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#20 of Incomplete Stories.

Warning, this story contains (will contain) the following. Beastiality, pregnancy, sex during pregnancy, sex during birth, lactation, sex, gay sex, lesbian sex, orgies, group sex, never before seen sex acts (yes that's acts, plural), so much cum you'll wonder how people could possibly survive, cub (technically underage), fisting, unbirthing, foot fucking, touch fetishes, teasing, foul language, nudity, slutty behaviour, and so many, many, many more.

In other words, this is smut in it's most purest form. Feel free to enjoy, and if you're underage (and/or immature) you should probably hit the back button. Then again, take it upon yourself to measure your own maturity.


1, The beginning.

"Master? Master wake up! You need to get up or you'll be late for the movie you want to see."

I rolled over under the covers of my king sized bed, burying my head under my pillows to try and drown out the sounds trying to intrude upon my dreams of happiness. I was in the midst of a prophetic dream, though I knew for certain it couldn't possibly come true. I was walking down the street with my dogs on their leashes, and my cat upon my shoulder. For some strange reason they could all talk to me, and I could understand them! We walked down the street, nodding to people who knew me or the dogs, exchanging greetings, untill Chelsea and Onyx, my two lead dogs, found a copse of trees in a secluded area of an underused park. I listened to Chelsea talk to Toby, Rick, and Onyx. Ghost whispered her own suggestions, and I was left to wonder. I didn't have long to wait before Chelsea bent down onto her forelegs and waved her ass at me. Onyx got his head under my ass and pushed me towards her while Rick and Toby went about removing my pants. Rick was whispering dirty jokes in my ear, and Onyx was trying to jump onto my back. Toby was licking my cock and slowly tugging me towards Chelsea's hot cunt.

"Ghost? He up yet?"

Something heavier then my beautiful little black cat moved upon my bed, it's weight causing the mattress to squeak and buckle.

"No, he isn't. Should I leave him and tell him the good news later, or should I wake him? He's been going on about this movie for the last two months." I heard Chelsea's paws land upon the windowsill and heard her pant outside my window.

"Wake him. I'd love a hot fuck before he left, but I guess I can wait untill after he gets back. Rick's horny too and is nipping Toby into compliance. Unless Master sorts 'em out they'll screw each other again. You know how he hates them screwing anyone other than him unless he's present." I listened, attentive now, somewhere between waking and sleep. I heard the scrabbling going on just around the corner, I could hear the yips coming from Toby as Rick got a little too close a few times. I yawned and stretched. The heavy weight disappeared and I blinked as Ghost dropped off the side of my bed, her black tail the last thing to disappear from sight.

I looked over to the window and saw Chelsea resting her front paws on the window sill. "Morning Chelse." Chelsea grinned at me, and dropped from my sight. I moved myself, straining before remembering Rick and Toby. I heard a very familiar yelp, and my waking mind went from happy/sensual, to aggravated.

"RICK! GET THE FUCK OFF OF TOBY BEFORE I TOSS YOU IN THE POOL!!!!" There was a yelp, a thud, and several yips. I growled in agitation, tossing the sheet and blankets from my body. I rolled my legs over the side of the bed, and stood in the chilled morning air. I yawned and stretched, before reaching down and scratching my balls, the new hair growth starting to irritate me. I gave my morning wood a few strokes before sighing and stepping into my ensuite. I blinked blearily, noticed the world was more blury than usual, and went back to my bed. I grabbed my glasses from the rod over hanging my bed, put them on, and the world became less blury. I went back to the ensuite, and Ghost whispered between my legs, her tail whispering against the flesh of my inner thigh. She looked up at me and 'mowled', her green ringed amber eyes a marvel upon her foxxish face.

I smiled and knelt, scratching her ears and head, eliciting a purr immediately from my darling little Ghost. I grabbed the box of food just behind the door and poured some into her dish, I then picked it up and refilled it at the sink before replacing it upon the floor. I checked her box and noticed a wet patch. Decided to leave it and used the toilet myself. I yawned, staring at nothing as I emptied my bladder and flushed the toilet. I washed my hands, then picked up my toothbrush. I excreted a solid amount of blue toothpaste onto my toothbrush, and then set about making my teeth and mouth sparkling clean and fresh. I brushed and scrubbed, removing plaque, tarter, and all those bad things that human society sees as wrong and unbecoming. Need to look like one of them, can't show them what I'm really like.

I spat the foam into the sink, and rinsed out my mouth as Ghost ate at my feet. I grabbed a bottle of listerine, measured out a sizeable amount, then took a breath, preparing myself. I exhaled, then inhaled, and dumped the contents into my mouth. My eyes watered slightly as the chemicals worked their 'magic' within my mouth that killed all the germs that created odour, neutralising any type of bad breath I had. I swished it in and around my mouth, making sure I coated everything, then spat the slightly gummy fluid out into the sink. That was how I told when I was done. Originally it was a watery like consistency, but when it changed to something that felt like it had ropes of liquid in it, that was when it was finished. I washed out my mouth again, getting rid of the excess contents. I spat to clear the last of it from my tongue, and washed the remains down the sink hole. I yawned and leaned backwards, cracking my spine in four places, then put my arms up behind my back and cracked two more vertebrae higher up. I swung my arms forwards, bent them to about 150*, then popped them forwards sharply, cracking my elbows. I rolled my wrists and stretched my hands, cracking my wrists, knuckles, and fingers.

I turned back around, scratching at my chest before rolling my fists up and down my ribs, the small pain a type of pleasure. I looked over to the digital clock resting upon the bookcase slash DVD case on the right hand side of my bed. I stopped, staring at the glowing red numbers. 08:59. As I watched, the numbers flickered to 09:00 and my alarm went off.

"FUCK!" I dived full accross the bed, slamming my hand into the sleep button repeatedly. The horrible screeching sound stopped, and my heart rate slowly returned to normal. I pushed up with my left hand, pushing myself back up and onto my bed. Ghost decided now was a good time to get affection, and rubbed herself against my face. I kissed her forehead, and got up onto my bed. Onyx appeared at my window sill and barked. I listened to his bark, and looked at his body language. He was happy. He gave another bark then a half whine/half begging growl. He was also hungry. I nodded at him.

