Chapter 9 - Peace

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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#9 of Valkyrie - Pegasus - Book 2 - The Hand of Gods

Location: Gia City â€" North Terra

"How much!?" shouted Silver across the table at the otter who glanced back at him through steel-frame spectacles. "You expect me to find 200,000 for a ship!? How about this... give me the ship or I'll ram it so far up your..."

"Excuse Silver, he's a little over emotional at the moment" smiled Anna at the gentlemen as she put her hand over Silver's mouth. She then attempted to grab Silver away, taking him back to the other table in the bar with the team sat around it.

They had been sat in this seedy bar all day waiting for a contact in the resistance to come and meet with them. Unfortunately they had not considered that anybody would help them for free.

Blackfire had spent the entire morning explaining about why Diamond had given him the task of decoding the computer. About six drinks later, and an interesting conversation with an Orca that seemed to want to rearrange Silver's face he had finally explained everything about the advanced map.

"What do you think it could mean?" asked Anna as she came back with several glasses of water for the crew.

"My only guess is that Asgard need these items. That might be why they're willing to tear up the rest of Terra and Silmeria to do it." snarled Blackfire who was still having to defend his position about leaving Diamond in the woods with two bullet holes in his legs.

"What about... hey!" shouted Hy all of a sudden after a few seconds silence in which Silver had to shuffle about on the bar-stool in order to find a position that was comfortable for his tail. Everyone's glance immediately turned to the Tiger that had been silent a lot through their journey.

"Blacky... can I call you Blacky?"


"Well Blacky... what was the name of the other two planets... I mean the ones that don't include Terra or Silmeria?"

Blackfire stained his memory in order to think for a second, he scratched the scales on his forehead. "Um... Atlantia... I think and then some planet that I could not make out... some of the data was corroded..."

"Did you catch the star-fix?" asked Hy, knowing that all maps used the same astronomical markers in order to make faster-than-light jumps.

"20..5 point 8" said Blackfire slightly unsure of himself as he lit up a cigarette carefully.

"Then we are going to need a ship..."

So they had waited for hours before somebody arrived from the resistance to meet with them. They had been absolutely amazed that in this part of Terra, not everyone had been left to work in the minds and concentration camps but had instead been forced to live under occupied rule.

When somebody had finally arrived, Silver and Anna had approached them cautiously in order to make sure that they were actually working for the resistance. However the meeting had been quickly cut short because of Silver's irrational temper.

"Will you stop behaving like a complete dick!" whispered Anna loudly to Silver as she dragged him away for the Otter's table.

"That guy is trying to rip us off..."

"Look... we need the ship... use your head. We can promise to pay him when we get to destination and then do a runner..."

"Since when did you get so calculating?" smiled Silver as he looked in Anna's eyes with the smallest sparkle of affection between them. Anna just smiled back at Silver, feeling a connection between them growing.

"Better still!" whispered Blackfire who had crept up behind them from the table. "We could always cripple him and take the ship..."

"I think you've done enough crippling for one day" snapped Anna back at him. She walked up to the Otter and smiled, pulling her blouse down to make a more seductive offer.

"We'll take it."

Location: Homeworld

One week later...

The rain on Homeworld had still not dissipated and showed no signs of relenting as it pounded the land. The sea mercilessly pounded the cliffs along the coast as there was a break in the clouds. A small ship commenced its landing, slowly falling to a soft plain that was ravaged by the endless rains.

The ship was a small bulk landing craft that appeared in the sky as quickly as could be seen with the human eye. The craft was on four pylons that extended outwards towards the central pillar. It was an unusually shaped ship but had no trouble cutting through the atmosphere.

A hatch on the door of the ship opened, releasing smooth plumes of coolant into the air. Silver and Anna stepped out into the rain, the air was strangely pleasant and felt clean and good.

Rather then the stale air on the ship.

Blackfire followed them out, he had changed his shirt on the way to the planet. All three of them were wearing plastic yellow ponchos that protected them from the relentless rain. Silver tapped open a radio and began to speak into it.

"Hy, are you sure the computer gave the right coordinates?" asked Silver, wiping the rain away from his furry face. He wondered why they could not just go to a more pleasant planet.

"This is the location of the planet indicated in the ancient texts as Helfhiem" chanted Hy back over the radio.

They had spent about a week in space, with the resistance in hot pursuit of them. They had stole the ship from right under their nose. Their only allies had gone, now they were wanted on both sides. They had also stolen files from Diamond's personal database with his identification card that Diamond had on him when they left him the forest.

They had learned from his files, which contained normal administration paperwork followed by work details on the mines. However the most interesting files were the ones that contained Diamond's personal logs and journals. It had appeared that the Pegasus had spent an awful amount of time researching Terran legends, including a detailed map of the cosmos that seemed to include the same points that Blackfire had recovered from the ancient computer.

"Well!?" Blackfire yelled, his hair and scales getting rather cold from the constant wind and rain.

"What are we supposed to be looking for?"

"That!?" shouted Anna pointing towards a large stone structure which seemed to be precariously placed on the cliff. The building had large spires almost like a temple but was half in ruins, it had once been a building but now a pile of rubble surrounded it.

Location: Unknown

"Diamond? Why did you leave me?"

"I had no choice, the Asgard demanded..."

"You betrayed me for the false gods"

"Lance... I...I...I'm sorry!"

"You're sorry? The only person you feel sorry for is yourself!"


