It's a Boy Boi Thing

Story by Jaden_Drackus on SoFurry

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A fox learns that a relationship he helped set up is having issues. Fortunately for all those involved, this particular fox is more than he appears to be. And he knows just how to fix those problems.

Ring ding.

Kit looked up from his contemplation of the diner's lunch menu as he heard the bell over the door ring. The smile that instinctively spread across the red fox's muzzle died and his ears folded down as he saw his lunch companion and their emotional state.

To an uninformed observer, the new arrival was an athletic female white tiger: lean of frame, but with some muscle to her. The curves of her hips and frim, round rump where barely visible under a dark blue skirt that covered down to her knees and a loose fitting matching top- long sleeved in spite of the warming spring weather. If that same observer was a canine, they might have noted that she was one of those females that like to wear male musk as a scent if they passed close enough. No one did on this particular afternoon, they gave her some space as she was crying. But of course, those uninformed observers would be completely wrong.

Kit quickly got to his paws and jogged to meet his companion. The fox gave him a quick hug before guiding the male tiger to the both he had been sitting at- a booth that the openly gay fox used enough that the owners had recently redone it in a rainbow motif. One of those owners came over and got their drink orders, and returned silently with their drinks and a box of tissues. Kit studied the tiger, Chris, who was a student at the nearby college where Kit was a grad student while holding a job in the Student Life office. The tiger was still too busy sobbing to tell Kit (who'd become the unofficial sponsor of the "G" and male "B" portions of the campus LBGT community) why he'd wanted to meet for lunch. Finally, among the sobs, the fox picked out "Jamie."

Kit leaned back in the booth and stared at the wall next to the tiger's head as he processed that. The Jamie in question would be the starting safety for the college football team. He was a large, well-muscled ocelot who just happened to be a closet homosexual-or at least bi, Kit hadn't quite figured that out yet. Jamie was definitely closeted though: he was open enough to attend enough meetings of the LBGT support group that Kit had managed to introduce him to Chris, but the ocelot had stopped coming. Chris had whispered to Kit that Jamie had made comments about not fitting in with the rest of the fags. There were other signs too- like Chris's dress. The tiger had only been an occasional crossdresser before dating Jamie (though he'd always like fairly reveling clothes and lacy undergarments), now he was almost always in drag. The fox reached across the table and took the tiger's paws.

"What happened Stripey?"

The explanation of that took the rest of lunch and while the tiger still looked crestfallen, he at least wasn't crying when he left. Kit remained in the booth for a few minutes staring at the happy walls that now so starkly contrasted with his mood. The fox shook his head, got up from the booth, and paid the bill with his ears turned back the entire time. The waitress who had brought Chris the tissues took care of Kit's bill, and said something about being gentle on whoever had hurt the poor tiger- Kit was apparently not keeping his anger well hidden. The fox nodded as he took his receipt. The owners of this diner were good people, very Christian-but as they'd told Kit when his sexuality came out, when the Good Lion said "love thy neighbor" he hadn't mentioned any exceptions. Kit respected that, and made sure that enough people knew about an excellent source of off campus food to repay their tolerance.

Now though, the fox was fuming as he walked the five blocks back to campus- visibly enough that a rhino couple moved out of the smaller mammal's way. Jamie. Apparently, the ocelot had lost his spot on the team due to the combination of a training injury and an incoming freshman stag who was just that good. Jamie hadn't taken it very well, and some stupid jock innuendo from teammates about Chris being part of his problem had tipped the ocelot into being rather more abusive towards his roommate and boyfriend. Jamie drank a lot now, and would pressure Chris into sex- but refused to take care of the tiger's own needs. He demanded that Chris dress in female clothes at all times, and not get nude during sex. He demeaned Chris, and insisted on referring to the tiger as a female. And he demanded that Chris lose weight and muscle to be a "proper girl." So far, there had been no physical abuse- but Kit could see it coming, particularly if the ocelot kept up his drinking. The fox growled to himself, baring his teeth at nothing. Chris might not have said anything during their lunch, but the fox knew this was his problem. He'd introduced them. He'd been the one to suggest they were good for each other. Hell, he'd even gone on their first date- which had ended with them making a fox sandwich on his apartment couch. This was his mess to fix. And he was in a unique position to do so.

Because no one ever asked how "Kit" was a nickname for William.

