World of the Dark Light

Story by Sonic Fox on SoFurry

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#10 of Chronicles of Sonic Fox

This story is rated "Y" for Yiffy. Reader discretion is advised. It's been three days since a new chapter of my life began and I meant to make a journal on that day, but now I finally took the time to do so; my wife has birthed our son, a beautiful fox cub we named Nikolas. I have never been so amazed, or felt so happy, in my entire life, and Alice feels the same way, if not more so; it's nice to see her so loving rather than screaming at me during birth, something I hope to never experience again. All my fears concerning my abilities as a father disappeared on that day, though I am still worried about The Remnant; I'm not sure if Raize, or Omni Dragon, will harbor any resentment towards me and my family, which will decide whether Viper, Cat, or Tigress will come after me, but I know that Juskar, Sky Coyote, as well as Bear, Cougar, and Jackal will be looking for us. I must ensure that no member of The Remnant will find us, whether they are my friend or not; my son will have to live in secret. Despite my fears, I have been filled with joy as I stayed by my wife's side as she cared for our little Nikolas. Like me, he has my people's blue fur and already has his own white tattoos on his body; his are very different from mine, which is unusual since most are born with tattoos resembling that of their parents', but it's not unheard of, it's simply very rare and means he will have some very unique abilities other than a "watered-down" version of my healing ability. I have looked over his tattoos and can find no clues to his abilities; there is a sun on his right shoulder, a moon on his left, and two canine heads, a fox and a wolf, on his back, which could mean anything. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see what his gift, or gifts, will be. However, now that I have a son, I feel as though I've become more paranoid than ever; the night my son was born, I thought I heard a howl, one that I've never heard in these tranquil woods before. The next night was even more concerning; I could hear something moving about outside, making bushes both away and dangerously close to my home. I awoke and, staying in the same room as my sleeping wife and child, peered out the window; there was nothing that I could see for about three minutes. But just as I was about to turn on the protective metallic blinds for the windows, I heard that same howl and stared hard in the direction it came from; as my eyes focused on the tree line, I could make out something glinting in the dark beyond the trees, and saw a single golden eye glaring back at me.

I walked into my room and opened my closet, searching through the clothes I had stockpiled from the previous worlds I visited. During my recent encounter with The Remnant, Stealth Viper managed to "deactivate" my armor, making it disappear in a stunning digital display, leaving nothing but the computer on my left arm. I managed to find out how to engage and disengage my armor on the computer, but I realized that this presented me with the chance to blend in better with the crowds of other worlds; now that my armor could appear and reappear, I was free to where regular clothing that would hide my weapons without drawing as much attention as I previously had while wearing the black, white, and blue armor. I picked out relatively dark clothing from the closet, believing the color would not draw attention to me; I chose a pair of black socks and tennis shoes, some black pants with a few pockets in the legs, my utility belt with my blaster and sword in their enclosed holsters, a white t-shirt, and a black jacket. At first, I thought the whole ensemble would make me look like a troublemaker, but Jimmy told me that black was one of the best colors since it doesn't catch peoples' eyes like the brighter ones. Before I dressed myself, I went over to the armory a picked out a very flexible and comfortable vest to wear under my shirt; the label on the box it was kept in said that it won't stop blades or gunfire, but can absorb blunt blows and the aforementioned hazards as long as they weren't direct. Finally, I began dressing, noting how the protective vest did not show under my shirt and took a good look in the mirror; despite the blue fur and the gun metal colored collar on my neck, I looked like your average very day fox. My hand strayed to the collar and touched it lightly, feeling over its surface; I felt a dizzying sensation come over me, like I was about to fall asleep, but my hands continued to rove over the metal, like they were looking for something and beyond my control. "You ready yet, Nik?" Alex suddenly asked, opening the auto-door and stepping into my room. My trance was broken and I shook my head. "Huh, what? Oh right yeah," I fumbled, "I'm ready. How about you and the others?" "Gene and I are all set and ready to go, and Jimmy is just coming back into the ship after testing his sun vaccine for the fourth time this week," Alex stated. "So, where are we going today?" "Well, I've been trying to see if I "feel" other universes; try and sense what they are like before we just go to them," I answered, "So far, it's all been very blurry, but I came across a very odd one recently." "Why is it odd?" Alex asked. "It feels like there are two worlds, but they're...overlapping," I stated. "It's worth exploring, and if we go there, The Remnant may follow us and we can finally get the jump on them instead of it being the other way around." "Sounds like a plan," Alex said with a smiled, "I'll go get Gene and bring the vampire out of the sun to get ready." "What in the world would a vampiric dragon like Jimmy be doing in sunlight that uses up almost half our stores of the sun vaccine, the only thing keeping him from dying out there?" I asked. Alex muffled his laughs as best he could, before answering. "Sunbathing."