"Yeah, yeah, you guys'll get fed soon enough. I gotta get dressed, keep Toby and Rick seperated, everyone'll be getting fun tonight." Onyx barked like he understood, and padded off around the side of the house to where the four dog bowls were located. I struggled into the clothes I'd set out last night, the underwear slipping up my daily shaven legs to nestle around the same daily shaven crotch. I grabbed my shorts and stepped into them, the same long process starting over again. I grabbed a white polo shirt with the words "Ask me if I care" stenciled on the front, and a blood covered doberman snarling on the back. It always helped to self advertise. My personal range of "emotion ware shirts" that I had copyrighted and put into production when I was sixteen, had rapidly picked up over the seven years I'd been funding it. My shirts were tailored to personalities, and the name of the game was openly expressing your inner personality. The message on the front was a warning, or an invite, depending upon the type of emotion ware you're wearing. I'd made shirts that made the wearers stand out no matter who they were.

I looked over my unused 'female' shirt section, sighing again in despair and want. My last girlfriend had lasted for a month, always wanting this and that... Finally I couldn't handle it anymore when the bill for her last spending day hit 15K. I dropped her, asking myself if I'd ever find a girlfriend that I could love, who'd let me play with guys since my bi nature couldn't be refused.

Ghost whispered between my legs, and sat at the door, her black fur fluffed in the cold. She looked up at me, 'mowled' again, and looked back at the door. I turned back to my 'fem' shirts with a wistful smile gracing my lips. "Am I cute?" with a gorgeous little husky in a schoolgirl outfit looking between her legs, tail high and pink panties flashing. "Slut, or just good fashion sense?" A vixen with a decently sized rack looking over her left shoulder with a suggestive grin, her shirt riding up her ribs and the base of her tail showing between her tight shorts hem and her rising shirt hem. Her black outlined ear tips offering the coup-de-grace to the image. Then came the XXX shirts that were deffinately in-home use only. I only had a few of them, not really interested in the none suggestive/cute versions.

Ghost 'mowled' again, and I opened the door for her. She bolted out as soon as it was open, heading for the side door. The dogs barked at seeing Ghost, and I finished getting dressed. I pulled out some socks, put them on, and grabbed the solid black shoes that were exhorbitantly over priced for such shoddy workmanship. I've only had them for two months, yet already the soles were peeling from the rest of the shoes. I was angry at myself. $300 shoes, yet they wore out in 2 months? I'm better off grabbing some $50 shoes from payless or something like that. At least then I wouldn't have to worry about workmanship.

I half stumbled out of my room as my need for that wondrous elixer suddenly became necessary for any further movement. I shuffled towards my kitchen, flicked the kettle on, and grabbed my cup from the wash stand. I grabbed my spoon from the same stand. I set about making the perfect morning coffee with the one spoon that held some type of magic when within my hands. No matter who the person, so long as I used my spoon, I could make a coffee or tea to their liking. A personal quirk that never really served me well. The water boiled, and I poured. I got the milk out and my coffee from the freezer. I popped the lid of the moccona mystique, delighting in the 'freshly opened' scent that was locked in when it was frozen before opening. Anyone who's a true coffee addict knows that as soon as you open the can, jar, or tin, the purity of the coffee fades as it's introduced to the air. It's strength fades, and you need more coffee for the same flavour. Yet freeze it, and it's always the same.

I dipped the half teaspoon of mystique into the hot water and two heaped sugars, stirring and sniffing at the perfectly blended sweet caramel scent the coffee gave off. I rinsed the spoon and left it on the stand before pouring the milk into the cup, allowing the swirling black coffee to stir the milk into it. I let it rest for a count of fifteen, then took a sip, delighting in the taste, scent, and feel of the hot coffee silkily moving within my mouth before I swallowed the heated remains. Without a doubt, a perfect coffee.

"So that harsh buzzy thing was the black box you knocked off the shelf two weeks ago?"

"Yeah. Master seems to use it's noise to wake up in the morning. He was very angry with me when I knocked it off, and checked it like he does me... or any of us when we're hurt."

"It must be important to the Master if he gives it such care." I yawned widely, shaking my head to try and remove the voices. That last one had sounded like a muscle headed guy. I stopped... blinking at the morning sunlight seeping through the partially opened curtains. Wait... voices? I yawned, even though I was trying not to in order to think. I walked over to Ghost and the dogs, opening up the grill and allowing them to mingle. Rick immediately went for Ghost, and the most surprising thing happened. Chelsea stood between them and snarled savagely at Rick. He screeched to a halt, flipped onto his back, and ran back outside with his tail between his legs. Onyx stood next to Chelsea, his black and charcoal grey coat hinting at his wolfish ancestry. I watched his eyes follow Rick's progress out the door, and stood dumbfounded. This was most deffinately not normal.

"Onyx?" Onyx turned, that serious look dropping from his face and a happy doggy expression replacing it. He didn't race towards me like he normally did when I called his name, but instead approached at a more sedate walking pace. I rubbed his head, hugging him one handed as I used my left hand for my coffee. "You okay big guy?" No response except for those eyes of his that seemed filled with renewed life and intelligence. I frowned at him, sipping from my coffee. Not even it's joyous flavours could drag me away from the strange actions going on today. Chelsea never protected Ghost, because Ghost could handle herself against any dog. Rick backed up the second she drew her claws, and that was only after he'd nipped her once. I've had the pleasure of turning up at a vet's with Rick's muzzle slashed from nose to eye, blood freely flowing from the four long slashes in his sensitive flesh.

"Rick, get in here." Rick rolled into the kitchen area, tumbling through the door in a jumble of paws and legs. At least he didn't seem different, still his exhuberant self. For a dalmation, he was deffinately a little over exciteable.

"Chelse?" Chelsea moved over to me, seating herself next to Onyx and looking at me in a playful way. Nothing different.

"Ghost?" Ghost jumped up onto the counter top, responding to my call. That wasn't natural. "Sit." Ghost sat, and chills ran up my spine. I looked at the four of them, wondering where Toby was.

"Toby?" The tension skyrocketed. It wasn't me. What the fuck was going on here? I waited, tense with my heart beating adrenaline through my body. Toby didn't show. "Toby?" I called out again. I waited, and the dogs shared looks amongst themselves, Ghost looking down at them curiously. I wondered what to do. I was hearing voices, the animals were acting weird, and my perfect coffee was going cold. I tried something that I knew wouldn't work, but gave it a shot anyway.

