Lasagna Thoughts v2: Now Watching NoNameTiger21 Play shitmap - Rant [Nervous Breakdown]

Story by The Fire Tiger on SoFurry

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It's not the end... Right?Sometimes I try to find a solution to a problem that can benifit everyone. Sometimes, I succeed and life moves along normally. Sometimes, however, there is a choice that we must only choose one or the other.On times like those... can that choice we make affect my life, forever? Perhaps. How should I know, though. I've never been presented with that opportunity.First, we take into consideration all the risks that come along with this choice. Perhaps we fail at school and repeat a grade for a chance to seek better medical help. Or maybe we pass it, but end up real sick after it all.Sometimes that choice conflicts us so much that you would rather take the 3rd path, or to not choose a side. What then? Would you run out of options? Or would you just keep moving despite everything?Then come the people that just could care less about you. I once met a scalie exactly like this, for a lack of privacy. In fact, we were talking about something sensitive and this dude just strolls in like-- wait, too much. The thing is, it's obvious these "friends" would care less and keep talking to you unless something big happened. They won't help you, but... if that choice were big enough to affect them, would they keep being your "friend"?Finally, there's that euphoric feeling of knowing what could have happened if you went somewhere else. What, hasn't that thought crossed your mind? If you only stepped one foot on that patch of grass you crossed by earlier, 10 years later... who knows? There could be less trees in the world. It's what's going on here. Would this change for the better, in fact, be worse than the other choice?And even after all that, I would still be crying and making v3 of this series with regret in my face, ranting about something else that has nothing to do with this one. It's simply how everything goes, unfortunately.So, I beg the question again. This one choice I make now... It won't be the last I make, wouldn't it?