A werewolf guide: introduction

Story by lucifer94 on SoFurry

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#1 of Werewolf guide

Hello and welcome to my werewolf guide. This is the guide to understand the world of Werewolf Love, a series I wrote some time ago. I originally wanted to start a new story and use that to explain the world, but I always found ether something wrong with the storytelling or just deleted the entire thing in frustration. After so many attempts, I just said 'fuck it' and just write a straightforward guide to explain the world. I plain to do these at regular intervals (which I haven't decided yet) so that I don't just procrastinate for long periods and lose my writing edge.

Today I am just going to write about some general stuff and use the next few reports to go into more details.

The World

As it is obvious, the world in Werewolf Love in not the same as the world we live in. the setting is similar, if not identical, to our world. The few differences are the werewolves, magic, and other things that goes bump in the night.


Like people, werewolves come in a myriad of ways. There are tall, short, fit, fat, and so many more. There are even some who can turn into other animals besides wolves, but for now let just call the entire group werewolves for convenience.

A pack is a group of werewolves living in one area at one time. The pack dynamics are similar to wolves pack in the wild; Alpha, Beta, Omega, neutrals, and humans. It would take too long to explain the entire dynamic in detail, so for now just remember these titles.

A majority of werewolves are born with their condition while some where transformed by the curse.

I don't know what else to put here, tell me what you want me to talk about in the comments below.