Werewolf At Large

Story by Funrir Woulfe on SoFurry

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#3 of Stories

Just a sequel to an earlier story I did


a story by a big buff fluffy wuff we all know & love

CHAPTER ONE - David Is Goliath

His name is David Dwane Dunman, he once played a werewolf in a movie, however the people who made the film had, unknowingly, turned him into an actual werewolf during a ritual they preformed while David was in full make-up & animatronic tail on a slab for the scene where the other actor was to change into a werewolf, David playing the actor after the transformation had been done to them.

However, that wasn't the end of David's changes, as part of the ritual was made up to add more Hollywood pazzaz to the scene, so part of it was based on an actual ritual to turn someone into a werewolf, the added part that came out of the writers head, that did something else to David, for not only was he a werewolf, he started growing larger, every full moon triggered it.

So David grew, first it was just an inch, then two, then four, then eight, it was doubling each time like clockwork, and it wasn't just in height that he grew, it was in mass as well, he got more & more muscular as his height climbed higher & higher. He was a pretty large & buff dude to start with. The transformation just made him more so with each passing full moon that happened every month.

It wasn't too long that David found himself living in the wilderness growing bigger as time marched onward. Trees that once towered over him became more like bushes to him as he got ever larger from the transformations. It showed no signs of stopping. David wasn't worried however, he figured it can't go on forever, there has to be a limit to how large he can get before it makes him too big.

Ah that is where he was mistaken, see the universe works in strange ways my friends, stranger then anyone could possibly imagine, even David had no idea what was in store for him, for the transformation was just getting warmed up, it was about to take David to new heights, sorry for the pun there, but in this case it happens to be the truth, David who by now was a giant in every possible way.

CHAPTER TWO - Dawn of a new day

David woke up, it had been a year, or was it longer, after he became a werewolf, he didn't remember, time seemed to only flow for him when he grew every full moon, he didn't measure time like normal, he measured himself, he was going by what few things were around him out here in the wilderness to measure himself next to. He guessed he was about 100 feet large.

This was mostly because he was recently visited by the guy who did his make up on the movie he was in, who told him the sad news that there was no cure for what they did to him, mostly because it was the first time anything like this had ever happened. Not just becoming a werewolf, but a gigantic one as well, one that is still growing & shows no sign of stopping anytime soon.

David could of been mad because of this, but he wasn't as he realized it wasn't really anyone's fault, when dealing with magic, in this case old magic, the modern world treats it like it's all a joke, magic, bah, it's all make-believe like The Tooth Fairy, or Santa Clause, or even Werewolves for that matter, the world had forgotten about old magic. Nowadays you say magic & folks think of guy pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

That sort of magic is a trick, slight of hand, not real magic, not like what was happening to David, not even close. If any lesson was to be learned from this whole ordeal, it would be not to mess with things you don't understand, or believe in for that matter. As that was the modern world's attitude to magic of any kind. It belonged in stories & movies & TV & video games & yes even on the internet as well.

David however now knew the truth, magic was real, and he was the result of that fact. He looked around the part of the world he now called home, some hidden valley, mountains all around him, hiding him from the public. He thought it was better this way, no one else needs to know about him, he was worried only about being discovered as he didn't know how the world would react to him.


( and up, and up, and up, and up, and up, and up )

David had pretty much accepted his fate now that he was living here in this valley he called home. He watched the sky as the clouds rolled by. It might rain he thought. It did, just not on him or his valley, just not that far off from him. He watched the lighting & herd the thunder, it didn't seem that far away from him. He could if he wanted to, just stand up & follow the storm, but he didn't want to.

Day slowly turned to night as he sat there wondering his fate, his future, what will become of him he wondered to no one but himself. When is a man, well, a werewolf in his case, no longer a werewolf, how big does one get before one becomes part of the scenery, a landmark, or even, a mountain for that matter. The more he thought about the idea the more it made him think about it.

The moon started to rise over the mountains to the east of the valley. It was another full moon for David, one of many he lost count of as he only measured his growth not how often it happened, just how big he got, he felt the same tingling sensation he always felt as the moon rose higher into the sky above. It seemed so far away even as big as he was space, was still far bigger then he was.

He tried to recall just how far away the moon was. The sun. The other planets. His mind was racing as he grew larger & larger as the moon drifted from East to West, he could feel himself getting more powerful as he grew, his muscles bulging larger & larger every step of the way. Because he could see at night with his werewolf eyes, he watched the trees in his valley become more like a layer of moss to him.

He was getting really big this time, he knew it too, he could feel it down to his bones that were getting more denece to support all this extra mass he was packing now, he looked himself over, he would make The Hulk look skinny as big as he was getting from this transformation he was undergoing now. Ever bigger, ever more muscular, and yes ever more hung, a horse would seem like nothing.