  • * * "Did you guys find anything?" I asked as the others meet me in between the two gothic buildings. Upon entering this world, we were greeted by a very dark atmosphere; it wasn't threatening, but it wasn't exactly a "warm" place. The whole two we were in had numerous old buildings, gothic and medieval in design and held together by what appeared to be crystals; the people matched the town, having dark colored fur and wearing old time clothing like robes and other long forgotten attires. The four of us had split up to see if we could find out why this place felt so weird, Gen heading north, Jimmy east, Alex west, and I took to the south; the odd sensation I felt before coming here worsened, becoming a more like a combination of slight nausea and a minor headache. "Sorry man," Alex replied, "There's nothing that hints at anything bizarre by my standards; not even the locals could give me any details on this place that were actually useful." "At least you could speak to them," Jimmy remarked, "I noticed that the populace not as diverse as my world; the only species here are canines, felines, and equines, so you can imagine who well they reacted to a dragon like myself." "You think you had a hard time," Gene interjected, "Try walking around this place as me; you wouldn't believe how many furs either called me a mutant or a severe burned victim." "Well, I did worse than you guys," I replied, "I feel really sick being here, like I'm...unbalanced, if you'd believe that." "You sure you want to stay here then," Gene asked, "It may not be a good idea to stay if you feel like crap." "Psst," someone hissed. The four of us immediately about faced and saw a lone blue fox with neon yellow chest fur in a red duster and dark colored clothing leaning against the side of a building. As soon as I saw him, one thought occupied my mind; if he has blue fur...then is he one of my kind? "Looking for something?" "Yes," I answered, "But who are you? Have you been eavesdropping on us?" "A little bit, yeah," the fox replied, nonchalantly scratching his ear, "I can answer your questions better than anyone here, but you're going to have to answer mine first; if I like what I hear, you'll get what you want." "Fair enough," I said, "Ask what you're going to ask, but at least answer my first question." "The name's Jon Stunghorn," the fox answered, "Now for my questions. You're not from this world, are you?" I was taken aback by the question; how did he know I wasn't from this world? " I'm not," I uttered amazed, "How did...? "I know?" Jon finished for me. "First off, you fur is too light for this place. Second, your two friends over there are obviously not part of the local populace. And finally, I can sense something different about all of you, especially you; I think you're not from the other world either." "Other world?" Alex repeated. "Not yet," Jon remarked, "I have another question. Why exactly are you here?" "We were exploring," I stated, "And hoping to find some people before they find us." "So my instincts were right," Jon replied, "You are going to cause trouble." "We don't want to," Jimmy answered, "But trouble finds us easily." "Sounds like you go looking for it," Jon retorted. "Regardless, I'm keeping you in my sights, but not because of the reason you think." "Then why are you so suspicious?" Gene asked. Jon reached inside his duster and pulled out a sheet of paper, raising it to us. "The Nest, who I work for, has received this notice concerning a rogue anthromorph. The suspect has not harmed anyone yet, but has been menacing the populace for the past three days in both worlds. The description reads as a canine with blue fur and wearing dark clothing; The Nest already ruled me out as a suspect, but you match the description almost perfectly." "You're going to arrest me?" I asked. "No," Jon stated, "None of you, despite how alien you are, seem like the types who would cause this disturbance, though I'd advise to keep any weapons concealed for now; I want you to help me find this guy and get rid of him." "You trust us," Alex asked, "Just like that?" "Sure, why the hell not," Jon said lightly, "And the job will be done quicker if I have four furs who know what they're actually doing on my side." "Sounds good," I replied, "But you keep mentioning two worlds; care to expand on that?" "In a nutshell, there are two world's that exist in the same place, but in different dimensions," Jon summed up. "This place is the shadow world, where magic is key and there are no technological advances. The light world, however, is much more modern and has no magic. Now most people don't know of these worlds, but there are some who know and some who can actually traverse between the two, like myself; we are referred to as Walkers, and I work for the best Walker mercenary group in both worlds, The Nest." "So, you don't go to any other dimensions?" I asked, slightly crestfallen as Jon began to look less like my kind. "No, and frankly I have no interest; it's hard enough