A For Effort

Story by AstroSecant on SoFurry

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#2 of Self-Improvement

Part two of three. Another study of contrasts, this time within one of the previous pairs. Tensions are high all over the place this time, for a variety of reasons. In some cases, this tension will break things; in others, it might be relieved. Not all change is for the better, but sometimes it takes a bit of breaking to start with the remaking.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between two males, non-sexual abusive behavior, and extreme delusions.

It had been almost a year since Ral and Zeke had been back in Talmaran and to them it was almost like they had never left. Ral's parents enjoyed his visit, catching up with him and marveling at his experiences. His dad had remarked that he'd been tempted to go out and try to get himself into shape like Ral was, though at his age Ral doubted he could manage it (though of course he wouldn't say that to his face). Getting some nice home-cooked meals was a big bonus, too, and both he and Zeke feasted liberally on their favorite foods. It almost had them tempted to stick around for a long time, but the call of the world wasn't going to be ignored for long.

Before that happened, though, there was still one piece of business that needed taking care of. So on a bright sunny afternoon, they set out towards their destination: Gus's house.

"I almost forgot what it feels like walking on pavement," Zeke remarked as they walked. "Definitely doesn't feel as nice as grass, but it's better than some of the environments we've traveled for sure."

"Well, you probably wouldn't notice as much if you wore shoes like I did," Ral replied with a chuckle.

"Whoever heard of a Charmeleon wearing shoes? If you can't feel the ground on your feet something's wrong, in my book. Doesn't make it easy to travel, still...but it's not like you don't know what I'm talking about, I remember when you had to go without shoes for almost a month."

"It was torture. My feet just aren't as tough as yours, I'll grant that. But that's why I wear shoes."

"Eh, I'll take the discomfort over the lack of sensation. But speaking of discomfort..." Zeke smirked devilishly. "I heard Mom and Dad asking if you were sexually active. How did that feel?"

"Awkward. Like you needed to ask."

"Yeah, but I notice you were pretty coy about how you answered, made it sound like something that happened once in a blue moon. What, you didn't want to tell them about getting triple-teamed just last weekend?"

"I'm not gonna tell them about that!" Ral flushed a bit, it was hard not to remember how Zeke had arranged a surprise encounter with a Sceptile, Blaziken, and Greninja. That had been a wild and exhausting experience for sure. "I doubt that they'd want to know anything about the details, that would just be...wrong! Besides, I don't want them getting the wrong idea."

"What, that you crave Pokémon dick? Ain't nothing wrong with that."

"I don't want them to think I'm a slut or something! Better they just don't know anything specific..." This was always the one thing he had struggled with since he'd finally given in and had his first encounter with a Pokémon several months ago, and the subsequent several encounters nice. Ral wasn't about to claim that he didn't enjoy it, but he didn't want anyone getting the impression that he just fucked anything that came along. He himself tended to stick to simpler things, but Zeke was more adventurous and set him up in a few situations that were over his head. Again...not bad in the slightest, but...

"You gotta stop caring what people will think about that. You'll enjoy it a lot more if you just think of yourself."

"You say that, but people start talking, and the next thing you know you've got a reputation. And that kind of reputation doesn't lead the best places."

"Oh, to heck with them. You like it, and they like it, so what's the big deal? You humans make no sense sometimes."

"I'm not gonna argue that, but I'm still one of them. Maybe having a reputation with Pokémon isn't so bad, but they're different."

"Damn right. You know you already do, right?"

"Wait, what?"

Zeke snickered. "Oh, yeah. You're known as one of the most satisfying human lays there is. You know how rare it is that a human can match up against a Pokémon in unarmed sparring? Now imagine you're a Pokémon and someone that strong lets you dominate them. It's fucking awesome, nothing makes a Pokémon happier than feeling strong, and being the dominant half against a strong partner is practically the ultimate expression of that."

"So that's why I started getting random propositions. Lordy, I'm gonna have to watch my ass."

"Ah, don't worry so much. Not like they're gonna go all rape time on you or anything. Any that even hinted at that would probably get their tails kicked to hell and back before they could lay a hand on you. Not many who would want to lose their chance at you because you got traumatized by a Pokémon, you know?"

"The more I learn about Pokémon culture the more confused I get." Ral sighed. "Not that human culture is that much simpler...as Gus will be all too happy to demonstrate, I'm sure.

"Oh, yeah. Remind me again why we're bothering with this?"

