5 Senses of Blue

Story by Banjax on SoFurry

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_I see the waves crashing against the oars,

I see the great whale's awesome might,_

I see bright skies falcons soar,

_I see sharp smile of frostbite. _

I hear the croak of a dart frog,

I hear the dry smash of fallen clay,

I hear the proud shoes of a man in jog,

_I hear the rush of ocean spray. _

I taste the sweetness of blueberry,

I taste the salt of wide ocean,

_I taste the joy of elderberry, _

_I taste the brisk air of ship in motion. _

I smell freshly cut plumcake,

I smell the wilds in Arctic air,

I smell the aroma of smoothie in make,

_I smell the ferocity of a seal mare. _

I feel the sting of a bluebottle bug,

I feel the coldness of the sea,

I feel the gentle softness of a rug,

_I feel the calm brought on by tea. _