A Dolphins Crush: in the Beginning pt 1

Story by dolphin-y2k9 on SoFurry

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this is my first story on YS so please leave some comments on how to improve if you think it needs it

constructive critisism if you please:)

it's another wet day, hell its wet every day since being a dolphin means you live in the sea. what i mean is that its raining up top again, an unusual event that i have never relly fully understood.

the flashes of lightning illuminate the dark ocean down to depths of 20 feet and the thunder roars below the waves. its almost deafening underwater but you get used to it.

i was swimming back from my hunting place just before the storm hit so i got a good meal. as i was swimming back, the continual lightning flashes illuminated the rock faces, casting twisted errie shadows on the sea bed that looked very menacing in the dim light that followed.

Home, an unusual word that has many forms of meaning from species to species and locale.

my home has a few rocks scattered about the place and a kelp bed for me to sleep under and a flat area of sand where i enjoy lazy sunny afternoons where i like to doze off. there is also a small cave nearby where i hide from predators that come my way

when ever i sleep i am plagued by the same dream. i see my friends mocking me about staying a virgin and never getting any sex in my life. i have heard this in reality as well but just laughed it off as a joke but i'm beginning to think there is truth to their words.

oh i haven't told you my name yet, my names Tony and i'm a 21 year old healthy, male, single, bottle-nose dolphin. i have a great sense of humor and havn't had a girlfirend since i was around 11. But at that age your not really thinking about sex, but since now i am adult, it seems to be on my mind a bit, i just want to settle down with a nice mate and raise a family. speaking of family, my family has had a few tragic event in the last few years by grandfather died 3 years back in the most terrible storm to date he was thrown from the shallows and beached about 3 meters up the beach try as he might he couldn't get himself back to sea and eventually died. some humans tried to help but there could only do so much without the aid of heavy lifting equipment.

my sister who is 32 died giving birth to what would be my niece. yes, my niece died too, about a week after birth because her mother died and there were no other females present to give milk so she starved. its really tragic really, my mother died about a week ago and i'm still not quite over it yet, and my father was involved in a shark attack and had his tail almost bittenoff so his mobility is now extremley stunted, he can't go out alone because he knows that the shark responsible will finish him off if he does.

oh well thats about it for my family time to go to sleep...

Next Day

The next day was a beautiful one the sunlight puched through the surface bringing life once again to the underwater world, fish flit about the rocks and the seals glide through the waters with as much grace as i do.

its days like these i enjoy spending time at Coral Forest, which is named after the coral that rises in columns as high as 20 foot, kinda like trees.

there is a coral 'arch' that is said in a myth that if you swim up and round it 3 times you'll get what your heart desires. This 'myth' is a load of crap, i've been doing this for about 2 years now and i haven't got what my heart desires. although my friends claim they have had their 'blessing' from this myth but i really can't say if i believe them, i mean, i haven't exactly hung with them much in recent weeks so i guess you could say we are a bit distant now. we say high now and then but that is probably about it now as what they said about me not 'getting any' did really hurt a bit and i don't think i will forgive them for it. yeah a jokes a joke but if you keep repeating it, it oversteps that line between joking and bullying.

as i neared the arch, i saw 'her'. 12 ft of unimaginable beauty. i quickly hid behind the arch. did she see me? i thought no she couldn't of or she would round here already.

i closed my eyes and imagined that supreme sender body, that powerful muscular tail, those lovely...white ...teeth...

despite that i haven't known 'her' personally, i do find her really attractive, even more so than all the other females put together. something about her just makes me feel really happy and for some reason quite randy, i don't know what is is about her. hell i don't even know her name, i have never asked because i was too scared to

" Um... are you ok?" she asked

it was her so she did see me.

'um yeah im fine why? i asked politely

"well," she said its just that you have a..."

i met her gaze and followed it. she was staring at my protruding cock that was out its entire length.

"umm...Bye" i said rather quickly and just swam off at high speed withou another glance back.

when i was about a mile out of coral forest i looked down and still saw my penis fully erect secreting pre-cum. i noticed a nearby rock with moss on, nice and smooth moss.

i swam over to the rock and closed my eyes. i imaginged that i was fucking that beautiful pussy, i rubbed my cock alll over the rock. it felt heavenly. after a few more thrusts i let out a scream and shot my load on to the rock which was quickly washed away and turned the water cloudy.

that felt good i though to my self. its not quite the same as fucking a female, but it will have to do for now.

i heard a noise in the distance and saw 'her'

she was coming this way,

shit i though to myself, do i stay or swim away?

if i saty i may have to explain why i had an erection in a pulic place and worse still over her, if i swim i risk losing her(but she is so beautiful)

stay, swim, stay, swim

i must decide NOW!