Sharue "Second Chance"

Story by Sharue on SoFurry

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#1 of Sharue's Story

A short story to test the waters with viewers to see if there is any interest in Sharue's canon story.


Sharue could only stand there in the room feeling like she was facing a firing squad. It was not a room she was used to being in too. The room had high windows and carpet and other comforts that even outside of prison she wasn't use to. It had been six months since she woke up on the nexus station and flipped out assaulting security as well as civilian personnel. No one knew what to do with her, she wasn't a Federation citizen, she had been tried sentenced and executed for murder.

Well, that last part thankfully didn't stick. Someone had helped her live through that and she had no idea who or why. It sort of scared her to be honest, not knowing who was for helping her who was agents her.

The last six months have been retelling her story, explaining the facts, medical exams and mental health exams. All of which did not go well due to her anxiety of medics in general. Though she did make progress and here she was. Standing in a cold room in her green jump suite with DOC etched on the back. A panel of five looking at her going over papers as they were getting ready to address her.

To be honest the last six months were a godsend. Took her forever to get it through her head that it wasn't the prison or the nation she came from as well as the fact that she was alive. She still had a hard time accepting it. That was the hardest part probably was how hard she wanted to hope that things were better but the same time survival meant you tossed that hope out the window and braced for the worst.

Looking down at her cuffs, such simplistic things and nothing like the prison she was in. These were simple magnetic cuffs to a chain waist belt. Not like the leathers the prison used on her. Her feet were free too....that was an unusual feeling as almost always had hobbles on when at the prison station. Truth be told this was better living then anything she had experienced in her life. Good food, soft beds, the guards were firm but polite. She was allowed visitors and exercise time. She knew of plenty in the nation she came from that would kill to have a life like this, imprisoned or not.

A cough brought her attention up. She was still having issues looking at authoritative figures eye to eye though as she kept her vision just off set and her ears down.

Her heart was racing as she was told this would be the panel that would chose to decide her fate. It scared her to be honest, as if they decided against her she would be extradited back to her nation and she was sure they wouldn't make the same mistake twice on her execution.

"Miss Silvermoon?"

The fox hearing a voice from one of the female council members. She was one of the colony's administration leaders. She had been in to talk with her on several things and seemed like a nice soul. Though everything she looked at was wrapped in politics.

"Ma'am" She simply said while keeping her ears and eyes down. She was struggling to do what her mental health docs had told her to do. To keep calm. The biggest issue was her military training and time in prison had trained her to attack fear with aggression. Which kept her keyed up and constantly on edge. She had to just relax.....better said than done. The first mental health doc that said ended up with a broken nose from a head-butt when he touched her shoulder. They quickly learned that she had some limits that she would not tolerate being crossed.

She was doing better though. It still un-eased her but she was getting used to others touching her as long as she saw it coming. The nightmares were still there and the constant worry that they would find out the secret she was hiding. She was truthful but she made sure not to volunteer any information and some of it she was hopping would never be asked.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes Ma'am"

"Very well. We will now start the evaluation of Sharue Silvermoon. Inmate number 505832. Race, Kapran - sex, female - citizenship Imperial. This will be a decision to either keep you within Federation jurisdiction or extradite you back to your nation. There will be no appeals allowed on this decision, do you understand, Miss Silvermoon?"

The fox could only nod her had some before choking out "Yes Ma'am" She thought it cruel to have had such a nice stay here only to think they may send her back to the hell she came from. Tension made her right arm hurt as it aggravated her damaged nerves. Taking a deep breath to try to relax herself and thinking on things such as the fact that she has two prison numbers. Took her forever to get use to that as back in the other prison she was 62022 here she was 505832 but they always called her by her name. That was so uncomfortable to be called by her name after having it beaten out of her for so long.

"Miss Silvermoon we have reviewed your statement and to be honest it seems a bit farfetched." This was from a heavier set male k9 that she only meet once or twice.

"The gross abuse in your claim would never be tolerated by the federation and it's hard to believe, even if its non-federation, that such a facility would exist."

There was some one agents her.....The fox clenching her jaws letting them flex as she tried not to respond. He served on the DOC council and was the head director overseeing all special cases that came into the correctional centers.

"Mr. Carman, we verified her story and frankly I've been to her nation and know that they have no compassion and that it is quite possible for her story to be true." That was a large tiger male, crisp uniform that reeked of military formality meaning high officer. She found it odd that a military officer was correcting and supporting her statement after it was her nation's military that put her in the prison to begin with.

"We contacted the prison directly and...."

She couldn't help it as she blurted out "WHAT!?" Tension shot through her "YOU LET THEM KNOW I'M ALIVE!?" The guards behind her, or as the federation liked to call them Department of corrections officers, quickly grabbed her arms as she bristled up.