"Toby, if you don't get your ass in here, you're not getting any sex for a month." The dogs dropped to the floor and covered their heads with their paws. I had a moment to think 'not normal' before Toby answered.

"NOOOOOOoooooooooo!!!!!!" A larger than life husky ran into my kitchen, tripped over it's legs, stood up, and ran towards me. I backed up, looking at this behemoth, this monstrosity... this ... thing in front of me. It dropped to it's knees before me, tears leaking from it's glacial blue eye and forest emerald green eye. It held it's hands up to me in a gesture of begging in it's purest form. "No Master please! Don't shun me, please Master!" I backed up further, right into Onyx. I turned, and found myself eye to eye with him. I couldn't help but think he's not as tall as me, when I was hugged from behind by something large and furry.

"Master, I beg of you, please don't stop having sex with me. I can't survive with just Rick alone." Dampness soaked into my back, and I turned around to face the bipedal husky.

"Toby..?" I questioned warily. The husky's eyes blazed with love, desire, and loyalty. I reached out and pet his head, rubbing at his ears, noting the nick in his left ear right at the base. It could only be found if you knew about it, as it was a thin slit right by the base of the scalp. I looked over his new form, shocked, horrified, and oddly aroused. His mismatched black and white ears off set his mismatched eyes. I felt a stirring in my groin, and moved away from him, stopping him from feeling the growth. The utter loss I saw exhibited in his eyes at that moment, made me question what the fuck was going on. I looked worriedly at the others, and Chelsea was the first to respond. She nodded at me.

"You're... I mean... are you ..?" Again she nodded.

"Master, we have been changed. Sometime last night, something happened to us. We don't know if it goes beyond us to the other dogs and animals on earth, but we do know that it's not wise for us to show ourselves as we are to human authorities." Chelsea's sweet and rich voice touched my ears... and I sorta lost focus with reality, just listening to her speak.

"Master? Do you still want me? I know I'm not how I used to be, but do you still love me?" Toby pressed his head into my stomach, whining and whimpering. I looked at the others, my concern showing in my face. I was at a loss as to what to do, I'd never been good at comforting others, and depression in another dragged me down to their level. Chelsea imitated a kissing gesture, and I followed her prompting. Not once has Chelsea ever steered me wrong. I raised Toby's head from my stomach and frowned, unsure exactly how to do this. I'd done it often enough to them all in their natural bodies, but Toby's new shape was different. Nothing was where it used to be. I just decided to go with it, and licked at Toby's lips.

"Master!" Toby moved into me, licking at my face, lips, and trying to french kiss me. His eyes were litterally ablaze with the love and devotion I normally only glanced in them on a regular basis. White paws intervened between me and Toby, and it took me a while to focus upon the slender fingers. I followed them up white and black furred arms that were so slender Darlene would have been jealous. I blinked at a pair of nicely sized breasts that distracted me for a great length of time. I wasn't aware of how long untill Chelsea raised my gaze to her face and I saw the clock behind her. It was twenty past ten. I felt a pang of loss at missing the movie, but this was more important than the opening screening of District 9. I got distracted by Chelsea's breasts again, and woke up to myself somewhere underneath her with someone sucking my cock.

"WOAH!" I panicked, there was a flash, then chaos. Bodies flew everywhere, and my first, most immediate fear was that they'd get injured. All movement stopped. Chelsea was inches away from smashing her spine into the hardened corner of my computer desk. I grew concerned, and Chelsea floated away from the harsh corner, slowly flipping over untill she was on her feet again.

"Master?!?" I looked towards Toby, Rick, and Onyx, all of which were squashed together in a threesome. Rick was fucking Toby's muzzle, while Onyx's massive cock (he was big for a dog, but Fuck Me!) was frozen in the act of pulling out of Toby's ass. Toby had tears on his cheeks and he was faintly struggling, trying to pull Onyx back in. I had a moment to think that Onyx's cock was bigger than the last time I'd seen it, his new bipedal form making everything bigger. My brain traveled along those lines untill it figured out the problem. Onyx's knot, when he was a dog, was like having a fist in your ass. He looked to be almost twice his original size now... which would make his knot...

All three of them promptly dropped to the carpet as I was overcome by lust and shock. Toby sighed, looking at me with love, and then I was left wondering what the fuck had just happened... again.

"Wait..." I turned around, looking at Chelsea who was looking at me worriedly. "If those three are over there fucking each other, and I was beneath your cunt staring at your breasts as I was eating you out..... who the fuck was sucking my cock?" Chelsea looked worried, and then she stepped out from behind her. Ghost... I'd recognise her distinct face anywhere, anytime, on any body. I walked towards her, bent down, and hugged her to me. Both Chelsea and Ghost's fear slowly dissipated. That locked door that opened into the dark room of my soul shattered, and all the lust I'd kept in check over the years flooded through it. Ghost looked about six to seven years old, and was a perfect melding of human and cat. My deflating cock grew rock hard again, and I fidgeted in agitation. Did I follow through on my desires, or did I tell her to leave? Chelsea's hands fell upon my shoulders, and I looked up into her eyes.

"Please Master, she's been wanting this for a long time. Have you never noticed that she's always under the covers when you come back from sex with us? She wants it... needs it, and you're the only one she'll accept." I looked back to Ghost... and nodded. I looked behind us to see the guys getting back into their own fun, then made a decision. This wasn't how I normally had sex with them, but at the very least I could enjoy it with them. I laid back down onto the floor, and gestured Ghost and Chelsea towards me.

"Now that I'm not distractd by those beautiful breasts of yours, I can focus on my work. I'd love to see your breasts again as Ghost does what she wants with my cock." Chelsea and Ghost shared a look. Ghost didn't look happy, but she nodded. Chelsea nodded too. Chelsea moved back into a kneeling position over me, and thrust her hot doggy cunt into my face. I smiled with my eyes and went back to work. I traced my tongue around her sex, delighting in her new musky scent and taste. I stuck my tongue up into her cunt, and twitched as I felt a tentative touch upon my cock that quickly withdrew. I looked up into Chelsea's delighted eyes, and somehow she understood.

"Ghost, do what you want. He wont snap at you, he wont tell you no, and he wont think less of you. In fact, if you managed to take his entire cock between your legs, I dare say he'd cum in twenty seconds." Chelsea smiled at my shocked and horrified expression. She rustled my hair with her white paw. "Don't worry Master, she knows her own limits. Just enjoy what you know you will, I peaked into that room you have, and I must say I'm rather shocked you haven't shared your true self with us. We love you Master, including that darkly perverse side you have. You think like us, but hide your true self from other humans. If the pup is ready, then they're ready. We love you for your decision on that matter Master."

