Aedynn and JD: The Quest for Intelligence

Story by Evie_Wuff on SoFurry

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They ran as fast as they could toward the boulder, jumping and landing just as laser fire shot past them. JD looked over at Aedynn.

"You just had to pick a fight, didn't you, Aedynn?"

Aedynn glared back at him.

"Shut up JD, if I hadn't, you would have. Okay, when it's safe I want you to run to the ship while I keep them busy, then you come get me, alright?"

JD raised his eyebrow.

"Okay, but make sure you keep them stalled long enough this time."

Aedynn pulled out her gun and ran in the direction the laser fire had come while JD ran to the ship. He got inside and stared up The Assasin. He found Aedynn on the screen and went to get her. Aedynn was running around shooting in random directions, but then her gun was shot out of her hand. JD looked at her and shook his head. She was running around and dodging the fire. JD lowered The Assasin and ran outside to save Aedynn's butt. One of the "idiots in black" had her cornered. Aedynn looked at JD, and the man with the gun looked behind him and noticed JD standing there. Aedynn saw her chance, and she ran as fast as she could, with one of Ghalliger's other minions right behind her. JD knocked out the first guy and ran after Aedynn. He blindly shot out and Aedynn fell to the ground. He shot again and the other guy fell, and JD ran to Aedynn.

"Shit, are you okay?"

Aedynn slowly turned her head and glared daggers at JD.

"NO I'm not okay! You shot me in the ass!"

Aedynn got to her feet as fast as she could and ran at JD. He ran screaming toward The Assasin. He dove inside with Aedynn right at his heels. She landed on top and started beating him.


JD tried covering his face as well as he could.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was trying to help you! Knock it off!"

JD threw Aedynn off of him. Aedynn looked at him irritably.

"Stop looking at me like that, Aedynn, it was an accident. Now, where do you want to go next?"

Aedynn thought for a moment.

"Eh, try somewhere around the Starger area this time. Maybe we wont run into any of Ghalliger's little helpers there."

Aedynn scowled bitterly at the thought of him. Ghalliger...the one person she hated more than anyone, and he'd been chasing them for over a year. She didn't know why, but he wanted her and JD dead for some reason. She didn't even know JD when Ghalliger started after her. They just became friends after a bar fight they had. She broke both his legs, and JD broke her jaw. They bonded in the hospital, and ever since JD started helping Aedynn, Ghalliger just decided he needed to die too. JD looked over at Aedynn.

"So what do you think we'll find this time?"

Aedynn looked at JD.

"I don't know, hopefully a more hospitable planet than the last one."

JD smiled and set the ship on autopilot.

"I'm going to try and sleep for a while, you staying up?"

"Yeah, I'll wake you up in a little bit."

Aedynn sat there, wondering when they would be able to stop all of the running. She was getting so tired of it all. So

Aedynn woke up to JD shaking her.

"I thought you were going to wake me up. What happened?"

Aedynn rolled her eyes at him.

"Obviously I fell asleep. I'm sorry; I didn't realize I was that tired. Is everything okay?"

JD winced a little bit.

"Well, not exactly. I had to make an emergency stop. I think we have a fuel leak or something, because the ship is dry."

Aedynn sighed.

"Great. Just what we need. Do we still have some money, or do we need to get some?"

JD checked his bag.

"A little bit, but getting some would be good, we need to stop somewhere and eat anyway."

Aedynn and JD walked around for a while, and they finally found someone, but when they tried to talk to him, the guy just yelled at them angrily in some weird language. JD looked at Aedynn.

"Okay, we go to plan B."

"And what would that be, JD?"

"Walk around some more."

They walked around until they found what looked like a club or a bar of some sort. They walked in the doors and looked for a somewhat friendly looking person. They split up and talked to random people, and most of them were rude to them. They met up in the middle.

"Find anyone to help, Aedynn?"

"Of course not. Why would we find someone who could help us? We need money, so automatically we're not going to find it."