"Because I promised Gus when I left last time that I'd give him a rematch when we got back. It was pretty much the only way I could get him to stop griping. I know you're not thrilled about that, but look on the bright side, it's not gonna be a hard battle."

"Hmph. That's if Coal can even put up a pretend fight. The moment he sees me he's gonna feel like a bitch all over again, and that's gonna be tough for him to fight. But I don't think he could do worse than he did last time, so whatever."

"Gus might have a few words about what you did, Zeke. What're you gonna tell him if he takes you to task for what you did?"

"He can complain all he wants about it, Coal was gonna do it first. He'll have to answer for that, prove that he wasn't the one who put Coal up to it. If he did, he's gotta stay quiet about it. If he didn't, well, Pokémon can deal with their issues the way they want."

Ral didn't really press the matter further; Zeke was going to have to deal with it if it came up, but he'd do it his own way regardless of Ral's input. There wasn't really anything Gus could do about it either way, as long as the trainers weren't involved there weren't any real laws about how Pokémon, even trained ones, could interact with each other. He just hoped that Zeke would have enough sense not to cause trouble over it...but although Zeke was a bit of a hothead in ways, Ral had known him long enough to trust his judgment.

It wasn't much longer before they reached the property Gus's family owned. There was no more renovation going on, fortunately, but the house remained obscenely large, and it looked like they'd acquired even more land from the neighbors. There were a couple of Pokémon toddling about on the grounds, and Ral noticed with consternation that they all looked overweight and out of shape. He heard Zeke snort in disgust. "Great...more fatties."


"Ugh...sorry, Ral, but you know what this does to me. I can't just not be bothered by it."

"I know you're not a fan of the image of overweight people, but that's pretty hurtful. Not everyone's going to be in good shape, and they're not bad people because of it."

"I know!" Zeke replied a bit irritably. "You know I don't say it to their faces...unless they piss me off first. But I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I'm all lad-dee-dah about it. You know I'm not gonna do that, Ral."

Ral did know it; he was kind of a 'safe outlet' for Zeke, a place for him to speak freely and openly about anything. Ral had given him a promise, no matter what he wanted to say, Ral would let him say it to him. "I'm not stopping you...I just wouldn't feel right if I didn't speak my own mind."

"Hm. Fair enough." Zeke grumbled a bit, but he understood Ral's position...his trainer didn't like making enemies or hurting people, and even in private he didn't like being mean, talking behind their backs. Zeke had no such qualms, but he respected his Ral too much not to attend to his wishes a little. He made a mental note to try to tone it down a bit as they approached the door to Gus's house.

Ral rapped on the door, and waited. It took a bit of time for anyone to respond, but finally the door opened and Gus revealed himself. He was even more portly than before, and looked to be breathing a bit hard, a clear sign of how out of shape he was. It was tough for even Ral to keep an even expression at the sight. "H-hey, Gus! It's been a while, how are you?"

Gus's scowl was darker than Ral had ever seen it, a shock compared to what he'd been like last time. "Oh...you're back. Hmph...well, you ruined everything once already, guess you weren't happy enough with that."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, don't act like you don't know! Lemme guess, you just want another 'friendly battle' so you can curb stomp me again? Well fine, go ahead! Not like I have a reputation or anything!" He turned towards the house and practically screamed "COAL! Get your ass out here and lose already!"

"Dude...Gus, you practically demanded that I come back for a rematch when I left last time. This was your idea-"

"Shut up! I don't know what the hell you did, but you broke Coal! Now he sucks and it's all your fault! If I'd known what you were gonna do to cheat me out of a victory I'd never have wanted you to come back!"

Ral cast a glance back at Zeke, who simply shrugged. It was a bit of a frustrating moment for him, he didn't want to expose his partner's actions but if they'd really done something wrong, they needed to answer for it and try to make things right. He was just about to try to speak up and find a middle ground when Coal appeared at the door. "Gus, I...whoa, what?"

Zeke's eyes widened at the sight of the other Charmeleon. Coal's trajectory seemed to be the opposite of Gus's; he'd lost a considerable amount of weight, not all of it but enough to be obvious, and he looked like he'd done some work on his claws that mode them look noticeably sharper. He also looked extremely stressed out, his eyes were tired and tinged with something else...sadness or shame, possibly. Certainly, the moment he saw Zeke, anguish crept into his expression; there was no question he remembered.

