Chapter Three - Coming Out; The Big Question

Story by Chrisxwolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Life's Changes

Didn't get a chance to get as much as I wanted in this chapter but here it is. Definitely got some good build up for chapters to come though. Shout out to Keith (Silverfangdragon) for helping orchestrate and build the story for chapters to come. Hope you enjoy and of course thanks for reading!

We sat at one of the tables shrouded in the shade of a near by tree. Nate and I sitting close holding paws laughing and enjoying each other's company. Talking about this and that, I adored how his marble white fur danced in the gentle breeze. His smile bliss as ever, teeth giving a light gleam from the light. We scooted closer staring into one another's eyes. My heart pounded and I felt my face blush brightly as I began to lean in to kiss him. Nate's face also gave a deep blush as he leaned in as well. His sweet, welcoming aroma filled my nostrils as he got closer and I felt his warm breath meet mine. I closed my eyes as our muzzles drew closer.

I snapped my eyes open as Creatures by Motionless In White blared from my phone. I sighed long and heavy as I swiped the screen to silence the alarm. "Every damn time," I whispered to myself. I lay there a few extra minutes, giving a soft smile, as I recalled the dream. Wishing, Hoping, that one day, it would come true. Taking a deep breath I rubbed the sleepy grogginess from my eyes with my paws. Stretching as I sat up, my joints cracking and popping as they too tried to wake and join the waking world. I slowly stood and flexed my legs as the muscles stretched to come to life. Shuffling to the bathroom still half asleep, I let out a big yawn followed my a displeased look as I looked myself over in the mirror. Fur twisted and knotted, shining slightly in the light, I could feel the oily residue from sweat and dirt. Sticking my tongue out and letting out a silent yuck, I turned the shower on and let it warm up. I hoped in and quickly began washing away the filth. Making sure to scrub and lather my fur. Once all the soap was out I reached for the conditioner and rubbed it into my body, letting it soak a bit before rinsing off and shutting off the water.

I gave my body a quick rub down before wrapping up in my towel and heading back for my room. Once I shut the door I finished drying out my fur, grabbing a pair of boxers and sliding them on. I rummaged for a couple minutes looking for my black skinny jean, frowning as I had trouble finding them. Finally digging far enough I found them and gave them a good flap to get the fuzzes and creases out. After putting them on I went for my closet to find a shirt, quickly deciding on a long sleeve HIM band shirt with a heartagram on the back. I wiggled it on as I returned to the bathroom to brush out my now somewhat dry fur. Getting all the knots out I set my brush down and ran a paw through the fur on the top of my head, spiking it with the flow of my purple stripe. I then walked out just as my sister emerged from here room still trying to wipe the sleep from her face. "Morning," I said cheerfully as she just gave me a lazy wave before disappearing into the bathroom. I chuckled as I made my way to the kitchen and grabbing a cup of coffee. Todd always left for work super early in the mornings but he always made sure to brew a fresh batch of coffee for me and mom before he left. Upon reaching the garage I found the TV on but no one out there. "Hmm mom must have left early too." She didn't have to be to work until 9 so she was usually out here by the time I would get up.

I shrugged and sat behind the bar, blankly staring at the TV as I sipped my coffee. I yawned again and reached for my phone after feeling it vibrate. It was Nate, "you up and ready hon, " read the text. I smiled and typed back "yup, once my sisters done and ready I'll be on my way to pick you up :)" It had been a few weeks since our first encounter and we started hanging out more, he even got comfortable enough to be around my friends. Which he fit in perfectly with having so much in common with us all, music, movies, same dark sense of humor, and with him being openly gay the girls took a liking to him real quick. Even enjoyed watching us guys skate, although I'm pretty sure he just used that to check me out, I didn't mind. I'd flash him winks every now and then. I still wasn't quite ready to come out to everyone yet though. It meant a lot to him but he understood and took his time with me, letting me slowly build up the courage to do so. My phone went off again, "okay, see ya soon," followed by a kissing face, I sent him one back. We weren't officially dating at this point but we were defiantly very close. Smiling to myself I finished my coffee as my sister appeared in the doorway. "I'm ready." She said before heading back in to grab her stuff.