Edmond, one of the officers that worked with her over the last six months gave her a good grip leaning in "Hey...HEY!" he said right into her ear. "Don't...just don't." Her heart rate was pounding as who knows what the prison could have said let alone now that they knew that she was alive what were they going to do!

"As I was saying...." The tiger eyeballed Sharue as the fox struggled to keep herself under control. "We confirmed she was an Inmate and that she was to be executed for two counts of murder of two medics." Clearing his throat as he pulled out paper work. "Furthermore she was cleared for what they called reeducation procedure which in our legal terms is a form of lobotomy."

The council looked over the data that was scrolling to their data slates. The female councilman could only frown, "Is this true Miss Silvermoon? I know you have said it time and time again but is it true I would like you to explain it to the council one last time."

Gha... why did they have to keep making her retell her story so many times. It was like they were trying to catch a lie that just wasn't there. It took her several long moments before she nodded though.

"Yes... after deciding that my mental state was non confirmative to the needs of the military I was ordered to undergo the procedure."

"And what exactly does this entail?" This coming from an older female ape. She had never meet her before as she tried to gauge how to approach this.

"They do a medical procedure that renders the subject essentially brain dead. Then after using neurals they can program the subject to do tasks but leave enough consciousness to allow the subject to know to step around rocks and not fall off a cliff." She decided to just give a clear cut answer and leave it at that.

It seemed to be enough as the ape nodded and signed something on her data slat. The original council woman, a canine of some sort, visibly thought it over "Forgive me, but I have to ask. Why not just kill you? I've heard horror stories of your nation's brutality so when you refused the operation, it wouldn't made sense for them to cut you loose?"

Sharue could only swallow at that. Honestly she really didn't know why exactly - or should say she didn't have anything that wouldn't make her look like the bad guy. She did have one theory that seemed to be plausible though.

"I believe it was my house name. The Silvermoons own several docking yards that the Empire uses to repair and fit ships of war. There is always constant political strife between my house and opposing houses and I think they were ether hoping to use me as a black eye and political leverage or they were afraid that my house could use them doing a summary execution on me as leverage to start something. Either way I do not know for sure."

The council woman just nodding as she started to enter in things on her data slate. The last council member was an Android. A curiosity as self-aware AI was outlawed in her nation, so seeing a fully independent and sentient machine raised the fur on the back of her neck.

He was the chief medical director in charge of her mental and physical health. To her right now he was the most dangerous as he kept poking about things she did not like him poking about.

"Miss Silvermoon"

His voice sounding just like a normal Federation citizen, another difference between her and the citizens of the federation was her accent. Hers was thicker and more base and lower toned while still female in pitch. The federation was softer and easy going on the ears.

"Your last reviews indicated that you would be a moderate threat to the wellbeing of yourself and those around you. As well as several issues that you refuse to talk about both physical and mental. I am inclined to suggest that we not release you till these are resolved."

"Jack, you know you cannot legally do that just because she refused some of your tests. Even convicts have that right."

It was the Ape as she took note of the names though. Carman for the fat canine, well his last name, she already knew Jack's name. Though she was still curious about the military felines name and the Apes name. She knew from all the paper work that the Female councilman's name was Miss Meleton, though didn't know her first name. So much to remember and get used to.

"Not if it pertains to public safety, I believe she still cannot go out into public." He exclaims, putting his hands up in frustration. That made it even odder for Sharue seeing a machine show so much emotion.

"I have to agree with Jack. She is too much of a danger to society as she is." Of course Mr. Carman had to chime in. The fox scowling a bit glaring but careful not to look directly at the councilman.

It infuriated her how casual they talked about her life in front of her. In the other prison it was clear cut and they just told you. You didn't have to sit here and hear them talk about you like you were a leftover food item and whether they should throw you away or keep you for later.

"Look, she passed the mental psyche exams, just barely. But she did. End of discussion." The military feline chimed in, shutting every one up suddenly. "Being out of civilian control our physicians have precedence on her evaluations and all results point to heavy PTSD and anxiety which she has been working on and shown improvement. Miss Ellenwood is also right in terms that you cannot detain her because she has not broken any Federation laws. The officers and the civilian she assaulted on the nexus station did NOT press charges."

Jack did not look pleased and neither did Mr. Carman but they remained quiet. This was getting to be a bit tense for Sharue. She had two going for her, two agents in support, and one neutral. Her jaws and fists clenching and unclenching wishing she could just scream or run or do anything other than this!

