A Better Agent (Princess Carolyn TF TG)

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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Originally written on September 26, 2015

I've been wanting to do stories based on BoJack Horseman characters but just never have (save for an RP or two). So here's one! Had this idea and wanted to write it out the same day, and did! This is probably the first of many Bojack stories, because there's a lot of lovely characters in that show which if you don't watch, you should. It's phenomenal.

Jeff was a struggling actor. He could only ever land a few commercials every so often, and by doing that, was rarely ever in a good mood. As a matter of fact it made him into quite the bitter person. More often than not he would go as far as taking it out on his agent. Due to this, Jeff's agent, Lisa was very resentful towards him, and rarely bothered to try and get him a gig.

Then the phone call came.

"Hey Jeff it's Lisa."

"You really think I didn't know that?" Jeff responded quite annoyed with her already.

"Right...moving past that I have news for you." Lisa said with a hefty sigh, rubbing her eyes.

"Well? What is it?"

"I got you role. One I think you're perfect for. I'll forward you the script." Lisa replied and hung the phone up.

Shortly after their conversation, Jeff's phone went off again as he received the email with the script from Lisa. He opened it up and put on his reading glasses and lied back on his couch. The more he read it the more he loved it, namely the main hero Steven. The villain of the movie, Tony was incredibly unlikeable. He was loud, rude, egotistical, and all around jerk. Reading Steven's lines he knew that it was the part he was meant to play. He excitedly called Lisa back.

"Lisa! I love it!" Jeff said with a disbelieved chuckle. "Steven is perfect for me!"

"Steven? No you're playing Tony." she answered.

For a while there was a dead silence. "Hello?"

"You got me Tony. And you thought I was perfect for it?" Jeff answered in a dead, monotone voice.

"Yes." Lisa replied casually.

"Lisa, listen." Jeff retorted with an almost scoff. "You can call me again when you find me an agent who can actually do a good job. Okay? Okay." afterwards, Jeff hung up.

A few days had past and it was radio silent between Lisa and himself. Then a package arrived at the door. Jeff gave it a suspicious look but brought it in. Upon reading the postage it was sent by none other than Lisa. When Jeff opened the package there was a letter inside, reading:

"Jeff, I'm sorry it didn't work out with us as agent and actor. I went out of my way to find you the best agent I know of. Inside the package is a bluetooth headset. Just put it in your ears and you'll be in very close contact with your new agent."

Jeff rummaged through the packing peanuts until he pulled out a simple black bluetooth. He examined it carefully and keenly, looking at every aspect of it. Looked normal enough. He did find it a bit odd Lisa actually did find him a new agent. He shrugged it off as her "coming to her senses." Finally, Jeff carefully put the bluetooth on his left ear. With a deep breath he turned it on, and it sent a strange shock all throughout his body.

He felt the headset become looser for a moment as his ears became larger and triangular, moving to the top of his head. The bluetooth moved to better fit his new ears. Pink fur grew all over his head as his hair retreated into his scalp. A strand of fur became gelled up inbetween his ears. His eyebrows thinned out greatly as they became downturned. Jeff's sclera became a very light green as his pupils became slitted and pure black. His face pushed out into a small muzzle as three whiskers formed on each side of them. Jeff's nose became pink as his teeth became a bit sharper.

Jeff's adam's apple shrank down greatly leaving him with a high pitched voice as pink fur continued to grow down his body all the way down to his feet. His arms became thin and slender while claws replaced his nails. The fat at his belly began to be moved upward going to his chest. Two mounds began to push outward, forming into a set of breasts. Jeff's waist caved inward shortly thereafter.

The rest of the excess fat at Jeff's belly went down to his lower body. His hips expanded outward while his rear became more pronounced. A small tail formed behind him while his manhood was leaving him, making Jeff much more of a "she" now. The last major changes formed as her legs became much more shapely, her feet taking on a slightly more paw-like shape as her body physically finished changing.

"What happened to me!?" Jeff squealed looking down at her body. As she began feeling the new additions to her body, from fur to breasts she heard a ringing at her ear. The sound was much louder than she was used to, Jeff's sense of hearing had to increased. Unsure of what exactly to do she hit the button on the bluetooth and picked up.


"Ah, I see you got my package then." the other line said, none other than Lisa herself.

"What did you do to me?! Why am I some kind of cat...woman!" she said literally stomping down her foot.

"Well, you are very close to the best agent I know of. Literally in her body! The transformation should be done soon though."

"What are you talking about? It already stopped..." Jeff responded with great nervousness.

"You're world is gonna be changing soon. And you for that matter. Goodbye Jeff. Wish it didn't end like this." Lisa said before hanging up.

Before Jeff could really react the next and final wave hit. Her pants and shirt fused together to form a green dress with yellow fishes on them. A bright yellow sweater formed over it along with a yellow necklace with red gem in the center. Lastly she felt her heels get lifted off of the ground as her shoes became a pair of open red high heels. Lastly Jeff felt a clouding in her mind as the world altered around her. She found her room converted into an office building. Her name was Princess Carolyn, and strive to be the best agent she could be.