I smiled into her cunt, and kept licking, twirling, and tongue fucking her snug passage. The hand upon my cock returned, as well as a hot little mouth that I remembered from a moment ago when I panicked. I tried to relax and enjoy, but that sand papery tongue hurt.

"Ghost, be gentle with your tongue, he doesn't have fur. You need to be very careful and gentle with his skin, even more so with his sex organ. Maybe Master would like it if you sucked on his balls a little?" I opened my eyes wide in a gesture of horror, and in response Chelsea ground her crotch against my mouth. I bared my teeth, and she ground her clit against my teeth. Teeth clamped over my balls and I twitched, unintentionally thrusting upwards and causing Ghost to bite down in shock. I grimaced, and Chelsea scolded Ghost.

"Gently! That sack you have in your muzzle is currently the most precious and fragile thing in the world. You can try him for yourself if you want, but be careful." The warmth left my balls, and Ghost licked my cock head. She left it alone, and then I felt fur nuzzling my shaft. I placed my hands upon Chelsea's black and white thighs, tensing for pain. I licked and munched through Chelsea's cunt as a small touch of heat rested against my cock head. I felt a weight, and then tight heat was squeezing my cock. Ghost screeched like a stuck pig untill Chelsea leaned back and clamped her jaws to Ghost's, muffling her cry of pain. I moved my hands to Ghost's trembling thighs. I split my thoughts, concentrating upon my own pleasure, Chelsea's, and Ghost's. I gently raised and lowered Ghost on my cock, gritting my teeth mentally while licking and sucking Chelsea's cunt. I pulled Ghost down as far as she could go, and shuddered as it registered mentally that she couldn't take my entire cock into her untried depths.

It took all of my will power not to shove myself as deep as I could go into her. I struggled desperately while pleasing Chelsea and Ghost. I squirmed underneath Chelsea, then held still as she squished my head between her thighs as she tensed her legs. I licked, drank, and swallowed the small amount of cream she let out, licking her clean. I managed to do so well she squeaked and a thicker, creamier spurt flushed her channel clean.

"Oooh... 2 times... I've never had two before.." Chelsea got off of my face, knelt beside me, and kissed me, licking her cream from my lips and smiling at my contorted face. "Try to bear with her, she's been wanting this for a long time. Now she can finally do what we've all been doing for months." She smiled, and went into the loungeroom where the boys were still fucking each other. Seconds later I heard her voice raised again, whispering Onyx's name over and over again. I went to look, and Ghost's hands grabbed my own and moved them to her nipples. Her eyes showerd her worry and fear.

"Please look at me master... please. Love me like you love them... I want you in me always" Ghost sniffed, giving me those damn puppy dog eyes she'd probably learnt from Toby. She pulled herself up and down my cock, keeping my hands on her nipples, making sure I was looking at no one else other than her. I probably could have told here that she has something on me that none of the others did, but I'd rather not have her know about my dark side.. if I could help it, so I just stared at my beautiful little Ghost. I watched my cock go from almost completely out of her, to almost completely inside of her. I gritted my teeth, trying to think of anything at all that would stop me from blowing my load intoGhost's tightly gripping cunt before she was ready. I'd seen the blood as she was lifting, so I knew she was a virgin.

"Am I not good enough for you master?" I looked up at her like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

"It's not," I gritted my teeth, pushing off another orgasm. "That you're not good enough my darling little Ghost, it's just that... I'm worried about hurting you if you knew how much I actually wanted you.." Ghost paused, frozen. I looked away from her, trying to think about things that weren't even slightly arousing.. and it wasn't working.

"What do you want to do to me master? What ever you want to do, you can do it to me. I love you master." Ghost beamed at me, and I just couldn't stop myself. One moment I was on my back, and the next I'd flipped her onto her back, got my arms under her legs to spread her a little wider, and fucked my sweet little kitten with wild abandon. I rubbed her little nipples with my thumbs, driving my cock as deep as it would go into her cunt. She made adorable faces as she suffered pain and pleasure at the same time, and then I adjusted how I fucked her, grinding against her clit each time I drove my cock into her. She started mewling for me, small cries and gasps as her tail twitched and wound itself around my leg. My perverted mind brought up an image of my bloated cock head pounding against her cervix, and I wondered what it would feel like to push through that last barrier and release my pent up lust directly into her young, untouched womb. I couldn't stand it any more. I grabbed Ghost's hips and held her down. She looked at me worriedly, then gave a sharp cry as I fucked her harder and harder. I pulled back untill only my cockhead was barely within her tight little cunt, then rammed my length into her, popping past her cervix and feeling it latch behind my cockhead like a ring. Ghost mewled in pain, and I came so hard inside her I had to hold her down in order to keep my sanity. The pleasure was so intense it was like releasing a bomb that grew stronger over time.

I panted over Ghost, twitching as another spurt traveled from my balls, to my cocktip, and into her womb. I gave a full body shudder, feeling Ghost's walls clench and cling to my cock.

"Ghost..?" I looked at her worriedly, realising I'd probably hurt her badly. I tried to pull out of her, but she screeched and brought out her claws, sinking them into my flesh. I cursed and held still as Ghost sobbed, immediately retracting her claws.

"It hurts... it hurts so much.." I cried and hugged her.

"I'm sorry Ghost, I lost myself. You just... you just turned me on so much I wanted.. to ... to .. uhmm.. I'm sorry Ghost." I hugged her tight, my cock throbbing within her as that change in her body's position caused her to clench internally, which then caused me to grit my teeth as I just wanted to fuck her untill my cum oozed from every orifice within her body. I nosed under her chin, licking at her throat. "How on earth I haven't missed someone like you in my life I have no idea. Ghost... I'm sorry I hurt you.. but I have never done anything like this before. Ever. You are the biggest turn on I have ever know. I'm not even going soft, and you should know that I'm usually a limp noodle in a few minutes." Ghost blinked at me, her eyes showing pain and pride. I gritted my teeth and pumped lightly, making Ghost gasp. Her legs tightened up around me, and I pushed all the way into her, removing the odd sensation of a cockring behind my cockhead.

