A Better Boyfriend [Inanimate TF Story]

Story by Strypes on SoFurry

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First story, adapted from an RP, criticism or creepy comments about how hot my fox is is appreciated.

Stripes walked towards his home, casually flipping through the pages of the spell book he had picked up earlier, this was new to him, but he was eager to learn more about the world of magicks. He glazed over the various cantrips and spells in front of him, flipping through pages idly before one had caught his eye -

"Transformation Spell: Focus your energy, blah blah blah, might be perman- blah blah blah"

This was interesting though. He shrugged and held the book at his side, now at the paper doors of his rustic home. He pushed open the door, shrugging off his jacket and hat, pulling his long vulpine ears and massaging them from the uncomfortable position they had been in the day before. He let out a deep breath, he was tired. He plopped down on the couch beside his boyfriend.

"Hey sweetie"

a mischievous grin set over his face

"Want to try something new?"

His boyfriend, a much larger striped hyena turned to face the fennec, a look of cautious optimism spreading across his face.

"I suppose" the canine would reply, a slight sigh escaping from his lips

"What did you have in mind?"

Stripes, always a fox, had a plan in action. He stood up from the chair, walking to the center of the room, gesturing towards the open space in front of him.

"I was talking to my friends earlier today, one of them recommended this amazing exercise that is supposed to get us far closer" the fennec smirked.

"I just need you to trust me."

Stripes struggled to recall the steps in his book

"I need you first, to completely disrobe, you know, for intimacy."

The hyena smiled and began to disrobe.

Stripes looked up and down the hyena as he disrobed, even now blushing at the hyena's naked form. He fidgeted with his jeans slightly.

"Good boy"

he tried to recollect the next step.

"Alright, just stay there for a moment.."

Stripes rushed to the other end of their house, rummaging through the nightstand drawer for a few moments, finding nothing he was looking for, he turned to the dirty laundry basket, picking through it, haphazardly throwing clothes onto the bed before emerging with a pair of purple briefs, a black elastic band running around the perimeter of them. He discreetly sniffed them. They were quite dirty, but would have to do. He rushed back to his naked boyfriend, admiring his body once more before placing the briefs on the floor in front of him.

"Alright. This is a.. uh.."

he struggled to imagine something

"..surefire method to ensure sexiness! Just put these on while I go grab something"

Stripes left the canine to his devices while he ran off to grab the proper materials for the next step.

Stripes was only gone for a few minutes, rushing excitedly back into the room, tripping over his own feet and letting his belongings scatter onto the floor. Some herbs, a wizards hat with over-sized ear holes in it, and the book he was carrying. He picked himself up off of the ground, placing the variety of things he was holding around his stationary boyfriend

"These are aphrodisiacs to promote the lovemaking experience"

he had some more time to think of his lies. Stripes placed his wizard hat on his head with relative ease, although he had to fiddle with it a bit to slide it over his large ears. He realized how stupid he must look

"This is uh.. Roleplay! You know how much I'm into dungeons and dragons."

Nailed it.

"Okay this is the final step before we can really be close. I need you to lie down like this."

Stripes curled his arms, placing them by his hips.

"I almost forgot!"

The fennec dashed toward the hyena, standing on the tip of his paws to give him a kiss

"I love you!"

The hyena reluctantly got into position, placing his arms by his side

"I'm usually okay with this sort of kinky stuff"

the hyena would finally say

"Just tell me next time okay? I promise I'll be alright with your shenanigans"

Stripes looked up at the hyena

"Of course I'll tell you next time!"

he said, returning to a position several meters away

"Now just relax your body completely"

he began to read from his book. His tone started artificial and forced, but as he continued it turned more into a monotonous drawl. As his tone changed so did the hyena's form. He turned around to face his boyfriend, but instead he saw his arms withering into string, his skin contorting, changing shape and color. The brown fur making place for purple polyester, his maw and fangs twisting and turning into the flap of the briefs. He saw the hyena's legs melding together, forming two neatly sized holes. Stripes approached cautiously, by the time he was close enough to touch him all that was left were the briefs he was wearing, that he now was. Stripes was unclear what the hyena could see, or what he could feel at all, but nonetheless bent over, picking up the briefs and dangling them infront of his face.

"Also, sorry for lying."

he was lucky he could not hear the canine's objections. He spun the hyena around his finger, beginning to take unbutton and take off his jeans "While you're like this, might as well get some use out of you"

Stripes felt the pair of briefs rumble in his hands, wondering if it was attempting to communicate with him. He decided to pay it no matter, that was not his purpose, his purpose was to hold his junk. He continued to disrobe, excitedly removing his previously worn jeans and underpants, he wondered if he should have showered before doing this. Hmph, didn't matter. It wasn't until this instant that he realized how aroused the whole situation had gotten him, pre was leaking from the base of his cock. Luckily he had something to soak that up now. He grabbed the edges of the hyena, stretching him, inspecting the patterns closer now. It was apparent that the hyena's stripes had came through on the briefs, adorable. After sufficient inspection of his boyfriend, he began to put him on. Placing his footpaw through one of the holes, and edging it slightly up his leg before wedging his other footpaw through and doing the same. He edged the underwear up his calves and thighs, taking careful precision as not to rip or tear his boyfriend. He continued to pull the hyena up past his thighs, wrapping around his butt. He made sure to wipe his pre off on the face of the underwear before completely wearing them

"You're a perfect fit!"

Stripes said, surprised by his own magical affinity. He kneaded his paws against his erect member as to make it grow even more in size, pressing against the fabric as well as ingrain his musk deeper into the hyena's material.

"Let's take you for a test drive, shall we?"

Stripes walked over to the bed, laying down on top of the covers. He removed the rest of his clothing as to only be wearing the hyena. His active wriggling and comfortable warmth only made him more erect, luckily, the hyena's material was elastic enough to allow the fennec to easily grab the entirety of his member without removing his boyfriend from the comfortable position he was in. He began to massage his own member, feeling the ex-canine wriggling around, hopefully content with his position. He began to increase speed, generating friction in his underpants, letting out moan after moan, feeling sorry that his paper-thin walls were not something thicker. The pleasure was completely consuming, his rapturous moans ended with a loud exhalation as he released inside of the hyena. Cum completely covering the front of the hyena, soaking through and out the bottom. Stripes fell back into the bed, out of breath. He was content to let his boyfriend stew in his juices, at least for a while. Stripes reached over to the nightstand, where he had placed his book.

"How long does this last anyways"

he said as he began to read aloud, past the steps he had followed

"Warning: Do not coat subject with any form of sperm or other sexual liquids - results may be permanent"

Stripes gasped, panicking for a moment, with nobody to panic to. He felt his boyfriend wriggling around, likely in panic and was filled with contentment.

"Hm, well atleast I'll always have him around, plus I have some comfy new underwear"

He removed his cum-soaked boyfriend and placed him carefully in the laundry hamper, to be cleaned and reused, again and again and again.