On the occasions when a friend was introducing him someone new, they would usually explain it away as the fox retaining his boyish good looks in his early thirties. While it was true that Kit looked like a spry fox just out of his teenage years, that wasn't where the nickname came from.

Kit wasn't an ordinary red fox. He was a kitsune. And that gave him abilities that any other fur would consider magical. He could sort out Jamie alright- sort him out good. A fox's trademark sly smile, tinged with just a hint of malice spread across the kitsune's muzzle. Across the street, a weasel pulled her cubs toward her and scurried along. Kit winced and dropped his ears. It wasn't the time to be thinking about such things, and he probably shouldn't allow himself such thoughts anyway. Not without getting some advice first.

Even for 3 AM, the dorms were quiet. Which was why no one saw the smoke like shadow that slid its way under the door of Suite 205. A moment later, the shadow coalesced in the main room of the suite into a russet red fox with gold eyes wearing a black tee shirt and jeans. For a moment, Kit stood there, gathering himself and sniffing the air. His nose wrinkled at just how strong the scent of cheap alcohol was, but after a few moments his sensitive canine senses picked out what he was looking for. The scent of tiger came from the room to his left, ocelot to his right. He thought he detected the slight hint of musk and sex, but it was old- Jamie and Chris apparently had not had sex that night. But then, if the wisp he got of salt water was correct, Chris might not even know Jamie had returned.

The kitsune bared his teeth at the fact that the tiger had cried so much he could smell it out here, but restrained himself before he could make a noise. Never again would Chris cry himself to sleep, one way or another Kit would fix this. He approached Jamie's door and allowed his physical form to dissipate for him to slip under the door. When he reformed, he found himself in a standard dorm room with bed, desk and chair. As expected, the bed was occupied by a snoring ocelot that reeked of booze. Kit padded over to the desk and slid the chair over to the bed- even without Jamie being passed out, with Kit's abilities keeping the feline asleep, there was no way the ocelot could detect him. Kit plopped down in the chair and stared at the sleeping feline.

"Alright Spotty," he whispered to himself as he closed his eyes. "Let's see what you have to say for yourself."

It took Kit several minutes to get the mental pattern right, but he eventually did and his consciousness slid into the ocelot's dreams. The fox didn't want to do this, didn't want to be in the ocelot's mind but he knew he needed to do this. His grandfather had best summarized the advice he'd gotten from his family members on how to deal with this situation: _Remember that part of fixing things is knowing when they must stay broken. Do not act in anger to fix that which never worked to begin with. _ The elder kitsune was right, of course. If Jaime truly wasn't in love with Chris, would it really be making things better if he forced them together?

And so, Kit sat next to the sleeping feline and padded through his dreams. He sorted quickly through Jamie's memories and found what Chris had told him to be correct- teammates knew that Chris was actually a male, had insulted the ocelot and flat out declared that "fags can't play football." While the coaches had unconvincingly assured him that wasn't the case (Kit, more experienced in such matters caught that they were completely indifferent to the ocelot's sexual preferences), the damage was done. The fox sighed to himself, but pressed on- he had to know the truth. And there, right on the border of the conscious and the subconscious, it was. The ocelot was dreaming of sex.

It wasn't the most vivid sex dream that Kit had ever witnessed, but it was fairly clear. Jamie was standing behind a white tiger, dressed in a yellow short skirt and tube top with yellow and blue stripes. The tiger was lean, almost thin, with a round perky bubble butt that was perfect for squeezing- or fucking. The tiger was still wearing a pair of gold lace panties, but they had been pulled aside to give the ocelot access. And accessing he was- as Kit entered the dream through Jamie's eyes, the spotted feline was already balls deep in the tiger and was pounding away. The scent of musk and the sounds of moans and growls filled the air.

Kit remained in Jamie's perspective for a moment to process the sights, sounds, and smells. Then he detached himself so that he was outside looking back at the performance. Sure enough, the tiger Jamie was fucking was a male- the flat chest and obvious bulge in the panties proved that. The tiger threw back his head to let out a lusty moan and reveled that it was indeed Chris. Jamie leaned down and whispered dirty talk into the tiger's ear before he growled and bit it. Kit heard "girl," but reserved judgement- Chris did like to blur the line between masculine and feminine. He could enjoy being called a female during sex. But the kitsune had to know for sure. And then he saw it.

