Fav Teacher Chapter 8: True Friends, New Friends

Story by CitanOsumi on SoFurry

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#10 of "Fav Teacher"

Citan stuttered a little. "Issac...I .....we...."

"What were you two doing....oh my god....you two were kissing weren't you!?"

And now, finally the continuation of "fav teacher"

Hi everyone, Citan here. Sorry about the insanely long pause between chapters. So many things happened to me I can't even begin to start, but the biggest thing that happened was my computer died. Finally now I've gotten a new one that will suffice and am looking forward to picking up my story again, Hope I still have you fans out there and that you continue to read, I love writing them just as much as hearing comments, positive or negative. So without further adue....

Chapter 8: True Friends, New Friends

Citan: 18 year old grey wolf, in love with his teacher/boyfriend Kraden

Kraden: 21 year old lion. Issac and Citan's defense class teacher. Loves his boyfriend Citan

Issac: 18 year old snow leopard. Fellow house and classmate with Citan, Has a crush on Ian

Ian: 19 year old fox, Classmate of Issac and Citan, Gay but no boyfriend has a crush on Issac.

Ryuu: 21 year old black dragon. Friend from Citan's past, no knowledge of his preference

Reno: 18 year old grey panther, school bully, picks on Citan, Issac and Ian

RECAP: Thus far as most of you know, Issac, Kraden and Ryuu all live in Citan's house given to him from his deceased parents. Citan has no knowledge or memory of his past or parents, and use to live alone until his secret crush moved in with him, and eventually let him know he loved Citan back. Later Issac and Ryuu move in as well. As Issac comes back from Ian's house he catches Citan and Kraden in the act of kissing.

"Wait Issac...it really wasn't what you think!" Citan muttered as his face beamed red, almost falling off the sofa as the leopard walked in, and mouth still open.

"Oh my god, you were kissing weren't you! Citan and Kraden kissing..." Kraden stood up, also red in the face and walked over to Citan, taking him in his arms and comforting him.

"I'm sorry Issac...if this bothers you then we won't...." He stopped when he heard Issac begin to chuckle. "What's so funny?"

"It's about time you admitted it. You guys were so bad at hiding it, I mean cuddling on the sofa together, sleeping in the same room every night, it's like you held up signs that said we're in love"

Citan lifted his still red face, caught off guard a bit by the fact Kraden had openly admitted it and even thou Issac knew he was gay, he wasn't sure how he'd react to the student teacher relationship they had together. "Wha... you knew all along? Then why the look when you walked in?"

Issac just chuckled more as he set his bag down by the sofa. "I was just glad I caught you two in the act. I was gonna let you know a long time ago, but I found it so cute how you two tried to hide it."

Calming down finally Kraden just snuggled his wolf closer. "Well it would of taking a lot of stress off of us if you would have just said something, but I guess we didn't either so we can't blame you." He kissed his wolf on the head before padding into the kitchen. "I'll start breakfast now since your home."

Citan sat back down on the sofa, still a bit red in the cheeks. "So how was Ian's place, did you have fun last night?" As he was saying that Issac flopped down next to him.

"Yeah, we mostly just hung out, he lives with his grandparents, but I didn't see them, we stayed in his room mostly."

Citan smirked a bit "Sheesh, one night together and you already made love eh?"

Issac went pure red as he pushed at the wolf "We did not! We just talked mostly, that's all." Citan just chuckled and rubs Issac's head.

"I know, just teasing you, glad you enjoyed yourself thou, he's a nice guy." Citan said as he stood up, heading off to the kitchen to help Kraden with breakfast, leaving Issac sitting there, still red.

"Man...even if I told Ian, he still wouldn't be my boyfriend, he wouldn't want someone like me, and he could get any guy he wanted." Issac slumped down and sighed, thinking to himself more about Ian, about how much he liked him, no, how much he loved him.

Ian and the others had been there for him when he lost his parents. He loved all of them, but Ian as something more. Ian protected him time and time again from Reno, the school bully, cared for him. He couldn't help but not fall for the handsome fox. He wanted to tell him how he felt, wanted to confess himself to him, but he was too shy, too afraid of what he might do, he might hate him, not wanna be his friend anymore. All these things flooded thru his mind, completely lost in thought he didn't even notice that Citan and Kraden came back in holding some plates with them.

