A Puppy Summer

Story by guppy1030 on SoFurry

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The hot summer air flowed in with the morning sun as it crept its way past a small, dark figure. Darkness soon made way for the light that reflected off a soothing grey fur, revealing a small wolf pup, quietly nursing on his pale blue pacifier, which shined and glowed brightly. He stirred as the wind died down and the light fully engulfed the colorful nursery in which the cub was resting in. The sheets rustled as he turned away from the light and slowly opened his eyes, being greeted by a familiar fuzzy object.

"Fuzzy!" he barked, as he reached for the Wolf plushie and held it close, giving it the love that only a pup can give.

He sat up and let the soothing object in his maw fall to his left as he held onto his friend and looked out the window at the orange sky in which the birds birds flew offering their morning song.

Sounds of pots, and smells of what could only be pancakes, filled the pups ears and nose as he threw his blanket aside. He closed his eyes and focused on the sweet smell, causing a slow, yet disruptive wag from his tail, which awoke him from his trance and led to a giggle or two before he hopped off his bed and onto the carpeted floor of his room. The pup soon raised his arms above his head for a morning stretch, and raced off towards the source of the smell, almost leaving behind his fuzzy friend in the process.

Giggles and echoing sounds of a cub's footpaws, racing down the stairs could be heard throughout the spacious home, which was shining with the morning light of the day. A loud thump erupted as the cub landed on the bottom floor and raced over to the kitchen to be greeted by an older fox, who was waiting for his pup.

"Daddy!" the pup cried, as the the black furry fox named Seggy moved his white tipped tail in excitement as he lifted his four year old son up into his arms and against his white spotted chest, leading him into a furry hug as his son held onto him.

"Good morning my little sleepy head!" the pup's father said, as he ruffled his son's head fur and carried him over to the dining table.

"I hope you're hungry Chase!"

The pup nodded and watched as his father sat down and placed him on his lap, causing a silent crinkle to echo in both their ears.

"Ohhh I forgot to ask! Did someone wake up dry today?" the fox asked, nuzzling his son's cheek softly.

The pup blushed in response as he shook his head which hung low to his father. Chase's ear twitched as he heard his father chuckle and looked up

"It's ok puppy, I'll change you after we eat okay?" the fox said, as he embraced his son in a tight hug.

The pup soon started to wag while he tried to wiggle away.

"Nuu....Daddy!....too tight!" he said, as he struggled and whined.

"Haha sorry pup!" the fox said, as he let go of his pup and soon turned his attention to the plate of food which lay before them.

Chase wagged happily as he recognised the scent from before and smiled at the mountain of pancakes in front of him, which drizzled golden brown along the edges, creating a pool of syrup as the base. He drooled in anticipation as he reached over, and started to cut the round fluffy cakes into small, cub sized bites.

Seggy soon moved the animal printed plated over to his son, and watched happily as he started to immerse himself in the sweet, sugary meal. Sounds of chewing and momentary laughter filled the room, as the pup took paw-fulls of syrup covered pancakes into his maw, causing his once shiny grey fur, to be covered in sticky golden sweetness. Chase giggled and looked up at his dad with his messy maw and blushed,

"Sorry daddy" he muttered, as he felt the syrup run down his fur.

"It's ok cutie. You needed a bath anyway!" he uttered as he licked his pups maw and lifted him up, careful not to get himself caught up in the sticky mess.

Soon they were out of the kitchen and headed up the stairs towards Chase's room, where the fox placed him down and set off to get his supplies ready. Chase looked around as he started to suck on his paw, tasting the syrup and whining softly, as he watched his father. Seggy soon noticed his son's whines, and saw that he was becoming impatient, as he walked over the soft nylon, train themed carpet, which showed evidence of wear and stains, with scattered toys abandoned across it. He laid the pup down with a warm smile as he started to unsnap his white and blue onesie, revealing his heavily used padding from the night before. Chase wiggled and kicked playfully at his father, causing the air to fill with sounds of crinkles and the occasional squish.

The fox pulled the moist padding away and pulled on his son's shirt "OK arms up!".

Chase wagged and lifted his arms far above his head as his vision was intercepted by a wall of darkness, leading to a burst of morning sun as his shirt was lifted above his head. Seggy leaned in and licked his syrup covered son's maw, as he went on to pick the pup up with a soft grunt.

"You're getting pretty heavy puppy!" he said, as they made their way over to the bathroom that was connected to the nursery.

"Can I have a bubble bath daddy?" Chase asked, as Seggy started the water for the bath.

The fox nodded and reached for the colorful bottle, which lay on the edge of the tub, and soon poured its contents in the rapidly filling bathtub, causing a foamy layer of bubbles which shined with a band of colors as they reflected off the light in the room. The fragrance that soon emerged from the tub casted an aura around the two, as both of their noses twitched and sniffed at the scent, causing a slow tail wag to erupt from both of them. The fox turned the knob to stop the water flow and slowly lowered the pup into the water.

"Feel good puppy?" he said, while making sure to clean the wolf's messy fur.

Chase nodded, and started to splash around and play with the foamy bath water, squirming as his father washed his sticky grey fur.

"Feels gweat daddy!".

The bathroom floor soon became covered in small puddles, which grew as the pup was finally lifted out of the tub and into a warm, fluffy towel that covered his entire body. All that could be heard was the childish laughter as the older fox carried him out the saturated room, leaving behind a dying trail of water droplets that soon became engulfed in darkness as his paw flicked off the lightswitch. He laid his pup on his bear themed bed and opened the towel, followed by a frontal assault of raspberries over the pup's tummy.

"Dadddy!!!...Staph!" the pup cried out, as his paws tried to push away his father's head. The squeals from the pup echoed throughout the room as he kicked and wiggled, trying to get away until finally, Seggy stopped and grabbed a new diaper for his son. Moments later Seggy applied the final tape on the cubby themed padding and nuzzled Chase affectionately.

"Ready to go to the park now pup?"