There were no words exchanged as they walked out to the grounds, setting themselves at opposite ends. Ral and Zeke could tell that, as nasty as Gus had been to them, he was even harsher to Coal, barely looking at him the whole time and giving him the worst of death glares when he did. It was a shocking turn from the last time they'd visited, and neither one of them liked it one bit - even the pathetic display from before was less gut-wrenching than this hostility.

The two Charmeleons stepped forward to square off against each other. Ral's eyes flickered between them and Gus, watching for any sign that the other boy was putting them on - he still couldn't believe that this was really the duo that had been so confident and jovial before. Zeke was focused on Coal, who'd seemed to shake off the disturbance from seeing Zeke again and was now looking at him with a focus he'd not seen in the other before.

The two squared off, facing each other down silently. Gus seemed to barely be paying attention, and there was no cue coming from him to take charge; nevertheless Coal made the first move, leaping forward into Zeke with claws bared. Zeke rapidly dodged with a step back, using Coal's momentum against him to grab and throw him to the ground, sending him skidding for a few feet. He rose again, a bit slowly but shaking off the blow rather rapidly and turning to face Zeke again.

His mouth opened, and a stream of fire emerged, much larger and more robust than the last time they'd faced off. Zeke met it with his own, the flames clashing in the air before Coal's were overpowered and he received a faceful of fire. Zeke kept the stream up, but was surprised by Coal charging through the flames to tackle him before he reacted, taking him to the ground and slightly winding him. Coal tried to deliver another blow to him on the ground, but Zeke managed to throw him off and get back to his feet, cursing quietly to himself; that was an amateur mistake in his eyes, though he was kind of glad his foe actually took advantage of it.

Coal came for him again, trying to grab him and force him to the ground again, releasing a couple of fireballs to obscure Zeke's vision. But Zeke was ready this time, he was good at fighting while blinded and he used his tactile senses to get the edge. Getting just the right grip on Coal, he jumped into the air, carrying the other Charmeleon along, then hurled them into a half-flip. His foot jammed against Coal's chest, and with another hot burst he pushed them downwards, stomping Coal into the ground hard. He let out a cry on the impact, and while Zeke did a nifty little backflip off of him and landed safely on his feet, he lay there wheezing hard, completely gassed by the blow.

Claws clicked against the ground near his head...Coal opened his eyes, expecting to be berated again for a lousy performance. But instead, he saw Zeke standing over him, holding out his hand, actually grinning slightly. "That was actually an entertaining match. Nice job."

The poor Charmeleon looked bowled over by the compliment, so much so that it took him a fair bit to actually take the offered hand. As he was pulled off the ground, he rubbed the dirt off of himself clearly flustered. "Um...th-thanks. I...I didn't think you'd like that..."

"It was miles better than last time. You've got a long ways to go to really challenge me still, but you actually knew what you were doing out there. I wasn't expecting that, honestly, but I'm glad I saw it."

"Wow...um, thank you..."

"Useless garbage!" The three of them jumped a bit at the screechy shout from Gus. The portly boy's face was deep red with anger. "Can't even win a simple battle, humiliated worse than ever! Trying to embarrass me and make me look bad! Why don't you just go jump into the lake and take a deep breath already?"

"Gus!" Ral exclaimed, his voice sharper than Zeke had heard it. "That's out of line!"

"Shut up, Ral! This is your fault anyway, and don't try to tell me what to do!" Turning on his heel, Gus stomped off, heading back up to the house yelling and cursing semi-coherently. They could only watch as he stomped up on the door and slammed it hard, making the windows rattle.

It was a display Zeke couldn't believe, even as little as he thought of Gus. "What is he, nuts? That was a way better battle than before..."

Coal sighed dejectedly. "He...doesn't really like me anymore."

"The hell is his problem? Ral, see if you can't talk some sense into him. I want a bit of one-on-one time with Coal here."

Ordinarily Ral would've knocked again, but he was a bit out of sorts after Gus's latest outburst. He could tolerate a lot of stupid, and a lot of mean, but once you started telling your Pokémon to kill itself you went too far. Thus he wasn't really caring about barging into the house and trying to follow Gus upstairs. It wasn't hard to figure out where he was, he made a ton of noise thanks to his weight; he scaled up the stairs and entered Gus's room, a huge area that looked like a lounge, with a big-screen TV, lots of game consoles, a high-end computer, and plenty of food and food wrappers. Gus was fuming in the corner, muttering and kicking something. "Go away, Ral, leave me alone."