"GET A BACKBONE! Nobody controls your destiny but you and you sold it to the Asgard!"

"I... was doing... my duty as a servant to the Asgard."

"But look what it's cost you! No friends... No love... No family! You are not some divinely ordained horse! You are a normal person... You should take more pride in yourself."


"I love you still... I never told you when I was alive but I do..."

"How did you get here!?"

Location: Homeworld (Helfhiem)

Blackfire immediately grabbed his pistol as he entered the room. It was a massive hall, adorned with the finest jewels that made it look absolutely stunning. However at the bottom of the hall was a familiar white horse who got up in a long velvet cloak and turned round to confront


"W-wh-what?" said Blackfire, cocking the gun in front of Diamond who just stared at Blackfire with a long of sympathy. "I left you there!"

Diamond opened his mouth to speak very slowly. "Your weapon will not work here... this is a house of the Goddess"

"You and your "Gods!" shouted Blackfire, looking at Diamond with pure contempt. "You have a habit for picking the loosing side!"

Silver came charging into the room, at first he did not notice Diamond standing the other end of the hall. "Blacky!" he called out to Blackfire. He then saw Diamond and immediately drew his weapon, a small sub-machine gun and pointed it at Diamond.

"What the fuck!?" he exclaimed out loud. "How can he be here!?"

"The Goddess saved me... She brought me into her eternal light... Now I can save you?" said Diamond, his arms began to glow with ominous green energy.

"Save us! You're the one that needs saving!" shouted Blackfire, firing three or four shots, all of them missing and weaving their way around Diamond as he moved forward. Diamond just remained calm as he reached out his hand.

Blackfire and Silver both felt a searing pain in their heads at exactly the same time. It felt as if their brains were being heated...

"Foolish mortals..." said a voice coming from Diamond, it was feminine and powerful at the same time. Diamond's eyes flashed a shade of green as both Blackfire and Silver tumbled to the floor from the pain. This was not Diamond talking to them but just his shell that somebody was using.

"No!" screamed out Diamond's voice from inside his body. "You promised I would never have to hurt anyone again! Please stop..."

"Silence... or your soul will join the void..." Diamond held out his hand at Silver.

The next few seconds were brief... Silver's entire body seemed to shatter away like he was a mirror and had been smashed, he screamed in pain as his body seemed to be engulfed in flames, condensing his blue energy into a glowing orb.

Diamond manipulated the orb, forcing into an item which Diamond revealed from under his cloak, which appeared like a sword's hilt only with no blade.

"Your generous donation will not be forgotten... Now for this lonely little dragon here..." he moved in on Blackfire, who was knelt over in pain on the floor.

"P-P-Please STOOOOOPPPPPP!" screamed Diamond from within his own head but his crying was in vain. He had allowed himself to yet again become a vessel to a higher purpose, however there was no morality.

He had been used again... allowed himself to be soothed by the communication with Lance and the comforting of Galladia.

Blackfire felt the incredible stress on his body, as if it was imploding in on itself.

"Have this donation! BITCH!" shouted Annuka as she ran in with a golden dagger that she had grabbed off one of the statues and plunged it into Diamond's back.

Diamond squealed in pain, releasing the hilt of the blade from his hand as he fell forward onto his knees. Green energy released outwards from his mouth, plummeting into the sky like smoke.

After a few seconds, he fell backwards, bleeding heavily.

Anna panted, holding the bloody knife in her hands and letting it drop down before her. She had never needed to stab somebody before, it had shocked her how easy stabbing was. How merciless it could be, the true darkness of violence.

Blackfire got up to floor and grabbed his gun, ready to exact revenge for hurting him and the apparent death of Silver.

"Wait!" said Anna as she watched Diamond fidget in pain on the floor. Blood trickled out of the stab wound in his back, causing a puddle to form on the cold marble floor. Diamond suddenly felt as if all the heat was leaving his body, his wings emerged from his back , each feather slowly falling off, like leaves leaving the branch of a tree.

"F-Forg-ive me" spluttered Diamond, trying to get the words out of his mouth. Blood had begun to form in his throat from the internal bleeding. He weakly pushed the hilt of the sword that Galladia had used into Anna's hand.

"W-hat?" asked Anna in her confusion, her nuzzle twitch a bit from the smell of blood.

"T...that, is D-d-dem-demon sword Levantine... You-your friend- is not dead. His soul was- absorbed to h-help power- the-"

"...The what?" said Blackfire, who was still standing over Diamond with a look of contempt on his face. Diamond then pulled out another thing from his jacket, it looked like a wind instrument, like a flute and he placed it in Anna's hand.

Diamond's body began to go into shock from the damage that Anna had inflicted on him, he gasped for air and managed to only squeeze a few words out.

"Time... Not-enough time... Lance.." he said as he drew his last breath. His feathers had all completely fallen off of his wings.

As Diamond took one last look up, he could see a white opening in the room. A figure began to emerge, as if coming down to him. He could make out, the nose, the ears... the tail.

"Lance...?" whispered Diamond.

Lance smiled at him. "We were never together in life... but we can be together in death. I love you..."

Lance fell down on Diamond, lifting him up. Diamond looked back at his dead body as he began to ascend. He held Lance close to him. He had no peace in life, was a puppet of forces more powerful than he was. But now he could be at peace.

Tears flowed down his cheek.

He finally had peace!