Blue: Chapter 5

Story by xXAnonymousBunnyXx on SoFurry

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Red slammed his fist on the desk. He just couldn't get a lead on these guys! The organization that had paid them to assassinate Dylan seemed to have all but vanished from the face of the Earth, and Red had no clue where to even begin searching. He needed answers, and to top it all off, they were no closer to finding out who had tried to kill Black. Black himself didn't know, as he was attacked from behind. Red rested his head on the desk. Why did things have to be so hard. He could barely look out for his own agents.


Gray looked at both of his brothers before he began.

"Blue, when you were very little, we ran away from home. Do you remember that?"


"Do you remember... what our family was like."

"N-no. Gray, what does this have to do with anything." Both brothers gave him patient smiles.

"Blue, we had a brother." Gray said, putting a hand on Dylan's shoulder. Clyde's eyes widened as the memory came back to him.

"There was... shouting..."

Dylan spoke up for the first time. "Gray and I argued over whether or not we should've left. He got angry and stormed off. I thought he'd be back, even after he took you." He put his head in his paws "It's all my fault. All of this." Clyde walked over and embraced his newfound brother.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for something that happened so long ago." Gold chose that moment to step into the room.

"I hate to break up this lovely little reunion, but Red asked me to bring Dylan to his office." Dylan looked at Gray with wide eyes.

"Don't worry," Gray said "I'm sure it's nothing important." Dylan nodded and followed Gold out of the room, still very wary of the bear due to their first interaction.

"Hey," the bear said suddenly "sorry about that... first time, it was nothing personal" Gold blushed deeply and looked down. Dylan blushed as well

"I-it's okay, I don't blame you" Dylan said, looking down as well. Gold cleared his throat and started down the hall again.

"Right this way please." He said, eventually leading Dylan to the office door. He knocked once and entered, Dylan following closely behind. Red raised his head from his desk as the two entered.

"Thank you Gold, you may leave now." Red said politely as ever. Gold turned and left, still red as a tomato. "Please, sit" Red gestured to a chair in front of the desk. "Now, Dylan, I know that this may surprise you, but I've called you here today to offer you a job."

"A-a job?"

"Yes. You would need to be trained, but I think you could learn to like it here. You don't have to answer yes or no immediately, you'll have about a week to decide. In the meantime it is my responsibility to provide you with a codename to use. Therefore from this moment on you will be referred to as Green by everyone else in the facility. They are by no means allowed to call you anything else, is that understood?"

"Y-yes sir."

"Very good. You are dismissed then. Have a good day." Dylan turned and exited the office. A job? He wasn't sure he could handle that kind of job, but he didn't think he could stand being separated from Blue and Gray again either.


Red scratched the back of his head, jumping slightly when Brown suddenly entered the office.

"I think that went rather well." The large brown bear said.

"I agree, though I'm still not entirely sure this will work."

"Some trust please, little brother. The plan is still on track, and all is well."

Red chuckled nervously. "If you say so Brown."

"Trust." Brown repeated, bringing two brown paper bags from behind his back. "I brought us some lunch." Red's stomach growled in anticipation.

"Thanks Brown," he said, grabbing one of the bags, "I haven't eaten since yesterday." Brown once again chuckled.

"You'll overwork yourself one of these days." Brown said with a frown, taking a sandwich out of his bag.

"Fat chance." Red replied, bringing out his own sandwich and taking a bite.