"First we have to have a little chat, Gus. You can't say things like that."

"Why not? He should kill himself. He's worthless. Your stupid Charmeleon said so himself. And worthless Pokémon should just get out of the way of the good ones."

"That's horrible! How could you think something like that? And to say it to your Pokémon, that's outright abuse, you could get your license suspended for that."

"I don't care! Doesn't matter if those idiots let me have a license or not, I'll do whatever the hell I want! You can't hold greatness down! Not even you, Ral!"

"Not even...what the heck are you talking about?"

"It's your fault this happened! I'm not gonna forgive you, Ral. You ruined Coal!"

"I don't know what you're talking about. He looks good...he looks a lot better than last time we were here, if I'm being honest. He put up a real fight...I wouldn't say he's ruined, I'd say he's on the right track."

"Well, he's not! He sucks now! He was my best buddy before, and now he's just...garbage! I wish you'd never come around, he'd be like he always was and everything would be all right!" Gus's huffing and stomping around was starting to make some of the items around the room shake a bit, and that was getting Ral nervous.

"Gus, I don't understand you. You've got a Pokémon who's really working to get better, why are you being so nasty to him?"

"He's not working to get better! He won't eat my treats, he stays up late outside, he doesn't watch my shows with me anymore, all he does is waste time fighting stuff! He won't do what he's supposed to!"

This caught Ral off-guard. "Wait, he's...he's doing this on his own? You're not training him?"

"He won't let me train him! I've been trying to get him to stop all this nonsense and get back to letting me run things like he should, but he refuses! My other Pokémon listen to me just fine, but he just won't do it! He'll never be a good Pokémon if he doesn't listen to his trainer, and it's such bullshit that he won't listen to a trainer like me!"

"Now, that's not very fair. He's doing a lot of hard work to better himself, and you don't seem to appreciate the effort he's making-"

"I don't appreciate HIM? He doesn't appreciate me! I've given him a dream opportunity, and he spits in my face! And bettering himself? Hah! He's just wasting time doing what every other failure on the planet does! I tried punishing him for it and he still does it! It's like he doesn't want to be trained by the best trainer in the world!"

"The best...come on, Gus, you can't be serious. That's something even the most famous trainers would be hesitant to claim."

"Yeah, because they aren't! Because I am! Everyone else sucks because they don't do what I do for my Pokémon!"

"What do you even do? Sit on your ass and stuff them full of snacks? Give them absolutely no battle experience? Come up with ridiculous techniques that would barely work in fit Pokémon? Gus, I've been trying to be nice, but what do you really think you're doing?"

"You're just too ignorant and stubborn, Ral! You just don't get it! Maybe if you actually tried to stick around and learn from your betters, you'd get somewhere in life! My strategies are flawless, and my Pokémon are going to succeed in ways you could never imagine! You only beat me because you cheated, you cheated last time and you broke Coal to cheat me again!"

The sheer denial was baffling to Ral. He'd thought Gus had been bad last time, but this seemed to have kicked the insanity into overdrive. "You're completely crazy if you think this is gonna get you anywhere! All your Pokémon are out of shape, and they won't know what they're doing out there! My god, have you ever studied what training is about? Ever read any materials by professionals, or talked to any experts? What you're doing here is-"

"You don't get it!" Gus screeched, cutting him off. "I'm the greatest trainer that's ever existed! All those other little shits are wasting their time, I'm not going to waste mine listening to them and doing all the stupid stuff they do that's wrong! I know, you're just jealous, you can't handle my greatness and want to bring me down!"

"This is crazy! Have you ever even had a real battle? You're gonna get curb-stomped every time! And you're doing such a huge disservice to your Pokémon, embarrassing them like this!"

"Shut up! You don't get to waltz in here and insult my greatness like this! Get out, and don't you dare come back here, ever! I'll show you, if I ever see you again I'll only let you live so you can see how wrong you were about me!"

"Don't worry, I think I can safely say I don't ever want to be back here again," Ral replied through clenched teeth. It was hard not to see the truth now - whatever friendship he had with Gus was clearly gone, about as far gone as Gus himself. He simply couldn't get through anymore...it was a shame, but Ral knew when to cut his losses.