"Chow time" Kraden said, setting a plate down in front of Issac. "We called for you but you must have not heard us so we came in here, something on your mind kid?"

Issac stuttered and looked up. "Huh...oh no, nothing, must of just dazed off I guess." He picked up his plate and began to eat, not saying another word. Doing his best to hide the blush on his cheeks.

"Afterwards Kraden has to go too a teacher meeting so it'll be just you and me, anything you wanna do tonight Issac?" Citan asked as he finished up his food, standing up. "Here let me get that for ya hun" He softly said to his lover, taking his plate for him."

Issac thought about it, not really sure. "Anythings fine I guess, Ian is busy for the day and Ryuu....wait, where is Ryuu?"

A bit confused himself, Citan shouted back from the kitchen. "Not too sure really, he comes and goes, says it has to do with his work or something, so its just the two of us." He came back in shortly, sitting down and snuggling up against Kraden.

They sat around and watched TV some more until the time Kraden had to leave. Issac sat there as the two of them went upstairs, smiling at the fact there so open about it now. He watched them hold paws all the way up the stairs, and were practically cuddling on the way back down and too the door. Kraden set his bag down, pulled the wolf close and kissed him deeply, his purr loud enough for Issac to hear from the sofa.

As they broke the kiss Kraden smiled softly. "Bye for now hun, I'll be back in a couple of hours or so, you two have fun now. Love you dearly wuffy"

Citan gave him another soft kiss. "Love you too hun, take care now." He said before hugging the lion tight before letting him go, waving as the door closed before padding back over to Issac, seeing a huge smile on his face. "What?"

Issac smiled more and chuckled softly. "Nothing, just seeing you two like that finally makes me happy, you seemed so weird when you hid it." Leaning back more into the sofa, a bit hesitant to ask. "So how did he find out, did you flat out tell him you liked him?"

With a bit of a blush, Citan sat down and cuddled up to Issac. "Well he actually found out accidentally to be honest, long story short he over heard me say I liked him, and said it back and bam, here we are. I don't think I ever could of told him, was way to shy too I guess."

Issac slumped into the sofa more, sighing a bit. "I'm happy for you two; you're such a cute couple."

Citan smiled a bit. "You like Ian don't you." Issac shot up a bit and looked semi in shock.

"What....I don...." The look on Citan's face told him he knew. "yeah....I think I love him Citan..." He looked down and laid against the wolf. "I wasn't sure at first...but after a wile I couldn't deny it anymore...I love him..."

Citan softly stroked the small leopards back, smiling softly "So that's what had your attention earlier, thinking about him were ya? Does he know?"

"No...I'm like you...to shy to tell him. I almost did, but I'm afraid of what he might say."

"Tell him Issac, it'll be worse living without ever knowing if he'd say yes or not."

"But what if he hates..." Citan put his finger to his lips before he could finish.

"You love him right?" Issac nodded. "Then tell him, you deserve the right to know if he feels the same or not, just sum up the courage and tell him. Remember our little mishap we had when I caught you in your room that night, you had the courage then to tell me how you felt, even after being caught like that."

Issac blushed as he remembered that night. Citan walked in on him pawing off wile he was thinking about the wolf. Citan was like Ian, slightly toned enough that the muscle just showed under his fur, slender and somewhat tall, cute, handsome, hot and down right sexy. He pushed the thought out of his head as he felt a slight throb in his pants. Citan and Ian were exactly the kind of guys Issac looked for, and most of all they were both sweet and caring. "Well....I don't know...I can try..."

"Just do it Issac, I know you can." He leaned down and kissed the leopard on the cheek. "Your strong Issac, I know you can do it."

Issac felt his eyes begin to water a bit. Citan had done so much for him. He took him in after the accident, let him live here for free, visited him everyday when he was in the hospital. He looked up to Citan, like a brother. Citan was an older brother to him, he loved him. He brought him strength more then he could ever admit. His heart felt warm as he nodded. "I'll do it, thank you Citan, you're such a wonderful inspiration to me." He snugged the wolf close. "Thank you for everything."