Jamie's muscular arm (made larger by the ocelot's sense of himself) had reached around the tiger's waist. His paw was on Chris's bulge, caressing it through the lace of the tiger's underwear. Kit may not have had any experience with having sex with females, but he knew stroking a cock when he saw it. And then, deep in the ocelot's mind he saw the larger male contemplating the feel of the tiger's quivering maleness, marveling at the barbs, and secretly wondering if they would feel as good to him as his clearly did to the tiger. That was all Kit needed to see. He let his focus return to his own body and left the ocelot's room.

He quickly padded over to Chris's room, and this time he passed a paw over the lock to open it in a more traditional manner before he slipped inside. As he'd intended, the door creaked a little and the blanket covered lump on the bed stirred in response.

"Stripey?" the fox called quietly.

"Kit?" the tiger asked as he sat up and rubbed his green eyes. "How did you?"

"I'm a sneaky fox," Kit replied with a grin. "I picked the lock."

But the tiger wasn't _that_out of it. "It's a key card."

"True. Look, I'll explain in a minute. Right now, is Jamie here?"

Even in the dim light Kit could Chris's frown of concern. "I... Don't know," he stammered.

"Okay Stripey. Let's go check then," Kit replied and gestured for the tiger to come with him.

Chris started to throw his blankets off, then suddenly in mid motion changed directions and pulled them up to his chin. Kit's ears folded flat as he gave the tiger an incredulous glare.

"Stripey, you realize that I've already seen all you have to offer, right?" he asked in a sardonic tone.

"This is different," Chris murmured defensively, his own ears folded down in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it tiger," the fox reassured him soothingly. "Tell you what, you get up and go check on Jamie with me and then you'll see me really naked. Fair enough?"

"Okay," the tiger finally replied, uncertain of what "really naked" meant. Reluctantly, he threw the covers off himself and got out of the bed. His white fur seemed to almost glow in the dim light coming through the window as he padded over the room's desk and pulled something from the drawer.

Kit smiled broadly as the younger male passed him. "Heh. I forgot you have stipes there too."

"Kiiiitttt," Chris whined as he tried to somehow cover his groin from the fox's view and still walk. When that didn't turn out so well, he tried pulling his tail over his hip to cover his groin.

Kit sighed and strode forward and took the key card from Chris's paw and took the lead across the suite's common room. The tiger broke into an awkward jog with both his hands cupped over his groin to keep up. Kit unlocked the ocelot's room and strode in as boldly as if it was his own. The white tiger followed uneasily.

As Kit already knew, Jamie lay sprawled on his back with the covers pulled halfway up his chest, snoring contentedly. Chris paused in the doorway as the fox paused next to the bed.

"Kit," the tiger whispered urgently. "We shouldn't be in here. He'll be mad."

The fox didn't listen. Instead, he reached down and yanked the covers from the bed. Chris hissed and prepared to bolt, but the muscular ocelot didn't stir. He just lay there and snored, his nude body on full display.

Jamie wasn't as big as the bears or lions on the team, but he was big for an ocelot. He had large muscles that were clearly visible through his tawny fur and the lighter shades on his stomach. Chris could see the rows of brown spots ringed with black that wrapped around his powerful flanks and around to his back. Jamie's pink nose twitched in his sleep, sending a ripple through the black stripes on his face, and his pointed ears twitched as he murmured something. His tail, covered with spots large enough that they looked like rings, swished across the sheets. But Chris's eyes naturally fell on the bigger feline's crotch. His sheath was impressively large, the mighty tan bulge standing out even against the powerful thighs that framed it. Hanging beneath that was a full scrotum that was spotted as well. The tiger's tongue flicked out in nervousness and memory of the times he has played with those balls, that sheath, and the ebon shaft that was peaking from it a little. Jamie must have been having a good dream. Chris briefly wondered if he was part of it.

Finally, the tiger's eyes were drawn up to meet Kit's glowing green eyes. The fox studied him carefully, a serious expression on his muzzle, then he looked down at the sleeping Jamie.

"Do you love him?" the fox asked, deadly seriously.

"You dragged me in here just to ask that?" the tiger whispered. "Is this really the time?"

"Yes," Kit replied flatly. "He's abused you. Made your life hell. Tried to force you to be something you're not. Made you cry yourself to sleep. Now. Do. You. Love. Him?"