I returned to the kitchen and placed my coffee cup in the sink. Grabbing my keys I met her at the front door and walked out. A little brisk, the cool mid October air gently gusting through my fur, sending a slight shiver through my body. Faith had the right idea, dark blue skinnyish jeans, a black Hello Kitty shirt with X's for eyes, and more importantly a medium thick grey skull jacket. I thought about running back in for my Fox Racing jacket but decided against it as I unlocked my car and we both hoped in. I handed her my phone as I fired up the car, she quickly turned on Courtesy Call by Thousand Foot Krutch. I smirked as she started to really get into the song. We made our way up to Nate's house, he only living a few houses up it made sense for him to ride with us. He must've heard us coming, as soon as we pulled up he came walking out the door, his mom behind him telling him goodbye. She waved to my sister and I before shutting the door. I had met his parents, they were actually quite nice, also upon my telling them who I was, they found it funny that my mom was the realtor who helped them find their house. Being a small town I was used to this but I humored them nonetheless. I smiled as Nate made his way over to my car, he had black and dark blue splattered skinny jeans with a black Atreyu shirt and Led Zeppelin hoody I left him borrow. It was a bit small for me but it fit him quiet nicely.

Faith opened her door and lifted her seat to let Nate slip in the back seat, giving me a quick kiss on the side of my muzzle before taking his seat. "Hey babe, hey Faith. How are you guys?" I smiled and gave his leg a good squeeze with my paw, "much better now that you're here." He blushed and got all giddy while my sister just giggled. "You guys are to damn cute together," she slapped my arm, "when are you gonna come out so you guys can be this adorable all the time?" They both stared at me as I blushed brightly and started driving down the street. "Soon, I promise." Faith just gave me a disbelieved look while Nate smiled softly, "It's all right hon, take your time." I flashed him a smile through the rear view mirror. Picking up speed I shifted gears as all three of us rocking out to Monument by A Day to Remember. I started to sing along and stopped once I noticed Nate staring at me with a gushy look across his face. I blushed and turned my head. "Why'd you stop babe? You're really good!" My sister nodded in agreement, "yeah you really are." I shrugged with a shy look on my face, ears laid back, "I don't know I'm just really nervous about it. Plus stage fright I guess." We reached the school, parking my car we all got out, grabbing our bags and walking to the front door. Nate came up, walking beside me, he rubbed my arm. "Just another thing you need to work on, cause I love hearing you sing." I blushed and chuckled as we entered the school, Faith waving as she headed for her locker. "I'll get right on that," I chuckled as Nate and I turned for our lockers. His, ironically, was just a few down from mine, throwing our stuff in, we made our way to the cafeteria. Where everyone hung out before class, we turned the corner, but before we walked all the way in he stopped me and gave me a tight hug. I wrapped my paws around him returning the hug, pulling him close and giving him a kiss. Our muzzles locked into the kiss for a second before separating and continued walking. He walked beside me as we headed for the table we usually sit at, Zach, Daron, Logan, Kayla, and Aaron already sitting there. I felt their eyes on me as we walked over.

Nate and I sat down and the table was quiet, I shifted awkwardly in my seat as Aaron finally broke the silence. "Sooo, there somethin' you wanna tell us?" He raised an eye brow with his question. My tail twitched nervously and I just shook my head, "no, not really." Seeing how nervous I was they all let it go and went back to normal conversation, except Daron who tried to pester me about what they all saw. He leaned over and whispered "dude are you..." His voice trailed off as he gave a slight nod toward Nate, who had joined the others in conversation. I laid my ears back and spoke low, "I don't know what you're talking about." He gave a frown and continued to get me to open up. I quickly shut him up as I pointed out Destiny walking into the cafeteria knowing that would be the break I needed to distract him. His eyes glistened as he stared in her direction, muzzle hanging open slightly. We watched as she walked by, Brittany walking with her; Britt flashing me a small thumbs up as they passed. I smirked and nodded toward her. The plan was in action I thought to myself. I turned to Aaron and Kayla mouthing silently "it's on" to them and they both nodded in response. We talked for a few more minutes before the bell finally rang through the halls. We all got up and began to head our separate ways, giving Nate's paw a good squeeze with mine under the cover of the table before he headed off to his first class. Logan and Aaron walking with him as the three of them had math first. Daron and Kayla went off toward the science room while Zach and I headed for the english room. We didn't bring any of our books cause we knew we were watching a movie today. We'd just finished The Great Gatsby book, so now we were watching the movie.