"Will you... Will you use me again? Please master? I want.. I want to.. to .." Ghost's eyes turned troubled. She put my hands onto her stomach and pressed lightly. I twitched inside of her as I felt my cock inside her. "Master.. I want to carry you inside me always. I want you to leave me feeling full so I never feel like you're not with me... and .... I want your kittens master!" Ghost wrapped herself around me, hugging me tight and pulling my cock deeper inside her as her legs wrapped around my back.

My mind went blank. My brain pulled out three distinct pieces of information from that small outburst. Wanton kitty. Child. Pregnant. I picked up Ghost, put her back against the wall of the kitchen, and fucked her as hard as I dared. My cockhead popped from her cervix, and I fucked her normally, grinding deep into her, sucking at her neck and frenching her. I slipped down to her nipples, and sucked at them while I pumped my cock into her tender depths. Ghost mewled and panted, moaning, saying she wanted more. She begged me to plug her and cum in her so much that she looked pregnant. I almost came at that remark.

"ONYX!" Onyx was up in a moment. He grabbed my hips and leaned close to my ear.

"Brace yourself Master, I'm much bigger in this form." I nodded, relaxing as much as I could while still fucking Ghost's hot tightness. I felt his cock tip press against my anus, then he pushed, and I bit my tongue to stop from screaming. I loved big dicked guys, possibly as much, or even more than, Toby. Just his cocktip stretched me so far I had to pause from fucking Ghost in order to acclimate myself to his massively expanded girth. I spared a momentary thought for the bottle of lube that's always beside my T.V. and felt something cool touch my ass. I looked behind me and watched Toby squirt some more of the K-Y lube onto Onyx's cock. He saw me looking and smiled shyly.

"You'll need it Master."

Onyx slowly, and inexorably, shoved his length deeper and deeper into my bowels, and I humped at Ghost's cunt faster and faster, getting more frenzied the longer I felt that thick log sliding further and further into me. I gasped heatedly, sandwiched between the youngest and hottest cunt I'd ever had the pleasure of taking, and the thickest cock I'd ever had the pleasure of receiving.

"Onyx, when your knot starts to inflate, make sure it's in me. I wont be able to take you if you try to force it into me. Be gentle at the end if you would." I felt a whispering nod at my back, and felt Onyx stop inserting his cock into my ass. I almost choked it felt that big. I pulled out of Ghost, and pushed back onto him, then pushed forwards into Ghost, and pulled myself off of him. I started to move faster and faster, the double threat of cock and ass working against my limited reserves of patience and willpower. The pleasure kept driving me on to new speeds of desperation as I raced to get off inside of Ghost and give her what she wanted, and what I (in a very dark corner of my soul) wanted.

I held Ghost tight, ramming into her tight little cunt, and pulled up the image I'd used before. I could feel my cockhead hitting her cervix, I imagined pushing through, and her cervix opening enough to let my cockhead through, then clamping down in order to block the cum from coming out. I blew my second load of the day deep into Ghost, listening to her scream in ecstacy as I filled her like we both wanted. Then Onyx started. Onyx pulled out, then shoved himelf back in untill the barest edge of his knot whispered at my anal ring, stretching my asshole just a tiny bit more. I orgasmed again as his cock filled me, breathed as it left, and orgasmed as he filled me again. I kept Ghost's pelvis pressed hard against mine as Onyx fucked me, his too large cock making me shake with pain and pleasure. For each time he filled me, I pumped a little bit more juice into Ghost's womb.

"Mmm... Master gets all the fun, as usual." Rick grinned at me from the kitchen, his dalmation spots darker than normal under the flourescent glow of the kitchen light. I gave him a look, and he barked a laugh. Onyx started to increase his fucking speed, which increased my production, which caused a noticeable growth in Ghost's stomach area. I was somewhere near heaven, ecstacy, and bliss.

"Prepare yourself Master." I nodded, and he hammered me. His speed and fury drew a small cry from my lips, the only male I knew who could do so. Ghost licked my lips, and I frenched her, teaching her how to tongue wrestle as Onyx pounded my ass so hard it started to burn and itch. I panted into Ghost's mouth as my cock twitched in her cunt. I felt the massive bubble touching my ass with each of Onyx's pumps, and tried to relax as much as I could as he literally milked my cum from me, my cock acting as a hose to pump it into Ghost.

Onyx clamped his jaws around the back of my neck, at the very base of my skull, and I tried my damndest not to clench. Onyx pulled so far back, it was a miracle I was able to survive with that much cock inside of me, then he rammed his entire length plus just forming knot into my ass. Now I screeched, Ghost jumped, and Onyx fucked me with his massive knot forming inside of my ass. He pulled and tugged, humping me in small bursts and smashing my prostrate. I came into Ghost's womb so many times I wouldn't be surprised if she actually got pregnant from her treatment from today. Onyx continued humping me, and Ghost started to mewl in pain. I made a mental wish, wanting her to hold out just a little bit longer. Onyx grunted behind me, humping fast and hard.

It felt like a bomb had gone off inside of my guts. Something the size of a bowling ball blew up inside my ass, and a bucketload of cum gushed into my bowels. His gushing into me triggered a series of orgasms that pumped my beautiful little kitten up even more. I hoped what happened earlier would happen again. I pulled my cock from her, and felt her cervix squeeze shut immediately. I lifted Ghost up, and set her on her feet, my cock throbbing as she looked a good 8 - 9 months pregnant. I looked a solid three myself, Onyx's cock, knot, and cum to thank for that. I felt heat wafting off of my body in solid waves, and Onyx wrapped his large dark arms around me.

"Thankyou Master." That massive cock inside of me stirred, Onyx's knot tugging at my anal ring. "Master, you're the only one that this will stay up for ... so this will take some time." I laughed.

"Onyx you're a liar, you only love the fact that your fur doesn't rub the wrong way since I don't have any. I swear, if I allowed it you'd fuck me and only me." A large uncomfortable silence sprouted up. I looked at Ghost who was smiling oddly and stroking her massive abdomen. "Ghoooost?" She looked up, that funny smile on her face. "You look absoloutely beautiful Ghost. I just wish you could look like that all the time." Ghost's grin got bigger. She turned around and then bent over. She pressed upon her abdomen, and thick gelatinous white fluid oozed out of her cunt. I got an instant erection that was so hard it hurt. Ghost tumbled forwards chirping a laugh.