Chris choked back a sob at the rising anger in the fox's tone. He had never heard Kit like this. The fox had always seemed to be so easy going and almost care free. But now, now Chris began to worry that if Kit had no problem breaking into someone's room as they slept, he would likely have no issues doing that same someone actual harm. And yet, the fox did nothing. He just stood there and waited, his eyes on the tiger, watching him closely. Chris didn't know how to respond for a long time, because the vulpine had gone completely still. If his nose or ears had been twitching in anger, his tail thrashing, Chris could have summoned up his anger too. But the fox didn't so much as twitch his whiskers. Finally, Chris sighed.

"Yes," he whispered.


"Yes!" Chris all but shouted, suddenly not caring if Jamie woke or not. Tears began streaming down the tiger's cheek fur. "Yes, I still love him. Even after everything. I love him. I just... I just... I just wish..."

"Okay Stripey," Kit said soothingly. He reached down and tossed the covers back on the still sleeping jock. "Let's go."

Chris was still sobbing slightly as Kit closed the door to Jamie's room and walked past the tiger to look out the window. The tiger looked at the fox's back as he composed himself.

"Kit," he asked finally. "What's going on?"

"I'm here to help you," Kit said quietly without turning around. "But first I needed to make sure my help was actually needed."


"I'll show you," Kit replied. "You trusted me. Now I'll trust you, but I need two promises. Frist, you can't tell anyone about what I tell you now. No one, not even Jamie."

"Okayyy," the tiger replied, his tone half a question. "What's the second promise?"

"Try not to scream."

Before Chris could even ask why he would scream, the fox suddenly burst into flames. The tiger gasped, but clamped his paws over his muzzle as he realized he could not feel any heat coming off the fox. For a moment, Kit was completely obscured by the bright flames. Gradually, they subsided and Chris gasped again as the fox emerged.

As he'd promised, Kit was completely naked but he looked completely different. His belly fur, including his sheath and sac were as white as Chris's own fur instead of the cream that it had been. The rest of his fur had gone from an orange brown to an orange as bright as flame. The eyes that stared at the tiger had gone from green to gold. But it was the body itself that held Chris's gaze. Like all foxes, the body was lean, but the muscles were well defined, and clearly visible through the fur. But there a sense of power radiating from Kit that hadn't been there before. The fox seemed to be glowing from an internal light.

"See," the fox said quietly. "Really naked. No illusions. This is what I really am Chris, I'm a kitsune. Do you know what that means?"

The tiger had had enough philosophy and folklore courses to know about the mythical trickster foxes. He nodded, wide eyed and still holding his paws over his muzzle. Kit smiled.

"So, you see I can help you. You want Jamie to treat you better, to understand you. I can do that. Now that I know you want it. Deep down, he does as well."

"He does?" Chris asked, a glimmer of hope in his voice. Kit nodded.

The fox held his paws. In each one formed a pendent of a Mars symbol on a leather thong- one with a blue tinge to the metal, the other with a yellow. Kit pushed the yellow one into Chris's paws. The tiger took the pendant, and suddenly, he felt like it was the most important thing in the world. He would take it off only to sleep, and even then he would keep it close to him.

"What the?" the tiger frowned at his paw.

"Yeah- sorry about that," the kitsune replied. "That came from me. I need you to keep that with you at all times for the next few days. It's important, Stripey. I'm doing the same thing to Jamie."


"I can't say," Kit said with a smile that meant he wouldn't say. "We're trusting each other, remember? I promise it will be worth it." With that he vanished, much to Chris's amazement, then quickly reappeared. "Come on Stripey, let's get you back in bed."

Kit put one paw on the tiger's shoulder, and another on his rump and guided him back to bed.

"I have so many questions," the tiger said as he settled back into bed clutching his pendent.

"I'll allow one. I can answer others another time, but a certain tiger needs his sleep for his nine am class."

"Are all kitsune like you?" Chris finally asked after some reflection.

Kit sighed as he pulled sheet up over the tiger. "No. In fact, I'm considered rather odd."

"Why?" Chris asked, only then realizing that Kit was tucking in him in like he was a cub again. The tiger was more surprised to realize he didn't mind at all.