with just the two," Jon replied. "At any rate, I have an idea where this guy is, but I need three of you to cause a distraction so the people don't see the fight, if there is one, while one of you follows me to where I think he is." We'll do it," Jimmy said, "Alex, Gene and I can distract them while you and Nik find him; sounds like it may be someone he's looking for." "Alright," Jon stated, "Go divert the people's attention from that building over there." Jon pointed at a fairly small building with many broken ornate windows; the exterior of the house was weathered and seemed to have suffered some fire damage. "A good source says they saw him run in there several times a day, which may mean it's where he's been living; not surprised, since no one goes in that old manor anymore and the interior isn't completely destroyed." There was a sound of thunder and we all gazed up and the dark clouds above us. Gene broke away from the weather and patted Alex and Jimmy's shoulders, and the three of them walked off down the road towards the heavily populated square. "You ready?" Jon asked, cracking his knuckles. "More than," I replied and started walking with Jon down the alleyways to the manor. "I never caught your name, shockingly," Jon said with a laugh. "It's Nik," I answered. "So how long have you been working with The Nest; that's the name right?" "Yes, and a good deal of time," Jon replied, making a turn at the corner of a church. "Cool," I said, "Any particular job you enjoyed?" "Well," Jon said, "There's one I'm still doing and I enjoy it very much." "What is it?" I asked. "I watch over someone," Jon answered, "A Dalmatian girl named Laura." "Oh," I said a little teasingly, "I could see why that's your favorite. You two pretty close then?" "Closer than we probably ought to be," Jon said with a wink. "It's hard though, lying about what I do; I don't want her to know about the shadow world until she's ready for it. Well, we're here." Jon and I glanced up the building, which was a lot bigger than it seemed before, and the damage was much more apparent; I was wondering how it was still standing. Jon pushed the old charred double doors open, the two of us cringing as it made an unearthly creaking noise, and we both stepped inside. Though the house seemed to have suffered fire damage a long time ago, the smell of burnt wood and ash was all over the place and very strong; Jon pointed to the broken stairs and began to carefully step on the most stable steps. I followed after him, until about halfway up a step gave way and I fell back to the first floor. With a groan I sat up as my whole body ached with a dull pain and stared up at Jon. "Damn," Jon said in a hushed voice, "You broke most of the steps on the way down; try and find another way up and we'll meet up on the fourth floor." I gave him a thumbs up and picked myself off the floor; when I looked up again, he had already left, and I could hear the floor above creak from his steps. Brushing soot off my jacket and pants, I turned around and made my way to what looked like a dining hall; the fire damage was not as apparent in here as the rest of the house and the fire must have been put out before the room was completely ruined since there was still wallpaper on the walls and most of the furniture and paintings were intact. Suddenly I heard a growl from behind and turned; a very large black dog was staring at me from the threshold of another room. Time seemed to stand still as our gazes locked, neither of us blinking until it turned tail and ran off; I had absolutely no idea why I felt so compelled to do so, but I ran after it, chasing it through multiple rooms. The dog lead me to an intact stair case and bounded up the stairs, not bothering to wait up for me; I continued up the stairs, going past the second and third floors and heading straight on to the fourth floor where the dog ended its climb up the stairs. I ran after the dog, dashing down the long hallway and making a sharp left turn; I made the same left turn and came to some large double doors, the dog nowhere to be seen. Cautiously, I moved to the double doors, extending my hand as I neared them. "Nik," a voice came from behind and a hand clamped down on my shoulder. I jolted and spun away, startled by Jon who had came up from behind without a sound. "Sorry, man. The room ahead is the least damaged in the mansion, which means our friend is bound to be in there. How did you find you way here without getting lost?" "I was following," I paused for a moment, "A big dog." "A big dog," Jon repeated, "Why would a dog be here?" "I don't know, but it disappeared right here," I stated. "Well let's get this door open and see what's inside," Jon replied. I nodded and the two of us each grabbed onto a separated door knob; Jon and I locked eyes and on the count of three, we turned the knobs and barged inside. Jon was right about the room suffering very little damage, the carpet, walls and ceiling seemed to be somewhat intact along with bookcases