"Master loves my CUuuunt! Master loves my CUuuunt!" Ghost jumped and bounced, tumbling and twirling, cum oozing from her cunt and starting to drip.

"Toby! Get under that cunt!" The husky dove, muzzle open, jaws wide, and latched his muzzle onto Ghost's cunt, his tongue working furiously. Ghost seemed to take offense and raised a clawed hand. "Toby! DROP!" Toby dropped to the floor, and Ghost slashed the empty air. "Chelsea!" Instantly the collie bitch grabbed Ghost and trapped her arms behind her back. "Ghost! Calm down, he wasn't trying to do anything, he was just making sure the cum inside of you didn't hit the carpet, walls, or floor. I'd have to wash everything again." I clenched my rectum, and Onyx whined behind me.

"Master...." I grinned. Onyx was easy to please, good food, good fuck, and he was happy. I sighed at the averted disaster, and waited for the time to go by.

"Anyone able to tell me why I'm missing about 6 hours of today? The last thing I remember seeing was Chelse's breasts, then a blank, then Chelse's breasts again, then I was under her, eating her cunt, with Ghost sucking my dick." Onyx played with my nipples and collarbone, then sniffed at my neck.

"Chelsea was checking you Master, she wanted to know if your intentions would change." I blinked and suddenly, I became aware of those hours I'd missed.

2, Science, Magic, Fantasy..?

It started out as nothing but a faint trickle, an impression of events, then it all just came blasting through in a torrent of visuals and audios. Time slowed and sped up, my mind did cartwheels as it processed a tonne of information, and shut down from the strain of over working.

I blinked slowly, looking up and around as I saw the walls of my room.

"What the..?" Chelsea's face loomed into view, her eyes worried.

"Master, are you okay?" I nodded to her question, frowning as a headache pounded away. I held up my hand to the front left side of my head, pressing gently and just wishing the pain away. The door opened, and Toby walked in, a cup of steaming coffee in his hands. Chelsea looked up at him, smiling, and made room on the bed for him. I sat up, grasped the cup gently from his furred hands, and looked at it, watching the steam float and rise. Toby sat down on the bed, looking at me as worriedly as Chelsea was. I guess I should've been panicking about now. My animals, my dogs and cat, had transformed into human like creatures, had a group sex orgy involving me, I'd fucked the equivalent of a child, and I didn't feel any guilt, remorse, or horror. Yeah, I guess I'd broken something internally.

"Master, we love you, you know that, don't you? We don't think what happened was wrong, and we don't want to cause you problems by doing it. If you think you can't handle it, we'll all go back to being dogs for you so that you don't have to feel so conflicted." Chelsea.. I looked up at her, remembering a piece of information from that blankness. She was a telepath and an empath. She could look inside someone's heart and soul and make scenarios. She was also able to heal by licking wounds.

I closed my eyes and thought about Toby. Toby was boundless energy, he had the greatest control over their ability to shift, and he was the first to change into the bipedal forms they had. Rick could make copies of items he'd seen for short amounts of time, phase through things, and was even able to mentally recall everything he'd ever seen, heard, smelled, or experienced. Onyx was much bigger in his half'n'half form, his strength was amplified terribly, though he had the mental control to limit his power. His nose was stronger, as was his hearing and sight. Onyx could also fade completely from sight while he was in a shadow. His dark fur mixed with an offshoot of his new found power, making him nearly invisible. And Ghost.. well... Ghost was Ghost, there really was no explaining her.

"Mmmmm master.." My hand was moved to a bulging furred stomach that rumbled with a heavy purr. "Master, I want more." And 'mr winky' decided to say hello. Gods damn it.

"Not right now Ghost, I need to think." I sipped my coffee, surprised at the soft under taste of caramel. Someone had been watching me make coffees. I smiled at Toby, and went with the feelings welling up inside me at the mere presence of my pets/friends/lifemates. I moved my hand from Ghost's belly, pinched Toby's right nipple gently, and pulled him into a kiss. I licked at Toby's lips, and his eyes widened further into surprise, before drooping slightly while his mouth parted. We touched tongue tips, and electricity surged from him, to me, then deep inside my body. I threw the cup up in surprise, shifting backwards upon the bed, then looked to the half suspended cup that was just starting to fall. I thought 'Stop!' and it didn't move. I'd flung my right hand to it in a stopping motion as well, and slowly pulled it back, staring in awe.

"Well, looks like I was right about telekineses, if only you could heal too." I reached up and forwards, straining to get a hold of my coffee cup without pulling the blankets off of my nude form. I grasped the handle of the black cup, and scooped the steaming liquid back into it. Only when it was all inside did I relax, and suddenly felt the weight of the cup again. I over compensated a little bit due to the sudden weight increase, but not by much. I sat still again, holding my cup in both hands, and looking at everyone in my room. I blinked a look to my clock, and watched the numbers tick over to 06:29. Ghost was partially curled around my legs and feet, her favourite position. Chelsea was sitting crosslegged to my immediate left, and Toby was sitting upon the edge of the bed to my right, looking at me with eyes that stated just how much he adored me. I couldn't see Rick or Onyx though.

"Foot of the bed for Onyx, Rick's in the kitchen fixing breakfast." I glanced to Chelsea, and she smiled winningly at me. I couldn't help but smile back. I reached forwards and lightly smoothed Ghost's fur from head to tail, taking longer now that there was more of her.

"I think.. I might actually be able to get used to, and enjoy this. All my life I've wanted companions I could love, and who would love me, yet never could I find them. You guys were just unable to speak your mind is all." I smiled crookedly, set the cup on the nightstand, and rolled over into my bed more. Chelsea quickly pulled the sheet and blanket up and over me, licking at my forehead.

"We'll always be here master, and we'll always love you." I nodded at her, then clicked my fingers twice. Ghost moved, stretched, then shuffled up to me. I kissed her foxxish features, then lightly draped an arm over her, going back to sleep for another half hour.

That first half hour I slept more soundly than I ever had in my life. I had a warm body next to me that loved me, like I loved her, and I had friends/family/lovers nearby that were willing to share me amongst themselves as well. When I opened my eyes, I was met with Ghost's mischevious eyes, and a strange sensation at crotch level. "Morning master, let me fix this for you.." Ghost moved, and pleasure wrapped around my shaft. I sucked in a gasp and grinned.

