FnaJ 3 (part 3)

Story by nitro_wolf on SoFurry

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#9 of FnaJ 3

Fun with Jack in the box

I guess I waited too long.

I heard the hinges creak open and the footsteps run back and forth.

Than the slow footsteps... For some reason, I wanted to wait and I did.

I flicked on my flashlight and the small grey rabbit jumped in my face, snapped his jaws, all while hissing.

Night 3 12 A.M.

Once again, I was at the foot of my bed with the sound of footsteps coming from the left door. I ran over and heard breathing, I closed the door until I heard footsteps moving away. I ran back to my bed.

I didn't even have to hear it, but I knew they there there. I turned around and flicked on my flashlight, three small pink snakes twitched and hissed than jumped off the bed, one-by-one... I turned back around.

I heard footsteps coming from the right. I ran over and heard no breathing, I flicked on the flashlight and Nightmare Carl ducked out of view... I flicked off the flashlight and ran back to bed.

The little Jake must have been on the bed again. I turned around, flicked on the flashlight and one small pink snake hopped off the bed... I turned back around.

The closet door creaked open slightly. I ran over and flicked on the flashlight. Nightmare Foxy snapped his jaws at me and hissed, I closed the door and held it closed until I heard footsteps coming from my left door. I opened the closet door and flicked on the light, Foxy was standing upright in the closet...

I flicked off the light and ran to my bed and than to the left door. There was no breathing so I flicked on the flashlight, Jack ducked out of view. I flicked off the light and ran back to bed.

No questioning it, I heard the Jake's behind me. I turned around and flicked on the light, two pink snakes hissed and jumped off the bed... I turned around.

Despite not hearing the closet door, I ran over there and flicked on the light. Nightmare Foxy was lying on the floor with his head poking through the closed door a little. I closed the closed door and when I opened it, only a cute Foxy plush was there... I ran back to bed.

I heard footsteps coming from the right door... My alarm clock started ringing.