"I shouldn't answer that," Kit said with a smirk. "Technically you used your question. But since it's related I'll allow it.

"See, 'Kitsune' isn't so much a species any more. We can, and do, breed with any species we desire. I'm a pure kitsune, the product of a union between two kitsune- and that's rare, but not unheard of. It's the gay thing that makes me odd, like with you, but not in the same way. See, because we can be any species and any gender at any time, most of us just naturally become gender fluid and pansexual. At any given time I could have a mom and dad, two dads, or two moms. It's two dads at the moment. The fact that I identify exclusively as one gender is odd, and the preference for one gender (especially the same one) is odder still."

"That's why you help us? Because you know what it's like to be the odd one?"

Kit smiled and gave the tiger a kiss on the cheek. Instantly Chris was fast asleep.

"Sorry, but that's four questions Stripes," the kitsune straightened up and headed to the door. He paused there and looked back as he shifted back into his normal fox appearance. "I'll be back in a couple of days, and we'll get everything taken care of."

With that, Kit vanished from the room- the pendants clutched in each sleeping feline's paw the only indication that he'd been there at all.

The next two days passed quickly for Chris- and they were certainly better days. Jamie had cut back on his drinking, worked on his class work a good deal more, and had given Chris goodbye kisses every time he left the dorm room. Both of them wore their pendants at all times- even when they had had sex. And that had been good sex. Jamie hadn't let him undress, but he had given the tiger a reach around, making Chris cum into his panties. The tiger had to admit that whatever Kit had done, it was for the better. But it turned out that the kitsune had barely started. At breakfast on the third morning after Kit's midnight visit, Chris got a text from the fox: Be home by 11 Stripey. The tiger smiled to himself and knew he had something to look forward to for the rest of the day.

He was home a great deal before eleven. Jamie was nowhere to be found. At 11:10, the tiger began to get worried, then there was a knock on the door. Chris answered the door to find a horse he didn't know holding up an apparently intoxicated Jamie. The tiger sighed, and with the horse's help got the bigger feline to the recliner. He turned around to thank the stallion, and almost hit the ceiling as he found not a hose but Kit locking the door. The fox grinned broadly at him.

"Surprised? I told you we can be any species."

Chris swallowed and tried to keep his tail behind him so the kitsune wouldn't see that it was almost as bushy as the fox's. "What now?"

"Now, we have some fun. I've put Jamie in a trance already. Now it's your turn- if you're ready."

"A trance? Like hypnosis stuff?" the tiger asked incredulously. "What are you going to do? Swing a gold watch in front of my eyes and tell me how I'm getting sleepy?" Chris snorted.

"If you'd like," Kit replied with a huff that suggested the wounded pride of a professional. "Scoff all you like Stripey, but you already know I can do it- and without resorting to such crude measures."

"Oh yeah?" the tiger replied with an eyebrow arched.

Kit pointed "You're still wearing that pendant I gave you, aren't you?"

Chris's ears folded down.

"Yeah," he admitted.

Kit studied him. "Look Stripey, if you don't want to go through with this we can stop. I can tell Jamie to stop being a douchebag and we can stop. But I personally feel you both have a lot to gain from what I'm going to do."

"But you won't tell us what it is."

"That would ruin the surprise," the fox countered. "And the surprise when you have a new world view is half the fun."

Chris sighed, but nodded after a moment's thought. Kit had also been on the level with him, so he would trust the fox now. "Alright, I'll do it."

"Okay then," the fox said. "Look deeply into my eyes and let your mind fall into them..."

"Are you kidding me?" the tiger exclaimed even as he tried anyway.

"Of course I am," Kit said as he leaned in and gave the tiger a quick kiss on the tip of his pink nose. "Actually, I don't need to put you into a deep trance like I did Spotty over there. You'll be fully aware and remember everything, you should just start to feel a little... floaty, relaxed, and open to suggestion."

Chris nodded and a warm sensation filled him. His body seemed to become numb, as if he was floating in water. He giggled at the feeling as Kit waved at him. With some difficulty, the tiger focused on the fox.

"Did you happen to get ready back there?" Kit asked as the fox lifted his tail and pointed to his rear.

"Mmmmhmm," Chris replied with a giggle. "All ready to goooo. Though we may need some more lube if I'm gonna get tied."