"Cheeky little minxette aren't ya?" Ghost's grin widened as she moved beside me. I placed my hands at her sides, then rolled onto my back, enjoying the sensation of sinking deeper as Ghost's weight pulled her further down upon my shaft. I bucked upwards into her, and she squealed, her furred stomach bouncing as the fluid inside of her womb rolled and rippled. The door popped open and Chelsea ducked her head inside. She saw me, saw Ghost, then grinned.

"Breakfast will be ready for you in twenty minutes master, Ghost's too. Try not to be longer than that." Her grin widened as she ducked out, closing the door behind her. Ghost smiled down at me, lust in her eyes, and I smiled back.

"Well, twenty minutes aint much, but I bet I could get you off in five."

"I bet I can get you off in three!" I raised an eye brow to that, then grinned wider.

"We'll see Ghost. First, I intend to have fun with your glorious little cunt that I love so much." I traced my fingers by the base of her tail, trailing my fingers tips over her young nubile ass, before gripping tightly and bucking hard up into her young cunt. Ghost's claws came out and sank into the bed as she mrowled with lust.

"Oooo more, more, more master!" I complied with her demand, delighting in watching her squirm and pant, gazing at me with eyes that loved me, and only me, knowing that she would never cheat on me or bed another man...

I changed Ghost's position slightly so that my shaft was pulled 'down' when I pulled out and pushed in, so that the angle ground against her clit with each strike. My sweet little kitten started to mrowl louder as she got closer to her orgasm in such a short amount of time. We'd only been fucking for ... I glanced to the clock. Eight minutes, yet already she was about to get off. Actually, I wanted to get off too. I remembered yesterday, and thought about my cock head penetrating Ghost's cervix, plunging into her womb, and delivering another blast of my cum to her already full chamb-. Ghost screeched, and I moaned, as my cock went past the point it shouldn't have, and Ghost completely sat in my lap. I twitched, rubbing and grinding into her crotch as I pulled her close and gently bit at her nipples. There was a sound of metal being cut, thread being ripped, and something that sounded like flesh being torn, then Ghost's arms were wrapped behind my head and I was forced into her meagre chest. She shoved her face into the bed and squeaked a roar as I held her close, shoved hard, and came into my precious kitty's treasure trove.

Ghost's claws scratched the back of my scalp tenderly as she pulled herself up and comfortably nestled herself into my crotch. She smiled at me with something that gave her a type of glow, then kissed me. I kissed her back, and she moved my hands from her butt cheeks, more towards her tailbase.

"Play there too master, I love it when you're in me every way you can be." She pushed her ass at my fingers, and I experimentally touched my finger tips against her little button. She let go of my head, grabbed my hand, and shoved. She squirmed, and I felt her insides tighten with both my dick and my finger now burried to the second knuckle in her tight little ass. She hissed slowly, her rectum clenching around my finger rhythmically as her little vagina worked my shaft. My wilting dick got blown up into it's former glory, and I felt ready for round two, even though it'd only been a couple of minutes since I came.

"Master, Ghost, Breakfast!" Ghost and I snarled at the interruption, though we both knew we needed to eat. "No back talk or you wont get any!" I rolled my eyes at Ghost, and she giggled girlishly at me. I smiled, carefully and slowly removing my finger from her ass. Her tail wrapped around my wrist so I just kept my hand there, patting her cute little rump. I cradled her, and lifted, pulling myself out of her with more than a little regret. Damn the girl and her insatiable tightness. I set her down on the floor, and swung my legs over while I was at it. I grabbed my underwear and slipped them on, walking out to the kitchen. Ghost grabbed my hand and walked behind me, her ears flat against her skull.

Toby looked up with a gentle smile, while Rick had a weird grin. I smiled at Toby, and gave Rick a warning look. The smile faltered a bit, but didn't fade completely.

"Master, Your breakfast." Rick handed me a plate with toast, bacon, ham, and a couple of pancakes. I blinked at the assortment, and looked to the stove top. The pans were there, they were dirty, but they were the only things that were dirty. I raised an eyebrow enquiringly of Rick. "I've always watched when you cook. You dance and make funny noises when the food doesn't stay inside the pan, so I assumed it was bad." I nodded to him, a small itch at the back of my mind starting to form.

I looked about the kitchen and saw five other plates, two were empty except for a sheen of grease spread upon the plates. Three were full of the same assortment I had. There was a smaller one which I assumed was Ghost's and two normal sized plates. I grabbed the smaller one and gave it to Ghost, then grabbed a set of knives and forks for her, making sure they were the easy handled kind. She looked up at me with wide eyes, and I pointed to the loungeroom. "Go, sit, eat. Watch TV if you want." She nodded and walked out of the kitchen, hooking around the corner and into the loungeroom. Toby and Rick grabbed their plates and headed into the loungeroom. I stopped them, grabbed knives and forks for all of us, and distributed them equally. I caught Rick's look and frowned at him.

"I won't have you eating like dogs. Now I know of your forms and sentience, you'll be eating like I do." Rick sighed.

"Chelsea said you'd be like this, that's why I cooked. She didn't say anything about utensils." Rick walked past me and into the loungeroom, but Toby pulled me back into the kitchen. He got up close to me and whispered softly in my ear.

"Master, when are you going to take me?" I damn near dropped my plate. Raucous laughter came from the loungeroom, and Toby's nose flushed pink under his fur. His curled tail wagged slightly as the others started explaining all at once. I ducked my head out and made a shushing motion. Chelsea grinned and spoke when the other two had finished laughing, Ghost looking unsure as to what had happened.

"We were wondering how long it'd take him to propposition you Master. Onyx won the bet, I thought he'd wait untill about noon, and Rick thought he'd jump you while you were sleeping." I shook my head in disgust, Toby misunderstanding.

"You don't.." Ai yai yai... I set my plate on the counter, and looked into my husky's eyes. I smiled into their seperated colours, admiring him for the beauty he was. His lips curled into a hesitant smile, and I opened myself to that presence that was pushing against my heart. Heat blossomed and exploded within my body. I grabbed Toby and turned him about, easy enough to do in his surprised state. I pressed my rock hard dick against his ass, grinding through the fabric, making sure he felt every single inch.

Toby shivered, wriggling his ass firmly into me. "Yes Master, oh yes, please, please master, please." I rubbed my dick against his hole, forcing it to part slightly, the fabric an odd feeling that turned me on even more for some reason. Toby whined at me, wriggling his ass into my crotch and humping backwards at me.