Zach and I made our way to the back of the classroom and took a seat next to each other. I lay my head down on my paws on the desk in front of me as the teacher dimmed the lights and switched on the movie. I yawned softly and started to close my eyes. I was almost asleep when Zach gently kicked my chair and motioned me over. Picking my head up and seeing his gesture I quietly scooted my chair closer to his. He leaned over as he spoke in a soft whisper, "dude you know you can talk to me about anything right?" I shuffled my paws nervously in my lap knowing where this conversation was heading. "Y- yeah, I know I can." He gave me a reassuring look, "and... About what we saw in the hall?" I sighed quietly before finally letting it out. "Okay yeah, Nate and I are-" He raised and eye brow slightly. "We're kinda half ass d- dating." I blushed and turned away as I shifted shyly in my seat. My tail twitching nervously this way and that. I calmed down as he placed his paw on my arm and spoke softly, "dude I don't mind. You're still my bro, just as long as you're happy." I sighed and smiled as my tail wagged a little, "thanks man, means a lot. Love you bro." He smiled back at me "love you too bro... No homo." We both laughed and the teacher quickly looked in our direction to silence us, telling me to scoot back to my desk. I shuffled back over and laid my head back down sighing and smiling softly. Maybe this would go a little easier than I thought to myself.

The class finally ended and we all got up and filed out the door. Zach and I didn't bother stoping at our lockers, we had gym next so what was the point. Logan and Aaron did too, and they soon met up with us in the locker room. Changing into our gym clothes the four of us headed outside. Being Thursday it was track day. Nothing special just go down to the track and run two laps then walk two the whole time. Pretty useless in my opinion but it did give us all chance to talk with each other. The four of us ran and walked as a group. "You're looking a little more relaxed." Aaron said to me. "Yeah, I feel a little bit better now." I replied. Him and Logan shared a quick glance at each other. "So about this morning then..." Logan said in a questioning tone. I gave a shy look and turned my head. "You want me to tell them?" Zach asked. I nodded and he turned back to them, "him and Nate are going out." Aaron and Logan shared a surprised look then Aaron gave me a good pat on the back. "Dude that's awesome! You know you don't have to hide that from us." Logan gave me a soft shoulder bump, "yeah man, why didn't you tell us you two were going out?" I chuckled softly "cause we're not officially dating yet. I haven't asked him yet." A nervous shake in my step as we rounded our second lap and began to walk. "Well when are you gonna ask him." Zach said wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead. I took a deep breath "I'm gonna ask him to Fall Formal later today." "Fall Formal?" Logan said in a shocked tone. "As in the formal school dance this weened?" I blushed and nodded. "Dude that's awesome!" Aaron said excitedly.