"This is your training ground?" Zeke was stunned; it was a dingy pen in the corner of Gus's family's estate, dirty and unkept. There were what looked like wooden training dummies, crudely carved and marred with many claw marks, as well as makeshift weights and other tools lying around. That Coal was doing so much with so little, when they could clearly afford better...

"It's better than nothing, I guess...Gus won't give me anything to work with. He doesn't like what I'm doing."

"Wha...how? How can he..."

Coal let out a sigh, smoke billowing from his nostrils. "It's...complicated. I guess Gus is just...wrapped up in his own world. He's convinced that he's a Pokémon master, and that he knows the secret to success that would basically leave him unbeatable. I used to believe him, I thought I was unstoppable, even though I'd never actually been in a fight. I mean, that's what Gus kept telling me, day in and day out, that I couldn't possibly lose...heck, I didn't know any better. He didn't have me watching real battles or anything. But I ate it up, because I liked Gus and I loved how much Gus liked me."

"And then you lost, and you tried to redeem yourself..."

"Yeah, and we both know how that turned out." Coal gave a wry chuckle. "I know this is gonna sound odd...but you raping me was the best thing that ever happened to me."

Zeke looked at him an disbelief. "I know I didn't hear that right. You're not saying..."

"Well, no, I didn't LIKE it. Hell no...I was crushed, humiliated. I wanted to die. I couldn't tell Gus about it, so I had no one to talk to to try to feel better...but, well, I kind of needed it. It destroyed the illusions pretty effectively...I found out just how weak and worthless I really was, and that the whole 'unbeatable' thing was bullshit. He was wrong, and I was wrong, and if I ever wanted to be better, I needed to change what I did, to actually do what others did to get stronger. I thought I was doing the right thing, that doing this would make Gus happy...I wanted to be strong for him."

"He wasn't?"

"Not remotely. When he noticed I'd stopped chowing down on treats, and was trying to read books about training, he tried to get me to stop. To just come back with him and go back to how it was before, just sitting around doing nothing. It was tempting, believe me...but I kept thinking about what you did, and how I couldn't ever be worth anything if I didn't work harder. Even though I tried to placate him, I still kept with my changes, and I tried to get him involved and helping me. That's when I found out that Gus only likes you as far as you obey him and buy into his way. He started getting more and more hostile, telling me I was screwing everything up and that he was supposed to be the one in charge, and that he wasn't going to waste time with the nonsense of failures. It was shocking, how fast he turned on me...it didn't take long for him to start treating me like you saw him treat me earlier."

Zeke was horrified. "I can't believe that...he's been dumping that abuse on you for months now? And you've managed to get through it?"

"It hasn't been easy. He doesn't give me food anymore...his parents do, they're thankfully better than he is. They give me what I request, it's a lot better for me even though it tastes less than great...they really don't approve of how Gus treats me, but they still can't ever disappoint him. I could probably ask them for equipment, but that just wouldn't feel right...and Gus won't get me anything, he'd throw a fit if I even mentioned it. His words hurt, especially because I just wanted to be better for him...but he doesn't want better unless it's the way he decides is better. Actually winning doesn't matter if it's not his way."

"But...he can't win his way. He's a fat failure and he made you a fat failure."

"I know. But he...he just doesn't accept that. I think he wants his Pokémon to be overweight and lazy because that's what he is, and he can't do any wrong. You've seen others around the grounds, right? They're his Pokémon...it used to be I was the 'only one that would ever be,' but that went out the window in a hurry when I stopped doing things his way. Now I'm lucky I still have a home, the other Pokémon are his favored treasures, they buy into it wholesale and end up like I used to be. The couple who saw through it left in a hurry - they were lured in by the prospect of being under the best trainer ever, but when they saw what it was they wanted no part. I was tempted to join them, but...I'm not strong enough to be on my own yet. I need every bit of work I can before Gus throws me out for good, because I know it's only a matter of time." Coal slumped onto the ground, sitting dejectedly down hunched over, head in his hands. It was clear to Zeke that he was struggling, and it made him feel all the worse for him. A guy who worked to better himself didn't deserve this kind of treatment. He sat down next to Coal, putting an arm around him.

"Hey, it'll get better...even if Gus doesn't, I've seen huge improvement in you already, and you keep putting that kind of effort in and you'll be a match for anyone. I know it's hard, but just do your best not to let it get you down...focus on the bright future, not the shitty present."

"You're right, I know. It's tough, I'm trying...just get a little stressed out when I think about it, is all."