Mr. Carman was next to talk as he clears his throat tapping a pen to the table "I would like to also note that the Prison did file a formal request for her to be extradited back to them. If they are as brutal as you say, should we not just give her back to them? They are much larger militaristically compared to us. We are just a fringe world and easy to pick off if we upset some one as powerful as that. That got the tigers blood up as he threw his data slate down scowling "Are you kidding me? So if they wanted, let's say your daughter, you're going to just let them take her? You even read what all they have done do her? It's inhumane! And frankly I believe in terms of our laws she acted in self-defense with her murder charge. I'm not going to punish someone for defending themselves!"

"Col. Brandon, please keep your tone down for this. Were here to talk civilly about ALL options."

Sharue looking to Miss Meleton when she said that and frowned a bit more. Bite your tongue Sha. Bite your tongue. Do NOT fuck this up. Was all she could think to herself as she squinted her eyes shut hard trying to force the tension headache away but failing. Her legs felt weak and her arm was killing her. Each pulse of her heart sending stinging pain down it to her fingers.

"But I do agree with Col. Brandon, It would be inhumane to send Miss Silvermoon back knowing the conditions she would be exposed to."

Mr. Carman tossing his pen across the table putting his paws up in a motion that all but declares he's giving up.

"Fine, put it to a vote. I think I see where this is going."

"All in favor?" Three paws went up and Sharue's legs went out, feeling some tears well up in her eyes "All against?" only two went up as Edmond rubbed her arm reassuringly. "See I told you it would go well." He said quietly to her helping her stay standing as she coked down a sob. She hated them all....Even Edmond right now, and she cared a lot for him just from the kindness he has shown her. She hated them for making her feel so helpless and weak as well as making her break down in front of them like this as she angrily tried to shake the guards off her. "Hey....." Edmond was used to it though as he simply pulled her back up fully keeping her held till she got over her little fit.

"Miss Silvermoon. It is the council's decision on the board to allow you Sanctuary within the Federation. In light of this you will be required to stay in a Parolee status with restrictions placed upon you due to your unusual past and possibly mental illnesses."

Miss Ellenwood had said while looking towards Mr. Carman and Jack. They did have valid concerns which she acknowledged but did not agree that it warranted tossing the fox back into the hellhole she came from.

"Now in light of this Miss Silvermoon, if you break the conditions of your parole, we will be forced to extradite you back to your nation." She was careful to leave out the fact it would kill her.

Sharue tried her best to keep her paws from shaking as it was something that was hard to process. She could only nod numbly and think it over. Eventually she was still on death row in her mind. Break a rule and we won't kill you but we will give you to some one that will.

"You will be up for review one year from this date and you will be required to check in twice a day to the parole office, you cannot own or handle any armor or fire arms, you will be restricted to movements with in the colony. Residential districts and public works will be off limits to you and you may not hold positions that are viewed as sensitive or vital to colony operations. There will be more restrictions that your Parole officer will go over such as curfew and such but it will be your responsibility to read over your restrictions and abide by them."

The ape was looking right at her as she hemmed "Miss Silvermoon, do you understand?" It was hard to read the fox, she looked upset and mad even though the hearing went in her favor. Eventually though Sharue nodded clearing her throat and rubbing her eyes on her shoulders.

"Yes, Yes I understand Ma'am." She coughed out.

"Then we will see you in one year Miss Silvermoon. I hope your past experiences have given you the perspective of how much of an opportunity this is for you." Miss Ellenwood said as she got up picking up her data slate. "I will instruct the officer in charge to start your release paper work." Edmond was still rubbing her shoulder helping her stand as the council members filled out of the office. Jack was neutral now and filed out without a word but Mr. Carman walked up to her. "Give me on excuse... just one."

Sharue could only bear her teeth at the fat canine forcing him to grin "Such nice white teeth you got." He grunted pushing his pen to them making her shake her head away.

"CARMAN! Not in my facility.....I will have you escorted out." While Carman was DOC director she was in a military brig. A joint joining due to necessity of lack of space and materials on the colony. The fat canine chuffed and then left disappointed that the fox didn't do something that would have got her in trouble. Though Edmond would have stopped her as the Col. Sighed waiting for everyone to leave. "Outside the both of you." The two guards looking a bit confused as the tiger nodded to the door "Go wait outside I want to talk to...." Looking at his data slate "Sgt, Silvermoon by myself."

Crap, now what? Was all she could think as the guards moved out leaving her in front of the larger male. Her ears lowered down in a sign of submission and her eyes looking elsewhere. It had been ages sense any one had called her by her rank. "I'll keep this short Miss Silvermoon," Something in his voice made her look up as that was the same tone a guard at the prison would take to her when they were serious about something.