filled with old dusty novels; towards the back was a large glass window that stretched from the floor to the ceiling in a semi-circle with a large throne like chair stood with a small table beside it with a bottle filled with dark red liquid and what looked like an antique goblet that was part bronzed steel and crystal clear glass. From the chair, a hand reached over and grabbed the goblet filled with the dark red liquid, swirling the goblet and the liquid inside it around. "I was wondering when you'd show up," a voice came from the chair, "I thought that The Nest would be quicker to find me, but I suppose it's better late than never." "I take it you know me," Jon stated. "To a degree, yes," the voice replied, "And you managed to bring the fox to me as well; what luck I have!" "Who are you," I asked, "Show yourself." A cloaked figure rose up out of the chair and circled around behind to face us, his drink still in one of his hands; with his free hand, he removed the cloak from his head, revealing a blue canine head with red eyes. "And here I thought foxes were supposed to be clever," the canine said insultingly, "I'm the last member of The Remnant you haven't seen. I am Sky Coyote; a very good "friend" of your father's." "I heard all about you," I muttered darkly. "Ah, so you actually take you vendetta against us seriously; honestly, I thought you were just dinking around all this time," Coyote said with a laugh, "But I suppose that's my fault for not killing you sooner." "I killed two of your friends," I uttered with a cold grin, "I don't count that as dinking around." "Yes," Coyote said with a low menacing growl, gripping the goblet with his claws so hard it shattered in his hand, the pieces falling to the floor, "Yes you did. I keep them and myself from killing you outright, Cougar and Jackal go against my orders and get themselves killed, and it seems like Bear will be dead soon judging by the damage he sustained in his last fight with you; I never should've counted on you to do my job for me." "What job?" I asked. "Killing Omni Dragon and the others, that's what," Coyote nearly bellowed, his thin black lips pulled back to reveal his sharp teeth. "What the hell," I barked, "I thought he was your leader." "He is," Coyote growled, "But I absolutely hate the bastard and his followers! They don't see things my way; they don't do what's needed to be done on many of our missions. That dragon won't allow casualties even though they're so weak and pathetic and punishes us for doing things our way; even his three original followers act as his eyes and ears and discipline us when we "step out of line." You were supposed to kill him and his followers, but instead you kill my men, you worthless fox!" "Then why didn't you just team up with him," Jon asked. "They would've known about it, of course," Coyote replied, "I thought of every other possible action and this was the best I could come up with; but that was then and this is now. I already sent back Kairn since he decided not to fight, and now since you failed to kill my targets, I'm going to end your pathetic life just like I did to your parents'!" "You bastard," I bellowed, "I'm gonna rip your damn head off!" I ran towards Coyote, maybe about a yard away from him when a light blue ball hit me in the shoulder, making me reel back in shock and pain. I gripped my shoulder, I felt a thin coating of ice that cracked and broke when I touched it. "Sorry Jon, but The Nest will accept your friend over there even if he's not Coyote." I glanced over to Coyote and saw a grey wolf with black hair in a bluish robe with red trim standing beside him. "Besides," the wolf muttered, "He pays well." "I'm not going to let him get away Jack," Jon shouted. "Then you're going to have to go through me," Jack said with a laugh. Jon then pointed towards Jack with two fingers and muttered, "Rod"; in an instant, he went flying in the air towards Jack. As he flew towards him, Jack stepped forward and thrust his fist forward, sending a light blue light forth. As the ice ball came towards him, Jon swung his fist in an ark and shouted "Blast"; a bust of energy rocketed from his hand, making him curve around the ball and crash into jack with both legs. The wolf hit the ground, growling angrily as he rose and brushed soot off of himself. "I got him," Jon shouted, "Take care of your man." Jon moved towards Jack as he unleashed another frost attack; this time Jon countered the spell with "Blast" once more, which sped forward and disrupted the ice attack. Jon used the spell once more before Jack could attack again; the wolf moved to one side, dodging the blast at the last second as it slammed into the wall, making the whole mansion shake. Jon moved back, trying to keep his distance as Jack started to advance on him, firing ice blasts to keep Jon at bay. I turned and faced Coyote, the blood running hot in my veins like molten steel. Coyote just stood his ground, grinning at me, arms held up in a mock unarmed way. "What are you