"Yeah, I can tell. Maybe I can help out with that a bit...you wanna work some stress off?"

"Work some stress off? What do you...oh." Coal flushed a bit as he caught on to the insinuation. "Y-you mean it? I...I mean, I thought you said last time-"

"Last time was different. YOU were different. After what you've shown me, it would be extremely unfair of me to treat you the same as last time. You deserve a lot better, and Gus may not give that to you, but I will." Zeke's other hand trailed down towards Coal's groin, rubbing against his slit; the other Charmeleon murred quietly, leaning into him, a sign that he was getting good reception to his advance. "You had any other action since then?"

"N-no...never felt like I was good enough for it, though it didn't help that most of my options were...you wouldn't have wanted to, either, let's say."

"Loud and clear on that. Well, I may not be that much, but hopefully I'll give you something to tide you over for a while." His claws were soon filled with Coal's expanding shaft, nice and hot, slick, and judging by Coal's moans, as sensitive as he would expect for someone who'd been deprived for so long. He kept stroking it, getting steadily faster with his claws as he listened to Coal's moans, holding him upright with a firm arm even as he felt the other Charmeleon start to sink into him.

Coal felt both kinds of heat welling up in him, a feeling long denied and now utterly failing to be restrained. He hadn't even pleasured himself since the rape...any sort of sexual pleasure felt too guilty, undeserved due to his grotesqueness. Having it now, at the hands of his previous rapist no less, wasn't just pleasure, it was also catharsis, forgiveness. It was also extremely fast, barely a minute of Zeke's hand had him shooting into the air, a well pent-up load shooting out into the grass, hissing slightly with heat. The moan from him was high and loud, almost shaking his whole body; Zeke could feel the rumble against him, giving him a visceral thrill, it wasn't often that someone expressed this much pleasure from his treatment.

Coal's peak tapered off fairly quickly, leaving him somewhat drained and panting against Zeke. "Agh...I needed that so bad..."

"Heh, glad I could help with that." Zeke's own cock had risen to attention, the sensory cues of sex and pleasure proving hard to ignore. He hadn't wanted to bring that to Coal's attention, not wanting his own pleasure to be more important than Coal's, but the other Charmeleon could hardly miss it as close together as they were.

"Ah...Zeke, that's...that's not the only thing I need. Can you...can you take me, please?"

That was unexpected. "Are you sure? I don't want to, um, trigger bad memories..."

"No, you won't...I, I've been wanting to feel you inside me again...when you weren't angry, when I didn't try to hurt you. I always thought it would feel good, and I was...I was so ashamed that my only time with you was something like that. I deserved it, though, the way I acted..."

"I won't deny that. But you've made yourself better, so I should give you better." Zeke shifted, laying Coal down on his back while putting himself over him, his cock poised at the other lizard's rear. Coal's legs spread almost like a reflex, baring his tight hole, untouched since the last time the two met; his cock hadn't softened at all from his first climax, remaining firm and upright, dripping a bit of seed onto his stomach.

"Thank you, Zeke...don't hold back on me, please...take me however you want, I know it'll feel good however you do..."

"All right...you just tell me if it doesn't, for any reason." With that he began, pushing inside that tight hole. Zeke's entry was insistent, his cock forcing its way in without stopping until he reached his base, though it wasn't nearly as hard as the last time. He wouldn't treat Coal like the last time, but he wouldn't disrespect him by treating him too gently, either...he could sense that what Coal wanted was to have him like a real Pokémon, without the heartlessness that had been there before. And he would give him that, or at least try his best to.

He began thrusting at a steady clip, sending his heat deep inside Coal, stoking the flames of his own lust. Coal's hands clung to his arms, his back arched as he felt that cock plunge into him, spreading his ass the way he'd hoped it would...it was rough, like before, but felt radically different, not cold and uncaring, it was meant for pleasure, for stimulation. Finally he felt what real sex was like, knew the pleasure it brought, the wonders it contained, and he wished he'd known sooner. "Oh gods, Zeke...that's so good..."

"Y-yeah, it is..." Zeke was much more experienced in such matters, and he wouldn't have called it the best lay of his life, but he had a lot to compare to. But it was good in a very different way from the others he'd had...it wasn't just the physical pleasure, the hot, tight hole wrapped around his cock was certainly nice, the scent of his own type and kind was getting him going nicely, but it was more the closeness and passion that was truly driving his feelings now, the want to make him feel good and bring him the best experience he could. It was rare that he wasn't in it just for his own pleasure, not that he didn't care about his partners but he wasn't invested in making them feel good, he let them take care of that on their own. But it was important for Coal to feel good...and it felt good to make him feel good.

