Entry 27

Story by KitTheSoulless on SoFurry

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#27 of Diary of an Awkward Youth

Dear Diary,

We found out some interesting things about that shack with a little study, both online and offline. First of all, we found out that the writing in those books is called Theban, I'll include a cipher for it on this page too, pulled it off the net. Anyhow, we've been decoding one of the books and it's really weird, but sort of interesting too. It talks about the spirit world - I think they mean heaven and hell or something - and how it can affect our world. I could put a religious joke in here, but nah. Anyhow, it talks about warding off evil spirits and stuff like combating ghosts through rituals that involve some rather kinky methods.. One of the ways apparently to force a demon or spirit out of a house is by having sex by the light of fifty-five white candles, on a bed of silk and rose petals... I really think this sounds like someones home-made porn collection here, but why they would hide it with a dead language I don't know. Maybe it was some eccentric kid who liked to write his own.

The guys keep suggesting we try some of it, they'll do anything at this point to get under my tail since I've been cock-blocking both of them as a punishment. I might enjoy cold things against my crotch from time to time, but underwear full of snow is a little overboard! Fuckers..

I don't know though, strange things /have/ been happening around the house lately.. Duke and Max (Yeah, Aarons dog came with us) both keep barking like mad during the night. We thought it was just them reacting to wolves, but we haven't heard howling in days... Come to think of it, we haven't seen or heard any animals beyond the dogs for a few days. Oh well, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for everything.