"Are you clean?"I whispered into his ear, leaning over him and starting to dry hump his hole, my dick getting harder and stronger as the fabric pulled at it, and Toby's hole begged for me to penetrate him thoroughly.

"Yes Master, always Master. Please, I'm forever your bitch, please Master, please, please, please, please...." I yanked my underwear down enough to free my cock, then shoved it deep inside my hot husky. Ohhh such sweet, sweet bliss. Toby's internal muscles twitched and writhed as I stood there just enjoying the new, yet familiar sensations of his hot ass. "Yesssssssssssssssss....." Toby let out a long sigh, rolling his ass with my cock burried deep within. I grabbed a firm hold of his hips, and started to stroke, slowly moving in and out of his ass, delighting in the hard ring that almost refused to let me go, then relaxed and welcomed me when I lanced back inside. I let go with myright hand, brought it to my face, and licked it, slathering it in saliva. I moved it to his pulsing cock, and made him yelp as I grasped it, gripping his firming knot hard and fucking his ass at a harsher pace. Toby whined, not in pain, but that moment of bliss that comes from being fucked and masturbated at the same time. His anal muscles pulled and twitched, his grinding increased. A few more minutes and he yelped, coating my lower cupboard draws in his semen, the strong stench pulling at me and making me cream his wanton ass.

I slowly drew to a halt, dick twitching with sensetivity. I made sure it was burried deep within him, and inhaled his neck fur, kissing along it and heading to his ear. I squeezed his knot firmly, feeling it pulse and twitch within my grasp. I rolled my hips, my dick performing a circular motion within his ass. Toby moaned, a long, low sound. He wanted more. I wanted more. But damn, food came first. Much to my disappointment. I reluctantly exited my husky, then grabbed his hips as he started to turn.

"Mas-?" I knelt, placed my lips to his asshole, and kissed it. I licked slowly up and down, tasting and swallowing my semen that had come out when I pulled out. I stuck my tongue up his ass, and delighted when his anal ring clenched then tried to 'milk' my tongue. Toby shuddered, leaning a little more over the counter and widening his stance. "Ooooohhh Masster..." I fondled his balls gently with my left hand, then moved my right up and down his drooling cock. I rubbed my hnd up and over his pointed tip a few times, making him twitch and jump. I gave his balls a gentle squeezse, then stood up with one last kiss to his ass. I licked my hand clean as Toby continued to stand there, his tail to the side, his anus twitching and glistenin with salive and semen, his body twitching a shudder every few seconds.

"Oh wow... I can't wait for my turn..." I looked over to Rick, poking his head around the corner from the living room. I smiled at him, placed two fingers to my lips, and blew him a kiss. Rick's grin doubled.

"You'll have to wait. I'm going to go sit and eat and watch the news. If Toby feels like being a cock warmer then he-"

"YES!" Tobys shout caused Rick to laugh, and I suppresed a snigger. I grabbed my plate, smiled at the stunned husky, and walked past the fidge, hanging a right around the corner and into the living room. Chelsea was sitting in the large reclining leather lounge chair to my immediate left. I nodded to her, she nodded back, a twinkle in her eye. I walked around the coffee table, away from Onyx in the soft fabric sofa chair he liked. I gave him a wave with my left hand and he smiled. Rick dashed past me and jumped into the lounge chair next to Ghost. She was sitting to the far right, while Rick was sitting somewhere between the middle, and Onyx in his seperate chair. They both shared the three seater with Toby, and my chair was to the right of them, and Ghost's left. I set my plate aside on the side table, decided 'fuck it' and stripped my underwear off, and immediately got a grope from behind.

I looked over my shoulder at Toby's grinning beauty, and smiled back at him. I turned, sat in my chair, and spread my legs a bit. Ghost went to dive, and I held up a hand, stoppping her and her pregnant seeming belly.

"No Ghost, you've had enough fun. This is for Toby. I'll give you some more fun soon, but for now Toby is getting a chance to be loved by me."She pouted, and tears started to form. I leaned close, gently holding her neck, and whispered into her ear. "Don't worry, you are my biggest turn on. If you were to actually get pregnant from me, I might have to be locked up for fear I wouldn't stop having sex with you." Ghost's smile returned and she sat back down, picking at her remaining food. I leaned back, and Toby positioned himself before sitting. I pushed mycock out a little for him, softening a moan as I slipped back into his hot, tight hole. His tail waved against my chest, and I nodded to my family. Chelsea changed the channel, and my happiness faded.

"- in. We have as yet unconfirmed reports of people looting and killing in the major cities. A group of people calling themselve's "God's Chosen" are killing people at random. A sub group calling themselves "Disciples" are rapidly moving through suburbs and country sides, killing or adding to their numbers! I repeat the message. As of 00:37 yesterday morning, the creatures upon this planet have had their bodies restructured. We do not ye tknow how this has happened, but we do know that this is global, and law enforcement can not stop those who are using strange abilities to kill and destroy their fellow man." A message was playing underneath the reporter.

'eatures that are half animal, half human hvae been appearing accross the world. Giant sea creatures have attacked an offshore oilrig on California's coast. Mythical and legendary creatures have been sighted nesting in high rise apartment complexes, unkown to what human life is still within those complexes. A giant scorpion is rampaging through Tokyo. Creatures are being summoned from cards from popular card games such as Yu-Gi-Oh, Duel Masters, Magic, Warhammer, World of Warcraft, and othe-'

The phone rang, I held up my hand, and it zipped from the other side of the kitchen to my hand, my heart racing. My pack were confused, and I was starting to worry.

"LIYR! SHIELD YOUR HOUSE! NOW! SUMMON THE STORMS, I'LL BE THERE SOON!" I blinked, and the line went dead. Had that been Lia? She was a fellow guild mage from World of Warcraft, what was that ab-

A massive earth quake shook the house. CD's fell from their shelves, DVD's rattled and fell. Picture frames wobbled, then jumped off their hooks. A window pane cracked, and I heard a horrible, horrible voice.

" Greetings mortals, come outside, I'm hungry..."

3, The good, The bad, and the down right fucking ugly.

*** Temp story end ***

How's _ This _ for a story teaser?

AN: slightly more added. Suddenly got a massive boost to writing. I hate writing when I'm tired, 'cause I need to write, yet I'm tired and wanna sleep. It's a no win situation regardless of view.