Zeke ramped it up as he felt himself nearing his limit, driving in harder, deep growls of pleasure rumbling through him as he worked himself harder and pounded Coal deeper. The other Charmeleon was getting rather squirmy as his body was overrun with euphoria, every collision with his prostate sending another jolt through him, making his cock shoot bursts of pre onto himself. Steam rose off the both of them as their body temps rose, the air starting to get wavy around them from the radiant heat.

Finally, Coal yelled out and started shooting again, his cock firing its load hard onto his body, some of it splattering all the way up onto his muzzle, the rest of his landing on his chest and stomach, painting them with sizzling white heat. Barely a moment later, Zeke's voice joined his as he erupted into the other Charmeleon's ass, sending a surge of blazing cum deep inside him, filling him with a foreign warmth. The two held each other tight as they emptied themselves, Coal clenching down as much as possible to keep Zeke's considerable load filling him up rather than leaking out, only a bit of it squishing back around the staff embedded inside him.

The waves of bliss washing over them eventually faded back into the ether, leaving them spent and satisfied. Zeke slumped down on top of Coal, heedless of the mess on him as he embraced the other Charmeleon. "Hope that was better for you..."

"Oh...Zeke...so much better...thank you so much..."

"You're welcome...I'm glad I could do that for you."

"Thank you, I feel...honored, really. Could you...stay here with me for a bit?"

Zeke nodded, giving him a lick on his snout, tasting the cooling seed that had landed on it. "Yeah, sure...I think I can stay for a little while."

"Judging by the smell on you, I'm going to say you had a better time with Coal than I did with Gus," Ral observed as they started back towards their house a while later. He'd given the property a wide berth while waiting for Zeke to finish up with Coal; part of him wanted to get away as fast as possible, but for Coal's sake he didn't want to rush it.

Zeke snickered a bit. "I sure hope so, if you were doing something like that with Gus I'd have to have a long talk with you about standards."

"You'll have to forgive me if I'm less than quick to be laughing."

"Jeez, that bad, huh? Dang, I hoped you'd be able to talk some sense into him. Maybe I can give Coal a few pointers, really give him something to impress that clod with, he'll have to come around once he sees what Coal is capable of..."

Ral sighed deeply. "I don't think that's going to be easy to do. Gus pretty much said he never wants to see me around again."

"You mean we aren't gonna be able to go back and visit?"

"Sorry, Zeke. Maybe I can sneak you in to see Coal at some point, but we're not welcome anymore."

Zeke groaned in resignation. "Hell...feel bad leaving him on his own there. So you finally told that idiot off, I'm guessing?"

"As much as I could, but hell if any of it got through! Gus is mentally deranged, he thinks he's the best trainer that ever was and ever will be! And he's not only not that, he might very well be the worst! I've seen preschoolers who had a better grasp of Pokémon training than him! But try to tell him he's doing anything wrong and he hits the roof! Are you sure Coal's gonna be safe around him?"

"I think Coal's already trying NOT to be around him, as much as possible. And I hope he keeps that up, Gus is a bad influence."

"No kidding! I mean, damn, I've tried to be nice as much as I could, but...there's just something so wrong with him, something that almost anyone could see, I can't just ignore it. He's going to get his Pokémon killed if he tries to get them in a serious battle."

"I knew we'd break you of that nasty habit of not saying anything bad about anyone at some point," Zeke snickered.

"Now cut that out, that's not something I'm going to make a habit out of. It's just...if anyone deserves trash-talk, it's Gus."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you. But Coal...man, I feel bad, he really wants to get better and it's bad enough that you gotta work yourself to the bone to do it, he's also gotta fight tooth and nail against that fat fuck as well. I think I gave him some encouragement today, but I don't know if it's gonna be enough to last him...might be for the best if Gus kicks him out."

"At this point I'm inclined to agree. I hope he does before Coal actually starts listening to his abuse...if he was willing to say something like that to our faces who knows how much he says it in private."

"Yeah..." Zeke took a glance back at the large property, well visible even at their distance. "I hope we see him again, at least...without Gus around, if at all possible. I really want to see what he makes of himself..."