That Burning Sensation

Story by Foxular on SoFurry

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#2 of Burn

Hello and if you are reading this thank you very much^-^

Well my first chapter so far has only one rating and it isn't going to attract much attention so the rating may not improve very soon >,<

Well anyways after I post this chapter my series will officially be started and I hope that it will attract attention once that is up and that the rating will improve or at least I will get more comments ^-^

Well me talking isn't why you are here so on to the story then ^-^

♫♪♫♪ 1 hour after school ended on first day of school

Dolph lead the way through the city, navigating the streets as well as anyone who had lived on them more than they lived at home could. Vulpi was right behind him watching as his surroundings passed with mild interest. Dolph was supposedly leading Vulpi to where the gang had set up what was basically their home.

"Remember to pay attention to how we are getting there people won't always be leading you here." Vulpi already knew this but he nodded anyways. Vulpi had noticed that while the neighborhood itself looked fine there were a lot of apartment buildings that had been abandoned.

Vulpi noticed as they were approaching a building that would have looked like another abandoned apartment complex if it weren't for all the teenagers dressed in the same style milling about outside. They were all wearing black from head to toe, though some had dark colors that went well with the black as minor colors on their clothing.

Suddenly a figure came bounding out of the crowd towards them. The figure was a small thin male feline anthro who appeared to be around 14. He was covered in a creamy white fur with light brown spots over his paws and long red hair atop his head. He was dressed in the usual all black but he had red slashes his clothing in spots.

"Yay, Dolph you are back!" The cat shouted as he threw himself at the wolf. Dolph proceeded to catch him in a hug before setting him down. It was then that the cat noticed Vulpi, "Dolph who is he?" he asked pointing even though he was barely several feet away.

"That is Vulpi and it looks like he will be joining us. Vulpi this is Aric but most people call him Air because of well you saw that jump for yourself." Dolph laughed. Air was short at about 5'4'' but he was very thin to the point of appearing feminine and could possibly be mistake for female if you didn't look closely.

"About six years ago we were in the middle of a fight and he wandered out of an alley he was 10 and an orphan on the street. I made the decision we would take him in." Dolph said all this looking proud. "Oh and if you are wondering why he looks younger we believe its pry dietary issues. We weren't always able to get food until just this last year when we had a sudden jump in members."

Vulpi nodded and shook the cat's hand. "Well now that we have a new member let's celebrate! Air get us some Burn." Air nodded and quickly ran off Vulpi raised an eyebrow. He had never heard of anything called burn before and he was intrigued.

"What's Burn?" Vulpi asked.

"It's new developed who knows where, we don't care. From what we can tell this is the only city that it can be found in." Dolph responded. "It's called burn probably because one of the effects is an increase temperature and when humans take it they look like they have a full body sunburn until it wears off. Anyways it has some interesting effects and it's easy to take so just enjoy." Air was getting back just as he finished explaining and handed them both what looked to be test tubes with a red liquid in them.

Dolph opened his and drank it all in one gulp, so Vulpi followed suit, "Sounds like he knows enough about it for it to be safe." There was an almost immediate change. Everything felt sharper, clearer like all his life there had been a window and Burn had just opened it. He could see that everything was just a little brighter than he had thought.

Suddenly there was a shout from the alley behind them, "Its Hitsuki and his gang they are raiding again!!" Suddenly everyone was running and they were all at the alley they had just entered. Most of the humans had weapons and most of the nekos were standing at the ready with only their fists and for some claws to protect them.

Vulpi comprehended what was going on and bent over to reach into his boots and grab out a special type of knife that he always preferred to use for these occasions. He folded in out and put his fingers through a hole that was designed like brass knuckles, with all the fingers connected into one hole and out of the outside edge extended a long, yet manageable, curved blade. It is known as a trench knife the reason he used them was he could take care of anyone without a collar and by just changing his angle slightly he could kill anyone wearing a collar just as easily.

He held himself at the ready Air had retreated into the apartment area, which was the smart move for his size and next to Vulpi stood Dolph also at the ready with a wicked grin on his face. "Well looks like you get to see the fun of Burn tonight." Dolph said. Vulpi was about to question what he meant but then the first line of Hitsuki's gang rounded the corner.

Vulpi had thought Dolph's gang was big now he wasn't so sure Hitsuki appeared to have just as many and more than likely more that hadn't come. Hitsuki stood in the center of the alley smiling in a way that protested any thoughts that he was sane, "Well what are we waiting for lets have some fun!" Hitsuki shouted.

Both groups ran at each other simultaneously. Vulpi dead center of the mob he was with also ran knives at the ready. Vulpi knew what he was doing as soon as the crowds hit he dropped into a low stance and slid under the pipe his attacker swung at him and punched back at hitting him directly in the center of the kneecaps with his steel wrapped fists, shattering them both with an sickening noise somewhere between a crack and a crunch. Dolph had chosen a more acrobatic rout and had just used someone face as a stepping surface for a flip using it to launch him into the center of the opposing gang.

Vulpi noticed he was laughing he had enjoyed fighting before but this was different beyond enjoyment this was ecstasy. The rush of the air the smell of the blood the enjoyment of causing others pain this was something he had never felt before, it was something different, something more, and this was Burn. He wasn't about to question why he was feeling this though instead he spotted a more fun victim this one was wearing a collar. Vulpi smiled as he ran towards the neko who was already busy fighting and put a blade on one side of his stomach and pulled it across to the other with little resistance. This was followed by a wet smacking sound as his intestines started spilling out of him onto the tar of the alley.

Vulpi was laughing hysterically at this point nothing had ever felt this good before he was hooked on this burning ecstasy that was filling him. A human male charged him and he punched him in the throat, careful not to damage his windpipe too much as he didn't have a collar, Vulpi then punched him in the chest feeling the vibrations as ribs cracked under his knives.

It proceeded as such until about 10 minutes into the fight then a rather large bull anthro carrying a sledgehammer charged at him. The bull swung the hammer in a large horizontal arc and it hit Vulpi in the ribs hard it sent him across the alley until he managed to prop himself up on the wall. Then he realized something , he hadn't felt a thing which was very strange, if he had been human that blow would have carried right through his ribs into his chest as it was he pry had several broken. Then he realized and smiled and said, "Burn" as he went into another hysterical laughing fit.

He ran directly at the bull, who with such strength obviously had an ego to match and wore a collar. The bull took another horizontal swing but this time Vulpi rolled further in and the hammer swung over him and into a small human. The hammer wasn't as merciful to him as it had been to Vulpi and it carried through his ribs into his chest, as the skin ripped open around the hammer showing everything that happened to the world. Vulpi stood up directly in front of the bull and stabbed him between the ribs on both sides right where his lungs should have been but the blades only made it halfway in before the bull head butted him sending him stumbling back. The bull turned and charged back out of the alley holding his sides where blood was seeping out.

Most of Hitsuki's group was already gone and those who remained were either trying to run or lying on the ground bleeding Hitsuki himself was nowhere to be seen.

Ok so this chapter isn't fully finished I had hoped to move things on a bit more get some more interaction with people maybe a couple more characters of importance but recently I took a highly severe head injury of such force that it caused a major artery in my head to hemorrhage. I didn't intend for this chapter to be all about the fight and it won't be I just need a couple more weeks for my head to clear up enough to write.

Wouldnt post this if i didnt feel bad about waiting so long to get it out but its something i will post the final version when i post the next chapter this chapter will be revised and expanded