waiting for," Coyote said as thunder boomed over head, "Kill me." I grabbed my sword and started to cautiously move towards him, waiting for him to try and attack me; Coyote just stood in his spot, grinning broadly. All of a sudden, there was a brilliant flash as a bolt of lightning came crashing through the roof and striking the ground less than five feet from me; the wooden floor split and exploded, sending me flying in an awkward back and sideways trajectory. I hit the floor once again, this time my head hitting the old wood hard; my vision blurred a bit and a thunderous pain raced through every fiber of my body. As I attempted to get up, Coyote strolled towards me, picking up a metallic support beam that had broken off when the lightning struck; one end of the pole was covered in the crystals used to hold the buildings together like cement and were viciously jagged. "This was too easy," Coyote muttered as he placed on foot on my neck. I gripped his foot with both hands and tried to throw him off, but the canine shifted his weight onto his foot and made it incredibly difficult to breathe. "You've only made it this far out of sheer dumb luck, but you luck has run out, fox. It's time to visit you parents in the afterlife." Coyote raised up the pole with both hands, the jagged crystal encrusted end pointing down at my face. I struggled under him, trying to dislodge his foot from my neck; I frantically searched for Jon, but the fox was too embroiled with Jack to get anywhere near me. Time seemed to stand still as I gazed past the crystal encrusted beam and into Coyote's eyes; all I could feel were my lungs screaming for air, my throat aching, and the rest of my body quake with a mixture of fear and red hot hate. Coyote brought the beam down and I shut my eyes tight, waiting for what was to inevitably come. But it never came. A few seconds after I shut my eyes, I slowly opened them; the jagged crystals were about two inches from my face, but were not coming towards me. I looked up and saw Coyote holding the beam, but he was looking away from me; as I glanced back at the beam, I saw another, much larger, black furred hand grasping the beam. I followed the hand, tracing it back over an arm to a large black wolf in black almost robe like apparel; his yellow eyes locked onto Coyote as he smiled wickedly, showing his sharp teeth. The wolf's arm was not covered by his clothing and I glanced at the shoulder connected to the arm that prevented the crystals from ending my life; there was a red tribal tattoo of a crescent moon on his left shoulder. Whatever fear that had dissipated with the knowledge of being saved came rushing back as I instantly recognized my "hero"; Dark Blood Wolf was standing over me, shockingly separated from me. The wolf lifted its right leg and then quickly kicked out, catching Coyote in the chest and sending him backwards a good distance; with the pole still in his hand, the wolf gripped it tighter and tighter with his hand until the rusty metal finally broke in two. Coyote picked himself off the floor, his face contorted with rage and surprise. As I lay on the ground, too stunned to move, Dark Blood Wolf moved away from me and faced Coyote. "How," Coyote barked as he rubbed his chest, "How in the hell are you here?" The wolf laughed to himself; as I gazed upon him, he appeared much less feral than he had been and could pass for an ordinary wolf despite his massive size and dark personality. "You're plan to wait for the fox here was sound, given the fact that any of our kind that felt its bizarre condition," the wolf stated, slowly moving towards Coyote, "But this world is split between the light and the dark; I am the dark, and I am temporarily free here." "You may be free for now," Coyote growled, "But as long as the fox is in primary control of his body, there will be more and more chances to eradicate you; even if you manage to take over his body, I know a few ways to kill you regardless." The wolf's eyes narrowed and darkened, glaring at the coyote as his toothy smile broadened. "Perhaps there are ways to end me, but I doubt you have the skill or the courage to do so." "We'll see," Coyote remarked, grinning as well. Coyote swiftly chopped his arm down, and in a split second a bolt of lightning came crashing through the opening in the roof; with incredible speed, the wolf leapt forwards and avoided the lightening, running towards his attacker. Before Coyote could prepare himself, the wolf was upon him; Dark Blood Wolf dealt the coyote two vicious blows to his right shoulder and left flank, his claws tearing through the black cloak and whatever he was wearing underneath, then brought his right knee up and thudded it into his unprotected stomach. Doubled over, Coyote stood gasping as the wolf reached down and grabbed a hold of the back of his neck and the base of his tail; with his great strength, Dark Blood Wolf lifted Coyote off his feet and spun around in a circle three times before hurtling the unfortunate canine