CHAPTER FOUR - More of the same

As soon as the moon set the transformation stopped. David made a quick survay of his valley, it was becomeing smaller to him, it was this huge vast expance of valley before, now, not so much, what took several steps to cross before, now only took a few of them. Damn thought David, I must be several hundreds of feet large now, possibly even close to 1,000 feet even. He stood up.

The ground seemed do very far away now. The mountains seemed more like hills now, he could just walk right over them without much effort, before he still had to climb them, even if it was just a few hundred feet more then he was before, his old size seemed small to him now that he was larger. He flexed an arm, it swelled up like crazy. He whistled in his head, he was freakishly huge now.

Forget The Hulk, even if The Hulk were scaled up like he was, he'd be a twig next to himself like he was now. David was falling in love with this power he had now, he felt it surging inside him, he had all this energy in him now, he felt like he could take on the world. He didn't want to however, he was happy to spend his life were he was right now. However if the world was to come to him.

He would protect himself in any way that he could. As the sun rose for the new day. David remembered a lake not far off from him in the valley, well, it was a lot closer now, he looked into it to see himself better. He was a lot shaggyer as well, his fur nice & thick like on him, to his own eyes he looked less intimidating, more like a really big puppy then a big bad wolf, so much for that myth he thought.

He would never say that phrase ever again, big bad wolf, yeah, right, he looked more like an overgrown cub then that, at lest his face was like that, the rest of him however said that he had power to spare & would use it if he needed to do so. Kind & gentle face, huge & powerful body under that. He remembers a story he read about a friendly giant from long ago in his youth he got from the library.

CHAPTER FIVE - A very tall tail

( Had to go for the pun )

David was feeling a bit adventureous he romped palyfully around his valley and a bit outside of it as well, trying to avoid any populated areas he knew of, but he was still as care free as any werewolf his size could be. It felt good to get some exersize in him, he had all this energy in him after all & needed to use it for something even if it was just playful running around without a care in the world.

Time once again seemed to just become a blur to David. Days passed by as he just enjoyed himself for the first time after this had all started. Playing a big game of hide & seak with his own tail as it had become a lot longer & fluffyer after this latest transformation, it seemed to be as long as he was tall, so it was easy to chase about as he played. He never seemed to tire from all this.

It was strange as he never recalled ever eatting anything once he hit giant size, now he was a giant to a giant with his new size, when was his last meal, it seemed ages & ages ago, yet he had all this energy, it seemed to come from no where & it never whent away no matter how hard he tried. It was like he was solar powered his deep dark fur seemed to soak up the sunlight & turn it into energy.

He thought he was like superman in that way, getting his power from the sun, or even just from the universe itself, he recalles reading about Nickola Tesla doing experiments about that sort of thing. Enrgy was all around him, in the air, in the space surronding him, he couldn't see it, but he was pulling it into himself somehow, in some way, he could feel it around him.

That had to be it he thought, an endless supply of energy, all around him, he had tapped into it by just being so incredibly large his body just started to pull it in once he got big enough to just absorb it with out even thinking about it, or even knowing it was happening. David then knew, as long as there was this endless supply of energy, he'd keep growing, and nothing would stop it, ever.

CHAPTER SIX - New heights

Before he knew it, the next full moon was on the way, somehow he knew this deep down inside his massive form, feel it in his bones you might say. He layed in his valley like last time, it was hard for him to stay still like this, he was excited & nervous all at the same time. How big will I get this time he wondered. Once again the moon rose over the mountains to the East. He closed his eyes, he wanted it to be a surprise to him. He felt his growth start once again.

Bigger he thought to himself, and it was happening, bigger he was becomeing, a lot bigger, he could feel the landscape under him change as he grew, his valley would no longer contain him, he just knew this as he grew, he felt a surge of new power enter him, it was like a drug, he hit a new high & it felt wonderful to him, so much power running through him, into him, feeding his growth, he wanted more.

He got more, he was letting go of his fears, he didn't care anymore, as it felt so good to him to just let it happen, even if it ment when he opened his eyes next the world would be as different as it was last time he grew. He wanted to take a peek, but forced himself to keep his eyes shut as the moon passed overhead, he felt the growth anyway, so it didn't matter that he didn't see it happening.

It seemed to go on forever, he knew it was only one night out of the month but it seemed to drag on for what seemed like forever to him, only because he wanted to see the end results of this next transformation. Larger & larger he became as the night passed. He could feel muscle pile upon muscle upon muscle upon muscle, he was gonna be even bigger then before, he knew this without looking.

He felt the sun on him, that's when he knew the night had passed by. He opened his eyes. The mountains before were now tiny to him he could step over them, if he wanted to do so. He was giant to his last size, a giant to a gaint to a giant, he figured if anyone walked by him they'd be like an speck to him, a dot like at the end of a bunch of words. He hoped someone would stop by so he coud see that for himself.

