Abandoned Chapter 1

Story by 4mymate on SoFurry

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HEY! this is a story I originally did on my old account. I recently went on there and I really liked the story. This will be a new series based on the old story. I really hope you guys enjoy.

If you guys like this leave a comment down below!

I dropped my pack and leaned against a tree pulling out my map and comparing it to the landmarks I could see.

The narrow dirt path was walled in by a thick forest. There was a stream a few meters away with a small clearing.

"Hmm... I suppose I should set up camp before night falls."

I strayed off of the path and headed for the clearing. It was divided in half by a quietly gurgling stream. A few bushes rustled at the edges of the clearing and the wind

gently stirred leaves and branches as it meandered through the clearing.

I filled my canteen and built a small fire so I could stay warm when the cold night set in. Unfortunately the stream was too small for fish, so it looked like I'd

be eating bland oatmeal for dinner again. After weeks of eating the stuff I could barely stand it any more.

I fished a small pot and bag of oats out of my bag and set them aside along with my canteen. With a soft sigh I Stood up and looked around

maybe I could find some berries to go with my oatmeal...

I crossed the rocky creek and knelt at a bush that was a few feet back into the trees. I discovered plenty of ripe berries and began harvesting them. I was using my

bandanna as a makeshift sack when something white caught my eye through the foliage. I pulled aside the branches and saw it was a pokeball!

I pulled it out and looked it up and down. It was scratched and beat up as if it had been thrown with some force. I stood up and turned away from the trees and clicked the button.

The pokeball popped open and a gout of red light lanced into the clearing. The light took form and turned radiant white until it receded to reveal a lucario!

The pokemon was slumped over on the ground and he was very seriously injured. His fur was matted and blood was pooling under him from cuts and wound

all over his body.

I ran to him and dropped to my knees carefully rolling him over on his back. I noticed he wasn't as bad as he looked at first but his injuries were still serious.

I gently lifted his limp form and moved him to the side of the creek before fetching a first aid kit from my pack. As my panic faded, my training suddenly took

control and my hands moved of their own volition. I bathed his wounds with the cool stream water and disinfected them before bandaging them up.

I also discovered his left leg was broken so I fashioned a crude splint out of two sticks and a roll of gauze.

After what felt like hours the injured pokemon's breathing settled and all of his wounds were patched up. I still needed to get him to a pokemon center as soon

as possible but this would do for now. At least he would make it through the night and I could figure out what to do in the morning.

I carried the lucario back to my humble camp and set him on my bedroll covering him with my only blanket. I figured he would need it more than I would.

As the last rays of sunlight disappeared I stoked up the fire and rested against a tree. My dinner of oatmeal and berries lay forgotten nearby.

As I closed my eyes thoughts raced through my head.

"what happened to this lucario?"

"Why was he abandoned?"

"What will happen if I can't get him help on time?"

"will he make it till morning?"

Find out the answers to all these questions in the next thrilling chapter of "Abandoned"!