Entry 31

Story by KitTheSoulless on SoFurry

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#31 of Diary of an Awkward Youth

Dear Diary,

I know it's been a while since I wrote, but really life hasn't been that exciting as of late. Only reason why I'm writing today is because I have interesting news: We have sled dogs! And by we, I mean me, Aaron and Nick. Dad wont let us use the Prowler and he couldn't afford snowmobiles, so he got us a small team of sled dogs from a local who breeds and trains em apparently. So we have a sort of transportation now when it gets snowy and for the rest of the year? Hee. Well, lets just say we have fun with the new pups. There are six of them together, so a small team, not enough to haul but enough to get us where we need to go. Two of them are female too, so the boys get to have fun with them and give me a rest from time to time. The other four are male though.

We converted what used to be a barn from the looks of it, into two separate runs for the dogs in case the females go into heat. Dont want a pair of pregnant pups, cant pull a sled with just four dogs.

As for the other aspect of our lives? Well, apparently the supernatural world doesn't crop up as often as we were thinking it would, not around the house at least. We've heard a few things when we headed into town, various people talking about weird things happening, but really nothing that unusual. I've been talking to the boys though and at some point, we've all agreed that we may go looking for it. Curiosity's a bitch, but at least tis time I wont be alone in dealing with whatever we find.