Citan rubbed Issac's head again. "Don't mention it, your like family to me Issac; I'd do almost anything as long as it makes you happy." They spent what seemed like an hour cuddling and chatting about the guys in there lives. Citan going on about how wonderful Kraden is, and Issac talking about Ian. Chuckling now and then as they bonded. Somehow or another Issac ended up dozing off against Citan as he softly stroked the leopards hair. The room silent except for Issac's soft breathing, Citan couldn't help but smile.

"So much has happened this past couple of months.... So many wonderful things. A guy in my life, friends...no family. This is how I've wanted my life to be...just like this..." Citan eventually dozed off, for some hours before he awoke to Kraden's voice and paw against his cheek.

"Wake up hun." Kraden helped lift him up, pulling him into a warm hug. "Didn't have to much fun wile I was gone now did ya?"

Citan yawned a bit, looked around, Issac passing by the kitchen door. "Nah, just talked, must of dozed off at some point." He hugged back, leaning up and kissing the lion softly. "Have a good day?"

Kraden stuttered just slightly, and then smiled. "Meh, just a boring long meeting between the teachers. On a positive note thou I'm getting a raise. So I'll be able to help pay for things more often." He smiled, taking his wolf in his arms as they walked into the kitchen, pizza laid out on the table. "Brought us home some food for dinner."

Citan smiled, not realizing how late it really was and the smell of the food making his stomach grumble. "Mmm smells great."

They all sat down and had supper, chatting about things here and there, chuckling as the torpid of hot guys came up, Issac blurting out Ian's name accidentally and blushing like crazy. Citan just chuckling as Kraden tilted his head, not knowing what he found so funny. After food Issac went off to bed, leaving the other two alone. Kraden laid down on the larger sofa and pulled his wolf down onto him.

"Do I fall into the hot guys' subject hun?" He said with a smirk as he ran his paw up the wolf's shirt.

Murring deeply at the warm touch, Citan slid his up into Kraden's shirt in response, his fingers trailing over the scar Citan had made on the lions chest when they had practiced against each other some time ago. "Mmmm the hottest of them all...a big strong lion" He paused as his paw trailed down and over a semi firm bulge in his teachers pants. "A big lion indeed." Smirking as he gave a soft grope, causing the lion to moan.

"Mmm well I'm second compared to you wuffy, and I'm not the only big one around here." He said with a chuckle as his own paw slipped down the front of the wolf's pants, caressing the growing sheath of his lover. "I just happen to be the dominate one, that's all."

The two embraced into a deep kiss, pulling the covers over them, as they shed there cloths. "Mmm then take me, my big dominate lion." Citan said as he pressed down against the lion's hard exposed shaft, murring at the warmth.

"Anything for you love.."

Issac yawned as he stretched and sat up. The light causing him to squint. He got up and tossed the freshly stained boxers into a hamper. Having thought to much about Ian and how he wanted to fully seem him the night before made it impossible to hold back. He shifted thru his stuff, found a clean pair and slid them on, along with a pair of shorts and t-shirt. As he padded down the stairs his nose caught a fait smell of musk coming from the living area. Half expecting to see the couple still naked he careful moved into the kitchen, surprised when he saw the two sitting at the table, fully dressed and sipping coffee. "Good morning."

The two waved and responded as he sat down. Citan yawning a bit before talking. "So any plans for the day Issac?" He shook his head.

"Nothing that I can think of" Which was a lie, the talk with Citan last night had inspired him to tell Ian how he felt. He made some toast and padded into the living room, picking up the phone and dialed Ian's number.

"Hello, Lair house." He was caught off guard....a girl had answered, a young sounding girl.

"Um...is Ian there?"

"Yea, one moment, let me get him." He shifted a bit as he over head the background talk. The girl voice calling for Ian. "Hey cute stuff, you got a call." Then two other male voices spoke up. "Who me?" the first one said, "She was talking about Ian silly, thou your cute as well." Issac just stood there, who were these people...and he called Ian cutie...was he his girlfriend? I thought he was gay?" What's going on?" he softly said to himself. Not thinking long before Ian's voice was heard.