We continued to talk as the rest of the class went on before heading back in to shower and get changed. The rest of the school day went by pretty quick although I was still nervous about officially asking Nate to go out with me. Zach and Aaron assuring me it would be alright and to relax. Still though, it was a little nerve wracking. The final bell rang and I quickly rushed to my locker to place my things inside. I hurried to outside eager for some fresh air. Thankfully it had warmed up a bit from earlier, the warm breeze felt good blowing through my fur as I made my way to my car. Zach and I always parked next to each other and the whole group would just meet at our cars to catch up on what we were doing for the day. News had apparently spread quick throughout the group as one by one they all made their way out of the school and wished me luck. Thanking them and trying to calm my nerves my heart began to pound as I spotted my cute fox smiling and walking over to join us. He had a funny confused look as he got closer and saw everyone trying to contain their excitement and hide their smiles. "What's going on?" He said jokingly. "What's everyone doing today?" I took a deep breath as I stepped closer to him and held his paws in mine, "well I don't know what their all doing but you and I are heading to the next town over to go clothes shopping." He looked more puzzled now "clothes shopping?" I blushed and held his paws tighter, "you'll wanna look nice if you want to go to Fall Formal with me right?" His ears perked up and his face lit up in a bright smile "y- you mean as a couple?" I smiled and nodded as I finally asked the question that's been on my mind. "Nate, will you go out with me?" He practically jumped into my arms and nuzzled into me, "yes! Yes of course I will Krys!"

Everyone gave us hugs and congratulated us both, we thanked them all, and Britt showed us pics she took while I asked Nate out. "I better get copies of those." "Don't worry you will friend!" She said cheerfully. I gave her another hug before turning to my sister, "I'll run you home befo-" Zach quickly cut me off "no don't worry about it. I'll give her a ride, you guys go." He gave me a solid paw bump. I thanked him again and gave Nate another hug as we hoped in my car. Waving to everyone as we drove off. "You know I need to tell my parents where I'm going right?" I nodded "I know hon." "So what are we gonna tell them?" A worried tone in his voice. I simply smiled as I took his paw, "the truth." I said softly. His smiled returned and he relaxed more as we drove toward his house. The drive seemed to flash by as I ran through the conversation in my head. Only taking a deep breath as we pulled up to his house. We got out and he took my paw and held it close as we walked up to the front door. I followed him in as we entered the home, finding his parents sitting on the couch. His mom watching TV, while his dad read the paper. "Welcome home Nate, and hello Krys," his mothers voice was soft and welcoming. We both said hello back as Nate shifted nervously on his hind paws. His father looked up with a questioning expression, "something on your mind son?" Before he could reply I spoke up, "actually sir, I have a question for the both of you." They both looked intrigued as they focused their attention on us. Nate blushed brightly and my heart pounded and my voice shook as I spoke. "I'd like to take your son to Canton to go clothes shopping for the Fall Formal school dance." My tail twitched nervously as I took Nate's paw again, "as a couple." We held each others paws tightly as the room fell silent and his parents looked at each other and back at us. His father finally broke the silence and casually spoke "so what you're trying to say is you two are dating?" We both gave a shy nod. His parents looked to one another again before letting out a small amount of laughter as his mom got up and came up to us placing a paw on each of our shoulders. "I don't know why you two are getting so worked up over this, we still love you all the same; And you two do look cute together." We both let out a sigh of relief and laughed slightly. We stayed and talked for a few minutes, his parents assuring us that they were ok with it. As we started to leave his father called out one of those 'you break his heart I brake your neck' speeches in a half serious half joking tone. I assured him I had no such intentions in doing so, and he smiled and waved us off. "All right go on, get outa here you two." He said as his mother added in "yeah you boys better go before it gets too late and all the stores close." She gave each of us a hug and we said bye to the both of them before retreating outside.

We got back into my car and laughed hugging tightly. "That went a lot better than I thought it would." Nate said a relieved tone in his voice. I started the car and began to drive us down the road toward the highway. "A lot better." I said chuckling, grabbing his paw and holding it tightly. He smiled and sighed contently, sinking deeper into his seat. As I turned onto the highway I slid my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him, "here wanna put on some music?" "Sure hon, whatcha wanna listen to?" He asked taking my phone and opening Spotify. "Anything you want love. You know I love the same music as you." I said giving him a warm smile. He returned the smiled as he scrolled through my playlists. "Okay how bout something we both love." "What'd ya find?" I asked "It's a surprise, hold on." Before I could reply You're Not Alone by Of Mice and Men started to play through the speakers. I smiled and squeezed his paw, "one of my favorites babe." His smile was warm and bright as he leaned over and kissed the side of my muzzle. "I know hon." He continued to pick and play songs as we drove, knowing exactly which ones were my favorite. We jammed out as we drove, I started to sing along with a lot of the songs he played. Catching him stare at me as I sang more, a blissful look in his eyes.