CHAPTER SEVEN - Visitors from afar

Now that David was a whole lot bigger his secret was no longer a secret, he was all over the news before you could say his name, which wasn't known to anyone but David & the make up guy who kept that a secret. As far as the world knew he was this impossibly huge wolf creature. The world just ended up calling him Fenrir after the old Norse myth of the same name.

Frankly the name didn't fit him, as he was as gentle as he was BIG, as people found out when they visited him where he was, he stayed more or less in the same location even tho' it was now far to small to hide him anymore then a row of bricks can hide a garden behind them. David was kinda surprized by who visited him however. A good chunk of his visitors were males, and seemed, impressed by him.

Well, impressed by his assests anyway, a few touched him there just to see if it & the rest of him was real. Once in awhile it went a bit futher then just touching his ample assests, some dared to enter his slit, as big as he was it was easy for folks to do this. It lead to them going for a ride like none other, to say it was like being shot out of a cannon would be an understatement by any standard.

More like a rocket launch, as it ended with a splashdown, a very messy & sticky splashdown, that they survived, but they smelled like wolf jizz for ages afterwards, some saw it as a badge of honor, others a challenge to see who could tame the beast of a wolf shaft David had on him now with his new size. Needless to say it was just as big as the rest of him was, just not so much it bacame a problem getting around.

Even tho folks were visiting him David started wandering more & more from his home, seeing the world, he wanted to tour the world way back when he was a human boy, that life seems so alien to him now, as if was someone elses life, not his own. He thinks of himself as more as this werewolf then as his former human self. He doesn't miss it at all, he's found new happyness just being alive.

CHAPTER EIGHT - It's a small world after all

( oh come on, you knew this was coming )

Once again the days became a blur to David, if he was immortal now, this is just how time passes for one who is, time becomes less important if you live forever, a meaningless way to measure things. Things had become quiet before the full moon happened, David didn't mind it, he wanted to be alone for the next transformation when it happened. He told folks as much as he wasn't sure just how big the next one would make him.

He was ready for it. He wanted to know. Just how big is big. A house, A tree, A skyscraper, A city, A Mountain. What about a planet ? When he was a still human he would of said of course a planet is big he lived on one, he still did, but what if he grew as big as one, would it still seem big to him, or small to him. He wondered about this very thing. When does BIG stop. Is it forever like the universe itself.

He wondered, what if the universe HAS and end, would he be the first to see it. The thought of this made him curious about it, would he discover the secret of the universe by being BIGGER then it, if it did have an end to it. What if the entire universe is nothing more the a tiny dot inside an even bigger universe, and that one the same, and on & on. He then looked at himself before the moon rose.

What if he had done this already, and he was now living inside himself, each version of himself impossibly bigger then the one indside it, forever upwards, and downwards as well, there could be versions of himself both directions, forever growing to never see one another no matter how big they got, the next one is so much bigger it'd never happen. If it did happen, the universe would end ?

It has been said if you ever met yourself that is what would happen, the universe & eveything in it, poof, gone in an instant, perhaps his growth was like a safty net, he could grow all he wanted, and never run into himself no matter how big he got, but what if he did met himself, would he even know it, would he be so tiny to his next self he'd not know it, or so big to his former self, and so on.

CHAPTER NINE - It's a small, small world

( yes, HAD to do it )

David once again felt the change coming over him. This time even more powerful then last as if his body was confined to a small space and wanted to break free from it. Boom, muscles swelled, fur got thicker, body got larger overall, shft got thicker, longer. David on the whole shot upwards and outwards, if anyone was there to see it happen, it would of looked like David was becomeing a much larger version of himself.

A very much larger version of himself, forget measuring him in feet anymore, miles is the way to go now, many many miles large he was becoming, a giant so giant that other giants are nothing but tiny specks to him, if their were any around that is. As far as anyone knew, David was the only one around. And now, he was so big his body now cossed the entire county. His ears at one coast. His paws at the other one.

People were less then microbes to him at this size, he somehow could still see them even with his new size, they just looked really tiny when they were near him or on him. The world now just a large ball to him at this size. He still fit on it, it just didn't seem as big as it used to before this size. He took it all in stride of couse, he knew he couldn't stop it from happening anyway.

Why should he get upset over something he could not control anyway, what was done was done, magic isn't to be toyed around with, that much is certain. David knew he'd be even more popular now then before, and he was a real challenge now, hundreds of males could play on his shaft now. Maybe even millions, he was that large after all. He knew this was his life from now on.

Ever bigger. Ever massive. Ever thicker. Ever beefyer. Was there an end to it? Did it matter? For now he was happy, he was going to let it happen, and no matter what he'd make the most of it while he could. He knew next time, he would be able to hold the whole world in his huge paws. It was going to happen, and he knew it would. Until then however, he would enjoy just being alive, he knew how long he had until he grew again.

The next full moon.


( for now, as I can't think of any more rotton size puns for chapter titles )