"Oh hey Ian, its me Issac, I err... was wondering if you wanted to do anything?"

"Oh hey there, ummm sure, I got some people over here at the moment but yeah, you can come over, We can come pick you up if you'd like."

"That'd work out nicely, anytime's fine."

Citan stood up to put his glass away as Issac came back in.

"Hey Citan, Ian's coming to pick me up, so I'll be gone for the afternoon ok?"

Citan nodded. "Sure thing, we can figure something out to do by ourselves." He said smirking over at Kraden who was caught up in the paper to much to notice.

After about ten minutes or so Ian's car pulled into the driveway and there was a knock on the door. Issac ran and opened it, caught off guard to see a white wolf standing there.

"Oh, you must be Issac, well were waiting for ya in the car." the white wolf said. He was tall and had beautiful fur. A slender body like Citan's but more built then him. Glancing over to the car he saw Ian waving to him in the driver seat...and A lioness sitting in the seat next to him...leaning against him. His heat skipped a beat, he would of just stood there if he didn't hear the slam of the door as the white wolf got into the back seat. He walked up slowly towards the opposite side, opening the door, and once again caught off guard at the site. Sitting in the middle seat was a blue wolf, leaning against the white one, with the slightly taller white wolf's arms around him.

Issac hesitated a bit then got in the back seat. "Hey Issac, let me introduce you. The two love-bergs back there with you are my best friends, Kiba." The white wolf waved with a smile. "And his mate Vincent" The blue wolf waved as well. "And this cute vixen is another best friend, Terra." The lioness reached back and held out a paw. "Nice to meet ya Issac." He shook her paw before she turned back around, leaning again against Ian.

"Nice to meet you all." His heart sank as he watched her snuggle up against Ian, wondering how close they really were. Doing his best to keep unnoticed as the couple next to him introduced themselves more. They were both really nice and kind, and cute as ever. After they pulled back into Ian's driveway they all got out. The two wolves, holding paws, walked into the house, and the lioness snuggling up against Ian still as they walked in. They all sat in the living room area, the wolves on the sofa, close to each other, Ian on a sofa with Terra at his feet and Issac across from Ian. They all talked about silly things here and there, mostly about games and movies, and who thought who was hot. All the wile causing Issac to tense up at how close Ian and terra looked. So much that he stood up and heading to the bathroom, turning and slipping into Ian's room.

"What am I gonna do now...they must be a couple...god I was stupid to think he'd say yes..." He would of went on but he thought of Citan and what he had said.

"Your strong Issac, I know you can do it" Something about those words did it, Citan had faith in him, he wasn't going to let him down. He swallowed hard and padded back into the living room. Ian rubbing Terra's head gently, scratching now and then, the couple snuggling close.

"Ian...I need to ask you something...could you please come with me."

Ian tilted his head a bit before carefully standing up. "Sure thing. Be right back guys." The two of them went back into Ian's room, the fox sitting down in his chair. "What's up kiddo?"

Issac gulped again... before doing it. Citan was right, he had to know. "Ian...I...even if your with Terra...I still.... "His eyes began to tear up a bit, worried about what Ian would say."I love you.... "his face turned completely red and he looked down at the floor, tears running down his cheeks."I love you Ian....I want to be with you..." He looked up just long enough to say. "Will you be my...." He was shocked to see Ian had stood up and was right in front of him.

"I thought you'd never ask....yes Issac...yes" He leaned down and kissed Issac on the lips, pulling him close.

As tears, now of joy ran down Issac's face, he kissed back...embracing the one he loved.

And there you have it everyone. Finally chapter 8. *glees* There finally together now, the cute Issac and the ooo so hot fox ^^

I hope you like this chapter and that you continue to stick with me. I'll do my best to keep the chapters coming out.

*clears throat and smiles*

Love has been confessed, new bonds have formed.

New characters have emerged into the picture.

Were Ian and Terra a couple at one time?

More answers and questions to come in the next chapter of Fav Teacher.

Chapter 9: Birthday Love