"I know that you haven't told us the whole truth. Our analysts found some very interesting tech in that collar of yours. I also know there is a reason you're avoiding Jack's medical scans." His eyes looking at her firmly with a neutral look.

"I will find out what this is all about Miss Silvermoon but for now I want to know one thing. Is it going to be a problem?"

The fox didn't know what to do. She felt a bit panicked and truth be told she was struggling with dealing with that same issue. Lying to authority was very hard for her to do as she fought with it.

" sir." She choked out visibly shaking as he looked her up and down.

"Well when you're ready come talk to us. Till then it's between you and us. Officers!" The pair coming in and the feline's expression grinning "Please help Miss Silvermoon to her cell and get her processed out."

Paws grabbing her arms as they carefully lead her out. The fox looking back over her shoulder at the grinning tiger not knowing how to feel about that.

The processing took longer than she thought. The Federation was a political beast. Sign this paper, go meet with this person, do this form that form. Three days would go by of her having to get ready for her release and thankfully it was Edmond that was there to help her. He had been with her the whole time and she would honestly be sad to know she wouldn't be seeing much of him after this.

Looking down at herself she couldn't even believe her look. Civilian clothing hugging her tightly, a pair of hud glasses to keep communications going and her duffle filled with a few things that Edmond and a few others that got to know her at the brig tossed in for her.

"You ready for this?" Edmond was smirking at her as they were at the final security gate leading out of the compound. Truth be told she was scared. Eyeballing the gate nervously and even sort of dragging her feet.

"I don't know....I..."

Gha, she was getting angry at her stuttering and seaming like she was weak and incompetent. Though she took a deep breath pulling up her duffle bag.

Edmond knew what she needed as he grabbed her by her arm, much like how he would lead her around in the brig knowing that she would relax and obey when others controlled her like this.

"Come on it's about time you did this." He simply said and led her through the gate. The fox tensing up as her eyes went everywhere. Others were walking around working and talking. Cubs were walking with parents, people were laughing some were yelling. She wanted to back up and force her way back on the other side of that gate but Edmond kept a good hold of her arm and just let her stand there. Ten... fifteen minutes passed before she started to ease and look around a bit more curiously.

"You ok?"

Nodding a bit to Edmond as she cleared her throat but she was still extremely apprehensive, this was the first time in almost nine years that she was outside of a cell or prison. This was it....she was in a prison of sorts. Looking to her parolee tracking bracelet attached to her right arm, but at the same time it was more freedom then she had had in a long time.

The uncertainty had to be the hardest. Her headache was horrid and her right paw was shaking as she cupped an arm under her bust to hold it trying to get it to calm down.

"Ok so go down 512 here....that's this road." Edmond pointing down the road towards a series of prefab buildings. "Check in with the parole office and get things set up. They will have general housing for you as well as give you a credit allowance to start off with." He hemmed some looking to her "And do not let them treat you like a criminal got it? You're not, you're working on your sanctuary and citizen ship." He had been working on her self-esteem for months now and while it was nice she just wasn't ready to accept that sort of help.

A sudden hug made her tense up dropping her bag as she is sure Edmond is breaking quite a few rules but didn't seem to care. "I'll see you about and this time as a friend."

"Stop it." She muttered fighting back her tears trying to rub them away "You know I hate it when others make me feel like this."

Edmond could only laugh and rub her back "Ok, if there is ANY trouble or you need someone use your hud or find me or go to your parole officer asap ok? I have a feeling that not everyone is thrilled to have you out and about and for fucks sake Sharue. Take your meds ok? I know you hate everything medical but they do help."

Simply nodding and picking her bag back up. She took a deep breath, today was going to be interesting to say the least. "Ok I will." The fox rubbing a paw in her eyes scowling and refusing to look at Edmond. Then in her typical style she just darts off half trotting half walking down the roadway.

Edmond watched till he couldn't see her any more clicking his radio "She is off sir." Before heading back in side.

Across the street a dark furred figure stayed leaning against the wall in the alley way. Her dark armor helping her sort of blend into the thicker shadows as she watched the vixens release from the shadows. A smirk coming to her muzzle as she plopped a tooth pick in chewing on it watching till the fox was out of sight.

"Jenna?" She said into her hud mic. "022 is released. Make sure to pulse out a report in the morning to command."

"Roger that. What are you going to do?"

"I think I will go relax and enjoy a drink. Tomorrow we got work to do."

The figure rolling her tooth pick to the other side of her muzzle as she headed back down the street humming heading the opposite way of the vixen but looking back over her shoulder at the direction she went.

"If only they knew what you really were....." She chuckled chewing that tooth pick making it go up and down "If only they knew."