"Oh you don't have to worry about me tonight," Kit replied. "Just your Spotty over there." With that, the fox vanished and Jamie stirred. The big ocelot's eyes settled on the smaller tiger and he licked his muzzle.

"Hey babe," the ocelot growled as he lifted himself off the chair. "You're looking good tonight."

"Ohhh," the tiger breathed, his tail already twitching in excitement. Then he remembered.

"You're still here, aren't you?" Chris whispered as Jamie closed with him.

"Yes. I need to stay to make sure everything goes as planned. Is that a problem?"

Part of Chris wanted to say yes, yes it was. But he couldn't bring himself to do it, he could feel his panties getting tighter at the idea of his friend watching him and his boyfriend. For half a second before Jamie's muzzle met his, he wondered if Kit had planted the idea. It didn't matter- as soon as Jamie's lips met his and the bigger feline's tongue slipped into his muzzle, there was nothing but the two of them.

Jamie's scent flowed into his nostrils sending shudders from his ear tips down to the tip of his tail. The ocelot had a woody tang to his musk that grew stronger as he broke the kiss only to begin hungrily licking and kissing at the tiger's neck and cheek ruff. Then he did the move that always got Chris to moan and shudder in ecstasy- the ocelot stuck his muzzle in the tiger's sensitive ear, gave it a long, warm lick and then gave a soft growl into it. Chris felt like he was melting into his boyfriend's arms.

After a moment, Jamie released the tiger. Chris began to turn around and reached under his tail to pull his panties aside, but Jamie put a paw on his wrist.

"Why don't you get naked?" the big cat sing song whispered into his ear. With a smile and a shake of his tail, the football player walked back over to the chair and quickly releaved himself of his own clothing before plopping down to watch the show, his ebon shaft already free of his sheath and his tongue already licking his muzzle in anticipation.

Chris didn't know what had made Jamie change his mind, but he was going to give his boyfriend a show. His sleeveless shirt came off first, showing off his lithe body. He spun to show off his stripes and lift his skirt with the motion, showing off a pair of blue panties. Then the skirt came down. Across the room, Jamie growled in appreciation as began to rub his erection with a bottle of lube that had appeared on the arm rest (and which Chris only dimly recognized as not the brand he used). Then the skirt hit the ground and only the panties kept the tiger from standing there in nothing but his stripes. Jamie slid to the edge of the chair and motioned his boyfriend forward. Chris happily obliged, stopping just in arm's reach of the chair. Jamie reached out and slid two fingers under the waistband of Chris's panties and then slowly pulled them down to reveal the tiger's own pinkish purple shaft emerging from his sheath. And then the ocelot did something completely unexpected.

He leaned forward and buried his muzzle in Chris's crotch. The tiger gasped in surprise, and then again as a lubed finger slipped into his tail hole. Chris moaned in pleasure as his boyfriend's warm breath washed over his shaft and balls as well as the finger gently working his tail hole. Jamie purred and ran his warm rough tongue over Chris's sac and sheath before working his way up the tiger's shaft. Chris moaned and shuddered at the unexpected attention, his tail twitched and he could feel his rump squeezing against the ocelot's finger. Jamie withdrew his finger and kissed Chris's groin.

"Shall we move on?" Jamie asked as he pressed his face against Chris's hip and licked the tiger's shaft.

Chris simply nodded and Jamie got up from the chair and stepped around the lithe tiger. Chris leaned down and put his paws on the arm of the chair as Jamie stroked himself as he kissed the tiger's rump and breathed on his tail hole. Chris leaned forward further to bring his rump even closer to the ocelot's muzzle and batted the bigger feline with his tail in excitement. Jamie chuckled and straightened up to let the tip of his shaft rest against the ring of Chris's tail hole. The tiger shivered in anticipation.

Then the ocelot thrust into him- a long, hard, deep thrust that left the tiger gasping and moaning in pleasure. The tiger was in ecstasy- as he had the day before Jamie was so much more attentive to the tiger than he had been previously. Jamie's paws caressed the tiger's lean sides and hips, his tail curled against Chris's leg, and he showered his mate with warm licks to the ears and neck while he thrust deep into the tiger's sensitive insides. Chris was incapable of doing anything other than moaning and panting in pleasure as little electric shocks ran through his shuddering frame with each of Jamie's thrusts.