"Did you two say you needed money?"

Aedynn and JD spun around and looked at the speaker. He looked about six foot, green hair and horns, and he was wearing a purple suit. JD leaned over to Aedynn.

"The Joker returns!"

Aedynn snickered and the man spoke again, ignoring JD‘s comment.

"Allow me to introduce myself: I am Randall. Did I hear you two say you needed money?"

JD and Aedynn looked at each other. JD spoke back to Randall.

"Yeah, can you hook us up?"

Randall smiled.

"No, but I know who can. There's a woman named Selena about two blocks from here. Go and knock on the door, she'll help you out."

JD thanked him and went in the direction he told them to go. Aedynn was skeptical.

"Come on, you really think she'll just give us money?"

JD turned to her and sighed.

"Do you have any better ideas? I sure don't, so why don't we just give it a try?"

Aedynn nodded, but was still a little weary.

They got to the building and knocked on the beaten up door. No sounds came out, so JD knocked again, and this time it opened, but there was nobody on the other side. JD called out, but there were still no sounds coming from anywhere. They both felt a hand on one of their shoulders. They screamed and jumped around. The woman smiled at them and barely kept from laughing. Aedynn looked at JD, and he was still white, so she spoke.

"Um, are you Selena? Some guy told us to come here and..."

The woman cut her off.

"Yes, I am Selena, Randall has already informed me of your need, and I'd be happy to help you. Come, follow me, you both must be hungry."

She smiled and led the way outside. JD followed, practically drooling, and Aedynn kept her eyes open. She still wasn't sure about this woman. Selena led them to another building and knocked on the door. A small panel slid open and someone looked out at Selena, then closed the panel. The door opened and they all walked inside. Aedynn and JD sat down and Selena ordered something for them.

"JD, I just don't know about her."

JD looked at her in disbelief.

"Oh come on! You can't be serious! Someone is nice enough to help us, and you're still not grateful?"

Aedynn smirked.

"JD, your male side is showing. Why was she so eager to help us? You just don't care because to you she's just a hot chick offering you free food, Pig Boy."

JD smiled at her.

"Aedynn, trust me on this one, what could possibly go wrong?"

Fifteen minutes later Aedynn was again the live bait while JD found the ship, but this time he had to do a quick fix and a gas up. ‘It's ok,' Aedynn thought to herself, ‘She's just a girl, right?' Selena was chasing after Aedynn and firing at her. When Selena had went to the bathroom and not returned for a while, Aedynn grew suspicious and went to find her. Aedynn found her talking to Ghalliger on a communicator, and Aedynn ran back out to tell JD. When she's opened the bathroom door, she felt someone grab her arm.

"I don't think so, Aedynn."

Aedynn panicked and elbowed Selena in the ribs, sending her to her knees. She ran back to JD.

"Go get the ship, Selena's in line with Ghalliger."

JD just looked at her confused.

"What do you want me to do, we still need to fix the leak and..."

"Well, JD, you're going to have to make it a quickie. I'll distract Selena as long as I can. Just hurry up, I have my communicator with me, so you can tell me where to meet you, now move!"

Selena was coming up to them with a gun pointed at them. JD ran and Selena tried to follow him, but Aedynn threw a glass at her, and ran. Now she was being chased and fired at once again. Selena kept yelling things at her, but she didn't here most of it, she just concentrated on running.

"Get back here!"

Aedynn looked back, and noticed Selena kept getting closer and closer. She picked up the pace and ran into an alley. When Selena rounded the corner, Aedynn was nowhere in sight.

"Okay, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Your choice."

Aedynn threw her un-loaded gun at Selena's head and climbed the rest of the way up the building, Selena now not far behind. She jumped the small gap to the next building and swung herself down the fire escape, but Selena wasn't behind her that time. Aedynn thought she'd lost her, but then she felt someone tackle her and pin her to the ground. Sure enough, it was Selena.