into the wall, which gave in and collapsed as Coyote crashed into it and landed in the next room. The wolf started to storm over to Coyote once more, but before he could reach him, Coyote quickly opened a blue portal and crawling to his feet out of the rubble and awkwardly leaping into it before it closed. The wolf stopped and laughed, turning back to face me. "Well that was unsatisfying," he said with a low growl, "So I guess I'll just have to deal with you now." I scrambled onto my feet and reached for my sword, only to realize that it had flown from me after the lightning strike. I frantically looked around for it as Dark Blood Wolf started to come towards me; I glimpsed my weapon a few feet away and made a dash for it, coming oh so close to it before I wash smashed into by the wolf. I lost my balance and fell into a roll, stopping with some difficulty and finding the wolf holding the sword. An energy blast struck the wolf from behind, but he did not flinch, only growled irritably; Jon had diverted his attention from Jack, who upon seeing his employer vanishing decided that the job was voided and did not require his attention any more. Jon cautiously moved forward as Jack slipped out through the double doors, taking one last glance back and mouthing the words "There's always next time" before disappearing. Jon thrust his hand out once more, emitting another blast that sailed through the air and struck the wolf in the chest. With an angered growl, the wolf unsheathed sword's blade from the hilt and held it high over his head; a dark red light started to glow around the sword and it started to glow and hum with power. As I realized what the wolf was about to do, I tried to warn Jon, but it was too late; the wolf brought the sword down in an arc, the energy firing from the blade and striking the floor, spreading upon impact and splitting the hard wood floor. The mansion shook and Jon and I tried to keep our balances, but the red energy kept spreading until it reached the walls and started to break off a large portion of the room. Half of the room began to split off and started to tilt back, sending Jon sliding down to the back wall; with a loud crunch, the room split and the half that Jon was in fell to the streets in a thunderous crash; I stared at the massive new opening in the room, fearing the worst for Jon. A large clawed hand gripped the back of my neck and flung me to one side; I was taken by surprise and tried to get up in time, but before I knew it, the wolf had grabbed a hold of my leg and dragged me across the floor before spinning once and slamming me into an old bookcase. I fell down with a groan as old books pelted me from their broken shelves and felt the hand close around my neck and lift me up off my feet. I hung in midair, legs thrashing feebly, starting into the yellow eyes of my dark side. "Don't worry," the wolf said with a dark smile, "It's not my time yet; I just wanted to thank you for the power you have been supplying me all these years." I gurgled painfully, trying to ask what he meant. "However," the wolf said, tapping the metal collar around my neck with a claw, "I still need to pay you back for this lovely contraption. You can keep it, but you may as well take this as well." The last thing I saw was the wolf pulling back his arm, place my sword back in it holster on my belt, then bringing his massive black furred fist straight into my face.

"Are you sure you're alright, Jon?" A voice called out in the darkness, "You had a very nasty fall." "I'm fine Laura," Jon's voice came, "I just got a pretty good bruise on my right flank; I'm more worried about my friend here." "He's fine; some of his swelling and bruises even seem better oddly." "I just wish I could've helped him; it didn't seem like he had a chance and when the others dug me out of the rubble we went back up only to find that wolf was gone." "I still don't see why you can't tell me where you were." "Maybe I will one day; I just don't want you to worry about me." "I do worry about you, Jon." There was a brief moment of silence, and then there were slurping and gasps. I strained to open my eyes; one seemed to be swollen shut while the other opened and was met with darkness. I was on a couch with a pillow behind my head and a blanket draped over me, still wearing pants and my white shirt; I glanced out the window just above the couch and saw a few stars twinkling in the night sky. My eye then moved over to the source of the sounds and widened a bit. Jon was feverishly kissing a stunningly cute Dalmatian girl, obviously the one named Laura he told me about, as she started to lift up his shirt. Laura had brown hair, contrasting to her white and black fur, especially around the face where one black spot seemed to cover most of the left side of her face; her body was like that of a model's, making her seem so delicate in Jon's hands. Laura continued to undress Jon and herself, fiddling with her shirt while Jon seemed somewhat resistant. