The new kid

Story by Sissy_foxwolf on SoFurry

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Firstly, a quick description. Phil is 6' on the dot. Fat. And a nerd. Head to toe grey fur apart from a little black spot on the tip of his tail. Loves to read, is quite quiet and introverted due to his size. Loves blue comedy and can out drink many a grown man despite being a mere 16 year old. Bi sexual but with a preference of girls and quite easy going. He doesn't really fit into any social groups, he just sort of, mixes.

anyway, on with the show.


Tickk... Tick... Tick... Phil listened as each seconded dragged by with agonizing slowness. Across from him sat a tawny owl almost as portly as he, the owl, his new headteacher, or principle as he would be called from now on, waved his hands about the room as he droned on about this that and the other. Sporting achievements, academic achievements and all manner of stuff that mattered so little to Phil it may as well not have been said.

An average student at best with no particular sporting talents to boast of and being fairly chubby even by American standards, he knew that none of these awards or commendations would really affect him. He followed the principles wing with his eyes nearly glazed, passing over the various photographs and clippings with disinterest, nodding every now and then, feigning interest. A skill picked up from his father, the entire damn reason he'd been forced to uproot and travel half way round the globe to this bloody country, leaving all his friends behind in what is the custom when one moves over 5000 miles from their home.

As Mr. Owen clicked away with his glasses balanced oddly on his beak, just showering Phil with school spirit and pride, Phil played with the black dot on the end of his tail, something born out of habit, a habit brought on by boredom. He didn't care. This school wasn't his & never would be. He should be on his way to college back in Manchester, he thought, not in some year 12, high school shit.

The principle spoke to him in a tone suddenly sharper than the dull monotone Phil had heard for the last few minutes. Clearly the speech had ended and he hadn't noticed.

"uuhh, yes, sorry sir." He said snapping back from thoughts of home and friends and other nostalgic things.

"Well Phil, may i call you Phil?" Asked the principle without pausing for a reply. "I think as long as you abide by those rules you should be fine" He continued with what Phil supposed was a smile but seemed far too rehearsed, probably used numerous times throughout his career, each time losing a little warmth till it was the pointless gesture it had become now.

"uuh right" Phil replied, utterly unable to remember what rules he was supposed to be abiding by.

"Here" added the principle, handing him a sheet of a4. "this is your class list and map, don't lose it and you'll be fine."

Phil took it without reply and studied it for a moment before stuffing it into his bag.

"well you may go if you have no further questions" came a strained instruction from the principle who beckoned to the door without looking up from the papers he was now busy shuffling through, making it clear he could no longer be arsed with the overweight foreigner sat before him.

"No sir, ill be going" Phil replied standing up and rearranging the baggy shorts and t-shirt that has become tangled and intruded into places they shouldn't in the hour he had listened to the long winded bird rabbit on about everything and nothing.

He practically raced for the door, unable to get out of the stuffy office quick enough. Slamming it shut behind him he pulled out the class list from his bag again and read it properly, his first class was

physics, something he already had a G.C.S.E in and thus seemed a waste of time joining 10 minutes from the end so he decided to wait for his second, English, something much more interesting, art for those who couldn't draw. But first, he thought, promoted by a sudden pressure in his nethers, he better find a loo, an hour of sat bored thinking about the other side of the Atlantic had left him with an ocean inside his bladder....


Well that was my first submission.

I hope everyone liked it. Just a bit of an intro as frankly im not sure where to take the story. Would love some ideas for any other characters or things that should happen, i just randomly felt like writing lol.

Anyway rates comments and tips are greatly appreciated and stuff.




-Phil :P


also English to American glossary lol:

Bloody / sodding - Minor "curse" words, nothing amazing, just a little casual profanity

rabbit/ rabbiting - waffling, generally not shutting up whilst managing to say very little.

Nether's/ nether region - goolies, privates, unmentionables. you get the idea

also grades to years works out as

grade = year | age

1st 1 | 6

2nd 2 | 7

then mostly the same till

12th = first year college | 17

oh and G.C.S.E's re the standard qualification achieved at the end of high school in the U.K