pink and white patterned fur was covered only by his tie-dye patterned tank top and black short shorts as well as the piercings in his ears and nipples that adorned his body. Right behind him was Mel, the leopardess giving one last look to her neon colored paint that was not only on her faces but on every spot not covered by her multi-hued bikini and latex lacing she wore on her arms and legs. Next was Whit, the vixen bounced out that caused her purple and black rubber stockings on her own arms and legs as she adjusted the electric blue tank top and mini-skirt that just managed to cover her thick, pink paint laced fur. Then the driver's seat opened and the purple scaled dragon known as Hal stretched his impressive muscles, covered only by the black collar, cuffs, and loincloth he wore as he started to walk. Finally Billy bounced out and giggled as he brushed aside the thick mane out of his eyes, the lithe stallion's fishnet shirt, silver buckles and speedo that covered the bottom part of his body jiggling slightly as he began to dance and sway with the others that walked to the door.

"Hiii~!" One of the club goers at the door waved eagerly. It was a bunny in little more than a tube top and miniskirt. She giggled as her blonde hair with blue and red streaks along the bangs bounced in time with the five of them. They didn't seem to notice or care as the other patrons from the bunny's entourage came up to greet and dance with them. "There's so many of us!" Trev cooed, eying a dragon boi to match time with his swishing tail. The two of them making friends right away. They all seemed lost in their own world. It wasn't until the large orca bouncer at the door clicked his tongue that they even acknowledged anyone else other than the ravers were there. "Whossaaat?" Mel said as she clung to Whit while their hips darted back and forth to the pulsing beat of the bass coming from inside the building. The orca bouncer had to have been important, because the dancers made a mental note of the stark black triangle tattoo across the big muscular figure's chest. They didn't know why, but for some reason he was interesting to them, even if he looked nothing like the typical person they associated with. "Did you send for tha car~? thanks!" Hal cooed. Bouncing closer toward the orca to offer more than just a little affection. His advances, along with the varied motions of his friends, all came to a crashing halt when the orca tapped a button on something that looked like a garage opener.

The vapid dancer puppets all slid into organized rows. Bouncing on the balls of their feet, they stared ahead with vacant, half smiling expressions. "Ah..." one muttered. The rest were never given a chance to utter a single syllable of resistance. Chests burning with need and arousal in time with the tempo of the club inside. "Feel that?" The orca grunted to no one in particular. For the ravers would soon be incapable of listening to such small things like voices anymore. They belonged to the music... The fleeting words of the orca's voice passed over their unified tempo just long enough to give them a semblance of anticipation. "That's the sound of the DJ calling. Now get in there, sluts."

The bois and girls didn't even acknowledge him. Just responding with quiet, dainty moans at the sight of the door to the club opening. They swayed their hips, striding in with elegant grace to the time of the music. All synchronized, all enslaved. All belonging to the club. The song inside was similar to what they heard from the car, but had long since forgotten how to notice the difference. Memories reduced to that of goldfish, so they could dance forever.

As the new batch of raver slaves merged with the club, the orca bouncer strode over to the three matching cars parallel parked in front. He moved to tap the ear piece on the side of his head. "Confirmed. New guests are coming in. Payment received? Yes sir. I'll send them out." He chirped. Tapping the remote in his hand, the cars closed up, cleaned their interiors with automatic suctions and disinfecting lights and filters, and drove off to find their next batch. "The night's still young." The orca mused. "Master still hasn't hit capacity yet, right? Yes sir. Will keep watch. We do have a club to fill after all."