"You've lost, just make my job easier and tell me where JD went."

Aedynn thought of how she could escape. Selena had a tight grip on her, and she thought she was running out of options when her communicator rang. Selena backed off with a confused look on her face, and Aedynn pushed her with all of her strength. Selena went flying off of Aedynn, and Aedynn ran. She heard Selena scream, and she looked back. Selena was behind her, gaining speed.

She picked up her communicator.

"JD you better have that stupid thing fixed!"

"Calm down, I see you, just stop moving for a minute."

Aedynn yelled at him.

"Does it look like I can stop? The Amazon is right behind me!"

JD scoffed.

"So pull a drop, and I'll swing down."

Aedynn snapped shut her communicator. She hadn't thought about that. She slowed down her running and looked up to find JD. He was right above her. She looked back and Selena was about ten feet away from her. At five feet Aedynn stopped, turned around and got into a crouched position.

Before Selena could stop, she tripped over Aedynn and went flying. JD went lower and Aedynn jumped up to grab a hold of the door. She jumped inside and looked down at Selena. She was banging her fists onto the ground and yelling up at the ship. Aedynn closed the door and went to find JD. He was sitting down, the ship set to autopilot, so Aedynn flopped down next to him and they sat in silence.


"Any idea where we're going?"

"Not really, JD. I just set it to auto. We'll land eventually and we're fully armed, so it'll be alright."

JD rolled his eyes at her.

"Yeah, that's what you said last time Aedynn...and because of you I've been shot at, chased, thrown in jail, busted out and chased some more, and I've even been spit on..."

"Oh for fuck's sake, you enjoyed every minute of it, plus you're not the one who got shot in the ass, which I forgot to thank you for by the way."

JD smiled thinking back on the whole ordeal. True, he had shot her with a 30'BSR, but she'd gotten in the way.

"Oh shut up about it, it was an accident and I said I was sorry."

Aedynn muttered something under her breath.

"What was that Aedynn?"

"Your mother."

"Wow Aedynn, that's original. You think of that one on your own?"

Aedynn looked at JD for a bit wondering whether or not she should keep going or not. She knew she wouldn't win this one out of sheer laziness, so she kept quiet.

JD couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"What's the matter? Can't think of anything else to throw out there?"

JD pushed the wrong button...

"You goddamn egotistical regurgitated cum bubble from a penis fart! Sit down and shut up for two seconds you fire-breathing, tit-juggling thunder-cock from hell! HA HA! Now what, huh!?"

JD stopped laughing finally and got up off of the floor, wondering where she'd gotten that one. He knew better than to ask, but his curiosity finally got the better of him.

"Where in the hell did you pick that one up?"

Aedynn looked at him and smiled.

"...your mother..."

JD rolled his eyes.

"Okay...I give."

There was a beep from the control room, signaling that the scanner had picked up waves from a nearby planet.

"Well look, somewhere new to play. Which one is it JD?"

JD frowned at the screen.

"The scanner picked up a location but nothing else. Seems a little shifty to me, but what do you think? Should we check it out or keep going?"

"Oh hell JD, we can't get in any more trouble than we've been in before, can we?"


Three hours later they were once again running back to the ship while dodging gunfire.

"Okay Aedynn, anymore bright ideas?"

"Shut up and get on the god damn ship!"

"You know, why don't you pick the next location JD?"

JD looked at Aedynn and raised his eyebrows.

"But Aedynn, you're doing so well. You keep choosing for a while...Eh, at least I didn't get spit on this time."

"Well, we need to stop for gas, so if you have any preferences speak now."

JD shook his head.

"Aedynn, lets just stop at the next one, gas up, and be on our merry way."

Aedynn set the coordinates for quadrant seven and put it on autopilot. She sat down and then finally realized how tired she was.

"JD, can you keep an eye on things for a while?"

"Yeah, I figured you were kinda tired. Go ahead and take a nap, things will be fine.

When JD looked over Aedynn was already asleep.