As the ocelot picked up his pace, Chris noticed three things. First he briefly noticed that Jamie wasn't touching the tiger's throbbing and now leaking shaft. He wondered if this meant that the ocelot was returning to his old ways, but even as the thought formed it seemed he heard a voice telling him not to worry- it was part of the plan and would be taken care of soon. The second thing that Chris noticed was that Jamie was becoming gentler as he continued. That was a welcome change- not that Chris minded a good rough fuck, but Jamie's powerful thrusts could sometimes be more painful than pleasurable. Now, even as the ocelot thrust faster and faster, he motions lacked the massive power Chris had come to associate with their sex. And the third thing the tiger noticed was that it felt like the balls that were slapping against his rear were getting larger with each thrust. He had just begun to worry when the voice came again reassuring him that all this was normal, everything was fine, all would soon be made clear.

Then Jamie groaned, thrust hard, and came... and kept coming.

Chris gasped at the sensation of his insides filling up- the sensation he got when he prepared, but far more so. Jamie panted as he continued to release deep inside the tiger, and Chris could feel his boyfriend shuddering against his rear in climax as a warm feeling filled his tail hole and spread to his stomach. The tiger looked down his torso and gasped again in shock and amazement.

His flat tummy had swollen from the sheer amount of cum Jamie had pumped into him- he looked like he was pregnant- his stomach was so distended that he couldn't see his own erection. Before he could begin to panic, the warm feeling spread to his chest and made its way down his arms and legs. Soon the sensation had spread to every part of his body- even to the tip of his tail.

As it did, Chris's stomach contracted and forced the air out of the tiger with an unff. The swelling left his stomach and shot up his torso. The tiger groaned and closed his eyes as every part of him suddenly felt like it was being stretched. He had already felt heavier from the cum that had flooded his stomach, but now it felt like the weight was spreading to his entire body. He felt... denser was the only way he could describe it. It wasn't the most unpleasant feeling, but it was uncomfortable. And then, as quickly as it had begun, the feeling passed. Chris felt Jamie slide out of his rear, and the tiger winced at the visual image of a flood of semen pouring out of his rear and onto the floor. But he heard no sound to indicate that had happened. Instead he heard a chuckle.

"Open your eyes Stripey," the voice he had heard while being mated said. Chris did so to find Kit visible beside him. The fox smiled and pointed towards Jamie's door.

The door had been opened so that the full length mirror on the bedroom side of it faced into the common room. And in that mirror was the reflection of a massive white tiger.

The tiger was a head taller than the fox standing next to him, his large pectorals, massive arms, and clearly defined six pack on full display. His erection reached just past his navel, and throbbed just above a scrotum that contained two balls that looked to be the size of tangerines. Around his neck hung a blue colored Mars symbol pendant. Chris blinked his blue eyes, and sure enough, the reflection blinked too. New thoughts filled his head: an appreciation for strength training, an understanding of playing sports, and a desire to dominate other males- either by plowing their tail holes, or riding their cocks until they filled his. His balls felt heavy, like they were weights attached to his groin. Chris turned to Kit.

"That's right Stripey," the fox confirmed. "A whole new alpha you. And a boyfriend to go with."

Chris turned as the fox pointed. Jamie stood there, unmoving and unblinking, and suddenly the newly powerful tiger understood.

Jamie's massive muscles were gone. The ocelot that stood before him was smaller than Chris, lean and almost feminine. His sheath wasn't as large in proportion to his new body, and his balls appeared much smaller. Chris shook his head.

"No, not good."

"What does he need?" Kit asked with a sly smile.

"He needs a bigger, rounder butt, wider hips. And a longer shaft," Chris heard himself say to his own surprise. "I could barely get that in me. And those balls need to be bigger."

"What do you want to do?" the fox grinned even broader.

"Want to fuck him," the tiger said with a grunt. His erection throbbed and a bead of pre dripped to the floor. Jamie moaned at his boyfriend's words and turned around. The fox gently took hold of the now skinny ocelot's shoulders.

"Then go ahead," Kit replied. "But if I may offer a little unsolicited advice, how about muzzle first? Your boy here is a virgin after all, and you do have a massive tool now."

"Yes," Chris agreed as he realized that his voice was now deeper.