We finally reached Canton and quickly weaved our way through the town to the mall. Canton wasn't that big of a city but defiantly big enough to at least have a mall with some decent stores. Circling the parking lot I finally came across a spot and parked the car and we got out. Walking side by side I held his paw as we entered. Some furs giving us weird and dirty looks, we didn't care, we had each other. Going from store to store not finding anything we like, we eventually found a smaller clothing store toward the end. It wasn't near as big as the others but from the outside definitely looked more promising. Finding the mens dress shirt section we separated and browsed around. I ended up finding a long sleeved black dress shirt with swaying green stripes, I walked over to the mirror and held it up and thought it clashed nicely with my purple fur. I turned to show him the shirt I had found just as he was holding up the one he had found. It was the same except the stripes were purple, almost matching my fur. We both laughed at finding such well matching shirts and decided on getting them. We were about to check out as my phone went off, it was Aaron. "Hey man I totally forgot to get a dress shirt, think you can pick me up one while you're out?" I quickly replied to the text, "ya hold up. I'll see what I can find." Heading back to the shirts, Nate found a deep grey dress shirt with a tribal design, the color close to matching Aaron's red striped fur. I sent him a pic of it and asked what he thought. "That's perfect man, thanks." Collecting our things we headed for the check out, paying, and making our way back to the car.

The drive home went by quick, staying out a little later than expected it'd had gotten pretty late in the evening. We stopped at a drive through to grab a quick bite to eat before hitting the road. I wolfed down my burger so I wouldn't have to try and eat once we hit the highway while Nate just laughed and took his time. Although I'm pretty sure he was as hungry as I was, for he finished his soon after I did. He let out a yawn and stretched as he lay his head on my shoulder. "You can take a nap hon, I'll wake ya up when we get there." He looked up at me,"you sure? I don't want to leave you alone while I sleep." I smiled warmly "it's all right, I don't mind." He smiled back as he lay his head back down. I grabbed my phone and switched to my oldies playlist and turned on Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden. Nate quickly showed signs he was sleeping, breathing slower and snoring lightly. It was pretty cute. It was about a forty minute drive, but I didn't mind. I was just happy to have him with me as I gently ran my paw through his soft fur.

It was about 10:30 by the time we finally rolled up to his house. I didn't have the heart to wake him. He looked so peaceful, I gracefully picked him up and held him in my arms as I walked up to his house. I gave a light knock and heard foot steps approach. His mother cracked the door open, "oh there you two are." She said softly. "Yeah sorry that took longer than I thought. I couldn't bring myself to wake him up, you mind if I put him in bed?" She let out a small chuckle as she opened the door further. "Not at all, his room is down the hall and to the left." I smiled and nodded as I walked in and turned down the hall. I gently pushed his door open and stepped into his room. A little messy, clothes here and there, a few posters that still needed hung up, and some notebooks laying about. I was careful not to step on anything as I gently lay him in his bed and pulling the covers over him. I gave a soft smile and kissed his forehead before leaving and quietly shutting his door. I thanked his mom and said goodbye as I left. I sent him a text saying I didn't want to wake him when we got home and that I tucked him in and kissed him goodnight and that I'd see him tomorrow followed by a kissing face.

Driving the short distance home I parked my car in the drive way and headed inside. I went to the garage to let my parents know I was home and heading for bed. I gave them both a hug and told them love you and goodnight before receding inside. Upon reaching my room I quickly stripped to my boxers and stretched, yawning big as I ruffled the fur on my head. I placed my phone on the charger before switching the light off and crawling into bed. I couldn't believe how good of a day today was. I smiled and cozied up under my blanket as my eyes started to drift close. My body started to grow numb as sleep quickly began to take hold and I thought about the day that was to come. "Tomorrow was the day" I said out loud to myself as my mind faded from the waking world into dreamscape.