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Jon asked. "Jon I've been waiting for this moment for so long," Laura said, "And I want you to feel how I feel." Jon opened his mouth to say something, but Laura moved in and sealed it with hers, drawing him into a deep kiss that seemed to melt away his reluctance and join in whole heartedly. Jon helped Laura remove her shirt and then the two canine's began to start taking their pants and undergarments off; I simply lied on the couch, trying to look away to give them some privacy, but they were just so close I couldn't help it. "Are you sure we should be doing this here with him on the couch?" Jon asked. "Don't worry, I gave him some pain medication that's supposed to knock someone right out for the night," Laura said with a giggle. Smiling, Jon removed his underwear, freeing his already hard cock, and lied down on the floor with Laura; as they cuddled and kissed, I got a good look at Laura, seeing her amazing breasts bounce with every movement and catching brief flashes of her already glistening lips. As they continued, I slowly and subtly moved my hand down and tucked my growing erection under the elastic band of my underwear, so there would be no tent pitching during the erotic display. "Wow, you're big," Laura gasped, grabbing Jon's cock, "Bigger than anyone else I've seen." "And you're by far the best looking woman I've ever seen," Jon said with a smile. "Come here, foxy boy," Laura sighed, lying on her back, "Give me some of that beast." Chuckling, Jon moved on top of Laura, pausing to give her lower lips and her nipples a few nips and licks, arousing the Dalmatian even more; I watched, licking my lips as Jon positioned his cock to her lips, slowly roving the head of his erection up and down her tingling lips, lightly jamming it into her clit. After what seemed like five minutes of teasing, Jon pushed his cock into Laura's pussy and earning a sharp gasp from the canine beneath him. Jon kept his dick deep inside, not moving his hips until Laura adjusted to his size; Jon began to slowly bring his cock up and out of her pussy and insert it back in, going nice and smooth. From the couch I had a very nice view of the two going at it; I was staring at their rears, watching as Jon's butt would rise then fall on top of Laura, observing how she would gasp and bring her hips up to meet his each time he descended, his balls bouncing on her lower lips. As my own erection began to throb and dribble pre, Jon suddenly picked up the pace, leaning over Laura and thrusting faster into her, making her shake and moan, her claws digging into his firm ass. "God Laura you're tight," Jon panted, "You really need a good fuck." "Oh god, Jon, fuck me," Laura moaned, "Ease my aching pussy." My cock begged me to stroke it as I watched the two start to reach the crescendo of their passion, Jon's cock drilling into Laura's leaking pussy, both panting and moaning heavily, sweat starting to form on both their bodies. Laura suddenly convulsed and gripped Jon tight, letting out a silent cry as her hips lifted off the ground and ground herself into his, her liquids flowing from her. Jon grunted and slammed into her, pinning her hips to the floor as a white goo bubbled out from her nether lips. The two kept pumping and writhing as they rode out their climaxes for a minute or two before finally coming down, the tow of them embracing, kissing, and whispering; with the show over, I closed my good eye and allowed the sleepy sensation take over me. "Hey Nik," Gene called out. I re-opened my eye; it was still dark out and both Jon and Laura were gone. Gene was standing beside me with a serious look on his face. "I have to go." "Go where?" I asked drowsily. "I need to go back where I belong," Gene answered, "I know you wanted me to help you with The Remnant, but I can't let Kairn roam free; I want you to take me back home." I was stunned and didn't know what to say. I leaned forward and rested my head on my bent knees; should I let him go, or ask him to continue helping me. In the end, I came to a conclusion; we all have our battles, and now both Gene and mine were separate once more. "Alright," I mumbled, "I'll take you back to Earth and let you gather your stuff. Are you sure this is what you want." "Yeah," Gene replied, slowly moving to the door, "Thanks for understanding." As he left, I wanted to say more, like how much of a friend he had been to me and how I would miss seeing him with the others. But the thing was that's how fighters are; they don't like long goodbyes, and they don't like emotional displays either. As a fighter, I had to accept the fact that our destinies were no longer intertwined. "No problem." Nik and The Remnant belong to Sonic Fox. Gene and Kairn belong to absorbentgene. Alex belongs to Rzr Blader. Jimmy belongs to Viper7388. Jon, Jack, and Laura belong to t-ster. Sorry for the wait. Special final thanks to absorbentgene, and thanks to all that participated in this series and those who continue to read my stories.