With Kit's guidance, Jamie dropped to his knees in front of the tiger. Chris took a step forward and dropped his shaft onto the ocelot's muzzle. The smaller feline purred and nuzzled the tiger's musky balls as pre leaked over his face. Then Jamie opened his muzzle and took Chris's shaft into his muzzle and began sucking. Chris groaned and reached down to skritch behind his boyfriend's ear as Jamie bobbed on his shaft. It wasn't the greatest blow job the tiger had ever gotten (Kit had given that), but even with Jamie's lack of experience it was in the top three (of five he'd ever gotten). The thing about it that drove the tiger wild was the rough feel of Jamie's feline tongue on his shaft as the ocelot sucked him.

With the pounding he had taken earlier, it didn't take long for the tiger to start panting as the pressure of impending climax built inside of him. He groaned and pulled Jamie's head all the way into his crotch as he released his load into the ocelot's muzzle. Jamie sucked it all down like a champ, but as his orgasm continued unabated, Chris couldn't help but wonder if the ocelot was receiving a little kitsune help. Chris felt his legs were about to give out by the time his orgasm finally subsided, and to his relief the lead weight feeling was gone from his balls. He gently pulled himself from Jamie's muzzle, and saw that despite that, they hadn't changed in size. The same could not be said for Jamie's- they had grown to the size of golf balls, and despite have cum just a few minutes ago his erection was also longer- Chris guessed it was over seven inches, up from five. His hips had grown a bit wider, and his butt was now perky and round. The pendant around his neck had changed to yellow. Jamie smiled and leaned in to hug his boyfriend's massive thighs.

"Ohhh. Thank you babe," he said gratefully. His voice had risen a few octaves, and with a little effort (as Chris's had been) could pass for a female- just as the ocelot could physically. "That was so wonderful."

"Indeed it was," Kit agreed. "You were both fantastic."

"Foxy!" Jamie squealed and leaped to his paws. He ran over and enveloped the kitsune in a hug. "I'm feeling so much better now. I feel so... so... free."

With that, Jamie reached a paw down and started to undo Kit's zipper. The fox took hold of the femboy ocelot's paw.

"Now now," he soothed. "You know you can only do that if your boyfriend approves. No being a slut for anyone but your tiger."

Jamie shook his head and blinked, as if his thoughts were just now catching up with him.

"Sorry," he said and backed up. After a moment, he padded back to Chris and embraced the big tiger. "I got carried away."

"It happens. It will take a little bit for your mind to catch up to the new you."

Jamie settled to his knees and hugged Chris around the waist. Lost in his thoughts, it took the tiger a moment to realize that the purring ocelot was rubbing his cheek against Chris's balls. Part of him recognized that his boyfriend was marking his sac and rejected that as not how things should be. But another part of him found it cute- if the smaller male wanted them to be his, so what? The larger part of the tiger's mind was dealing with a different issue.

"Kit," Chris rumbled. "Why are foxes so sexy?"

"Well, I like to think it's our devilish good looks and roguish charm. But if by that frown you mean why do you suddenly find foxes so sexy, it's just a little something I left you so you don't forget me. In case you want to go back or anything."

"Go back?"

"Of course Stripey," the fox said with a sympathetic smile. "You're a friend. I wouldn't do anything to you that can't be undone. But I think my work here is finished for the moment. Since you essentially have each other's bodies, you shouldn't want for clothes. But this weekend we can go to a place I know that caters to the bee-oh-eye set for some new outfits."

The fox turned to leave while Chris searched his new feelings. He thought of being a boi, and especially some of the clothes- he remembered them being important to him but, now they had no purchase on him.



"Can I have my love of lacy panties back?"

"Oh yesss," Jamie purred as he stood up. "We can look so pretty and sexy together with our big packages shoved into little panties."

The fox smiled and snapped his fingers. Instantly the thought of lace pressing against his sheath aroused the tiger again. The kitsune gave a bow and vanished. Chris saw a shadow slide under the door and knew Kit had indeed left. Jamie, now a dutiful submissive boyfriend had put his paw on Chris's sheath while the tiger watched the fox depart. Now Chris turned to his boi.

"So, you want that inside you, hmm?"


"Well, I have some things that can help you practice for it. We can get started if you'd like."

And with Jamie's nod of assent, the big tiger swept the femboi ocelot off his feet, gave him a log kiss on the muzzle, and carried him off to the tiger's bathroom, giggling all the way.