Invention of the Week #1: The Maid Machine

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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The start of a new series featuring various transformation inventions! Got an idea for a transformation? Let me know and you may see it come to life!

Hello! I'm Amelia and I invent things. Sure things can backfire, boy do I know but luckily I've worked out the kinks in my devices that'll allow people to revert back if the things I make don't work the way they should. Sure it's a little too late for me but eh, I'm used to it by now. Oh yeah! You probably don't know what I'm talking about on account of this is a journal, so...due to an accident while making a formula to allow communication with animals, rodents maybe there may of been a pretty bad mixture? Long story short it made me into a rat. Still walk like a human would, just have a tail and muzzle now. Also wasn't always an Amelia on an account I used to be male. Not sure why that happened either. I COULD find a formula to fix all this but then I wouldn't be a lab rat would I?

Besides the point, I have my first invention I'm going public with, and if there's enough interest in it I'll be able to bring it to market! Look forward to that if the time comes. You'll be able to read some testimonials to should my doohickeys become fully public! So enough stalling, why don't I just introduce it?

I call it The Maid Machine! It's not exactly what it sounds like. It's this feather duster with an "on" button on it. Basically you press the button and the nanites will take care of the rest. It will alter you body to maximum cleaning proportions, so you'll probably end up taller. On top of that your outfit will alter into a traditional maid uniform and it won't revert back, so don't wear an outfit your fond of! Also I added in a feature to make all the transformations female because why not? It's funner that way! On top of that there is a temporary mind wipe to ensure you'll actually clean, as a matter of fact you might be so picky not to much will actually get done and you'll have to use it again! After an hour you'll body will revert back to it's normal form, but you'll get to keep the snazzy maid outfit! Won't have to sacrifice another outfit next time you decide to do it!

To showcase this, I used a subject by the name of Michael. He ended up $15 richer and with a free Maid Machine. Not too bad huh? I put Michael in a house (that may or may not of been mine) and set up hidden cameras to examine what he (thought would end up being she) would do. With his instructs Michael went into the house, wearing a simple T shirt and jeans so hopefully he wasn't attached to that outfit. He never did tell me...

Michael walked into the house and gave a scowl at the filthiness of it. I mean come on, a rat lives there, you expect it to be clean? Still, by the end up the hour it would look much nicer, so much so I'll probably start using this on a regular basis. Anyhow, after Michael's initial disgust of the home, we went to the center of the living room and clicked the button on the Maid Machine.

The nanites began their work rather quickly, as Michael's hands became smaller and dainty while his fingers gained a bit of length to them to give them an elegant look. The man's body hair left him, leaving his body quite smooth and even softer than before. Michael's shoulders caved inward while they lost their broadness and took on a feminine look.

Micheal's hair became much longer, reaching down to his back while become much more curly. His eyebrows thinned out while his eyelashes elongated outward. Michael's nose became small and petite while his lips became fuller. His facial hair left him like the rest of his body hair, leaving his head fully female. On top of that his adam's apple was much smaller, making his voice much higher in pitch.

Micheal's chest bubbled up, forming into a sizable pair of breasts. While that was happening his rear pushed outward becoming much more pronounced. Shortly after his hips grew out into childbearing proportions while his waist caved inward and back went into an arch, granting him a rather generous hourglass figure. Between his legs Michael's manhood vanished into his body, making him much more of a her now.

Her legs became much more shapely and longer, making her taller (as expected). Michael's feet became small and dainty, not unlike her hands as the physical changes ended, but there was still the matter of the uniform! Her shoes became a pair of short heels while her socks became incredibly long, reach just past her knees. Micheal's pants and shirt fused together and became black and white, forming into a dress. It became frilly at the sleeves (which were shorter now) and chest. It was a little on the tight side, and revealed a decent amount of cleavage. Michael had almost no time to react, as the mental part of the transformation kicked in, and any desire to explore her new womanhood was replaced with the desire to clean. She didn't waste anytime getting started.

[Oh yeah! Before we finish this up I forgot to mention that I also added an "anthropomorphic" option to the Maid Machine as per the request of Michael himself. Apparently there's a lot of people who like this things? I'm one now, I didn't even know this was a thing until now but I digress. Michael showed up at my lab again asking to add this feature and since he was the first one, I figured I'd oblige.

Michael went through the same changes as before, the feeling of entering womanhood familiar for him, her? Let's just say Michael. (S)he even brought the maid outfit from the first time. Starting up the Maid Machine Michael was undeniable female yet again, only the changes kept going. Micheal's face pushed out into a rather large snout, his nostrils becoming bigger at the tip of it. A trail of hair went down her neck like a mane while her feet became circular and harder, turning into a pair of hooves. A tail found it's way behind her as well while Michael's body became covered with white fur. Her ears became more droopy and more teeth found their way on her, becoming a female horse.]

In both forms Michael found herself getting a lot of the house clean, and considering the condition it was in; Michael got a lot of cleaning done. About 80% of the house was spotless, while the remaining 20% had small things like dust or perhaps a cup that was left out. At the end of the day it saved me a lot of time cleaning! I don't even need to use my own invention anymore! I might just for the experience but we'll see!

Now I ask to you, is this something you want to see go into market?